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Semi-Nazi pickup artists blame Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover on “ruthless agents of Zion”

Caitlyn Jenner. (Not pictured: The Jews.)
Caitlyn Jenner. (Not pictured: The Jews.)

I doubt you would be terribly shocked if I told you that fans of the misogynistic not-quite-Nazi pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh aren’t exactly celebrating Caitlyn Jenner’s appearance on the cover of Vanity Fair. And they’re not: on the Roosh V forum, the regulars have filled a five-page-and-still-growing thread with predictably transphobic outbursts –“Kill it with fire” gifs, references to Jenner not as a “she” or even a “he” but an “it,” emphatic announcements of “would not bang.”

You might be a little surprised, though — as I was — to discover that some of these lovely fellows are blaming the whole thing on … the Jews. 

As one commenter, who calls himself Haig, sees it, the whole thing is part of a dastardly, “degenerate,” anti-heterosexual plot:

Vanity fair is just a modern day carnival act with its “main attraction” being unveiled like Frankenstein’s monster…

Mental illness and degeneracy being celebrated on a global scale.

Bruce Jenner is just another “useful idiot” being used to push an anti masculine/heterosexual/family agenda.

He’ll no doubt kill himself in 5 years.

Rhino points the blame directly at what he calls the “ruthless agents of Zion” running Vanity Fair:

2015 is the year of the continuation of that same old sick postmodern cultural agenda rammed down America’s (and by cultural imperialism extension – the world’s) throats.

Unsurprisingly, executing that funny business are ruthless agents of Zion.

The Vanity Fair cover, with that quasi-ambiguous exposed crotch shown front and center in our faces was photographed by Leibovitz (notice how they couldn’t cover that thing in dress or skirt, as that would not make as strong trolling impact.) While glowing, indeed gushing article was written by Bissinger* (mother’s maiden name Lebenthal). The Vanity Fair magazine is owned by parent company Conde Nast. The chairman of Conde Nast is Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr. (mother’s maiden name Epstein).

Over on Chateau Heartiste, also run by an almost-Nazi PUA guru, commenters are making similar insinuations. One resident anti-Semite complains that

There are those who have the nerve to call “confirmation bias” whenever I bring up the Tribe…..

“But but but, Vanity Fair is a publication full of Jews, so it doesn’t mean anything!”

Corvinus jokes that

Their running “Vanity” Fair is rather funny, considering that they tend to be as ugly as a mud fence.

Others suggest that Jenner is merely pretending to transition, doing it all for cash. Contemplating “[t]he smug bitch look on a man’s face,” a commenter who ironically calls himself ‘Reality’ Doug argues, a bit incoherently, that

Either it is the world’s best actoreesh [sic] making a shit load of money, or it is a deranged attention whore proud of itself. I don’t understand how most humanoids can’t figure out this is propaganda on a tax farm: total fucking insanity made mundane. The elites do good work, I must admit. I hope some future restorers of sanity will likewise do quality work.

Johncorvus, evidently able to make some sense of that comment, gives Doug props for a “great fucking post,” adding that

Sometimes I forget that most people don’t know it’s propaganda, and probably an actor (who never intends to get the surgery done)

Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.

Somehow this reaction gif seems strangely appropriate.



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9 years ago

This sounds a lot like when 20-something guys annually complain about all the “old” women on People magazine’s annual “Most Beautiful” list, except with a unique anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi twist. I’ve never heard anyone tie Sandra Bullock to the Elders of Zion myth.

9 years ago

EJ: I’m mainly arguing from hindsight, of course. I certainly understand your point about popular Jewish opinions at the time, and I can see why they really, really didn’t trust anyway. I just have a particular dislike for that small patch of land. At this point, give me a magic wand, and Palestine gets a large piece of Nebraska, Israel gets a large piece of Montana (the two pieces being far enough away that old grudges are not a viable source of conflict) and Jordan gets beachfront property.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

First they built the Paris metro, then they helped women transition, and now they’re responsible for Sandy B?

That’s it. Come next election, I’m voting International Jewish Conspiracy. They get stuff done.

Remember that Jordan’s population is two-thirds Palestinian refugees. While they might enjoy being able to go back to their homes, the other parts of the diaspora might get all jealous about it.

9 years ago


The extent of modern anti-Semitism is mind boggling once you become aware of it. The Internet is the main method of spreading this rubbish now, from Hitler was a nice guy to Illumintati Lizards rule the world. Holocaust Denial is the most “reasonable” sounding anti-Semitism as it can pretend to be legitimate historical inquiry. From there its all down hill.

Here is a good over view on the modern history of anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial. Note the once credible historians involved, and also the ties to American racists like David Duke:

Many people are unaware of how insidious and far reaching this rubbish has spread. Education is the answer. And for people who think they already know what Anti-Semitism is, they might want to read this:

9 years ago

In addition to the ‘super special snowflake’ allure of being one of the people ‘in the know’, conspiracy theory is, in some ways, a comfort to its practitioners. This works on two levels:

1: The bad shit in your life is Not Your Fault. It’s the Conspiracy. Everything from car troubles to job loss to divorce is because ‘They’ conspired against you, or at least ‘They’ were up to something and you are just a casualty (so your job got outsourced to India because ‘They’ want to undermine the local economy). As you go deeper into the paranoia of the mindset, you make it more and more personal–‘They’ closed the factory to fuck with you, individually, and everyone else was just a casualty.
2: It rejects and refutes the idea that No One Is To Blame. Because the idea that we’re just tumbling through at random, that the economy and the various international crises and the occasional outbreak of natural disasters and plagues and famines are all due to factor so complex and arbitrary that we’ll never really stop them, and the best we can hope for is alleviation–that idea is for many people terrifying.

Conspiracy Theory is essentially a form of religion; it gives a structure to a purposeless universe.

9 years ago

WWTH: You articulated that really well. Ms. Jenner probably is threatening to them, even though they’d never admit it.

Quiet Wolf
Quiet Wolf
9 years ago

Transmisogyny. Joy. I doubt Ms. Jenner would fuck you lot, either, so no skin off her nose.
Antisemitism when it makes even less sense than usual. What parallel universe do these guys live in?

Thank you for the mental image of Dean ripping these transmisogynistic/transphobic/antisemites a new one the minute they bad mouth Caitlyn Jenner.

Ima Pseudonym
Ima Pseudonym
9 years ago

The co-morbidity of bigotries somehow never fails to amaze me.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

The co-morbidity of bigotries somehow never fails to amaze me.

I’ve heard it called Crank Magnetism.

9 years ago

… they tend to be as ugly as a mud fence.

Gosh, yes. Scarlett Johannson… Natalie Portman… Bar Rafaeli… how can such monstrosities bear to leave the house without bags over their heads?

9 years ago

Also, “would not bang” kind of loses its sting as an insult when you proudly announce at every opportunity how you would not sleep with any woman, cis or trans, of that age.

9 years ago


The extent of modern anti-Semitism is mind boggling once you become aware of it.

For me, the eye-opener was watching the Errol Morris documentary Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. Leuchter is a strange little man who worked in what you might call the death penalty industry, until he bumbled into providing “evidence” for the repellent Ernst Zündel, holocaust denier. It’s an astonishing piece of work, in more ways than one, and the more I read about holocaust denial afterwards, the sicker I felt. There’s entirely too much of this shit still around.

To tie two threads together: it’s a shame Tub Boy and Professor Skull didn’t spend some of their funds on a few Errol Morris documentaries. They might have learned something of the craft.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

As you go deeper into the paranoia of the mindset, you make it more and more personal–‘They’ closed the factory to fuck with you, individually, and everyone else was just a casualty.

Too true. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this particular anecdote before, but when I lived in the States, I once overheard a guy accuse Obama of a conspiracy to make him, personally, miss a football match. Because his wife TiVo’d over it with the SoTU address.

9 years ago

Thanks, Obama!

Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
9 years ago


The kind of mindset these clowns must live in on a daily basis baffles me. I’d ask how anyone could be happy, but then again, look at the sites they’re posting on and the kind of posts they’re making. It’s pretty obvious that *none* of them are actually happy.

I have to disagree with this; it’s not obvious at all. People have the ability to compartmentalize feelings and beliefs quite effectively.

That’s what’s so scary about them, they can go to a social gathering and seem quite normal (see articles about last year’s MRA conference and how pleasant most of them seemed to the reporters.)

9 years ago

Tangentialu related, but made me think of this:

Also, I’m always entertained when American support for Israel gets parlayed into evidence of Teh Jooz evil conspiracy. Seriously, one of the main reasons Americans were in favor of it was because it fulfilled criteria for Armageddon. They weren’t helping the jews: they were hurrying along the process by which they’re all supposed to be killed in the Second Coming.

Holy shit, I teach a bunch of Asian immigrant kids with zero exposure to Christianity so having to explain “no, people actually think this” all the time with regards to American Christian theology never stops being entertaining.

9 years ago

Thanks for all the answers.

9 years ago

Binjabreel: An atheist friend of mine gets considerable pleasure out of the tales of describing to his Indian immigrant co-worker the details of Christian mythology. She’s an atheist as well, but every time, she spouts about how absurd it all is, even as she finds Hinduism merely ‘wrong’. So having three heads is okay, but being three parts isn’t; being part elephant is fine, but a talking serpent is right out.

9 years ago

I’ve been Jewish for a while now, and I’ve got to say, they have our dastardly plot all wrong. We’re not trying to force a sociopolitical agenda! We just want to feed you and give you whiskey.

9 years ago


Looked up Mr. Death expecting to find a train wreck of exploitation. Unfortunately too spot on. Clearly being an expert in one field does not make one aware of limitations in another field, or immune to a scam.

I hate Nazi apologists with a burning passion. I do not believe for one second that Zundel, or Irving for that matter, do not know they are pushing a fraud. Their cavalier willingness to destroy other peoples lives to advance their theories speaks volumes of their vile character.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Shorter Jack-Offs: “Whhhaaaaa! Caitlyn Jenner is now comfortable in her own body and the “Alpha Male” pedestal I put Bruce Jenner on has crumbled and I can’t handle it! Whaaaa! I need a bottle and a diaper change because this doesn’t please my boner!”
comment image

9 years ago

One of the things I’m grateful to my parents for is having grown up without antisemitism. Given that Dad was raised Catholic before WWII, I’m not sure how that happened. Early in my teens, I found Leo Rosten’s “The Joys of Yiddish” and started baking challah and eating it with kosher wine. My parents had no problem with this.

I’m passing it along, apparently. My older son appears entirely free of this prejudice, and my younger son despises all humans equally.

9 years ago

I’m so glad we now know the proper name of the-athlete-formerly-known-as-Bruce. Maybe this will get the press to quit calling Caitlyn a “he” in the same sentence they describe her as a woman. I–and probably Caitlyn– was pretty darn sick of that.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Wasn’t “Zion” the city in the Matrix? Doesn’t that mean it’s all Jeeeeewwww propaganda and the “red pill” is a lie? IS THE TAX FARM EVEN ORGANIC?