antifeminism cock blockade creepy evil fat fatties evil lying women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings TROOOLLLL!!

You Won’t Be Shocked by This Crappy Return of Kings Post Telling Men Not to Date “Girls Who Claim They Were Raped”

Proper response to virtually all Return of Kings posts


I suppose I should mention the latest attempt at viral outrage from the always terrible Return of Kings boys: A post by B.R. Crumb with the deliberately offensive title “Why You Should Avoid Dating Girls Who Claim They Were Raped.”

The trolly Crumb is so unashamed of his trolliness that he actually devotes a chunk of his post to imagining an outraged reaction from me (“already I can see David Futrelle’s fourth chin trembling as he stammers his rebuttal in a fit of pique”).

So I might as well give him what he wants, a reaction, though it’s one of weariness rather than “pique.” 

Crumb’s “argument” is that, while men shouldn’t necessarily “forego banging a raped chick (after getting her written consent, notarized and in triplicate)” they shouldn’t enter into relationships with them, because a dating strike against “chicks” who claim to have been raped will, as he puts it, undercut the appeal of rape. No, really.

Girls are fond of falsely crying rape because in the sexually liberated West, being known as a rape victim is all upside, no downside. Raped chicks are praised for heroism and bravery. Other people lavish attention on them, and ask them to speak about themselves at length, which for chicks is like crack cocaine.

In extreme cases, raped chicks have leveraged their purported suffering into international acclaim and seven-figure book deals. …

If men once again refuse to date raped chicks, rape will become once more an infrequent source of private and passing pain, and not an indelible merit badge to be trumpeted across all the media outlets in the land.

As you can see, his infallible plan to reduce the alleged appeal of rape is not actually a plan to reduce rape itself; it’s just a plan to try to get women to shut up about being raped.

In case this argument isn’t offensive enough for you, Crumb throws in a remark about raped women “orgasm[ing] underneath [their] alluring, bad-boy attacker[s].”

Crumb confesses that he doesn’t actually care much if men date “raped chicks”; they just need to announce publicly that they won’t.

What matters is that you say you won’t date raped chicks, and thus encourage girls to think that crying rape will hurt their romantic prospects.

Realize that we are fighting a war of disinformation, against an unprincipled enemy that is openly contemptuous of the truth. Nothing could be more tediously unproductive than arguing over facts with an opponent who has chosen to forego them. To win this fight, you have to hit the bitches where it hurts.

And for most chicks, that means attacking their romantic prospects—or, more fundamentally, their attractiveness. Even the most manjawed cunt secretly harbors fantasies of locking down a good man, marrying him, and thereby trebling her disposable income. Chicks will cry rape if it means endless, adoring attention with zero associated cost. But they won’t if they think getting raped renders them unattractive in the eyes of men.

Though the headline of Crumb’s piece refers to “Girls Who Claim They Were Raped” (emphasis mine), and he uses similar language in his post, he quickly forgets about including this qualifier, referring repeatedly to “raped chicks” — as if, on some level, he recognizes that the overwhelming majority of rape claims are indeed true.

Towards the end of the post, he seems to suddenly remember that he’s supposed to pretend that rape accusations are all a bunch of lies.

[I]f we band together in this effort, then someday, in the not-so-distant future, a 6.5 will find herself in her dorm room, regretfully recalling the night she got pounded out by the captain of her college’s club soccer team… and she’ll idly contemplate crying rape.

But then she’ll remember how much she likes the captain of the club swim team, and she’ll consider the impact crying rape would have on his opinion of her. And she’ll think better of her little lie.

And when she does, it will be because together, we took a stand against ever dating raped chicks.

He couldn’t even keep up the facade for more than two paragraphs; in the final paragraph of that quote, he has returned to talking about women that even he would acknowledge have really been raped.

And that, of course, is the whole point of his screed. His “plan,” of course, is really no more than a fantasy — a fantasy, not of a world free of rape but one free of all talk of rape.

He’s not really interested in shutting up women who lie about rape; he’s interested in shutting up those who tell the truth. 

But there is a silver lining here: If the terrible men who make up the bulk of the Return of Kings demographic actually do refuse to date rape survivors, well, they won’t be dating rape survivors. Return of Kings has already declared dating strikes against fat women, women with short hair and probably a number of other kinds of women that I can’t remember at the moment. Ultimately, one can only hope, they’ll end up boycotting all possible categories of human women and settle into long-term and hopefully more-or-less sanitary relationships with their Fleshlights.

I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed.

(I’m sure the comments to Crumb’s post are even worse than anything he’s written; I just don’t have the energy to wander into them today.)

CORRECTION: Crumb says he did not write the headline to his piece; I have reworded one sentence to reflect this.

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9 years ago

I tend to believe that many rape victims don’t go forward and press charges, or even get emotional help for themselves, because they don’t want ts be saddled with the “victim” label. The exact opposite view from Mr. Crumb.

9 years ago

She’s only a 6.5 because of those damn Russian skating judges.

Ha! I’m so old, I remember when 6.0 used to be considered a perfect mark in figure skating.

9 years ago

I think I’m a 6.74. You have to deduct hundredth of points for things like that one slightly crooked tooth I have, and the small birthmark on my calf.

9 years ago

Wow, Crumb certainly has mastered the dazzling discursive skills of a true redpiller. Yup, he says something stupid in imaginary conversation to ideological strawfolk and walks away beaming over his truthbombing. Unbelievable claims of successful “field testing” with actual humans included, natch.

This is not baseless internet bravado. [No doubt.] I have already begun testing these techniques in the wild. [Sure you did.] The effect is immediate, dramatic, and amusing. [#ThatHappened] But it is important that you implement Not Dating Raped Chicks properly, so I leave you with several suggestions and one short, real-world example. [Note: He provides nothing even remotely resembling a real-world example.]
First, don’t seek opportunities to voice your aversion to dating raped chicks. Wait for someone else to bring it up. [Note: Others “bring it up” by mentioning a rape victim.]
Second, explain your position with sympathy for raped chicks, even expressing regret that you couldn’t date one. Never dating raped chicks isn’t retributive. It’s simply something you, as a man, feel compelled to do. [Note; He never actually explains his position, just claims most men won’t date “a raped chick”. He expresses no sympathy, unless you count vaguely sounding sad when he claims a rape victim will never get married.]
Last, don’t take individual responsibility for never dating raped chicks. Explain that all males feel this way; the testicular fortitude to own your feelings is all that distinguishes you from the mass of men. [Note: He explains that how all males feel that way by claiming all males feel that way. No testicular fortitude included.]

[Synopsis: He writes out a imaginary conversation between a ‘Vapid Office Chick’, a ‘Thirsty White Knight’ and an ‘Enlightened RoK Reader’. ‘ERR’ stuns both by saying “most men won’t date a raped chick” twice. It became genuinely cringe inducing after I realized Crumb thinks he’s being very amusing here.]

This is a 10-megaton truth bomb, and your interlocutors will likely be angry and confused in its wake. Don’t expect them to agree with you, but don’t argue the point further. Once you’ve planted the seeds, step away and give them time to grow. [Note: His allegedly real life example takes place in an office, so I’m not sure how he can step away and wait for truth to grow. He’s still at the office, I guess he could just stare blankly and remain mute if the “interlocutors” try to argue with him about his bullshit claim.]

9 years ago

I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed.

You keep your fingers crossed, I’ll keep working on my feminist spell that will cause the penises of every member of RoK and AVfM to grow 4 feet long and strangle them to death.

Call me a sentimentalist, but I thought those few seconds of being the happiest men on earth before realizing they’re about to die is the least we can do for such miserable, hateful people.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Crumbster thinks he’s oh-so-cleverly introducing some “revolutionary” idea here, while in fact he’s just recycling one of the oldest misogynist tropes, that of the “damaged goods” as applied to rape victims.

In doing so, he’s proving, very effectively, how much the new misogyny is like the same ol’ same ol’.

Also, how living under a rock is not a good thing — but if one commits oneself to such arrangements, one should definitely stay under the said rock rather than risk embarrassing himself in trying to rejoin the human race by spouting hate- and fear-filled projections.

9 years ago

Yes, ROK (and other manosperians) please keep marking off “types” of women and girls for misognists not to date or not give any attention to, that would be awesome.

Hugs and kisses if you want them

Hugs and kisses for all rape survivors.

I am born from rape and life for my mom and me was a living hell but I thank our family, friends and church who took care of us, life is good now. I love my mom more than my own life and no matter what I do for her it will never be as close to what she has done for me.

B. Gilbert
B. Gilbert
9 years ago

Utterly Speechless.

I suppose the good thing about them not dating “raped chicks” is that it lessness the chance for their DNA to contaminate the gene pool. So hopefully within a few generations or so they’ll die out.

9 years ago

I didn’t know that about you Fruitloopsie. I’m sorry the circumstances in which you came into the world were terrible but I’m glad life is good for you and your mom now.

9 years ago

already I can see David Futrelle’s fourth chin trembling as he stammers his rebuttal in a fit of pique

1. The fourth chin is the wisdom chin. It’s a sign that a guy has lived and learned.

2. Plus, some 18th-century pundit or other — I think it was Samuel Johnson — opined that while stammerers find it difficult to communicate, their notions are usually more solid than those of other people. (Samuel Johnson was a stammerer and a man of many chins. He regularized the English language and turned it into the tongue we speak today.)

epitome of incomprehensibility

Okay. Who exactly is making millions of dollars out of being raped, again? Yes, there’s been some bestselling books by people who’ve been raped talking about their experience: three I can think of right now, two by women who had been kidnapped as children and whose personal trauma had already been all over the news, and another by an American author who’s most famous as a novelist.* I’m sure none of these people thought, “Hey, so glad I was raped/abused/almost killed, because I can write books about it and everybody will adore me.” NO. WRONG. Wrong wrong wrong.

And I’m sure many, many more people lose friends and connections and suffer financial as well as physical/emotional etc. hardship after being raped… because the rapist was someone in their family, their school, or place of work; because people wouldn’t believe them and told them to keep quiet because of “honour” or “keeping up appearances”; or because of people like Crumb.

*Alice Sebold; quite sure the success of her 1999 memoir came largely after getting acclaim for her 2002 novel The Lovely Bones, so no “seven-figure book deal.”

epitome of incomprehensibility

On a less serious note, calling women “chicks” seems kinda retro and quaint. It makes me picture literal chickens.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

As someone who is a rape survivor (and I would say I’m a 3.14 for the lulz [it’s funny because PI]), it took me years to actually discuss my sexual abuse (which was roughly two years of being raped over and over again) outside of a courtroom. The first time was in my freshman year of high school when I told my story to the school’s guidance counselor, the school’s security officer (who was also a police officer), the DA, and a jury of twelve people.

My fourteen year old self wasn’t relishing in the attention, I wanted nothing more than to be left alone and not talk about it anymore. It hurt me to talk about it. I felt dirty and used and I hated everyone look at me with pity and give me the “I’m sorry” stuff.

In fact, the second time it went to court (my senior year of high school), I had more than one mental breakdown because I didn’t want to talk about my story again. I didn’t want to go back in the courtroom and tell a new jury about how I was held down against my will and assaulted when I was twelve, thirteen, and fourteen by a man twice my size and weight, who beat me for every little infraction, and had almost total power over me.

I’ve only become more relaxed and okay to talk about it after ten plus years, and having time to heal in my own way and at my own pace.

(Oh, and by the way: I learned while visiting my little sister that she kept in contact with her father, which I was fine with, and he started sending her creepy as fuck messages asking her if her boyfriend’s mom was a MILF, and what kind of sexual things she did for her boyfriend, and how he’d like “to find a girl like her” after he got out of prison. Color me not surprised and very, very creeped out. Luckily, her boyfriend’s mom is a good person and reported it, getting him moved to a maximum security prison. He’s threatened to have her killed for it.)

But, all in all, please stay the fuck away from me and other rape survivors RoK douchebags. You and your peens are not wanted here.

9 years ago

Thank you. It’s the reason why I tried to commit suicide several times because my grandma told me that I was a demon’s child and my mom wanted to abort me so I thought life would be easier for my mom if I would just disappear. My grandma has “issues” so I thought I shouldn’t be too hard on her for the things she has said and done to me before and now. I’m not excusing her I’m just saying I understand and I really do love her.

My mom becomes absolutely livid whenever my grandmother would say stuff like that. My mom and I live with her but she told me that we’re gonna move out soon and not have to listen to her anymore and hopefully my depression and anxiety will go away.

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention
Hugs and kisses if you want them.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Fruitloopsie – I’m so sorry about that. I feel like saying “It’s not your fault” but you already know that and it would sound stupid of me. I mean, you deserve good things and I am glad your community is supportive of you and your family.

Also also also –

Yes, ROK (and other manosperians) please keep marking off “types” of women and girls for misognists not to date or not give any attention to, that would be awesome.


9 years ago

Oh shoot I accendently pushed the post comment button when the page was scrolling up and down uncontrollably that’s wierd
I also meant to also post “that’s gross glad he’s in maximum security prison”

epitome of incomprehensibility

(Sorry, I didn’t see the post about your grandmother. The things she said sound really awful. And I guess the point about RoK-ers having more women they won’t approach is at least “fifthed” by now.)

9 years ago

epitome of incomprehensibility
“I feel like saying “It’s not your fault” but you already know that and it would sound stupid of me.”

No it wouldn’t it’s ok you are just giving me support and I thank you for it.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Paradoxical – That’s creepy as hell. I’m glad your sister’s safely away from him.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Jesus fuck. There’s not enough walls between him and the world yet.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Fruitloopsie: Thanks for your support. It happened a long time ago, but I’m glad he’s in a worse prison now. (My mom’s a little worried because it’s closer to where she lives, but I’m sure she’ll be alright. Though, she was being harassed via Facebook by a woman he cheated on her with and had a baby with, and the lady kept going on and on about how they were going to get married after he got out of jail, etc. My mom’s reaction was “You were warned about him. If you want him still, that’s on you.” And she subsequently blocked her.)

@epitome of incomprehensibility: Yeah, she’s a few states away now. She lives with her boyfriend and his family, and his parents love her like a daughter.

Though I got involved in some drama with them while I was down there because the boyfriend is very aggressive with his parents, and they wanted to kick him out, but they wanted to make sure my sister was far away from him first so he couldn’t force her to come with.

He treats her like shit though. He takes all of her money to buy himself some expensive clothes, he refuses to work, and he says shit like “I won’t let her gain weight” that make me want to smack him so hard. But my sister loves him, and I had to avoid being confrontational, so I just had to sit there and stew in my sheer rage.

Hopefully that ends well.

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention
I’m worried about that obnoxious woman’s baby

I loath that feeling like you don’t want to get in the middle of something but you do want to protect someone, ugh! It’s horrible! I hope your sister will be ok and her boyfriend’s parents, being the awesome parents that they are, will come to the rescue if they find out about him or if he does anything.

Leisha Young
Leisha Young
9 years ago

I am so glad I have short hair! I’ve never been more glad actually.

9 years ago

I take deep personal affront at this persons writing. I married a rape survivor, a childhood sexual abuse survivor and a stage 3c bc cancer survivor. Hmmm! what more can I say than that he is unacceptably wrong and that he doesn’t understand what he is actually saying.