a woman is always to blame creepy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit vaginas

The Soft Totalitarian’s Hole of Choice: MGTOW Poetry Korner

It's just a damn citrus fruit, people!
Sometimes a grapefruit is just a grapefruit.

Stickied to the top of the MGTOW subreddit is this lovely bit of … poetry, I guess:

Pussy is the

Soft totalitarian’s

Hole of choice.

Porta Guillotines

To cut your dick off

And pay with your life,

The lives of your children;

Right on down

The bloody line.

There are…

Steel bars

In that



This guy doesn’t really deserve it, but let’s give him some cat beatnik snaps for trying.

Three snaps up?
Three snaps up?

In the discussion of this, er, poem on the MGTOW subreddit, one MGTOW philosopher offers these, er, thoughts:

The “vagina dentata”. As the so-called “dissident” Feminist, Camille Paglia says: “Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female.”

Some take the adoption of this way of thinking as being “afraid” of vagina, but it is more of a realization. Acceptance. I think the thing that truly keeps men from being unplugged from the matrix (which is another word for womb), is their death grip on their assigned, traditional sense of masculinity. Their identity, their ego, is very much attached to this sense of masculinity (Which is about performance/feigning strength, while femininity is about inaction/feigning weakness). Ironic, then, that it is this death grip on masculinity that keeps men falling back into the womb endlessly, where they exit as lesser men each time.

It is truly in women’s best interest that men maintain this death-grip on performative masculinity, because it’s how they continue to get a free ride.

Uh, what?

That makes even less sense than the poem.

No snaps for you. Or for Camille Paglia, either.

H/T — r/thebluepill

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Zemyla (@Zemyla)
9 years ago

sunnysombrera: I’m pretty sure trying to sell bottles of piss would get you arrested as well.

Ima Pseudonym
Ima Pseudonym
9 years ago

The soft what of what, now? That doesn’t even make sense!

Here, let me try…

“Ukelele is the
Fibrous Rasputin’s
Tangelo of vindication”

The form seems to be:

“(Noun) is the
(Adjective) (possessive noun referring to PoliSci history)
(Noun) of (abstract noun)”

Professor fate
Professor fate
9 years ago

Every MRA poetry is posted here I sense a great disturbance in the force as if a million Vogons cried out in angry jealousy all at once.

9 years ago

Exfoliation is the
Speculative junta’s
Pincushion of freedom

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Black Forest cheesecake is the
Inside-out Pol Pot’s
Wii U of confusion

… Emphasis on confusion.

9 years ago

“(Noun) is the
(Adjective) (possessive noun referring to PoliSci history)
(Noun) of (abstract noun)”

Oooh, let me try.

Marigold is the
Herbivorous Jungian’s
Telephone of attitude.


It’s like the world’s ugliest haiku generator.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

@sunnysombrera – The combination of LFG, lessening through sex, and constant renewal are now swirling around my head and trying to form themselves into a riddle. “More precious than troy ounces of gold, yet abundant as the seas, something something left lesser than before.” I’ll have to work on it.

@Kirbywarp – It is a messy, illogical train of thought, isn’t it? Also completely at odds with all of those “man as dominant conqueror, taker of his due” hetero sex narratives that the Manosphere often cherishes.

9 years ago

“(Noun) is the
(Adjective) (possessive noun referring to PoliSci history)
(Noun) of (abstract noun)”

“Sunscreen is the
Giddy Know-Nothing Party’s
Lager of condolence.”

9 years ago

It’s like the world’s ugliest haiku generator.

I would have let him
eat all the junk food he craved
if I had but known.

Where did I go wrong?
I grew him apples and pears
and peaches and plums

and he ate them up
and then found much fault with them
for not being fries

or corn dogs or Pez
or twinkies or sausage or
deep-frozen Hormel.

Enough is enough.
If you want grapefruit eat it,
if not, then pipe down.

There’s apples enough
for a galaxy of pies;
gustibus non est.

But if you hate pie
then you ought not to eat pie
(this explains itself).

— so says Mother Eve
at the close of a long day
of tending her crop.

9 years ago

It is truly in women’s best interest that men maintain this death-grip on performative masculinity, because it’s how they continue to get a free ride.

“Death-grip on performative masculinity”? wut?

Also, where did he show the supposed “free ride” the ambiguous “they” get?

Ooh, scary vagina hole where you lose your precious gold-like man substance! Maybe you’ll be enslaved by the nasty feeemale with her vagina teeth who will make you participate in your children’s upbringing.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Performative masculinity sounds like a particularly intriguing, abstract form of conceptual performance art.

How sure are we that MRAs aren’t all merely performance artists and this is the grandest deconstruction of gender roles ever seen?

9 years ago

A lot of MRAs obsess over the transactional model of sexuality. The man trades money/time/energy/commitment in exchange for sex. This website even had examples of men using to term “pussyconomics” to describe it. Unfortunately they assume that the transaction is inherent to sex. Thus the man is inherently diminished because he has to give up something practical in exchange for sex. They also assume that men need sex, and they need it for more than just the pleasure. MGTOWs try to say no to the exchange all together. PUAs look for ways to cheat the system. Redpillers believe Alpha males get a better exchange rate than Betas. MRAs obsess over the idea that women use access to sex to control men.

In this case, sex diminishes men because he presumably had to spend money and/or time and energy or given her SOMETHING IMPORTANT before they were granted access to sex and whatever it represents. Then presumably men have to follow women’s orders to get sex, allowing the woman to act as a “soft tyrant” using her vagina. Of course this works better when everyone involved clings to traditional gender roles.

Ironically, it seems that many MRAs recognize the ways that patriarchy hurts men, but then immediately ignore the ways that it benefits men. In a traditional hetero-normative relationship the man does have a lot of burdens and responsibilities but also a lot of power. They want to alleviate those burdens, which is understandable, and often feminists want to do the same. Unfortunately they seem to always throw a fit whenever the power granted by patriarchy is challenged.

9 years ago

@Flying Mouse on semen being renewable

Interestingly, there iswas apparently widespread belief in India and China that every time a man ejaculated, he’d lose some of his life force. The more semen a man loses, the shorter his lifespan will be.

Maybe they’ve been influenced by that belief? (Not serious about that suggestion) 😛

9 years ago

It is truly in women’s best interest that men maintain this death-grip on performative masculinity, because it’s how they continue to get a free ride.

Death-grip on performative masculinity?

Is that that thing where a guy’s grip is too hard when he masturbates and he ends up needing that amount of pressure to climax and so can no longer climax when having piv sex?
Think I’ve heard the term “death-grip” used to describe that.

9 years ago

Their writing strongly reminds me of first and second year uni students, so desperate to be seen as intellectuals they use words they don’t properly understand in the hope it will prove their cleverness.

I call this cargo cult intellectualism.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ scalyllama

It’s interesting that at Law School and Bar School they constantly drill into you to avoid using ‘big’ words.

Still happens though, even in practice. One judge expressed his exasperation that he’d sat on over two thousand traffic cases and never once had he heard a lawyer use the word “car” 🙂

9 years ago

OT; ICYMI: Denver Comic Con just earned itself a place on the All Male Panels Tumblr (featured on WHTM back on May 13th, iirc) by holding a panel on Women in Comics featuring, you guessed it, all men. When called out, their excuse was the rather limp one that it was a last minute addition to the program and they didn’t know any women speakers who were available. The story of how female attendees subsequently organised their own panel ,on the fly, featuring women who ARE expert in that field and who were ALREADY ATTENDING THE CON, makes fascinating reading. I do love me a good smackdown!

Link here:

(You may now return to your regularly scheduled blog discussion.)

9 years ago

@ Alan R

Bahahaha! What do they use instead? Vehicle? Transportation module? Horseless carriage? I can well understand that judge’s frustration!

Law is an area the Plain English Speaking movement has long targeted. It’ll take a while to filter through, I’m guessing.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


How may other words are there for cars? Like, automobiles, maybe. Unless they’re addressing the specific type of car, like sedan or van or truck.

Did types of cars count towards not seeing the word car?

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Mainly “vehicle” but pretty much any other fancy word rather than car.

He had a pretty good rant:

“It’s always “In what manner was he operating his motor vehicle”. Why can’t you people just ask “How was his fucking driving?”!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Well, yeah, that’s dumb.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

True, but it’s almost a cliche that ‘professional’ court users slip into that. The stereotypical way of imitating a police officer giving evidence is:

“I was proceeding in a northerly direction…”

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

Ernest Hemingway apparently believed that men were alloted a finite number of orgasms per life. Whether or not believing he had reached his limit caused him to end his life is unrecorded.

Meanwhile, considering what a lot of these MRA idiots are like, I’m actually shocked that the term hasn’t been changed to Liquid Fucking Bitcoins yet.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Wait, who is the “soft totalitarian”? I thought he was admitting these guys’ totalitarian tendencies, but I guess he was referring to women? In what sense is “pussy” our “hole of choice?” Dude, we don’t ask to be born with them. We just are.

I think the thing that truly keeps men from being unplugged from the matrix (which is another word for womb), is their death grip on their assigned, traditional sense of masculinity. Their identity, their ego, is very much attached to this sense of masculinity (Which is about performance/feigning strength, while femininity is about inaction/feigning weakness). Ironic, then, that it is this death grip on masculinity that keeps men falling back into the womb endlessly, where they exit as lesser men each time.

It is truly in women’s best interest that men maintain this death-grip on performative masculinity, because it’s how they continue to get a free ride

Without their “death grip on masculinity” men would fall back into the womb.

It’s in women’s “best interests” for men to maintain said death grip.

So, he’s anti-feminist and pro- assigned, traditional, performative masculinity.

But he’s an MGTOW. Doesn’t that mean he doesn’t want to “perform” any more?

I has a confused.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Interestingly, there iswas apparently widespread belief in India and China that every time a man ejaculated, he’d lose some of his life force. The more semen a man loses, the shorter his lifespan will be

I didn’t know that. Interesting! And probably very stressful for people in that time and place.

Meanwhile, considering what a lot of these MRA idiots are like, I’m actually shocked that the term hasn’t been changed to Liquid Fucking Bitcoins yet.

And abandon the gold standard? Never!!!