a voice for men antifeminism grandiosity gross incompetence gullibility irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam rationalization hamster schadenfreude yeah that's the ticket

A Voice for Men triumphantly cancels its conference; supporters declare victory

Say it ain’t so, Paul! A Voice for Men’s second “International Conference on Men’s Issues” has been … cancelled!

No one could have seen that coming, huh?

Anyway, in a “Bulletin” on AVFM yesterday, AVFM “CEO” Paul Elam tried his best to explain away this little embarrassment:

At the outset it would appear that this is a piece of bad news, and of course it is, but it is news that we are taking in context here at AVFM.

The “context?” The conference was a failure waiting to happen from the moment it was first announced. And not because of opposition from the international feminist conspiracy. Nope. Even Men’s Rights Activists, normally a fairly gullible group, were underwhelmed by the conference lineup (consisting mostly of completely undistinguished AVFMers) and a bit stunned by the high ticket price. 

Elam will now be issuing refunds to anyone silly enough to have actually bought a ticket. Which shouldn’t take long. I can’t imagine there were more than three of them.

His explanation for this bit of bad news that isn’t really bad news, if you think about it: Apparently, organizing a conference is really hard — especially, I assume, when apparently no one wants to go to it and you’re left struggling to explain to your supporters why it’s not a total ripoff, honest!

Since last June we have been consumed with planning the [the now-cancelled conference]. We have the resources to do it well enough. However, we had to pull resources that we would normally use to take on direct activism, such as cases like Vladek Filler, and run the most prominent publication on men’s issues available.

So the conference was getting in the way of your ability to harass women on the internet do important “direct activism?”

We simply have not grown to the point to do everything simultaneously. … We found out by nearly burning out every member of our staff.

Poor babies. Announcing things is easy. Doing them is hard. Which is perhaps why AVFM is so much better at announcing than doing. Remember AVFM’s March on Washington to “Sink Misandry” by protesting the evacuation protocols of The Titanic? Oh, probably not; like a lot of things announced on AVFM, it never happened.

It was clear that the most reasonable one was to forego conferencing plans and return to what we do best until such a time that we have the ability to do more. We need some rest followed by a return to our roots which is precisely what we are going to do.

Rest as long as you have to, Paul. And then rest some more.

I realize fully that some of our opponents will view this as some sort of defeat for us or victory for them.


Huh. Why would anyone see this giant defeat for AVFM as a defeat for AVFM? It’s baffling!

Whatevs. We never let them define us to begin with.

Well, that’s certainly true, if by “them” you mean “people still connected to reality.” In the comments to Elam’s “bulletin,” the site’s supporters are … declaring victory. No, really.

To “Pinetree,” the cancellation is evidence of AVFM’s “huge growth” in its non-conference-canceling activities.

pinetree • 12 hours ago Good decision! The huge growth since the last conference has overwhelmed and even burned out some. Too many other things happening right now. Next year will be a lot more appropriate.

Partridge was if anything even more excited by this massive failure great victory.

Partridge • 19 hours ago In no way is this a defeat for AVfM or the MHRM. If anything it is a sign of our impressive success in recent years and, rightly and wisely, you have decided not to allow this success to put AVfM in jeopardy by growing too big too quickly, thereby overstretching the organisation's human and financial resources.  Far from being a setback, this decision will allow AVfM and the MHRM to grow and develop at their own natural pace and avoid the fate of many organisations and movements whose fires burn too brightly before burning themselves out.  Our struggle was always going to be a long one, but whatever our opponents may say or do in response, we're not going away, and our ultimate success and victory over ideological feminism is assured, as feminism's evils become more and more self-evident to humanity, both men and women.


To the strange and excitable fellow who calls himself Isaac T. Quill, the true extent of AVFM’s glorious victory could be seen in the fact that

after 15+ hours even Mr Desperate for Click Bait Futrelopath has not managed to rush anything into print! He’s still fixated on the launch of a trailer for “The Sarkesian Effect” …

It seems the poor lambs are all nonplussed and are unable to cope! So that’s FTSU++++ RESULT!

Huh. I will admit that I didn’t spend my Saturday night obsessively refreshing AVFM for updates. And that after making the little video masterpiece in my last post I kind of slept late today. So I only recently heard about your little bit of misfortune.


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EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Thanks rachel.

Dean Esmay is so touchy. Complete strangers from the internet offering to buy him pants and he turns it down? Sheesh. It must be his male hormones.

9 years ago

Color me surprised that the secret SJW cabal isn’t being blamed for the cancellation.

9 years ago

Aha, I found the song that best sums up this recent debarcle:

9 years ago

This is good news for John McCain.

So, isn’t here another site stealing the MRA mojo? Is there going to be a RoKonference? Maybe to prove the massive differences between MRAs and PUAs, AVfM and RoK can co-operate to make a conference happen.

Heh. As if.

9 years ago

The Roosh world tour starting in Berlin later this month concerns me. Not a conference as much as a showboat action but maybe more dangerous from a PUA vs MRA perspective. I would love to know how his sign ups are going. Its a lot cheaper. And you can get a selfie with the star of the show!


9 years ago


What the fuck is that tour going to be about? Lessons on how to dehumanize and hate women?

9 years ago


That and some good ol’ racism and anti-semetism.

9 years ago

What’s the name of that PUA who had a thing for shoving random women’s heads in his crotch and then got called out and banned from like five different countries?

I reckon the feminist network should do a rally around warning people of Roosh too. BUT Roosh isn’t as overtly sexual harassment-ey as the other guy AND he has officially turned into the Creepy Old Guy that will probably never win over any target ever. I’m not sure if he is so much of a threat…even though he is a confessed rapist.

9 years ago


The video is priceless, I’m not clever with my tablet but its on Roosh World Tour dot com. He wants to share his extremely luxurious lifestyle (really! He said it), tips on how to meet women and experience intimacy, how to live in a “degenerate” world, etc, blah blah. You really have to see it.

I get such a bad feeling from him, more so than Elam or that bunch, I think because he’s got the Julien Blanc vibe, kind of I’m the King of the Assholes and I dare women to try me. I can’t imagine what his concept of intimacy could possibly be.

9 years ago


I am never going to call it “real life” again.

9 years ago

The crotch slammer is Julien Blanc of RSD, still around.

Oh FFS, how is this happening? I thought he was under a rock somewhere.

9 years ago

This is GREAT news for bitcoin.

9 years ago

He wants to share his extremely luxurious lifestyle (really! He said it)

Huh, I was unaware there was any lifestyle that could be described as ”luxurious’ wherein you don’t wipe your ass. Unless you hire someone else to do that for you, possibly. Otherwise, campers crack isn’t exactly the first thing that comes to mind when I think of ‘ luxury’.

No, I’m never going to get tired of mocking roosh for whining about the terrible imposition that basic personal hygiene is.

9 years ago

I’m,wondering how many of the delusional crowd talking about this as a great victory are really just covering up their personal relief that they no longer feel social pressure to either buy tickets they can’t afford or make up an excuse to a community that matters to them for why they aren’t able to attend. A lot of people don’t like talking about their financial situation, and that would have been a lot of money to spend on a weekend for most of us.

9 years ago


I couldn’t bother watching the whole video lol. I guess that in Roosh’s glossary, “degenerate world” means “women have rights and freedoms and they use them to do all kinds of shit that displeases my precious boner such as getting tattoos and piercings, cutting their hair and having sex with more than one man throughout lifetime.” I think that throughout history, there were always people who didn’t like changes, who wanted to maintain the status quo and who thought the civilization is going to collapse because people were acting in a way that displeased them.

As for the tour, I hardly believe anyone apart from his worshipers are going to be interested. If we tried to warn people about Roosh, he and his followers would see that as an attempt to censor them, shut down free speech and disable people from hearing The Holy Truth about Western world, when in fact, the primary motive for warning people about him is that I wouldn’t want anyone to be exposed to that vitriolic hatred and toxic views on women.

Btw he looks really old. I suppose he had his time on vagina carousel and hit the wall now. Lol.

9 years ago

Hmmm. Wait a second. That scream picture is from Hitchcock’s classic Psycho, which takes place in a hotel. Hotels are not campgrounds. In fact, they are almost the antithesis of campgrounds. However there is an equally famous slasher film, Friday the 13th, which takes place at a campsite.

Hmm. There’s a joke involving Sleepaway Camp and the MRA’s transphobia here. But I’m too uncoffeed to think of one right now.

9 years ago

What the fuck is that tour going to be about? Lessons on how to dehumanize and hate women?

With poor hygiene! And lots of extra whining about how all those horrible, short-haired, independent feeeeemales are too busy banging nice Danish guys to bother with him, him, HIM!

Jarred H
9 years ago

by growing too big too quickly, thereby overstretching the organization’s human and financial resources.

Um, doesn’t growth normally imply an increase in both human and financial resources? In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s how we measure growth where I work…

9 years ago

Wait…WUT? It sounds homoerotic to go hang out with other dudes? Lulz! We should get them all T-shirts for when they hang out that read:
“Haters hate but they don’t fellate.”

These guys don’t normally hang out with other guys? They sure aren’t hitting the town with women. So, who are their friends?
Oh. right.

9 years ago

I’m deeply relieved this Convention of Assholes has been cancelled. It gives me hope for our planet. Are they going to refund all the turds foaming at the mouth to get together and hate women, or are they going to say thanks guys, your furthered AVFM and the MRA Movement? Thanks for your donations, donate more next time?

Steve Green
9 years ago

No UK appearances for Blanc, I’m pleased to say.

9 years ago

What they oughta do is take this theory to its logical conclusion — disband and declare themselves Gods. (I know that’s never going to happen, but still, a person can dream.)

Jarred H
9 years ago

Bekabot: I often get the impression they’ve already done the “declare themselves gods” part.

9 years ago

What they oughta do is take this theory to its logical conclusion — disband and declare themselves Gods.

Like this?

9 years ago

Honestly, local meetups would be a good idea for AVfM. It’d give the members a chance to connect in person and maybe even come up with activities to promote their goals. Lots of smaller blogs with no financial resources do this; you just have to post an announcement and hope people show up. That the folks on AVfM consider it a huge, possibly impossible project that would require the full concentration of all their resources is… okay, not really surprising.