I doubt you would be terribly shocked if I told you that fans of the misogynistic not-quite-Nazi pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh aren’t exactly celebrating Caitlyn Jenner’s appearance on the cover of Vanity Fair. And they’re not: on the Roosh V forum, the regulars have filled a five-page-and-still-growing thread with predictably transphobic outbursts –“Kill it with fire” gifs, references to Jenner not as a “she” or even a “he” but an “it,” emphatic announcements of “would not bang.”
You might be a little surprised, though — as I was — to discover that some of these lovely fellows are blaming the whole thing on … the Jews.
As one commenter, who calls himself Haig, sees it, the whole thing is part of a dastardly, “degenerate,” anti-heterosexual plot:
Vanity fair is just a modern day carnival act with its “main attraction” being unveiled like Frankenstein’s monster…
Mental illness and degeneracy being celebrated on a global scale.
Bruce Jenner is just another “useful idiot” being used to push an anti masculine/heterosexual/family agenda.
He’ll no doubt kill himself in 5 years.
Rhino points the blame directly at what he calls the “ruthless agents of Zion” running Vanity Fair:
2015 is the year of the continuation of that same old sick postmodern cultural agenda rammed down America’s (and by cultural imperialism extension – the world’s) throats.
Unsurprisingly, executing that funny business are ruthless agents of Zion.
The Vanity Fair cover, with that quasi-ambiguous exposed crotch shown front and center in our faces was photographed by Leibovitz (notice how they couldn’t cover that thing in dress or skirt, as that would not make as strong trolling impact.) While glowing, indeed gushing article was written by Bissinger* (mother’s maiden name Lebenthal). The Vanity Fair magazine is owned by parent company Conde Nast. The chairman of Conde Nast is Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr. (mother’s maiden name Epstein).
Over on Chateau Heartiste, also run by an almost-Nazi PUA guru, commenters are making similar insinuations. One resident anti-Semite complains that
There are those who have the nerve to call “confirmation bias” whenever I bring up the Tribe…..
“But but but, Vanity Fair is a publication full of Jews, so it doesn’t mean anything!”
Corvinus jokes that
Their running “Vanity” Fair is rather funny, considering that they tend to be as ugly as a mud fence.
Others suggest that Jenner is merely pretending to transition, doing it all for cash. Contemplating “[t]he smug bitch look on a man’s face,” a commenter who ironically calls himself ‘Reality’ Doug argues, a bit incoherently, that
Either it is the world’s best actoreesh [sic] making a shit load of money, or it is a deranged attention whore proud of itself. I don’t understand how most humanoids can’t figure out this is propaganda on a tax farm: total fucking insanity made mundane. The elites do good work, I must admit. I hope some future restorers of sanity will likewise do quality work.
Johncorvus, evidently able to make some sense of that comment, gives Doug props for a “great fucking post,” adding that
Sometimes I forget that most people don’t know it’s propaganda, and probably an actor (who never intends to get the surgery done)
Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.
Somehow this reaction gif seems strangely appropriate.
Falconer: True, but my point is that a nation that voluntarily cedes a small patch of territory (and the U.S. has a lot of land we’ve stolen from the original occupants that we’re still barely using) would still be far better than the current scenario. The U.S. could’ve paid locals for the property, established firm borders, and then opened the territory up to the diaspora Jews. As a bonus, since it’d be surrounded on all sides by U.S. territory, it would’ve been far more secure, militarily–they’d only have one nation to be worried about, and it would be one positively inclined towards them in the first place. I still say it’d beat what we’ve got now.
A person is born Jewish if their mother is Jewish. Probably pointing out the names as “Jewish sounding” as evidence of their natural-born status in the Jewish conspiracy.
freemage: You can’t immanentize the eschaton without a Jewish state in Israel.
Long time lurker, first time commenting *throws confetti and blows a noisemaker*
Wow, she looks amazing! Congrats to Caitlyn for coming out in style. Seriously, she’s an incredibly brave woman. I have a lot of friends who don’t fit the traditional binary, ranging from transgendered to inter-sexed and everything in between. Every one of them is amazing and fun to spend time with. And since I’ve made such wonderful friends, my own self-esteem’s gone up – for the first time since hitting puberty, I actually feel like I could be beautiful. These poor saps (PUA/MGTOW/Whatev) are too hateful to like anyone, maybe even themselves. I kind of pity them, really.
I wonder how these clowns would feel about a FtM transition? I mean, if being feeeeeemale is such an evil thing, surely a ‘woman who scorns her femininity’ (yes I’ve her that one before) would be hailed an an enlightened being?
Eh, probably not. They’d accuse him of jealousy.
*sigh* its disgusting excuses for human beings like this that add to the reasons to never step outside my home ever.
And, of course, many trans women DON’T “get the surgery done.”
@ nalra8
Gotcha. That was kinda what I thought. So a person doesn’t have to actually identify as Jewish either culturally or religiously, they just have to have a mother (or grandmother?) who has a ‘Jewish sounding’ name to be indicted in the super secret world wide Jewish takeover conspiracy? That makes no sense, but I… understand.
I guess the MRA/PUA crowd sees just about any event through their own warped lens.
I’m so glad I didn’t wind up being a conspiracy nut. It’s just too freaking stressful. Is this thing I’m looking at genuine? Is it zionist/muslim/feminist/liberal/socialist/atheist/lizard-people propaganda? Are they trying to convey a legitimate genuine point, or is it all just a ploy to exterminate my way of life/culture/sub-culture/nation/state/race?
The kind of mindset these clowns must live in on a daily basis baffles me. I’d ask how anyone could be happy, but then again, look at the sites they’re posting on and the kind of posts they’re making. It’s pretty obvious that *none* of them are actually happy.
And I get it, there are real conspiracies out there. Governments, corporations and individuals do all manner of shady shit and we should be vigilant as citizens. But these people, when they aren’t racist, neo-nazi/white nationalist idiots, they’re just complete, absolute clowns who will believe anything because a simple explanation of “X did it to achieve Y” is more palatable than complex, nuanced, shades-of-gray answers.
I think a big part of why they are having a meltdown over Catelyn Jenner (besides the usual bigotries) is that before the rumors she was transitioning started a couple of years ago, Bruce Jenner was everything a conventionally masculine man was supposed to be. A star athlete turned successful businessman. A family full of attractive people. Lots of money. This was someone who a lot of men and boys have looked up to over the decades. If Catelyn could have been hiding that she was a woman all along under a façade that was these guy’s alpha male fantasy, what does the conventional stereotypical masculinity even mean? Not a whole lot. Catelyn Jenner has smashed gender roles maybe more than any other celebrity ever has and unsurprisingly, these guys can’t take.
Rather than admit that maybe there isn’t a set way that men and women are supposed to be (because of God or evopsych, take your pick), they resort into calling her crazy and dehumanizing her completely and retreat into paranoid anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, these losers are incapable of growing as people and opening themselves up to new ideas. Hate is easier for them than having their rigid and authoritarian worldview challenged.
WWTH – Excellently put, and well observed. This isn’t a “degeneracy” that they can do their usual idiot post-hoc rationalization on, and claim they could see it coming all along because he had a beta jaw and undeveloped wrist circumference and sucked at sports. Bruce Jenner was about as alpha as they come.
Given that Caitlyn is quite attractive, there’s probably also an undercurrent of fear that the next HB8 they hit on might turn out to be someone who’s transitioning. Let’s hope that fear keeps them far, far away from women.
Basically. Yes.
I mean, sometimes the stereotype is quite true. There ARE last names that occur quite regularly among Jews and names which have a high Jewish representation. But going by last name alone is…fraught.
Someone’s father might have been born Jewish and converted to something else, passing on name but not religion. Lots and lots of Jewish women have pretty generic maiden names. My MIL is one. She’s was born “Miller.” SO JEWISH, I KNOW! You also get converts into Judaism, so “O’Malley” could become a “Jewish name” (depending on how we define “Jewish”).
I finalized my conversion to Judaism just a few weeks ago, so I’m waiting for my SECRET JEWISH CABAL membership card to come in the mail. I’m also wondering when I get my allotment of hoarded Jew-gold. Seriously, the hilarious thing to me about the Jewish conspiracy idea is that there’s so much nit-picky identity politics going on in Judaism that you’d never get any three people to agree on who is “Jewish enough” to join.
Well, at least they’re keeping the tin industry afloat.
RC, I hear you. But I think part of the attraction for conspiracy theorists is that the subtext of CTs is “They (the government / Big Pharma / scientists / the UN etc) are lying to you, but unlike most people, you’re too smart to be fooled, and too brave to be silenced“. In a world in which people often feel helpless and vulnerable in the face of forces beyond their control, CTs give some of them an ersatz impression of being unbowed, of even being heroes in their narrative. And look at that: I even unconsciously began a sentence with “in a world”, like Movie Trailer Guy, because conspiracy theorists often sound like they inhabit a movie (I imagine them watching Capricorn One and identifying with the Elliott Gould character).
My favourite CT fact: conspiracy theorists are perfectly capable of believing that someone is both alive and dead at the same time. When you’re capable of that level of doublethink, believing that there’s a shadowy cabal of Jews bent on polluting our precious bodily fluids is entry-level stuff.
Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
Yep, I suspect that Vanity Fair cover confused a lot of boners. I’d venture the term “uncanny boner valley” if I didn’t feel this is insensitive to trans women.
The Jew hating conspiracy bs is a direct indicator this vitriol comes from the usual suspects in the reactionary cultural war: ppl invested in politics that want to roll back civil rights, etc. I hesitate to call it a dogwhistle. It’s more like a foghorn.
I remember that I was still blissfully unaware that antisemitism was a current thing when I was 12. One day School Ties was on whatever broadcast channel ran movies in the middle of a Sunday (no cable, so it was that or golf). I missed the beginning but had it on in the background and was a good bit in before I realized that they didn’t like him because he was Jewish. I was like, “Really? I thought that stayed with medieval Europe and Nazis…”
I’m still like
whenever I see it in the wild.
Because what a wealthy, famous, glamorous, mature woman cares about is whether or not some guys hateful losers who don’t wipe their asses want to bang her.
On a blog dedicated to men angry that they can’t get laid men insult women by saying they won’t fuck ’em.
That’s so funny. Why don’t they know how funny they are?
Ps. I was gonna put a strike through on “guy” but then I didn’t. Not sure why. Gonna have some tea and think about my life.
The Soviet Union tried such a scheme, actually. They took a patch of Siberia that nobody was using and touted it as a “Jewish homeland” that was an alternative to Israel. Someone people took them up on it; others had their arms twisted to do so. It turns out that when the Soviet Union offers to exile you to Siberia, very few people trust their intentions. Most of the inhabitants left again when Stalin fell from power because fuck Stalin. There’s about 4,000 Jewish inhabitants left, mostly in the city of Birobidzhan.
Britain made a similar offer with Kenya and France with Madagascar, but those were more overtly anti-semitic deportation schemes. It’s not recorded what, if anything, was intended to be done with the native Kenyans or Malagasians. Probably nothing good.
Zionist (in the non-anti-semitic sense) popular opinion in the postwar era was extremely hostile to the concept of being protected or sponsored by any superpower anyway. The nascent state of Israel turned down British protection in 1948 on the grounds that they no longer trusted any non-Jewish group to guarantee their safety. Given the stellar failure of every state in the world to protect Europe’s Jewish population during the 1930s and 1940s, and the fact that Germany had historically been one of the least anti-semitic countries in Europe, this seems a pretty fair position to take.
Non-Zionist emigration was definitely a thing; lots of Jews left Europe for America in the postwar era and I’m sure that a few did settle in Montana. They did it as American citizens though.
As such, the Montana scheme you advocate is the sort of idea that people at the time had, but didn’t come to anything.
(Sorry for the wall of text. The Soviet Jewish homeland is one of these forgotten nuggets of history with which I am deeply fascinated.)
Reminds me of the movement to send freed slaves back to Africa, which actually got done and resulted in Liberia.
Does Uncanny Boner Valley go like this?
“Wow, she’s pretty and she’s got a nice cock on her. *static noises* He’s so hot and …there’s his vulva. It, uh. It looks really nice on him. *static noises* Welp. I’m gonna have to rethink some things. I may not be quiiiite as straight as I thought. ”
Because if that’s uncanny boner valley, I’ve visited there a few times. Maybe a better name would be the Noel Fielding Effect?
A really good rejected Dead Kennedys’ album title? I personally can’t explain that phrase in a more concrete way.
They called her an “IT” AN “IT”!? And Jews? What does Jews have to do with this? They are ok when she was a man but now she “becomes” a woman they all lose their minds. They absolutely can’t stand it when a woman gets any attention.
It’s sad how predictably awful they are.