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Semi-Nazi pickup artists blame Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover on “ruthless agents of Zion”

Caitlyn Jenner. (Not pictured: The Jews.)
Caitlyn Jenner. (Not pictured: The Jews.)

I doubt you would be terribly shocked if I told you that fans of the misogynistic not-quite-Nazi pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh aren’t exactly celebrating Caitlyn Jenner’s appearance on the cover of Vanity Fair. And they’re not: on the Roosh V forum, the regulars have filled a five-page-and-still-growing thread with predictably transphobic outbursts –“Kill it with fire” gifs, references to Jenner not as a “she” or even a “he” but an “it,” emphatic announcements of “would not bang.”

You might be a little surprised, though — as I was — to discover that some of these lovely fellows are blaming the whole thing on … the Jews. 

As one commenter, who calls himself Haig, sees it, the whole thing is part of a dastardly, “degenerate,” anti-heterosexual plot:

Vanity fair is just a modern day carnival act with its “main attraction” being unveiled like Frankenstein’s monster…

Mental illness and degeneracy being celebrated on a global scale.

Bruce Jenner is just another “useful idiot” being used to push an anti masculine/heterosexual/family agenda.

He’ll no doubt kill himself in 5 years.

Rhino points the blame directly at what he calls the “ruthless agents of Zion” running Vanity Fair:

2015 is the year of the continuation of that same old sick postmodern cultural agenda rammed down America’s (and by cultural imperialism extension – the world’s) throats.

Unsurprisingly, executing that funny business are ruthless agents of Zion.

The Vanity Fair cover, with that quasi-ambiguous exposed crotch shown front and center in our faces was photographed by Leibovitz (notice how they couldn’t cover that thing in dress or skirt, as that would not make as strong trolling impact.) While glowing, indeed gushing article was written by Bissinger* (mother’s maiden name Lebenthal). The Vanity Fair magazine is owned by parent company Conde Nast. The chairman of Conde Nast is Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr. (mother’s maiden name Epstein).

Over on Chateau Heartiste, also run by an almost-Nazi PUA guru, commenters are making similar insinuations. One resident anti-Semite complains that

There are those who have the nerve to call “confirmation bias” whenever I bring up the Tribe…..

“But but but, Vanity Fair is a publication full of Jews, so it doesn’t mean anything!”

Corvinus jokes that

Their running “Vanity” Fair is rather funny, considering that they tend to be as ugly as a mud fence.

Others suggest that Jenner is merely pretending to transition, doing it all for cash. Contemplating “[t]he smug bitch look on a man’s face,” a commenter who ironically calls himself ‘Reality’ Doug argues, a bit incoherently, that

Either it is the world’s best actoreesh [sic] making a shit load of money, or it is a deranged attention whore proud of itself. I don’t understand how most humanoids can’t figure out this is propaganda on a tax farm: total fucking insanity made mundane. The elites do good work, I must admit. I hope some future restorers of sanity will likewise do quality work.

Johncorvus, evidently able to make some sense of that comment, gives Doug props for a “great fucking post,” adding that

Sometimes I forget that most people don’t know it’s propaganda, and probably an actor (who never intends to get the surgery done)

Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.

Somehow this reaction gif seems strangely appropriate.



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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


And one of the Wachowski siblings is a trans woman. JEWLUMINATI COMFIRMED.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Yes, COMFIRMED. Like CONFIRMED only I can’t type when I’ve been playing Splatoon for 12 hours straight more insidiously evil.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Does that mean they’ll stop using the red pill/blue pill shit? Please?



9 years ago

@SFHC: I think you mean Il-JEW-minati!!

Also, how is Splatoon? Is it becoming increasingly obvious that I should buy a Wii U before Nintendo puts out its replacement?

9 years ago

Ruthless Agents of Zion is the name of my klezmer thrash metal band.

Not that I’m Jewish.

9 years ago

I’m too drunk to deal with this shit right now. (Yes I’m aware it’s only Tuesday. I just had wine with friends over dinner and apparently 4 glasses now means super drunk for me)

Ugh. Just fuck transphobia, misogyny, antisemitism and all the other bullshit bigotry spouted by the red pillers. That red pill sure must have been bitter to turn them into such hateful douchefaces.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I personally have been kind of put off Nintendo recently. What with their manufactured scarcity of the Amiibos and their asinine Let’s Play “Creator’s Program” policies, the nostalgia can only go so far for me.

>: / Paradoxy disapproves super hard.

Pithy Pseudonym
9 years ago

“Marvel’s Ruthless Agents of Z.I.O.N.” has been stuck in development for years as the network has tried to retool some of its more problematic elements.

9 years ago

Just looking what the Fox “Rome, Final Days” thing was about, and wow. I can only assume its referencing the idea of Rome being “immoral and decadent”.

Of course they ignoreor totally ignorant the fact that the Romans at any period in their history wouldn’t have been tolerant of modern transgender people or even modern gaylesbian people. Much less in the “final days” when everybody was even more uptight and also the Empire was dominated by Christianity.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Off topic, but I just realized that the Altruist Cult in GTA V is a lot like MGTOW.

They are very bad guys.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Marvel’s Ruthless Agents of Z.I.O.N.” has been stuck in development for years as the network has tried to retool some of its more problematic elements.


epitome of incomprehensibility

Yay! I can make different happy faces! …Because I’m sure emojis enhance my intellectual flair.

Anyway, Caitlyn Jenner looks good and, more importantly, happy! I hope she surrounds herself with supportive people (which is easier to do when you’re rich and famous for things, not that that has anything whatever to do with some nonsensical “Jewish conspiracy”).

9 years ago

I wonder if these rapey dudes have any idea how much they have in common with the TERFs on this issue. Because dang, those bigotries not only tend to cluster, they make for very strange political bedfellows. I guess when your own stance is shite, everything else looks like a conspiracy, huh?

9 years ago

“Marvel’s Ruthless Agents of Z.I.O.N.” has been stuck in development for years as the network has tried to retool some of its more problematic elements.

I hope they leave as much of the Lee-Kirby stuff in as possible. Hey, it’s not anti-Semitic if it’s written by Jews, is it?

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
9 years ago

Zundel is particularly detached from reality.
He’s a HOLLOW EARTHER and thinks hitler faked his death and escaped to Antarctica

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


The NX isn’t coming out until 2017-2018 and the Wii U is the only home console with exclusives worth playing. Splatoon is the most fun I’ve had with a shooter since TF2 was still new, buy it. =P


Yeah, Nintendo’s YouTube policies are awful and nobody can defend that, but I can’t blame them too much for the Amiibo shortage. That’s more the scalpers’ and thieves’ fault than Nintendo’s. Of course, it still sucks (I want a Rosalina, fucking #GamerGate), but eh.

Glen H
Glen H
9 years ago

” Would not Bang” Do these losers seriously think Ms Jenner would touch them with a barge pole?

Road to Servitude
9 years ago

Seems MRA is an entire vast, boundless, blooming space of Kooky-cluster confusion. I actually wonder whether MRAs/MGTOWs have a sense of irony at all. Don’t those guys know what fools they are making of themselves…

“He’s a HOLLOW EARTHER and thinks hitler faked his death and escaped to Antarctica.”

There’s a classic sci-fi/Dystopian/alt history novel in there somewhere.

Or… maybe just a terrifyingly banal and contrived L Ron Hubbard pastiche. Not really sure which.

9 years ago

Ruthless Agents of Zion is the name of my klezmer thrash metal band.

Not that I’m Jewish.


The Klezmer is so underrated.

*adjusts bowtie*

Iiiiii don’t know how acquainted you are with contemporary children’s music, but there’s this one song called “Imaginary Friend” (or something) by Secret Agent 23 Skidoo in which it’s heavily featured and our 2-year-old loves it.
One day my husband heard it, looked vaguely puzzled, and asked what it was.
“JUST the HOTTEST klezmer-based kiddie kinda-hip-hop track to drop this year sooooooonnnnnn !”

9 years ago

Do you have a link, prox?

Yes. Yes, I do.

9 years ago


I’ve been Jewish for a while now, and I’ve got to say, they have our dastardly plot all wrong. We’re not trying to force a sociopolitical agenda! We just want to feed you and give you whiskey.

You and Irish grandmothers are in cahoots…

9 years ago

@bvh: Oh, I’ve seen it around, I’m just still amazed. I mean, Jewish people make up something like 0.2% of the world’s population. That’s some awwwwfully specifically directed hatred.

For instance, I enjoyed Amazon’s pilot for The Man in the High Castle and went to look at the posted reviews to see if it seemed to have a chance of being picked up. It did and it was – the reviews were overwhelmingly positive. Those 1-star reviews, though…wow.
They were a mix of:

This isn’t available to stream in my country! ONE STAR!!!
Er, OK…that’s a review of the service, not the product, but errrkay…

It doesn’t seem like it’s going to follow the book! ONE STAR!!!
That seems like it might be an early call, at least too early to give it the lowest rating possible, but fair enough.

*blink*blink* Moving on…

And, last but not least:

This show is clearly a Zionist conspiracy – just look at the names of those involved. Also, the Nazis were actually lovely people. This is a smear campaign against their good name.

I read them out loud to my husband. We had a good laugh…and then I thought about the fact that most of those posters were probably dead serious.

TRIGGER for antisemitism and generalized asshattery:
Here’s a compilation of some of the earliest gems:

I’m sure there are scads more now.

9 years ago

Ohlord, that’s big. Until now, I’d ever only seen how it turned out on mobile.

Sorry about that.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

This is not entertainment, its a thinker show.

0 of 42 people found this review helpful.


Is “thinker” now a dog whistle for something?

9 years ago

Also, sorry for the late / batch replies.

I’ve been busy misandering all over the place, AKA “pulling together a bunch of resources, moving heavy things, battling a Spider Kingdom (had to happen), cleaning an incredible amount of dirt and gunk, and engaging in light carpentry (but all with the help of a toddler, so it’s all good) to turn part of a detached garage into a home gym as a birthday present for my husband”.

*closes eyes, focuses Logik Powers*

And that makes me an Ebil Wommin because…I was actually just showing my husband that I expect him to adhere to my standards of physical fitness*!

Was that good?
Was that sufficiently labyrinthine to meet the stringent standards displayed by our MRA would-be overlords?

Actually, no – I made a home gym happen because since getting a job which consists primarily of sitting at a desk Mr. Prox has expressed a desire to work out more and our closest gym, while very nice, is a ways up an increasingly unpredictable road. While we’re paying a slightly ridiculous amount for a family membership, it takes between 15 and 45 minutes to drive there (more often the latter than the former), so we rarely make it.