The wait is over! The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer is out at last! So, without further ado, here it is:
Sorry for any confusion. “The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer” is the name of my new 43 second long film, starring the top of my head, and a very special guest I was lucky to be able to have the opportunity to film: my cat Sweetie Pie Jonus. (My other cat, Pantz, was in the other room.)
I handled the audio and the cinematography. My cats helped with the set dressing.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Oh, and by the way, The Sarkeesian Effect: Official Trailer #1 is also out as well. You know, the one put together by those other guys. You’ll be pleased to see that The Empty Pizza Box made the final cut!
I have to say, those guys don’t really seem to know what they’re doing.
@th1sle what’s wrong with using your grandma’s house for a set? Or a dirty as hell McDonalds? 😛
About the two cameras: IKR, it’s completely ridiculous to see prof. skull or the other guy nodding after every word their interviewees say. Objective Journalism ftw!
– Law student (lol)
– 7th gen Pokemon Master
– Candidate SJW
– Lurker extraordinarie
– Writer of way too long comments
– Fake news fan
– Video games consumer
> what’s wrong with using your grandma’s house for a set?
The Slow-Mo Guys routinely blow up stuff at Dan’s grandparents’ house! In slow motion!
– limb possessor
– social justice scribe
– Wikipedia editor (actual)
– Ponder Stibbons at RationalWiki
– Fake news writer
– Pancreas stimulator
– Phone averter
15 random ones for me:
– Citizen Of Four Countries.
– Australian Accent Haver.
– Experienced Goth.
– Glasses Wearer.
– Spider Breeder.
Cat OwnerOwned By A Cat.– Two-Time Obama Voter (boo, hiss!).
– Member Of The Gay Agenda (double boo, hiss!).
– Female Gamer (triple boo, hiss!).
– Pokemon Master.
– Aperture Test Subject.
– Dead Animal Scientist*.
– Freelance Web Designer.
– Marijuana Smoker.
– Caffeine Drinker.
*If any of these fools can spell “Palaeontologist,” I’ll eat my Kermit The Frog laplander.
Jonathan McIntosh produces and co-writes Sarkeesian’s videos, so absent context my first assumption would be any random rant against a male would be aimed at him.
There’s an entire Gamergate sub-conspiracy that McIntosh is the evil genius behind Tropes Vs. Women and Sarkeesian is his mindless puppet. You see, she can’t possibly write the videos herself because a) she once said she wasn’t a hardcore gamer when she started the project, which means she’s never played a video game in her life and knows literally nothing about them, and b) she’s a girl.
They are funny little men.
I did not think that trailer could be dumber than what I was expecting. Yet somehow they managed to surprise me.
Golf clap?
“Do micro aggressions exist in Sub-Saharan Africa?”
I…what? Is that how we prove things don’t exist?
Here are my qualifications:
– collection of organic material
– loyalty card holder
– exists
– lottery contestant
– has health insurance
– shoe owner
– current resident
– elevator passenger
– ex library patron
– lunch orderer
Whoops, threw in “ex” to be silly, forgetting I was describing myself. I’m a current library patron as well.
Also I’m not a lottery contestant.
I really screwed this up. Seems like I’m qualified to make a major documentary on Men’s Rights.
My credentials:
* Microwave oven user
* Etsy merchant
* Pratchett reader
* Disneyland Annual Passholder
* Iced tea drinker
* Engineer’s daughter
Wispy spiders sound like daddy long legs to me but it probably isn’t.
So in April, we thought the late-breaking event that caused them to hold out for another month was related to the HoneyBadgers lying their way into an expo. Now it looks more like Owen had just thought to look up FemFreq’s address, and decided it was worth a road trip.
As it’s time to update my CV:
– weather critic
– bicycle operator
– concert-goer
– basement dweller
– food taster (self-employed)
– resolution breaker
– administrative procrastinator
-park walker
-water consumer
-pizza designer
-sushi aficionado
-olive oil connaîsseur
-YouTube video writer/director/producer/editor/actor/gamer
-Paper recycler
-Video game analyst/player
-Climber of large boulders
-Hospital visit survivor
-Bookcase builder
And if you rotate my CV counter-clockwise, you can see what I think of “The Sarkeesian Effect” Trailer!
@ Moocow
I was trying so hard to do something with the first or last letters vertically, until my eyes got involuntarily blurry and I was like “Oooohhhhhhhh. Heh.”
*sigh* I need to take a break from studying when I get this oblivious.
– unenthusiastic test taker
– reluctant cell phone user
– proud computer owner
– excessive coffee drinker
– soon to be Chipotle sofritas bowl eater
– compulsive scented candle sniffer (seriously, I have to smell all of the candles, especially the weird ones)
– Pruis driver
– floofy kitty jelly bean paw pads squisher
Wow. So bad.
My nephew writes punk songs about politics and being teenaged outcast. (bless!) Angsty lyrics, bullheaded self-righteousness, no drums, 3 chord guitar and matching bass line. He plays his latest bits for me on his phone. All that mess coming through a tinny speaker.
The embarrassed-for-you cringe I get from the SE trailer is the same but much worse. Nephew is, after all, only 15 and working things out. Owen & Aurini are (theoretically) grown-assed men.
Harvestmen. The order containing the Daddy Longlegs is Harvestmen.
You found it 😀
Right? I rewatched one of her videos recently and my YouTube recs are still full of 2+ long diatribes about how she’s an evil man-hating free-speech-destroying con-artist who has never played a single videogame and doesn’t even write her own stuff. Not only is she endlessly criticized, but that criticism is extremely visible. The reason it hasn’t gained much traction in reputable circles is that most of it is frothing conspiracy theory and smug ad hominem.
Also, because this is fun!
– Former emo
– Tea connoisseur
– Light sleeper
– Cat butler
– Acne survivor
– Subletter
– Obsessive doodler
– Social justice druid
– Gaeilge mangler
– Fictional map curator
– Live tweeter
– Harbinger of the end times
Can I just say how soothing it is for me that all of these are arranged in order from shortest to longest? Because that made me really happy.
@Skybison: That video was super cute! And informative. Though I had a D: moment when the scientist said she had to pin the females down with wax so they wouldn’t eat the males they didn’t like. Nature be scary.
Though, I will say I’m encouraged to mention them when MRAs complain about women not appreciating them now. “Yeah? Well female Peacock Spiders eat male peacock spiders if they don’t dance good enough!”
Nikola Tesla was a pigeon fancier.
And because I don’t want to feel left out:
– Neophyte Witchcraft Practitioner
– Youtube Content Creator
– Bachelor’s degree haver
– Video game player
– Water drinker
– Animal-haver
– Hobby artist
– Typist
It’s funny if they’re interviewing THAT Jack Thompson… not that funny that they seem to be trying to find Sarkeesian’s workplace just to pester her. (Goes off to read comments.)
Oh. I see. Not her workplace, just its mailing address. Well, here’s my little CV:
-Experienced salad maker
-Talented jellybean eater
-Dedicated poetry book collector
-Accumulator of odd jobs
They look like elephant seals with really long whiskers.
Oh, I posted in the wrong bit…
SFHC, those puggles thingies you posted in the tattoo thread look like elephant seals.
Uh oh, I can see me really annoying some people next time I’m at the NHM. 🙂