Are tattooed women a threat to Men’s Rights? Last week, the editors of A Voice for Men decided to promote “compassion for men and boys,” as the site’s old motto had it, by publishing a long and exceedingly creepy jeremiad against young women who taint their “radiant” young skin with icky tattoos, thereby ruining things for the men of the world.
In a post titled “Tattoos, good judgement and women,” Doug Mortimer, a self-described Man Going His Own Way of long standing, reminisces at length about the good old days, when the dancers at his favorite “topless bar” were as free of tattoos as they were of tops.
I used to occasionally pay a visit to one of the many local topless bars – pardon me, gentleman’s clubs – so I could wallow in a state of beer-buzzed, middle-aged, semi-arousal.
Sorry to put that image in your head so early in the day. (Or, whenever you happen to be reading this.)
By the late 1990s, tattoos were all the rage. It was almost impossible to see a dancer without a tramp stamp or some other symbol or picture, meaningful or meaningless (to me if not to her). I simply could not fathom why a young woman, with her skin at its peak of radiance and health, would do anything to detract from it.
Readers with sensitive stomachs may want to skip the next bit here.
Flat-chested or full figure; statuesque or petite; blond, brunette, or redhead, healthy skin tone is a key component of neoteny and nubility.
I’m not sure I really needed to hear a dude who was already middle-aged two decades ago wax poetic about the “neoteny and nubility” of women young enough to be his granddaughters.
In 1998, Mortimer tells us, he grew so frustrated by the tattoos adorning the “female flesh” he was paying to ogle that he quit going to “gentlemen’s clubs” altogether.
Despite Mortimer’s bold and principled stand, the young women of America continued to get tattoos. Today, Mortimer reports with horror, one survey found that “25% of all men under 25 have at least one tattoo; for women in that age group, the number is 47%.”
He warns young men to think twice about getting into relationships with these terrible tattooed women.
After all, you’re going to be looking at them every day, possibly till death do you part. Do you really want to cuddle up long-term with a dickless Queequeg?
Mortimer goes on to suggest that the popularity of tattoos amongst young women suggests that maybe they really don’t deserve freedom after all.
Ultimately, you have to seriously question the judgment of a young woman who would make a permanent commitment to something as trivial as body art. Of course, good judgment is only rarely associated with young women, which is why young women are kept on a short leash in traditional societies. When young women are given freedom, they often fuck it up.
Mortimer doesn’t address this directly, but presumably he believes that young men handle their freedom far more wisely, despite considerable video evidence to the contrary.
Mortimer is quick to assure his readers that he is well aware that young women without tattoos can also be terrible freedom-abusers who should probably be kept on a “short leash” as well.
That doesn’t mean a tattoo-free woman can’t be fucked up, but one who is tattooed…well, no matter what the design, it might as well be a big red warning flag.
Well, no. But, given the disgust that Mortimer and many other denizens of the manosphere feel towards tattooed women, tattoos could perhaps be better described as magical talismans offering protection from a certain kind of creepy woman-hating shitbag.
In any case, it’s pretty hard to imagine Mortimer’s post convincing any self-respecting woman, young or old, to cancel an appointment at the local tattoo parlor; I suspect that, if anything, it could have an opposite effect.
I’m thirty-six (today! :D) so I’m pretty sure my nubile and neotenous days are well behind me. Am I allowed a tattoo now, or will I still be horribly tainted and insufficiently feminine?
(…trick question. I actually already have four.)
@Octo That’s actually a pretty great concise summary of pretty much everything AVFM have ever written. I’m fairly sure you could replace the entire site with that one sentence and nothing of value would be lost.
Did he really? Huh. I missed that.
Oh look, more idiotic drivel from the past generation.
I have two already, but have been wanting more for ages! Just hasn’t been a financial priority.
I want this one… it’s a depiction of Hypatia from School of Athens by Raphael:
If I were brave… I’d get Discworld on my back:

Though now I’m kind of wanting a watercolour tattoo – they’re gorgeous!
Oh, going back to gaming tattoos, that tat I wanted since i was 12, the heart with bat wings? That’s from The Urbz. I remembered that when I passed a tattoo parlor today. 😛
@tiny homes. You should then argue with your dad then what your saying is a girl should get a tattoo from a female artist 😛
Kaz- Please remember that you hope to be part of a “past generation” some day- because the alternative sucks. Don’t blame this past generation for asshats- every generation has its own share. But asshats are working hard at Darwinian extinction (only 7 women in 10,000?) if they think like this one, so maybe things will get better. We need the numbers from those seven women’s points of view to be sure.
I know I’m well behind, but oh, Scented Fucking Hard Chairs, those puggles were a blast from the past! I remember! There was even a whole store!
Oh my! There still is!!
(Hope that worked, I have no clue what I’m doing.)
Would like to add to that list of MRA acceptable feeeeemale traits that on top of all that the women need to actually want to sleep with them.
I was concerned for a moment that I fit the criteria on Buttercups comment but then I remembered that I have medium short hair and am 26. Phew! Crisis averted.
getting a tattoo today. seriously. and now that I know the powerful juju contained therein in keeping creeps away…I will keep getting them.
An MRA doesn’t want to date a woman with tattoos? Looks like I’ve got all the MRA repellent I need. (Well, combine that with being a feminist, having short hair, being outspoken, having a bold personality… I don’t think I’ll ever be at risk).
If you really want to drive the Red-Pillers away, you need this tattooed onto your arm.
Mew York Kitty : snigger. Good one , I’ll file it away . Thanks from BrooklYNExile .
I’m sorry but women who have tattoos & body piercings (with the exception of ear rings) are UGLY. It’s like defaming a picture of the Mona Lisa with graffiti. I don’t care who well those tattoos drawned/colored. It’s ruins the youth & beauty of the female figure. Plus it makes you ladies look trashy. No thanks.
Women with tattoos & piercing are ‘broken’ women