
A MGTOWs lament: “The fact that slut walks exist make me wish I didn’t live on this planet anymore.”

Kathrine Switzer, one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon, attacked by a race official trying to pull off her numbers
First, women had to take back the day: Kathrine Switzer, one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon, in 1967, was attacked by a race official trying to pull off her numbers

So over on the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) subreddit, the regulars are discussing the various ways they’re oppressed by a Nike-sponsored women-only nighttime 10k run called “We Own the Night.” Basically, it’s Take Back the Night with running, and Nike.

Well, a guy who calls himself “DegradedSerf” is having none of it. Because lesbianism? And a lack of women in the stage-construction business?

The two things I wanted to point out are the obvious lesbian connotations, there are DJs and dancing and what not until late, women only on a massive scale, and the fact that although the theme is claiming public spaces at night for females, I worked on assembling and deassembling all the stages, lighting, etc. etc. and there were no women working on the whole site. 

You know, I hate to tell you this, fella, but there are places where there is lesbian dancing and “what not until late” every single night of the week. Also karaoke, sometimes. Google “lesbian bars.”

So anyway, “We Own the Night” is a sign of the End Times for normal manly men.

If you combine it with the slutwalk phenomenon now women have more rights and privileges than ever before and now a feature of the political and cultural landscape is these mass, semi-sexual, female only (eunuchs sometimes tolerated) demonstrations that public space, (physical and psychological) belongs to women and they intend to make it inimical to males and no expression of masculinity will be tolerated.

DegradedSerf’s lament about the slut walks inspired this little exchange:

Nicholas_ 5 points 1 day ago  Knowing the fact that slut walks exist make me wish I didn't live on this planet anymore. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]RecQuery 1 point 5 hours ago  I sometimes wish we could go live in a colony somewhere just to show the world what things would be like without us. Even if you don't engage you're still supporting society by being there.

Huh. I’ll admit, there are a number of things that sometimes cause me to think I don’t want to live on this planet any more. You know, like genocide, rape as a weapon of war, the millions of people on earth who are living in extreme poverty, that sort of thing.

This guy is driven to existential despair by … women protesting rape.


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9 years ago

All this talk of aircraft carriers and Tim’s claims he’s gone his own way is reminding me of a certain image.

I can’t imagine why that is!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

But is the Garden directly on the beach? Because otherwise, you got scammed.

9 years ago

I feel as though I’m God, in the Garden of Eden, answering to the serpent from the tree of knowledge, played by Anita Sarkeesian.

So you’re saying that you answer to Anita Sarkeesian? And if it weren’t for her, humanity would be living in blissful and primitive ignorance?

9 years ago

Who’s the chick that posted the well dressed working women that were supposedly oppressed? What the heck did women think with wearing those fancy clothes while being so badly used? Did you take any time to post pictures of the millions upon millions of men with blown off limbs, blown out internal body parts and/or men working infrastructure jobs? I think not.

Ladies – You’d better stop and think about your sociopathic ways. Your sons will thank you – or hate you. The choice is yours.

Watch this, ladies. After you do, most will want to leave this evil site and join my site.

9 years ago

“So you’re saying that you answer to Anita Sarkeesian?”

No. I just feel I know what God felt when he spelled out Anita’s fate. I must say – it feels good. God rocks!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Well, that’s threatening.

9 years ago

“Well, that’s threatening.”

Someone call the triggering police for the strong and powerful.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

You know, Tim, issuing threats is the act of a coward, and veiling the threats doesn’t make that any less true.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Prepare to live on bended knee for men, HOOERS!

9 years ago

“You know, Tim, issuing threats is the act of a coward, and veiling the threats doesn’t make that any less true.”

You know, Tim. If you don’t sleep with me, I’m going to tell everyone you raped me.

9 years ago

Ha! Women are so F’n finished! You lose, bheotches!

Yawwwwn. Snzzzzzzzz. Wake me up when you got something interesting to say, dude.

We’re kicking your ass from here to the crack of your FAT @$$!

In other words, not very far. Or not at all. You missed, son.

MGTOW win!

Yes. Unfortunately for you, though, it’s a booby prize.

You can deny it all you want but you will lose – even worse than you’ve already LOST!

That’s funny, because I wasn’t playing. And I’m still not playing. The “prizes” you offer don’t appeal to me, son.

Look about you, “ladies”. Everything about you is/was built/invented by men!


And male inventions aren’t so hot either.

Your gynocentric plan is coming to an abrupt halt!

Snort…my WHAT?

Prepare to live on bended knee for men, HOOERS!

Not even if you pay me, JOHN. The agenda you’re PIMPing is bullshit.

Your reign over men is OVER! The globe over, men are waking up to the manipulative, sociopathic tactics of women. YOU ARE DONE!

With you? Uh, I never even wanted to start with you. But yeah. Dunzo!

What is MGTOW? –

Awwww, isn’t that cute? The troll answered his own question. Too bad he’s too dumb to spell RIDICULOUS correctly.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

You know, Tim. If you don’t sleep with me, I’m going to tell everyone you raped me.

The only threats came out of you. You can pretend other people issued them, too, and pretend you have company in your cowardice, but the only coward is you.

Are you still on that aircraft carrier? I hope not, because a fucking coward doesn’t need to be anywhere near one.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

What the hell is even happening?

I feel like I fell into what the GTA writers would write a misogynist as, so outlandish and clownish that there is no way people would mistake him for a good guy. It’s like I’m reading an over the top parody of an asshole.

9 years ago

I realized why women didn’t demand equality with men back in ‘those days’. Work outside the home for the vast majority of men in those days was sheer hell.

For pity’s sake, you really don’t get it. All work everywhere was pretty bloody awful for everyone before we had machines to help us out. And those days are not so long ago when you think about it.

When my grandmother started work 100+ years ago when she was 14 years old, she did so at 4 am. She got the fire started in the wood stove so that there’d be enough boiling water to make tea for 20ish shearers/farmhands before they started work around 6am. After that she’d cook 20 or more serves of bacon-eggs-sausages-chops and heaven alone knows how much toast for their 8 am breakfast. After washing up that lot, she’d beat — by hand, with a wooden spoon — a huge quantity of cake mix enough to make 4, that’s four, large cakes – one each of plain, fruit, caraway, lemon for the working men’s morning tea. Her upper arms and wrists would have been much stronger than any tennis player ever got to.

And that was all before lunch. (Have you ever washed up, by hand, the dishes for 20+ people? 3 or 4 times a day?) Then she still had lunch and dinner to prepare as well as a couple of roasting pans full of scones to serve for afternoon tea. You don’t know what people did in kitchens back then, do you. Some time during most days, maybe more than once a day, she’d have to scrub down the wooden kitchen table — with sand soap and a scrubbing brush.

After that day of lying around in luxurious idleness inside the house, she’d be in bed by 8 o’clock ready to do it all again the next day.

9 years ago

The gynocracy isn’t going to give up their privileges over men – so hypothesizing about a future in which men and women work together again is a waste of time. The 1950s are gone for good.Just like most people stood by during the Nazi destruction of the Jews and during the KKK destruction of blacks, those that benefit from the denigration and destruction of men will sit idly by. They will not act in any meaningful way until it becomes abundantly clear that the destruction of men offers little in return. Until then – you’re only going to get lip service. I’m not talking about just the feminists here. I’m talking about most women and also the cowardly, naive white knights that kowtow to women to remain in power.

I know that this will never happen, but there needs to be a men’s studies course in high school and college. “The Manipulated Man”, “The Myth of Male Power” and “Stand By Your Manhood” are three books with which every young adult male should be exposed.

Men need to understand that the destruction of the patriarchy – the primary feminist goal – means to destroy men and the transfer of their power and wealth to women through force of law. This destruction isn’t a game. It’s real – and women are out for blood. This redistribution of wealth has been going on for several decades and has been monumentally successful for women – leaving hundreds of thousands of men dead from financial annihilation and suicide.

While women were busy being taught how to dominate and control men by feminists, boys were left unschooled in how men have been brutalized by women over the past several decades. Young men need to be taught that women are not their friends and are instead their competitors and adversaries – even within marriage. Mothers – rather than teaching their sons the supposed joys of marriage – should introduce their sons to the all too common, total life destruction men undergo through divorce. As that doesn’t serve the gynocracy – that will never happen. Boys will continue to be sent out naive in the ways of women. Why? Because boys and men are disposable; hence male-only selective service.

Feminists own the colleges now. The reason they’re going after the fraternities is because being a member of a frat – especially the Greek frats – means you have a huge advantage in life. Feminists don’t like that – so they’re trying to either destroy the frats or force them to be co-ed. It’s all about destroying the patriarchy and transferring men’s power and wealth to women. They will win.

The Rolling Stone piece didn’t have anything to do with rape. It’s all about money, power and control – and the Greek frats have lots of it. Because of this – feminists will do everything in their power to destroy them. The Rolling Stone debacle was a laser guided attack against Greek frats to force their closure or force them to become co-ed.

Feminists control all of academia now and actively discriminate against men and boys. Boys are having a tough time in school because the girls are favored by their feminist teachers and the boys are denigrated for being male. You’d think the feminists would want all girl schools. Know why they don’t? That’s easy. Because they can’t run the men’s schools if they’re all male. Having co-ed everything ensures they can use false rape, sexual assault and harassment to get rid of all the male management and teachers. This is why fewer and fewer men become teachers and why many quit the profession. Feminists do want female only STEM classes however. They already have many and will get more and more.

“Yes Means Yes” has nothing to do with rape. It’s all about the redistribution of men’s power and wealth to women. It’s literally legalized blackmail and extortion through use of fear and/or false accusations. This is the real “rape culture”. This is the gynocracy’s method of choice in redistributing men’s wealth and power to themselves.

Lest we forget – it was the white knights of the patriarchy that brought “Yes Means Yes” into being. Obama himself spearheaded this particular destruction of college men. All legislation that discriminates against men in favor of women was put in place my powerful male leaders at the behest of the gynocracy. Why? For purposes of garnering votes from women to remain in power. These men gladly threw the majority of men under the bus to maintain the favor of the gynocracy – leaving a path of destroyed men in their wake.

9 years ago

Tim comes off in his vid like a typical boor after a bad divorce, whereas here he sounds like a misogynist on psychedelics. He’s God, and Sarkeesian is Satan? What, Dworkin and Solanos are chopped liver now?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Literally a cartoon character.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Holy wall of text, Batman.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Is Tim Rebecca from yesterday?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


I’ll sum it up.

I am a cartoon villain. Bwhahaha!

I mean, fucking literally, he’s a one-dimensional being who’s only purpose is to twirl his mustache.

9 years ago

Tim? I’m only going to say this once, so shut the fuck up and click on the following link to know the terrible truth…

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I’ll sum it up.

I am a cartoon villain. Bwhahaha!

Thank you! There’s no way I’m wasting any amount of time at all on that … diatribe.

9 years ago

Alright, Tim, you can just fuck right off with this shit:

.Just like most people stood by during the Nazi destruction of the Jews and during the KKK destruction of blacks, those that benefit from the denigration and destruction of men will sit idly by.

The experience of (straight, white, cis, who are probably who your talking about here) men in this society today does not in any way, shape or form compare to the experiences of Jews under the Nazis, or the KKK’s terrorism against African-Americans.

You’re ignorance is really showing.

9 years ago

@PoM: My copypasta sense started going off, and it is indeed copied from other humongous walls of text posted on a couple other sites.