advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy cultural marxism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism reactionary bullshit terrorism

Manosphere blogger: Anders Breivik “should have targeted the politicians, media, and bureaucrats, not their children”

Breivik, smirking, after his arrest
Breivik after his arrest

In July of 2011, Anders Breivik set off a bomb in front of government buildings in Oslo, killing 8 people, then gunned down dozens more at a summer camp for the youth league of the Norwegian labor party; in all, 77 people died by his hand. Breivik, a virulent Islamaphobe with a manifesto he wanted to publicize, thought he was striking a blow at the “Cultural Marxists,” multiculturalists, and feminists who, in his mind, were destroying European culture.

On Free Northerner, a far-right manosphere blog run by a self-described “Christian Reactionary,” the regulars are debating if Breivik did their cause more good or harm.

In a post that is equal parts pedantic and pernicious, the anonymous blogger behind the site tries to assess whether or not Breivik was engaged in a “just war” against his foes. Free Northerner argues that

Breivik did have a just cause for war; the rapes, violence, and slow genocide of his people by foreigners and hostile elites are just causes for war, but he was not carrying out a just war.

While Breivik’s cause, in the blogger’s mind, was a noble one, he failed the test for a “just war” by acting alone and targeting youth rather than “legitimate military targets.” Also, Free Northerner laments,

his actions had no real chance of success. Given that propaganda outlets are almost entirely in the hands of his enemies, the most realistic outcome was that his actions would actively hinder his cause.

In order for his attacks to qualify as a just war, Free Northerner suggests, Breivik would have had to rally a significant portion of Norwegians to his cause. And been a bit more picky about his targets:

Given the nature of the conflict in Norway, I think a legitimate case could be made that the ruling elite and politicians are legitimate military targets, but the spawn of the ruling elites were not. He should have targeted the politicians, media, and bureaucrats, not their children.

Good to know just which particular forms of murder are ok with you.

The readers of Free Northerner’s blog aren’t all this squeamish about the whole “indiscriminate killing” thing.

One anonymous commenter, giving himself the name of “A. Breivik,” writes

I don’t agree. Breivik lurks in the subconscious of reactionaries and SJWs alike.

I think a decentralized “lone-wolf” campaign of violence directed at SJWs could have a multiplier effect. Terrorizing weak minded sophists, while inspiring innumerable disaffected members of the majority to finally stand in self defense.

America could sorely use a Breivik or two.

A commenter calling himself Pode decides to do the whole “devil’s advocate” thing, although it’s clear he agrees pretty thorougly with this particular devil.

Argument could be made (not necessarily by me, just advocating for the devil) that the traitorous elites of Norway have in fact declared war, by allowing the invasion, violence, & rape. Thus any member of the Norweigan people would be justified in undertaking a solo mission in that existing civil war … since the war has already begun.

In a followup comment, he added:

Further, compulsory exposure to the content of the public school system could arguably be considered a kidnapping attack on the children of the Norwegians, making their opponents children equally legitimate targets

Commenter Mark Citadel is fine with political assassinations; he just thinks the far-right needs to get a bit more organized about it. Yes, “the Norwegian government is an enemy, like all Western governments,” he argues, but “lone wolf” attacks like Breivik’s can backfire.

Yes, there can be positive effects such as inspiring others, but these are often outweighed by big negatives and tricky moral questions. I think the issue is where do we draw the line? Modernity is the aggressor in this conflict and its adherents are not shy about using violence against us. Where can we respond in kind, and where can’t we. That’s a question that really needs hashing out on the radical right.

But hey, Citadel continues, while Breivik wasn’t really a proper Reactionary, he had some “good instincts,” and picked the right targets. “I do give him props for not blowing up a mosque or something similar,” Citadel writes. “He did actually ‘gore the matador, and not the red sheet’ as I think Jim put it.”

It’s not news that there are those in the right-wing of the manosphere who think Anders Breivik was at least partially on the right track. Shortly after Breivik’s mass murders in 2011, after all, the radical and repellent MRA Peter Nolan wrote that “in different times” Breivik “would be called a hero”; the equally repellant Matt Forney described Breivik’s manifesto as lucid and “sensible,” and a bunch of Men’s Rights Redditors praised excerpts of Breivik’s manifesto before realizing just what it was they were praising.

But it is a little startling to see reactionary manospherians talking so openly, and even enthusiastically, about the pros and cons of murdering their political opponents and/or their children.

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9 years ago

What is it with these reactionary asses and their moral relativism? Sure, Breivik woulda been a hero in a different time. So was Hitler.

For people who are sure there is a Wrong(tm) and a Right(tm), they sure are willing to see a lot of gray.

9 years ago

Well, this is terrifying.

9 years ago

I didn’t realize Norway was such a hellscape. Here I thought they had some of the lowest crime, poverty, and unemployment rates in the world. Those poor Norwegians. Living under the tyranny of a high quality of life.

Miss Diketon
9 years ago

I can’t even say how disgusted I am by this. These people have no shame.

9 years ago

These people really think trying to have a society that doesn’t condemn interracial marriage is a de facto genocide campaign, don’t they?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I don’t want to say that all MRAs are neo-Nazis, rapists, paedophiles and/or potential serial killers, but I’m yet to hear about an MRA that wasn’t a neo-Nazi, rapist, paedophile and/or potential serial killer.

9 years ago


Without a hint of irony you have correctly described their beliefs. That is literally a thing they claim frequently.

9 years ago

Vox Day, who has been going on about his “SJWs always lie” meme for a few weeks now, is on record stating he believes that Breivik will one day be hailed as a hero in Norway.

9 years ago

I’m wondering if we should make some reports to the FBI again…

9 years ago

Karl Ove Knausgaard has a profile of Breivik in a recent New Yorker. For me the most shocking thing, besides the horrific murders themselves, was reading that when he was arrested, he was strip-searched, and when he got down to his underpants he started posing, bodybuilder poses. There’s quite a bit there that the poisoned-masculinity set can relate to, I guess. They’re all moral infants. Just recently Breivik was hollering about being “tortured” by not having enough video games.

9 years ago

Loool oh my god he would end up a GamerGater, wouldn’t he?

9 years ago

Fnarf | May 29, 2015 at 4:38 pm

Karl Ove Knausgaard has a profile of Breivik in a recent New Yorker. For me the most shocking thing, besides the horrific murders themselves, was reading that when he was arrested, he was strip-searched, and when he got down to his underpants he started posing, bodybuilder poses. There’s quite a bit there that the poisoned-masculinity set can relate to, I guess. They’re all moral infants. Just recently Breivik was hollering about being “tortured” by not having enough video games.

I… I had to Google that last one. It was just too perfect to be true.

I am sorry for doubting. It’s true:

Mind you, he was threatening a hunger strike that would start “soon” if he didn’t get “more adult video games” and a newer console than a PS 2–back in February. Still no announcement that he’s actually begun it.

The mind, it boggles.

9 years ago

I’m pretty sure Free Northerner is a frequent commenter on Vox Popoli.

9 years ago

He killed a bunch of children. He’s a pussy through and through. He preyed on the weak and innocent, he deserves no discussion. (Irony I know)

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
9 years ago

Their “white genocide” wank is made infinitely more evil when placed next to their tendency to deny ACTUAL GENOCIDES like The Holocaust/Greek Genocide/The Armenian Genocide/The Belgian Congo/Every other one i can’t remember off the top of my head.

Fuckers are just afraid they’ll start getting treated like they treated too many others.

9 years ago

My favourite part is when they discuss how “murdering children” could include “tricky moral questions”.

9 years ago


… Please don’t use gendered slurs here. Come on, this is a feminism blog.

9 years ago

And my phone won’t let me post under SFHC for some reason. Oh well.

9 years ago

Basically, children are fair game. They come from cnts. MRAs, on the other hand, hatch from china eggs laid by roosters.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Just recently Breivik was hollering about being “tortured” by not having enough video games.

Such ethics.

R. A. Stark
9 years ago

Because the bar has been set so low, can I say that I’m actually impressed that the blogger distinguished between jus ad bellum and jus in bello? There are journalists covering wars who struggle with this.

Of course, the reason I find this impressive is because everything else is so vile and wrong that getting words right seems novel.

9 years ago

I wish these guys would just own up to the fact that they’re The Baddies, and just start wearing black hats with skulls on. Oh, wait Davis Aurini already has.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


*hides winter hats that are black with skulls on them; also that one pirate hat*

9 years ago


I just… humans suck.

9 years ago

@Mikki, I’m gonna have to agree with M./SFHC – please don’t use “pussy” as an insult. I agree with your assessment of Breivik being, underneath the bravado and machismo and horrific violence, a weak, cowardly loser. But I hope you see that using female* genitalia as a term for weakness is an unfortunate choice.

The point has been made by others before, but I’m gonna quote Chuck Wendig’s lovely quote on why using “pussy” as an insult isn’t just misogynistic, but makes no anatomical sense:

(after the interviewer mentions “growing a pair of balls”) “Balls are actually notoriously weak, far as parts of the body go. I mean, I could catch a wiffle ball in the crotch and double over in misery. The testicles are very sensitive and about as strong as a couple of raw quail eggs rolling around in a set of fishnet stockings. You wanna be hardcore, dang, grow a vagina. Those things are built Ford tough, man. The vagina is like the Incredible Hulk of the human form. It does all the heavy lifting. You ever see a woman give birth to a child? You see that, you’re like, ‘That thing could lift a burning car if it had to.’ If anything, the entire scope of masculine history has been an epic attempt at trying to convince the world that the vagina is tissue paper and our balls are titanium. It’s a huge and ugly ruse.”

*Or rather, genitalia generally assigned “female” by the mainstream; fully aware that not everyone with a vagina/vulva is female.

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