Stickied to the top of the MGTOW subreddit is this lovely bit of … poetry, I guess:
Pussy is the
Soft totalitarian’s
Hole of choice.
Porta Guillotines
To cut your dick off
And pay with your life,
The lives of your children;
Right on down
The bloody line.
There are…
Steel bars
In that
This guy doesn’t really deserve it, but let’s give him some cat beatnik snaps for trying.

In the discussion of this, er, poem on the MGTOW subreddit, one MGTOW philosopher offers these, er, thoughts:
The “vagina dentata”. As the so-called “dissident” Feminist, Camille Paglia says: “Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female.”
Some take the adoption of this way of thinking as being “afraid” of vagina, but it is more of a realization. Acceptance. I think the thing that truly keeps men from being unplugged from the matrix (which is another word for womb), is their death grip on their assigned, traditional sense of masculinity. Their identity, their ego, is very much attached to this sense of masculinity (Which is about performance/feigning strength, while femininity is about inaction/feigning weakness). Ironic, then, that it is this death grip on masculinity that keeps men falling back into the womb endlessly, where they exit as lesser men each time.
It is truly in women’s best interest that men maintain this death-grip on performative masculinity, because it’s how they continue to get a free ride.
Uh, what?
That makes even less sense than the poem.
No snaps for you. Or for Camille Paglia, either.
H/T — r/thebluepill
I think y’all are waaaaay overthinking this.
Penis is big and hard when it goes in, and small and soft when it comes out. I’m quite confident that’s the extent of the thought process behind this sentence.
Quite true! Because an orgasm takes a non-zero amount of time, and life is finite. Therefore, orgasms are also finite for any given individual.
I thought about that orgasm thing too. I mean, you can’t have infinite orgasms with being immortal.
Indeed; but I can think of worse things to spend time on.
Did Hemmingway believe that if you tried to surpass your particular orgasm limit, you’d perish? Or would you just not be able to orgasm? Or was it just a “fate” thing?
It doesn’t seem to be about sex (or let’s hope not), No, the intercourse thing is part of a succubus type analogy.
ie…women benefit from the expectations masculinity imposes on men. For example, getting to stay at home or work in a less demanding field while their husbands have to go ‘make something of themselves’ and provide.
Very banal.
They chose to be in relationships with women who didn’t want it to be 50/50, despite all the obvious red flags; chose to prioritize immediate gratification over long-term happiness. That’s on them.
Umm, vagina’s don’t have teeth and semen is a renewable resource.
Moron, you really need to go back to sex ed. Sex and conception is hardly a passive act of women just lying there like a limp fish and magically getting pregnant. 1) there are many sexual positions in which the woman plays an active role. 2) The woman’s body plays and active role in conception and pregnancy. Orgasm plays an active role in helping the sperm through the cervix. The woman’s vagina is also slightly acidic. This protects the vagina from infection and kills the weakest sperm. Every month, a woman’s ovaries release an egg to be fertilised and the lining of the womb thickens to supply the egg with nutrients. Also, the woman’s body nurtures the developing fetus for 9 months, goes into labour and gives birth. The only active role men play in conception and pregnancy is depositing semen.
Um, gender roles are socially constructed and the only you keeping a death grip on your self assigned, ‘traditional’ sense of masculinity. If it is about performance/feigning strength, it is because our culture has deemed it so. And ditto for femininity.
Actually, women have fought for over 200 years for the right to contribute to society-to be able to vote, work, receive equal pay, be educated, run for office, become scientists, join the police, join the military, work outside of ‘traditional women’s jobs’ etc. This is because we have been systematically excluded from these things for thousands of years. How is that getting a free ride?
Men who think there is no action involved in the female orgasm have clearly not felt the contractions they would have had they ever actually experienced a female orgasm first hand.
They’ve never given a woman the shivers. Ever. I’m so not shocked.
They give up so much information that they don’t mean to.
Lea-I am not shocked, either.
“Women just lie there, as far as I know.” -MGTOW
Lea-You will never hear them say “Could it be because I have no idea how to please a woman and that I am hopelessly bad at sex? Could it be that I am an entitled douchenozzel and women are so disgusted at being pressured into having sex with me that they clam up?” Nope, they just lie there because they are ‘naturally passive’. *rolls eyes*
Yup. Doosh even pretends that being unable to satisfy a woman is some sort of display of alpha power, rather than him just being too lazy to acquire the knack for giving his partners (victims in reality) orgasms. That’s some weapons grade denial.
Hi and welcome!
You’re a woman and you’re accepted. I’m sorry you’ve been made to feel otherwise.
You know, this poem reminds me of my days reviewing “poetry” at Gaia Online. He’d fit right in there.
Lea- Ridiculous, isn’t it? It never ceases to amaze me how out of touch with reality that guy (and others like him) is, especially regarding his inflated opinion of himself. It would be hilarious if it didn’t have such devastating effect on other people.
@Lindsay_Irene – not an inappropriate point at all to bring in Molly Ivins. I sure do miss her. Thanks for that.
OMG I used to hang around in the Gaia Online writers forum too. Were you a regular in the Eleventyone thread, perchance?
@Sunny – it’s been so long that I honestly don’t remember. But I do remember every time someone would post an Evanescence song as their own original poem and get pissy when called out on it – I use Sephirajo everywhere else, so maybe we have run across eachother. Haven’t been on Gaia in YEARS though. xD
That poem was so bad it knocked the teeth right out of my vagina. 0/10. However, having a poem dedicated to you is quite romantic. Nobody has ever dedicated a poem to me!
Regardless of the content, CLEARLY, they’re obsessed with us and we’re an important part of their lives. 2/10 for effort.
“Their identity, their ego, is very much attached to this sense of masculinity (Which is about performance/feigning strength, while femininity is about inaction/feigning weakness…”
It’s always saddest when they get this close. Just the right logical progression from this statement and you’d be a feminist, mate. But no, of course the next step is “and that’s why women are awful.”
When a totalitarian is soft, what good is a vagina to them?
I’m really tired of the assumption that women’s reproductive role is to passively accept sperm and the rest is just incubation. The egg is just waiting to be “taken”. That is not at all what happens.
Conditions in vagina must be favorable for sperm and more alkaline for them to travel easily.
The egg lures it with a chemical it releases called chemotaxis, otherwise sperm get lost.
Once a single sperm fuses with the egg, the egg produces a membrane to shut other sperm out.
Sounds to me like a beautiful fusion resulting from teamwork!
Nitram-“Sounds to me like a beautiful fusion resulting from teamwork!”
Yep! 😀
I’m wondering whether the guys who wrote these bizarre poems are a subconscious Freudian attempt to hide the fact (not shameful in itself, but perhaps shameful to them) that they have never seen a “scary” (sic) woman’s body part up close, and are actually terrified of a woman’s body.
If so, then their claims to moral expertise are kind of freaky.
I mean, I’m tempted to say that some of these guys who are “going his own way,” sure as hell spend a lot of time thinking about what some “people of ManSpertise” tend to call “female anatomy.” >______<
And as for the line: "To cut your dick off…"
Well, I really wonder what Freud, Jung or Adler (let alone Wagner!) might have made of that one. There's a whole shedload of psychoanalytic speculation about this poem just waiting to be uncovered.
That was a WEIRD one…
It's like I could just scream to MRA people:
"Relax guys, women are NOT that scary. They're actually as Homo Sapiens as anyone else if you just quit your irrational fears and just chill, for God's sake. They don't have two heads or 1000 arms. The "BogeyFems" are not hiding in your wardrobe, just waiting to jump out and castrate you."
I think I just died a little this evening.
What the FUCK did I just read?