alpha males antifeminism davis aurini entitled babies evil SJWs ha ha I tricked you jordan owen kitties men who should not ever be with women ever sarkeesian!

The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer is out at last! Watch it here!

Cinema history is being made today! Just not here.
Cinema history is being made today! Just not here.

The wait is over! The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer is out at last! So, without further ado, here it is:

Sorry for any confusion. “The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer” is the name of my new 43 second long film, starring the top of my head, and a very special guest I was lucky to be able to have the opportunity to film: my cat Sweetie Pie Jonus. (My other cat, Pantz, was in the other room.)

I handled the audio and the cinematography. My cats helped with the set dressing.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Oh, and by the way, The Sarkeesian Effect: Official Trailer #1 is also out as well. You know, the one put together by those other guys. You’ll be pleased to see that The Empty Pizza Box made the final cut!

I have to say, those guys don’t really seem to know what they’re doing.

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9 years ago

Theluckyfrog, you are displaying first-world privilege.

There are way too many “issues” that are naught but triviality.

9 years ago

Question: Aren’t documentaries not supposed to show the interviewer? I’ve never seen a documentary where the interviewer is in the frame nodding like a goofball

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

Registered Nurse
Dinner Defroster
Bicycle Rider
Wedding Attendee
Supportive Girlfriend
Eater of Crackers
Wearer of Skirts and Yoga Pants (oh the horrors)

9 years ago

Jonathan McIntosh produces and co-writes Sarkeesian’s videos, so absent context my first assumption would be any random rant against a male would be aimed at him. Before teaming with her, he was relatively internet-famous for

9 years ago

It took me a minute to notice that the shot of Sarkeesian from behind is a drawing. Right? So that’s what they meant when they kept talking about how it was almost done, and they were just finishing some editing and having some animations made?

9 years ago

Whoops, ninja’d by Sevenofnine a while back.

9 years ago

Haha, Friday Jones beat me to it. You have to appreciate the irony of men who are shitting themselves in anger because a woman says nasty things about their favourite videogames playing the “starving children in Africa” card. Hey gomblrgokers, do you think child soldiers have time to worry about not being able to call some videogame critic a c*nt on her YouTube page?

9 years ago

I don’t know why they needed most of the titles when they could have reused the same title for all of them.
“Aaron Clarey, Misogynistic Asshole; Karen Straughn, Misogynistic Asshole; Paul Elam, Misogynistic Asshole; Jack Thompson, Misogynistic Asshole;” etc.

9 years ago

I laughed when Paul Elam said “It’s about money first and ideology a close second.” That doesn’t sound like your con (in more ways then one) not at all.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

– Touch Typist

– Self-taught Swimmer

– Former Licensed Car Driver

– Trivia Player

– Smart Phone Operator

– Novel Reader

– Ganamar Krame

9 years ago

– Attention seeker

– Y chromosome haver

– Money desirer

9 years ago

– Carbon-based Life Form

– Terrestrial Inhabitant

– Organic Entity

– Atomic Composition

Troy Brooks
9 years ago

The really strange part, I thought that the Jordan/Aurini trailer was funnier than yours.
Sorry about that.

9 years ago

If I were them, I don’t think I would’ve chosen those clips for the intro. I feel like you’d normally want either clips showing the disastrous consequences of what you’re speaking against or shocking, but clearly wrong things that are being said by the opposing side. Not clips that look like they’re making a pretty reasonable case in defense of what you’re speaking against. It’s just not a very hard-hitting opening.

I mean, a climate change documentary would show clips of the concrete disasters caused by global warming (floods, droughts, arctic ice melting), or how deeply we’re damaging the planet (amazon forest deforestation, wild animals dying from pollution or found with massive amounts of cigarette butts in their digestive tracts) or scientists predicting how bad things are going to be in the future if we don’t change anything. The equivalent of what they did would be…I don’t know, some clips of reporters saying that the planet still has time to heal and that there’s nothing to worry about for now. It’s problematic, but it doesn’t shock you, and really you’ll only see that it’s problematic if you already know why it’s problematic. Normally, when you do this kind of montage, you want to invoke some feeling of urgency, right? But then, it’s not like there’s any way you could frame people saying “Anita Sarkeesian has too much vitriol directed at her, this is a problem and we shouldn’t condone this” in a scary way, so I can’t blame them for being unable to do so.

I get that what they’ll be talking about isn’t Anita Sarkeesian herself, but people blindly rushing at her defense and shutting down critics, but those clips still don’t show what’s so bad about them, or what worrying consequences it has on society. Their point is that it’s causing people to be censored left and right and it’s threatening free speech, no? Show examples of that!


Oh right.

I’ll give them credit on one thing! I managed to hear every word the interviewees said, so they really did improve the audio from the teaser, as they promised they would. However they didn’t edit out Jordan Owen’s shoe out of the frame, during Karen Straughan’s interview, I see, and they seem to still have issues keeping the lighting consistent. They also didn’t edit the interviewers out of the frame while the interviewees were speaking either. I don’t think these guys know the difference between a documentary and a youtube video.

And why would you include someone mumbling their words, or awkwardly avoiding eye contact in a trailer? Or acting really, really juvenile (the first guy)? You’re supposed to show the compelling parts. You’re supposed to make us interested. It’s your chance to get people interested in your movie.

9 years ago

Ah you all just gave me a belly laugh.
potential jurur/ amateur composter & poinsettia haver (it is still alive!)

9 years ago

And by the way- I can spell exactly as well as the film makers!

9 years ago

So. When Aaron Clarey thinks a movie has problematic elements his criticism is valid and worthy of consideration, but Anita is somehow destroying video games. Bit of an own goal since they did that interview.

Whatever. I am sure they have deeply interesting footage of the outside of a mail box company.

9 years ago

I don’t think I’ll be paying to see the full-length version of this, when and if it ever comes out. I was too traumatized by Paulie’s creepy eyes and blatant projection, and by Jordan Owen’s doughy white chest (what the actual fuck, did he take douchebag-dressing lessons from his PUA colleague there, or what?)

Also, did anyone notice that when Aurini was interviewing that OTHER racist skinhead type, they might as well have just captioned that shot “The Bobbsey Twins”?


vagina haver
cat herder
multilingual semi-pro translator
bike rider
indie-music listener

9 years ago

Why the fuck are they interviewing the CEO from Stardock?
Sorry about language but what the flying fuck?
Come on, guys; I buy those games. 🙁

On another note: Woah, dude! They got a wikipedia editor

9 years ago


-Earth native

-Air breather

-Food eater

-Water drinker

-Placental mammal

-2 X chromosomes haver


-Ape (Homo Sapiens)

-Good English speaker, but bad speller

-Clothes wearer

-Internet User

-Photo Taker-Proud owner of a Sony Alpha 6 (awesome little camera! 😀 I LOVE it!)

-Lightroom, Photoshop and Painter user

-Gym goer

-Potential Criminologist

Hhmmmm… That’s about it really.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Such qualifications! You’ll be the number one interviewed in The Sarkeesian Effect 2 Electric Boogaloo: Anita Strikes Back!

9 years ago

David, I really got to say that your Sarkeesian Effect trailer is 100x better than the real thing! XD You even managed to point the camera at the interviewee. I really liked the really long pause for effect at the end. LOL! I liked the cat paintings, too. Who was the artist?

9 years ago

Stephen Colbert makes the best gifs. He’s hilarious! 😀

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