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Semi-Nazi pickup artists blame Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover on “ruthless agents of Zion”

Caitlyn Jenner. (Not pictured: The Jews.)
Caitlyn Jenner. (Not pictured: The Jews.)

I doubt you would be terribly shocked if I told you that fans of the misogynistic not-quite-Nazi pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh aren’t exactly celebrating Caitlyn Jenner’s appearance on the cover of Vanity Fair. And they’re not: on the Roosh V forum, the regulars have filled a five-page-and-still-growing thread with predictably transphobic outbursts –“Kill it with fire” gifs, references to Jenner not as a “she” or even a “he” but an “it,” emphatic announcements of “would not bang.”

You might be a little surprised, though — as I was — to discover that some of these lovely fellows are blaming the whole thing on … the Jews. 

As one commenter, who calls himself Haig, sees it, the whole thing is part of a dastardly, “degenerate,” anti-heterosexual plot:

Vanity fair is just a modern day carnival act with its “main attraction” being unveiled like Frankenstein’s monster…

Mental illness and degeneracy being celebrated on a global scale.

Bruce Jenner is just another “useful idiot” being used to push an anti masculine/heterosexual/family agenda.

He’ll no doubt kill himself in 5 years.

Rhino points the blame directly at what he calls the “ruthless agents of Zion” running Vanity Fair:

2015 is the year of the continuation of that same old sick postmodern cultural agenda rammed down America’s (and by cultural imperialism extension – the world’s) throats.

Unsurprisingly, executing that funny business are ruthless agents of Zion.

The Vanity Fair cover, with that quasi-ambiguous exposed crotch shown front and center in our faces was photographed by Leibovitz (notice how they couldn’t cover that thing in dress or skirt, as that would not make as strong trolling impact.) While glowing, indeed gushing article was written by Bissinger* (mother’s maiden name Lebenthal). The Vanity Fair magazine is owned by parent company Conde Nast. The chairman of Conde Nast is Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr. (mother’s maiden name Epstein).

Over on Chateau Heartiste, also run by an almost-Nazi PUA guru, commenters are making similar insinuations. One resident anti-Semite complains that

There are those who have the nerve to call “confirmation bias” whenever I bring up the Tribe…..

“But but but, Vanity Fair is a publication full of Jews, so it doesn’t mean anything!”

Corvinus jokes that

Their running “Vanity” Fair is rather funny, considering that they tend to be as ugly as a mud fence.

Others suggest that Jenner is merely pretending to transition, doing it all for cash. Contemplating “[t]he smug bitch look on a man’s face,” a commenter who ironically calls himself ‘Reality’ Doug argues, a bit incoherently, that

Either it is the world’s best actoreesh [sic] making a shit load of money, or it is a deranged attention whore proud of itself. I don’t understand how most humanoids can’t figure out this is propaganda on a tax farm: total fucking insanity made mundane. The elites do good work, I must admit. I hope some future restorers of sanity will likewise do quality work.

Johncorvus, evidently able to make some sense of that comment, gives Doug props for a “great fucking post,” adding that

Sometimes I forget that most people don’t know it’s propaganda, and probably an actor (who never intends to get the surgery done)

Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.

Somehow this reaction gif seems strangely appropriate.



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9 years ago

wait…. what?
I don’t even….. what?

9 years ago

It has to be said, virtually any comment section anywhere on the web at the moment that features an article about Caitlyn Jenner could host some truly disgusting transphobic bigotry – I know, because I’ve had the misfortune of reading more than my fair share today. Finding shit like that, no problem at all. But wow, that PUA anti-Semitism… what the fuck.

9 years ago

Calling her “it” is so disgusting… I need cake.

9 years ago

Utterly predictable, to be honest. 🙁

God, Western Civilization is so fucking flimsy if one Vanity Fair cover is going to cause its collapse.

And the undeniable truth is that Caitlyn looks fantastic.

9 years ago

What is Zion and why do Nazis loathe it?

And even more so, what kind of delusional state of mind do these people live in to see a Vanity Fair cover as some form of jew conspiracy? Have the jews actually ever done something to deserve the shit they get?

9 years ago

What is “propaganda on a tax farm”?


Can he even read?

9 years ago

Yeah, the transphobia is sadly predictable, but no matter how often I see anti-semitism in print, I always react the same way: “wait, people still do that?” It feels like encountering someone wearing spats, or a monocle: you wonder whether they’ve fallen through a wormhole from the early 20th century. You want to observe them closely, as you would an exotic form of wildlife.

But I’m not a Christian, so that whole Jesus business means nothing to me.

9 years ago

They’re jealous that she got 1M Twitter followers in 4 hours for being herself.

Kind of like when Anita was included in Time’s top 100 Influential people. They went off on Armenians.

Racist, misogynistic toddler tantrum.

Caroline Thompson (@MitchTheRobot)

STILL not as bad as Fox “Last days of Rome, just sayin” News. Can we make them an honorary MRA group?

9 years ago

Got to say, Caitlyn Jenner looks amazing. I hope she’s ignoring all this online bile.

9 years ago

There are also lots of supporters. Caitlyn Jenner broke Obama’s twitter record by gaining over a million followers in 4 hours. She is receiving support. Haters gonna hate, but hope floats.

9 years ago

I can’t deal with the competing strains of unpleasantness on this one yet. All I can mock is the OTT writing:

2015 is the year of the continuation of that same old [blah cultural conspiracy blah]

*The* year of the continuation? If it’s some ongoing plot, how is this year any different from all the previous years in which it was happening? What is significant about this one that is worthy of a definite article?

…did they encounter the motivational saying about “the first day of the rest of your life” and completely miss the point?

9 years ago

Anti-semistim and sad boners and transphobia, oh my!

It’s a horrid display of bigotry and hatred, but with this level of whining from these bone-headed boners, I’m scratching the whole debacle up as a win.

Ps. Good on Jenner. She looks great.

9 years ago

@spacelawn Zion is another word for Jerusalem. See

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Jenner’s not been a woman that long and already they hate her. Wow, PUAs are on the ball with this one.

Tina S
Tina S
9 years ago

Oh, she looks fantastic. Goofy people. I do admit tho that i want to teach her how to sit like a lady.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Also: if there really is an international Jewish conspiracy behind this, then good going you lot! This is some solid work. Keep it up.

9 years ago

spacelawn | June 2, 2015 at 8:59 am

What is Zion and why do Nazis loathe it?

And even more so, what kind of delusional state of mind do these people live in to see a Vanity Fair cover as some form of jew conspiracy? Have the jews actually ever done something to deserve the shit they get?

Bit of history here:

In the late 1800s, a move started to forge a Jewish state in the land associated with ancient Israel. At the time, that territory was part of the Ottoman Empire.

In 1902, Russian anti-Semites published a booklet called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Zion is another name for Israel. The book purported to be the transcription of a super-secret meeting of Jewish elders who were plotting world domination. It was exposed as a hoax in 1921, but was still used by Hitler to foment anti-Semitic feelings in Germany during the Nazi rise to power.

After WWII and the horrors of the Holocaust, there was a strong pro-Zionism push, with an intent to provide the Jews of the diaspora with a safe place they could retreat to if there was another anti-Semtic pogrom elsewhere in the world. (One reason the Holocaust had been so effective was that during the pre-war years, Jews had been denied the right to immigrate to countries from Germany.)

One can criticize both the handling of the formation and the policies of the subsequent state of Israel without being anti-Semitic. I, for one, maintain that if I had a time-machine, I’d probably support Zionism but with the caveat that New Israel be settled in farmland in Montana, or something similar. And overall, Israel’s policies get a B-/C+ from me, depending on which way the wind is blowing. However, in a lot of ways it’s like being against male circumcision–you have to really, really watch your co-travelers to make sure you’re not giving support to really awful people.

9 years ago

Also: if there really is an international Jewish conspiracy behind this, then good going you lot! This is some solid work. Keep it up.

– EJ (The Other One)

If the Jewish conspiracy ever gets a Patreon, I’m donating. A lot.

9 years ago

They seem like they just can’t understand the notion of social progress, so they view people revising attitudes as a conspiracy.

9 years ago

@spacelawn: Jerusalem was founded on Mt. Zion, so there is a legitimate movement called Zionism (seeking the establishment of an Israeli state as a solution to Jewish persecution), and a conspiracy bogeyman called Zionism (seeking the subjugation of all states). This causes some confusion — I saw a video of an Arab Muslim man speaking against Zionism, and thought him a conspiracy theorist, until I learned about the West Bank.

9 years ago

I, for one, maintain that if I had a time-machine, I’d probably support Zionism but with the caveat that New Israel be settled in farmland in Montana, or something similar.

But anywhere you try and stick it is already occupied.

9 years ago

My standards for MRAs are so low that when I read one of the comments calling Caitlyn an “attention whore”, I thought for a moment it only read “whore” and had a brief moment of ‘ well, at least this one seems to be recognizing her as a woman?’.

Then I realized that he was only using a non-gendered misogynistic slur, and that he called her an “it”, and experienced slightly more disappointment in human decency than I already was.

9 years ago

Why does that one guy keep mentioning people’s mother’s maiden names in parentheticals? I have a few educated guesses, but I’m sure as hell not Googling stuff like this while I’m at work.

9 years ago

Man, it’s the Jews! Did you not know they are responsible for literally every bad thing that has ever happened in the Western world? Get with it! [/sarc]

^ it’s sad when you NEED sarcasm tags.


However, in a lot of ways it’s like being against male circumcision–you have to really, really watch your co-travelers to make sure you’re not giving support to really awful people.

This is depressingly true.

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