I suppose I should mention the latest attempt at viral outrage from the always terrible Return of Kings boys: A post by B.R. Crumb with the deliberately offensive title “Why You Should Avoid Dating Girls Who Claim They Were Raped.”
The trolly Crumb is so unashamed of his trolliness that he actually devotes a chunk of his post to imagining an outraged reaction from me (“already I can see David Futrelle’s fourth chin trembling as he stammers his rebuttal in a fit of pique”).
So I might as well give him what he wants, a reaction, though it’s one of weariness rather than “pique.”
Crumb’s “argument” is that, while men shouldn’t necessarily “forego banging a raped chick (after getting her written consent, notarized and in triplicate)” they shouldn’t enter into relationships with them, because a dating strike against “chicks” who claim to have been raped will, as he puts it, undercut the appeal of rape. No, really.
Girls are fond of falsely crying rape because in the sexually liberated West, being known as a rape victim is all upside, no downside. Raped chicks are praised for heroism and bravery. Other people lavish attention on them, and ask them to speak about themselves at length, which for chicks is like crack cocaine.
In extreme cases, raped chicks have leveraged their purported suffering into international acclaim and seven-figure book deals. …
If men once again refuse to date raped chicks, rape will become once more an infrequent source of private and passing pain, and not an indelible merit badge to be trumpeted across all the media outlets in the land.
As you can see, his infallible plan to reduce the alleged appeal of rape is not actually a plan to reduce rape itself; it’s just a plan to try to get women to shut up about being raped.
In case this argument isn’t offensive enough for you, Crumb throws in a remark about raped women “orgasm[ing] underneath [their] alluring, bad-boy attacker[s].”
Crumb confesses that he doesn’t actually care much if men date “raped chicks”; they just need to announce publicly that they won’t.
What matters is that you say you won’t date raped chicks, and thus encourage girls to think that crying rape will hurt their romantic prospects.
Realize that we are fighting a war of disinformation, against an unprincipled enemy that is openly contemptuous of the truth. Nothing could be more tediously unproductive than arguing over facts with an opponent who has chosen to forego them. To win this fight, you have to hit the bitches where it hurts.
And for most chicks, that means attacking their romantic prospects—or, more fundamentally, their attractiveness. Even the most manjawed cunt secretly harbors fantasies of locking down a good man, marrying him, and thereby trebling her disposable income. Chicks will cry rape if it means endless, adoring attention with zero associated cost. But they won’t if they think getting raped renders them unattractive in the eyes of men.
Though the headline of Crumb’s piece refers to “Girls Who Claim They Were Raped” (emphasis mine), and he uses similar language in his post, he quickly forgets about including this qualifier, referring repeatedly to “raped chicks” — as if, on some level, he recognizes that the overwhelming majority of rape claims are indeed true.
Towards the end of the post, he seems to suddenly remember that he’s supposed to pretend that rape accusations are all a bunch of lies.
[I]f we band together in this effort, then someday, in the not-so-distant future, a 6.5 will find herself in her dorm room, regretfully recalling the night she got pounded out by the captain of her college’s club soccer team… and she’ll idly contemplate crying rape.
But then she’ll remember how much she likes the captain of the club swim team, and she’ll consider the impact crying rape would have on his opinion of her. And she’ll think better of her little lie.
And when she does, it will be because together, we took a stand against ever dating raped chicks.
He couldn’t even keep up the facade for more than two paragraphs; in the final paragraph of that quote, he has returned to talking about women that even he would acknowledge have really been raped.
And that, of course, is the whole point of his screed. His “plan,” of course, is really no more than a fantasy — a fantasy, not of a world free of rape but one free of all talk of rape.
He’s not really interested in shutting up women who lie about rape; he’s interested in shutting up those who tell the truth.
But there is a silver lining here: If the terrible men who make up the bulk of the Return of Kings demographic actually do refuse to date rape survivors, well, they won’t be dating rape survivors. Return of Kings has already declared dating strikes against fat women, women with short hair and probably a number of other kinds of women that I can’t remember at the moment. Ultimately, one can only hope, they’ll end up boycotting all possible categories of human women and settle into long-term and hopefully more-or-less sanitary relationships with their Fleshlights.
I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed.
(I’m sure the comments to Crumb’s post are even worse than anything he’s written; I just don’t have the energy to wander into them today.)
CORRECTION: Crumb says he did not write the headline to his piece; I have reworded one sentence to reflect this.
So RoK-school PUAs are slowly transmogrifying into MGTOWs? And they wonder why the brands get diluted….
That was pretty much my first reaction to this news. Yes, please avoid dating women who have been raped, ROK readers! No exaggeration, the kindest thing you can do for them is keep your toxic selves away from them.
To look on the bright side, if these PUAGTOWs refuse to date some set of women, it’s probably one of the best things that could happen to that set of women. (Romantic prospects significantly improved, rather than limited!)
I invite Mr. Crumb to do a little reading about the reality of being a rape victim. As in, it’s in no way glamorous, and nobody idolizes you. They might call you brave, but that’s because you have to be brave to make it through being fucking raped. But in general, the aftermath of being raped is not much better than the rape itself, and may actually be worse. http://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-1504-8-ways-legal-system-screws-rape-victims-like-me.html
And once again with the fat reference! It’s as if they can’t help equating worth solely with physical appearance. Oh.
If a you tell a guy you were raped and he dumps you, consider it a bullet dodged.
Hey! How do I get one of these seven-figure book deals!?
Also, “manjawed?” What does that even mean??
Finally, I’m willing to wager that the only people who want to silence victims this strongly are perpetrator’s themselves. So… go him for outing himself, I guess.
…Anyone who thinks a rape victim actually enjoys their assaults can go jump off a cliff. Even if you climax, that’s a physical response and not some sort of silent assent that these assholes always seem to think it is.
For the reasons everyone has already stated. MRAs can stay the fuck away from rape survivors all they want.
Is it sad that I knew exactly what he was going to say before he said it? I’m just surprised that he didn’t say that refusing to date women who’d really been raped would also be good because he thinks that women who’ve actually been raped are mentally damaged beyond repair.
Has literally ANY rape survivor, like, ever, given any hint whatsoever that there life has ‘improved’ because of a rape? I appreciate that struggling through trauma can make you feel stronger as a survivor, but I’m mystified at this whole premise that women (and yes, apparently, some men) are literally envious of rape survivors because of all this mythical positive attention and filthy lucre.
The first girl I ever kissed (at 14) was a rape survivor, and she in no way enjoyed or relished talking about it or having it brought up in discussion. The very idea that this fact about her gave her some cultural cachet is ludicrous.
“Man-jawed” refers to the fact that men tend to have jaws that are shaped more squarely than do women. Their mastoid process is also more prominent than those of women (the mastoid process is a bone behind the ear). Those are two things I look for when sexing a skull (archaeologist here).
I have a sneaking suspicion that, when he says “don’t date raped women,” he means “gaslight women into thinking they weren’t raped.”
“Nothing could be more tediously unproductive than arguing over facts with an opponent who has chosen to forego them.”
It’s dregs of evopsych that they keep regurgitating: hormones influence things like jaw shape, so a woman with a “masculine” jaw would have slightly higher testosterone.
That would also imply a higher and more intense sex drive, but it’s not like logical or intellectual consistency is something these odious fucks traffic in.
Shorter ROK:
“Women with the strength of character to admit something as terrifying and personal as having been sexually assaulted will probably have other bad qualities, like having opinions or talking in public!!”
This bizarre conviction that women who report their rapes are suddenly rewarded with cash and prizes (as well as being, you know, believed) is even more baffling than their belief that a man’s life is ruined by being accused of rape.
I got stuck on this bit for a while, because it doesn’t sound like any place that’s to the west of any other place that I’ve ever heard of.
Finally I realized that this was posted to the Return of the King blog. The author is living in the Uttermost West.
Ah, so Mr. Crumb’s problem with rape victims is that they get all this attention and praise for being able to speak about their awful experiences. I’m sure we will soon hear similar complaints against cancer survivors and other folks who live through tragedy and talk about it in public.
Aaany second now.
You know, I’m curious. If you asked this dude what percentage of men in the world were MRAs, or PUAs, or at least sympathetic to either to the point of joining in MRA/PUA causes, how would he respond? Because he’d have to be optimistic to claim any more than 1% or so, and he’d have to be even more optimistic to think that such a small group could conceivably boycott anything.
I think Crumb gets one thing dead on:
“Realize that we are fighting a war of disinformation, against an unprincipled enemy that is openly contemptuous of the truth. Nothing could be more tediously unproductive than arguing over facts with an opponent who has chosen to forego them.”
Yup. Totally. He’s just confused about who the “unprincipled” people that are “openly contemptuous of the truth” are.
(hint: I think he’s projecting!)
I remember your post about WHTM getting more traffic than AVfM, where you also pointed out that ROK gets way more traffic then both you and the alleged leading voice of MRAdom. You realized that you should probably cover ROK more due to it’s comparative popularity and I could just sense your resigned sadness at having to cover these particular assholes more. I admittedly could be just projecting here.
The ROK guys often promote actual abusive behavior yet their contrived click bait strains so hard to be outrageous that it comes across as fakey posturing. They just aren’t that fun to mock because they seem to do the most damage while being smugly insincere. In the end, they’re just huge assholes whose articles typically read like failed satire.
Thank goodness for Tub Boy and Professor Skull, now those guys are fun. Hell, Aurini gave Roosh a moment of high comedy in those chat logs when he vigorously at length defended his pal’s ability to get laid in Norway. In all seriousness, I’m genuinely looking forward to making fun of their movie.
It makes me sick that a waste of space like this scumbag thinks for even a minute that they know the things that happen to people during rape, or that many people don’t even survive to tell about it.
Also, that any of us are ignorant enough to believe that those shitstains have ANY options in the dating world, or that they have any power to change anything about women’s lives.
It’s the old “silent majority” argument. People with awful beliefs are fond of claiming that most people actually agree with them, they’re just afraid to speak out because ______ (feminists, in this case) have intimidated them into silence. It’s been employed by every type of bigot under the sun, and I know I’ve seen these idiots employ it.
I once had a guy stick his dick in my mouth without asking permission. And I have yet to make a cent off it, much less gain adoration and adulation for it. At most, I only expect a fleeting expression of sympathy, e.g. a “that sucks!” and nothing more. Somehow, I feel ripped off.
Also, dafuq:
Why so weirdly specific about her “number”? And why this constant, idiotic thing about making women out to be NUMBERS, not PEOPLE?
And why do I get the awful feeling that he typed that whole post out one-handed?
She’s only a 6.5 because of those damn Russian skating judges.