Stickied to the top of the MGTOW subreddit is this lovely bit of … poetry, I guess:
Pussy is the
Soft totalitarian’s
Hole of choice.
Porta Guillotines
To cut your dick off
And pay with your life,
The lives of your children;
Right on down
The bloody line.
There are…
Steel bars
In that
This guy doesn’t really deserve it, but let’s give him some cat beatnik snaps for trying.

In the discussion of this, er, poem on the MGTOW subreddit, one MGTOW philosopher offers these, er, thoughts:
The “vagina dentata”. As the so-called “dissident” Feminist, Camille Paglia says: “Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female.”
Some take the adoption of this way of thinking as being “afraid” of vagina, but it is more of a realization. Acceptance. I think the thing that truly keeps men from being unplugged from the matrix (which is another word for womb), is their death grip on their assigned, traditional sense of masculinity. Their identity, their ego, is very much attached to this sense of masculinity (Which is about performance/feigning strength, while femininity is about inaction/feigning weakness). Ironic, then, that it is this death grip on masculinity that keeps men falling back into the womb endlessly, where they exit as lesser men each time.
It is truly in women’s best interest that men maintain this death-grip on performative masculinity, because it’s how they continue to get a free ride.
Uh, what?
That makes even less sense than the poem.
No snaps for you. Or for Camille Paglia, either.
H/T — r/thebluepill
Of course MGTOWers are into Paglia. Of course they are. I mean, a woman who hates other women, despite the fact that she wants to have sex with them. She’s basically a terper with ovaries. Is this a good time to post a link to Molly Ivins’ takedown of Camilla?
Absolutely obsessed with something they are terrified of.
Wait, I thought the female was supposed to be the one lessened by sex. Used chewing gum, lowered SMV, blah blah.
If sex makes everyone worse off, why do these guys continue to make it the centerpiece of their existence?
*wrapping head around this mentality*
They fear what they cannot control. The act of being a vagina haver is seen as an act of aggression. My pussy scares the bejeezus out of them because it is attached to me and I can tell them “No”. They think being allowed to say “No” is too much power for me to wield. They think men get to tell me when I have to let them use me.
That level of entitlement is evil.
The last post is about how we are responsible for men raping us and they call that a free ride? What are we getting for free from men that we shouldn’t? What is it we have no right to that they resent so much?
Ownership of our bodies.
They think it is our fault men rape us because it isn’t rape in their minds until we say “No”. That’s the “accountability” we keep reading about. It’s revenge and they know it. They know they hate us for not being self warming fleshlights.
They get horny when they see a woman.
They cannot act on it.
She’s “provoking” men to rape and kill her.
Yet society sort of frowns on that sort of thing so poor, poor men are being trod upon by nasty feminists who won’t let them punish women for existing outside male control.
They feel so sorry for themselves that they write fucking “poetry” about it. They think all men are rapists or want to be rapists because they cannot imagine men not hating women and their liberty as much as they do. Those who make it clear they do not are mocked as not being “real men” because “real men” are rapists.
Because it isn’t about sex at all. They’ll lower themselves by fucking women only to hurt women. Straight sex = abuse and ownership. Their pleasure is not derived from returned attraction, affection or passion. Orgasm is only fun for them because it means they “won” at sex. The best part for them is that other men like them will grant them higher status. Non-rapists = betas and maginas.
Basically, they agree with Andrea Dworkin’s assessment of them. No wonder they hate her so much.
She all but called them out by name.
I have to recommend the horror Teeth (2008) after reading this. It is a fairly gory and funny (darkly so) look at a young woman’s journey into sexual experience (rape warning).
It was once said of Paglia: ‘she takes culture and makes Nintendo out of it’.
Holy projection, Batman!
So close. So close and yet not quite there.
That’s why men who hate women are obsessed with getting sexes from them. To misogynists all sex is and should be abuse of women. Sex is a weapon that makes them “men”. That’s another reason why they hate men women want to fuck and gay men. Gay men are having sex that does not harm women. Men consensually pleasuring their female lovers are not harming women. That’s a betrayal in these estimation of misogynists. That’s toxic masculinity.
That second comment sounds like a closeted trans woman that decided to hate women instead of transition. There’s a lot of coded language there that basically boils down to, “I wish I could be feminine.”
I’m a trans woman myself and always longed for women to accept me. Maybe instead of transition this person got brainwashed by redpill bullshit, and decided to hate women. Closeted trans women are the perfect recruitment demographic for MRAs, sad, angry, with no sense of self or one’s place in the world.
Femininity is about inaction? They wish.
Written like someone whose sole conception of sex is missionary position.
The mindset of these guys seems to be that they need to prove themselves by “winning.” And, in order for them to win, someone else (usually a woman) has to lose. They can’t seem to conceive of mutually beneficial situations. One side has to win and one side has to lose. No wonder they are miserable.
The sort of people who conceive of femininity as inaction also strike me as the kind of people who conflate femininity with child-rearing. I can attest that babies, past a certain age, may very well move around at least once during the day.
Some part of me misses the days when my tots would stick where I stuck ’em, usually when I’m questioning whether I am a dad, or a jungle gym.
WT everloving F?
These guys really think that something like “being responsible for your offspring” is a fucking trap? Oh, right, because the woman who’s going to do it with you might have “thoughts” and “opinions” and “needs”. Next thing you know she’ll want to have input on raising the kids!
Goddamned Vogon poetry is more pleasant.
… This is totally an aside, but I always thought Douglas Adams missed a great opportunity to have humans be utterly immune to shitty poetry because we’ve made so damn much of it ourselves.
I’m not entirely sure about the books, but there was an old-school Interactive Fiction game made about Hitch-hikers. One of the puzzles has you (playing as Arthur Dent) captured by Vogons and tortured by being read Vogon poetry.
The key to the puzzle? Listen to the poetry. You’ll remark that it isn’t bad at all, and the Vogon will be so pleased that he’ll read you another verse before letting you go. Meanwhile poor Ford will be writhing in the seat next to you.
It’s pretty hilarious.
(Important Note: Douglas Adams played a huge part in the writing and creation of the game)
It’s like, he was almost onto something there…with the whole assigned gender expectations of strength/weakness, and how some people suffer by clinging to these…and then the last paragraph happened.
So close. So close.
Camille Fucking Paglia isn’t a “dissident feminist”. She’s not a feminist at all. She’s a self-important Randroid constantly shouting “Me! Me! ME! I’m oppressed because nobody recognizes my genius and the evil academic feminists want to deny me my rightful tenure!”
(Remind you of anyone???)
Someone also needs to nudge them and mention that words don’t become poetry if you write them vertically!
Not a documentary, boys.
But hey, if that’s what it takes for you to stay far, far away from my vagina and everyone else’s, continue to believe it. No skin off my nose.
It is an unfortunate fact that society has shaped itself in such a way that men’s sense of identity becomes so strongly linked to their sense of strength and control that they cast themselves as takers in a sexual relationship despite the fact that the mechanics of sex contradicts this assertion at a fundamental level.
If more dudes became more comfortable with their understandable need to occasionally surrender to other forces, then we would have fewer of them so frantically trying to lose themselves in so many vaginas and confused as to why it doesn’t work and leaves them feeling continuously dissatisfied and seeking release once again.
The fear of pussy is the fear of losing strength/control a la Samson/Delilah route and not being a man anymore, and the problem with this thinking is that this results in an abusive control freak neurosis and obsession with sex. For a clear cut example, see Roosh V.
kirby: That is how it plays out in the books, pretty much. Arthur, at the end of the agonizing verse, proceeds to give the sort of BS sophistry critique that is part of the sophomore English Lit major experience.
I really like the poet’s implication that totalitarians, in general, have a hole of choice.
Stalin’s go-to was glazed donuts.
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