alpha males antifeminism davis aurini entitled babies evil SJWs ha ha I tricked you jordan owen kitties men who should not ever be with women ever sarkeesian!

The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer is out at last! Watch it here!

Cinema history is being made today! Just not here.
Cinema history is being made today! Just not here.

The wait is over! The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer is out at last! So, without further ado, here it is:

Sorry for any confusion. “The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer” is the name of my new 43 second long film, starring the top of my head, and a very special guest I was lucky to be able to have the opportunity to film: my cat Sweetie Pie Jonus. (My other cat, Pantz, was in the other room.)

I handled the audio and the cinematography. My cats helped with the set dressing.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Oh, and by the way, The Sarkeesian Effect: Official Trailer #1 is also out as well. You know, the one put together by those other guys. You’ll be pleased to see that The Empty Pizza Box made the final cut!

I have to say, those guys don’t really seem to know what they’re doing.

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Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

@PoM – and with all the threats she gets, there’s no way it’d be her home address as that’d be the first one that some internet dickwad would look up.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Yeah, that pitch from Elam was superspecial. If anyone knows what this is about, Paul does, fer sure, lol.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

And I just looked up Jack Thompson (thanks, PussyPowerTantrum, the Lousy Flouncer). Unreal. I guess Charlie Manson was not available?

9 years ago

Wow, flashback to the 90’s, Jack Thompson AND Jim Goad! It’s like they went looking for the creepy guy Godfathers and found ’em. That’s so funny, especially since you could’ve probably cage-matched those two back in the day.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

@Policy of Madness:

I reckon “ex-Wikipedia editor” didn’t have the same ring?


They’ve really assembled a panel of illustrious experts there.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

A tiny bit of research reveals that Feminist Frequency’s address is 340 S Lemon Ave #9746, in Walnut California. A tiny bit additional research reveals that this address physically belongs to an outfit called “Virtual Post Mail.”

It is a fancy mail box that will open and scan your mail and email it to you.

It will forward packages.

I will not be at all surprised, at all surprised, if Dumb and Dumber try to make this out like it’s something nefarious. In fact, I will be shocked if they don’t.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I always thought the eponymous Effect was supposed to refer to the extent that Sarkeesian has become an important figure purely via the quantity of vitriol thrown at her, as a sort of reverse Streisand Effect.

If so, perhaps the purpose of this video isn’t to talk about the Sarkeesian Effect, but instead to demonstrate it by seeing if she gets even bigger than ever.

9 years ago

All I can think of when I think of Death Race is, “It’s my hand grenade.”


My husband was kinda mad at me for making him watch that movie. He was also perturbed I insisted he watch Galaxy of Terror.

But how can you go through life without hearing Sid Haig say, “I live by the crystal and I die by the crystal!”
You can’t. That’s how. Also, check out this awesome Sid Haig side eye.

Alpha von Carousel
Alpha von Carousel
9 years ago

In addition to Wikipedia editors, ex-attorneys, and PhD candidates, I have some other ideas for kinds of experts they could talk to:

* Interviewee
* Woman
* Fantasy football coach
* Credit card holder
* MENSA candidate
* YouTube commenter
* Mouth haver
* Amateur economist
* Netflix subscriber

9 years ago

I was thinking the same thing RC did. Jack Thompson? I suspect he won’t be talking about video games, just women having special privileges. Or he had a change of heart? Or perhaps he’ll claim that when he criticised VG, nobody listened to him, but when a woman does it, they do?

9 years ago


Do microaggressions exist in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Whut? What has that got to do with anything?

Even if it was a relevant question, considering that Sub-Saharan Africa is a gigantic place inhabited by several different ethnic groups and -let’s not forget- plenty of white people as well, I’d say that yes, they have microaggressions there, and by the truckload.

By the way, the only useful information I, as a gamer, could get from this trailer is whose games never to buy.

9 years ago

Ooh, ooh, great idea alpha! Let’s all come up with possible expert descriptions, here’s mine:

College graduate/avid recycler

Ok mine sucks, but I want more from you clever people, go!

9 years ago

Tax preparer/job haver

9 years ago

“Wikipedia Editor” reminds me of Charlie Brooker’s programmes where they’ll have actors playing talking heads, with stupid titles like “Opinion Haver” or “Mouth User”. In fact, I’m pretty sure that “Wikipedia Editor” was one of them!

9 years ago

9 years ago

Oops, back there I should have said “ethnic groups including -let’s not forget- plenty of white people”. A microagression of my very own, how “nice.”

9 years ago

Like on the daily show they have the “Senior Black Correspondent”

Alpha von Carousel
Alpha von Carousel
9 years ago

* Metaboliser
* Has two arms
* Visible
* Student driver
* Registered voter
* Starbucks customer
* Biped

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

– Experienced Voter.
– Gun Owner.
– Walmart Shift Supervisor.
– Genuine Black Man.
– Let’s Play Livestreamer.
– X-Box Live Troll.
– Dog Owner.
– Motorcycle Enthusiast.
– Street Magician.
– College Republican.
– Hobbyist Carpenter.
– DYI Expert.

9 years ago

Registered voter, lol!

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

-Young Republican
-High School Teacher
-Jail inmate
-NOT our dealer
-Okay, our dealer
-That guy who hangs out on the street corner
-AA Member
-Pastry Chef
-Rejected Reality Show Contestant

9 years ago

Did anyone else notice the guy like halfway through who is suddenly talking about an unnamed man he says is seriously scary or something along those lines? WTF?

9 years ago

::Sigh:: when are they gonna to leave Sarkeesian alone?

Hoosier X
9 years ago

-Muhammad Drawer
-Cat Hoarder
-Ayn Rand Enthusiast
-Harlan Ellison Impersonator
-Ben Carson Speechwriter
-Solitaire Enthusiast
-Flat-Earth Advocate

9 years ago

So they made a documentary in which they’re preaching to the choir? The trailer is clearly aimed at people who already know who Anita Sarkeesian is and what she’s criticised for. It lacks appeal for outsiders.