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Check Out the Stumbling Block on Her: How the Duggars (and some MRAs) blame women’s bodies for men’s actions

How women secretly run the world
How women secretly run the world

Over on Boing Boing, Mark Frauenfelder has posted the excerpt below from A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make It Work by Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar — yes, those Duggars — explaining how women “defraud” men when they dress in a way that men find exciting (in their pants). 


This, sadly, is not exactly an original or even unusual notion in reactionary religious circles.

Indeed, a couple of years back, I found a rather scary post on a radically pro-patriarchal site called the CoAlpha Brotherhood in which one young man calling himself Drealm lamented that, as a man living “in a university town that’s overrun with young girls” he was literally “forced to stare at hundreds if not thousands of women a day, all of whom bring sluttiness to all new pinnacle”

Like the Duggars, Drealm thought that “a woman dressing provocatively and leaving a man in an unfinished state of excitement … is an assault on men’s sexuality.”

When women dress like this, he argued, he and other men couldn’t help but want to rape them.

[T]he only thing I want to do to a slut is rape them. … dressing like sluts brings out murders, rapists and sadists in men. … A society based on sluts, might as well be a pro-rapist society. 

Reading back over this now, it’s all a bit too reminiscent of the thinking of Elliot Rodger. Indeed, after Rodger went on his misogyny-driven murder spree, one CoAlpha Forum member wrote that Rodger “would have been a true hero” had he only killed more sorority women; the site now adorns its front page with an homage to Rodger.

But it isn’t just those on the margins of the manosphere who think this way. In The Myth of Male Power, the 1993 book that essentially provided the ideological blueprint for the Men’s Rights movement today, Warren Farrell famously wrote of the “miniskirt power” secretaries allegedly had over their male bosses.

Farrell is a couple of decades older now, and apparently it takes more than a miniskirt to render him powerless these days. And by “more than a miniskirt” I mean less. As in no clothing at all. When Farrell put out a new eBook edition of The Myth of Male Power last year, he had his publisher put a rear-view shot of a nude woman on the cover, “to illustrate,” as he explained in an appearance on Reddit,

that the heterosexual man’s attraction to the naked body of a beautiful woman takes the power out of our upper brain and transports it into our lower brain

This sort of logic, like that of the Duggars and of “Drealm” from the CoAlpha Brotherhood, also conveniently takes the blame for (heterosexual) male behavior and transports it into the bodies of women. With the Duggars, we’ve seen exactly where this sort of logic can lead.

Farrell, much like the Duggars and the excerable “Drealm,” also seems to think that women commit a kind of fraud against men when they “stir up sensual desires” that they don’t intend to fulfill. As Farrell wrote in The Myth of Male Power, when a man pays good money to take a woman out, and she doesn’t repay him, as it were, with sex, she is in his estimation committing a kind of “date fraud” or “date robbery.”

Or even a sort of date rape. Farrell wrote that

dating can feel to a man like robbery by social custom – the social custom of him taking money out of his pocket, giving it to her, and calling it a date. … Evenings of paying to be rejected can feel like a male version of date rape.

Emphasis mine, because holy fuck.

This is what happens when your ideology makes women responsible for (heterosexual) men’s desires. Hell, it’s what happens when you make anyone responsible for the desires of someone else, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

Your pants feelings are your responsibility. Not anyone else’s. Full stop.

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9 years ago

OK… you’ll have to excuse me, but does that mean you are arguing for a more *liberal* dress code than the one we currently have?

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Tracey

Thank you ever so much for that; I’ll hunt down the full documentary. They are just so adorable. Love the one that finds the jelly.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

I just got back from walking my dog, and would you believe it, there was a cat in somebody’s front yard. What’s up with that? I don’t want another pet, why should I have to look at a cat if I don’t want one? But there it was, prowling by the sidewalk. I had to acknowledge it for like thirty seconds while my dog sniffed a mailbox. It was a completely unnecessary distraction in my day. If people were polite, they would put a jingle collar on their cats so that I could hear them coming or confine them to a windowsill or something. I mean, I guess there’s nothing wrong with having a cat loose on your own property, it seems to work okay. But I still think my way is more considerate of others’ feelings.

9 years ago

Mark implementing a more conservative dress code is inherently awful and misogynistic because you are taking away women’s freedom for a bullshit reason. You are a piece of shit, now fuck off.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Well if you can all just agree that there isn’t anything *inherently* wrong (even if it isn’t to our personal tastes) with a slightly more conservative dress code (in the same way that I accept that there is nothing inherently wrong with the current dress code, or even more liberal ones) I’ll be happy.

When you agree that there would be nothing morally wrong with you staying in with your windows closed to avoid having to look at those distracting ladies, I’ll be happy.

9 years ago

Actually yes, I see no reason women should have to cover their nipples. I would, like someone else said, limit covering to genitals and anuses for reasons of public health.

9 years ago

Well if you can all just agree that there isn’t anything *inherently* wrong (even if it isn’t to our personal tastes) with a slightly more conservative dress code (in the same way that I accept that there is nothing inherently wrong with the current dress code, or even more liberal ones) I’ll be happy.

Nope. There is something absolutely inherently wrong with forcing women to act a certain way because of your boner.

9 years ago


So far all I can tell about your shitty ‘dress code’ is that bondage gear is not allowed and pants must be warn outside of the house. So far those are the ONLY two specifications you have given. Do you realize how that severely limits my options? Fuck off.


Well, yeah. I don’t think there’s one universal sexy standard, just what society and corporations try to sell as sexy. Everyone is sexy.

Fuck yeah!!!!! I spent far too long believing that there was a single standard of beauty, one of the many things I wish I had learned years ago.

9 years ago

Hmmmm… so does this extreme liberalism apply more generally? Or just to clothing?

9 years ago

OK… is anyone prepared to say that they would be happy to see someone doing that in the street?
Of course not.

Just like a misogynist to universalize his own preferences.

I’m happy to see drag anywhere, anytime. The streets, the clubs, my house, WHTM, whatever.

9 years ago

Well, in that case, I really can’t agree with, or understand your position katz.

9 years ago

No-one is saying they should, snuffy.
I’m saying that if society were inclined to make a slightly more conservative dress code than the one we have now there wouldn’t be anything particularly immoral about that.

People have pointed this out, repeatedly, Mark, that the immoral part about that is dictating to others how they should dress. Y’know, curtailing their freedom and individual liberty and all that. Most people find that to be immoral.

Then again, most people don’t argue that being personally irritated by the way others dress is a perfectly acceptable reason to institute a dress code that they personally approve of.

9 years ago

How is it extreme liberalism to say that women shouldn’t have to hide their nipples when men don’t have to hide their nipples? Did I miss a memo? This fucking guy.

9 years ago

Hmmm… Me: “I accept that people might have different preferences to me, and that there are a range of reasonable systems”
You: “If ever a system were instituted that didn’t conform exactly to my preferences, it would be immoral.”
Is this the intolerant liberalism they speak of?

9 years ago

Well, in that case, I really can’t agree with, or understand your position katz.

I absolutely believe that you don’t understand the basic principle of “women don’t dress to please your boner.”

9 years ago

Where do you get “conform exactly to my preferences” from “no one’s personal freedom should be limited for no reason”?

9 years ago

OK… you’ll have to excuse me, but does that mean you are arguing for a more *liberal* dress code than the one we currently have?

I would. I don’t personally think it should be illegal for women to be topless. Breasts are there to feed babies. There’s nothing bad or corrupting about them simply because people who are attracted to women often find them appealing. I do think genitals and butts should have some covering. But not because they’re obscene. They aren’t. It’s purely a hygiene issue.

Now here’s some Sharon Needles.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Is this the intolerant liberalism they speak of?

Stay inside and lock the door. Don’t ever leave home.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


I spent like ten hours away hiking and then getting plastered, and you still haven’t gotten tired of Mark?

9 years ago

Well, I have given reasons. People’s comfort. So I’m not sure what you are talking about.
It wasn’t specifically the nipple part that I thought was extremely liberal – more the part about people being able to wonder around in nothing but a patch of cloth covering their anus.

9 years ago

I said genitals too, but expecting you to read would be too much. And why does some people’s comfort matter more than other people’s personal freedom? You’ve never actually answered that.

9 years ago


Still waiting for that list of specific rules that, in your mind, would be better than what we currently have….. Who am I kidding. We both know that you’re intentionally keeping it vague because you’re afraid we’ll point out why such rules would be completely bullshit.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Is this the intolerant liberalism they speak of?

No Mark

You: “I accept people have different tastes and standards, but I want mine enforced on everyone else through the full weight of the criminal law”

Everyone else “We don;t give a fuck what people choose to wear”

See the difference?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

He really, REALLY hasn’t gotten the fact that Spikey Van Dykey is a Drag King.

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