a woman is always to blame creepy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit vaginas

The Soft Totalitarian’s Hole of Choice: MGTOW Poetry Korner

It's just a damn citrus fruit, people!
Sometimes a grapefruit is just a grapefruit.

Stickied to the top of the MGTOW subreddit is this lovely bit of … poetry, I guess:

Pussy is the

Soft totalitarian’s

Hole of choice.

Porta Guillotines

To cut your dick off

And pay with your life,

The lives of your children;

Right on down

The bloody line.

There are…

Steel bars

In that



This guy doesn’t really deserve it, but let’s give him some cat beatnik snaps for trying.

Three snaps up?
Three snaps up?

In the discussion of this, er, poem on the MGTOW subreddit, one MGTOW philosopher offers these, er, thoughts:

The “vagina dentata”. As the so-called “dissident” Feminist, Camille Paglia says: “Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female.”

Some take the adoption of this way of thinking as being “afraid” of vagina, but it is more of a realization. Acceptance. I think the thing that truly keeps men from being unplugged from the matrix (which is another word for womb), is their death grip on their assigned, traditional sense of masculinity. Their identity, their ego, is very much attached to this sense of masculinity (Which is about performance/feigning strength, while femininity is about inaction/feigning weakness). Ironic, then, that it is this death grip on masculinity that keeps men falling back into the womb endlessly, where they exit as lesser men each time.

It is truly in women’s best interest that men maintain this death-grip on performative masculinity, because it’s how they continue to get a free ride.

Uh, what?

That makes even less sense than the poem.

No snaps for you. Or for Camille Paglia, either.

H/T — r/thebluepill

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9 years ago

the matrix (which is another word for womb)

It is not, but thank you for carrying on the great misogynist tradition of comparing sex with women to being inside your moms as babies. Never gets less creepy.

9 years ago

What is this “Brietbart”? The comments are indeed entertaining. I didn’t realize feminists promote “gendercide”! Lol!

9 years ago

My hole of choice is a black hole. Look at the pretty accretion disk.

9 years ago

@wwth Accretion dicks? OMG! MISANDRY!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

That’s a gorgeous accretion disk. Have you seen NGC 300 X-1? It’s the most amazing blue colour and is cannibalising off a nearby star in a way that just looks heart stoppingly beautiful. Black holes are awesome.

If we’re disallowing space stuff (because I could witter about it for ages ) then my favourite hole is this one:


9 years ago

Viscaria: It actually is; it’s Latin. Why someone thought that was a good name for a rectangular array of numbers is anyone’s guess.

9 years ago

Beatniks cats are as wondrous as nail filing cats. It’s as if when the world seems to get worse for moment, cat gifs will step up their their game.

9 years ago

Also I’m bad at posting Gifs.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Katz and Viscaria

It started out as womb; then became a word for where things develop, then a place where possibilities are worked out, then from that into the logic grid. I love etymology

Miss Andry
9 years ago

That’s it, I’m forming a black metal band and its name will be “Vagina Dentata.” It’s settled.

9 years ago

The “vagina dentata”. As the so-called “dissident” Feminist, Camille Paglia says: “Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female.”

That’s not how that works. At all.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Well, the important part is that you think you’re living in the real world, but you’re really just a brain in a womb.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Dear MRAs:


Don’t make me slap you with my awesome trenchcoat. =|

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Err, that sounded less silly and more violent than it was supposed to. Oops. Supposed to be silly.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Well, I suspect there’s a few Doctor Who fans on here being too polite to make the obvious point…. 😉

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Camille Paglia says: “Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female.”

Is Paglia talking specifically about ejaculation here? That does require a particular action on a man’s part, but I’m having a hard time figuring out how it leaves him as a lesser being. Last time I checked, semen was a renewable resource.

9 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

FWIW, I couldn’t resist playing the trenchoat-slapping scene in my head repeatedly and sometimes in slow motion.

9 years ago

I’ve been lurking here since following a link from a Guardian article about the Fury Road boycott. I love this site. I’ve read so many wonderful, wise, funny, and impassioned posts, both above and below the line. I just can’t lurk any more. I want to join in and get my welcome basket. Xxx

9 years ago

The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female.”

Hi there MGTOW, we feminists are actively trying to get rid of those trite gender stereotypes, are you interested in helping us?

It is truly in women’s best interest that men maintain this death-grip on performative masculinity, because it’s how they continue to get a free ride.

Yeah, cause eeeeevil feeeeeemales are totally the ones keeping a vice-grip on gender roles and don’t want them to change.

Reminds me of the idiots who blame feminists for things that feminists are actively fighting against.

9 years ago

s Paglia talking specifically about ejaculation here? That does require a particular action on a man’s part, but I’m having a hard time figuring out how it leaves him as a lesser being. Last time I checked, semen was a renewable resource.

Liquid Fucking Gold, remember? We’re supposed to revere Red Pillers for depositing a bodily fluid that’s as common as piss, and harder to clean up.

9 years ago

@Flying Mouse:

If she is referring to ejaculation, then she’s got some rather bizarre definitions going. Sure, ejaculation is an “action” just like shivering is an “action.” It basically happens automatically with the right type of stimulation.

In fact, if you want to label just the act of ejaculating as an “action,” then what about ovaries releasing eggs, or the uterus building up thickness to support a zygote, or the months and months of nurturing and development of a fetus?

Singling out this one small slice of time out of the entire process of reproduction is basically the only way you can paint men as active and women as passive, and even then you have to hand-wave.

No idea how the “lesser being” thing works, especially since the quote is structured such that the second sentence is supposed to be explaining the first. So the fact that men are the “active” party means that they are diminished through action, whereas women stay undiminished through inaction? What?

9 years ago

Well, almost as common as piss, but if you tried to sell bottles of your own spunk at a car boot sale you’d probably get arrested for being a public nuisance.

9 years ago

The “vagina dentata”. As the so-called “dissident” Feminist, Camille Paglia says: “Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female.”

Um…just because you’re the one being penetrated doesn’t mean that you’re being passively receptive or that you don’t have to do anything to aid penetration. Also, ovulation isn’t passive, and the egg plays a major, active role in conception.

Jesus Christ. As much many biotruths as they throw around, they don’t seem to understand the mechanics of sex or conception very well.