Well, this is pretty freaking disturbing. Metronews.ca reports that
Toronto police are looking closely at video of a Toronto pick-up artist who filmed himself muttering about stabbing a girl who turned him down. …
“She deserves to f**kin’ like stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces for that s**t,” he says. “Like, I would f**king take her and her boyfriend and all her f**king friends down. F**king worthless pieces of s**t. She thinks she’s all that, just because she has the looks and s**t. I’ll show all these little bitches one day.”
In a second clip, [“xsouldeath”] appears to try to purchase a knife from a grocery store.
After news of this began to spread, someone who described himself as
E.J., the head coach of TdotPickup, a group that holds PUA bootcamps and coaching in the Yonge and Dundas area, called Metro Monday evening after speaking with xsouldeath. He said some of his comments had been misunderstood.
“This whole thing about getting them back, all he was talking about is basically getting them back by getting a really good-looking girl and rubbing it in their face,” he said.
Apparently, there is some mysterious language that resembles English in which “she deserves to f**kin’ like stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces for that s**t” actually means “rubbing it in their face.”
As for talking about stabbing a woman and cutting her up, E.J. said xsouldeath is not the type of person to do that.
So reassuring.
The video in which xsouldeath talks about looking for a knife at a grocery store was taken out of context, E.J. said. “Basically the whole reason he was asking for this knife was to find the cutlery section and they were not really understanding the English,” he said.
And then there was this plot twist:
Update: xsouldeath, the creator of the YouTube videos, appears to be EJ, the head coach of TdotPickup.
Creepy as hell.
While xsouldeath’s YouTube channel has been taken down, what appears to be his Google+ profile is still up (I’ve archived it here). In addition to posts about his own videos and a wide assortment of popular Youtube “prank” videos, xsouldeath posts videos from other PUAs as well as from antifeminist “philosopher” and self-described Men’s Rights Activist Stefan Molyneux and from obsessively antifeminist Youtuber Bane666au, whose frequently hour-long videos feature him as a talking skull in a pitcher of Koolaid.
What appears to be his Twitter account has been made private.
On the Toronto subreddit, meanwhile, someone writes:
I’ve known this person since High School. There are some stories I would rather not share about him on this page to save him dignity. But he needs Help. I am just really creeped out to approach him anymore.
I’ll post more later as the story develops.
Penny-Depression is really awful and I really hate it when people who are supposed to be our loved ones completely disregard and invalidates our feelings when we really need their support. *internet hugs* My favourite ones that my father spouts is ‘stop being so full of shit!’ and ‘stop being so weak minded!’ as if it is just a switch that needs to turned off (and he wonders why I don’t talk to him about anything or go to him for emotional support). Such disregard and invalidation makes me really angry some times. >:-( You are right in pointing out that this is the hidden stigma attached to mental illness. However, the reason using ableism to describe people who commit horrific acts is not tolerated on this blog, is because the people who commit these acts are not depressed, suicidal, or mentally ill. Nor are they just arseholes. They commit such atrocities because of entitlement, self righteous rage and hatred. Such people also display a complete disregard for the lives of others, which is a ‘quality’ that is not shared by the depressed or suicidal. Depressed and suicidal people care about others and have empathy, people like Elliot Rodger and Andreas Lubitz, do not. Ableism only adds to the misconception that the mentally ill are violent. It is wrong to lump these people with those who are genuinely are mentally ill, because the mentally ill are the least likely to commit violent acts and are in fact more likely to be victims of violence. I agree that brushing off depression is a totally awful thing to do and that depression needs to be taken MUCH more seriously, but mental illness and depression should never be associated with violence and atrocity.
Hugs and kisses to all the people who are truly mentally ill, sucidal and/or has depression and anxiety.
Yes! LOADS of hugs and kisses, you guys deserve them! <3
No one is saying he definitively does not have a mental illness. The facts, however, are that we can’t know either way, but we know for certain that he is an asshole.
It is possible to take a neutral or silent stance on any possibility of mental illness and make no statement on it whatsoever. That is the best thing to do, and what I am asking. We can say he’s an asshole, a misogynist, and a dangerous individual, because his actions have demonstrated these traits. Speculating on his mental health is not helpful, and adds nothing positive to the discussion. There’s no need to bring it up at all.
If you are not a doctor you should not diagnose. If you are a doctor you should not diagnose someone based on a Youtube video.
That’s not hard.
He may be mentally ill. He may have TB, MS, gout or Lupus. If we would not diagnose him with those, let’s leave off pretending we can diagnose illness that effects the brain. It’s just another organ. It’s a real illness.
Well, just like was obviously the case with Elliot Rodger, all this guy obviously needs is Game!
*DISCLAIMER: Yes, I know that if this piece of recycled dog chew went through with his threats, obviously all other PUAs would go all No True Scotsman. So, you know, whatevs.*
Let’s see if he becomes a MRA martyr like Elliot Rogers. My money’s on no, because he isn’t white.
I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not.
Well, obviously his problem was that he didn’t open with that line. “Hey Girl, I’ve never seen anyone as hot as you. Just give me a chance. If you turn me down, I’ll be so heartbroken that I’ll probably fantasize about cutting you into little pieces”.
Who could say “No” to that?
Understood, for me it’s just making sure people who ate suffering are identified amd helped. And for some reason this case brings to mind what happened with Virginia state Senator Craig Deeds, who lost his son when Gus attempted to murder him, then committed suicide. The rub: Gus Deeds was supposed to be in a hospital because he was having a mental health crisis. He wasn’t because the state of Virgina didn’t have a bed for him.
what happened there comes to mind because, in the US, at least, our safety nets for mental health preventitave care, and those in crisis suck shit, if you’ll pardon my language, and far too many fall through the cracks until something terrible happen to them or to others because of them.
I get worried when we drop any label, it just makes too convenient and pat. And it’s hard to roll it back when that does happen.
Maybe this is overthink on my part, along with experience with the mental health system. I saw guys like this when I was in for treatment.
If a dude is so angry, entitled and just plain desperate that he fantasises about killing those who reject him, the aura of his attitude is probably seeping from his every pore and that’s what’s causing women to reject him.
We keep telling whiny PUAs this all the fucking time. They never listen.
The posters here who don’t wish to acknowledge the mental problems of a person who is **threatening to cut someone up** must have a really strange combination of prejudices. Here is the thing, I’m not a doctor, but if I see someone covered in spots, vomiting, etc. etc. I can be pretty certain that they are not well.
For that matter, if we are not trained sociologists, or anthropologists, or moral philosophers are we allowed to comment on whether someone is an “asshole”?
People seem to be using the word entitlement to mean “wanting to do something”. As such entitlement is both the root cause of all our problems, and an utterly uninformative term.
Exactly. That much intense creepiness is readily detectable, and frankly fucking scary. No wonder nobody was interested. The natural human impulse is to get away from that as fast and as far as one can, for one’s own safety.
And just think, this guy’s also a PUA coach. Meaning, he’s looking to make money passing that never-take-no-for-an-answer creepitude along to OTHER guys. So that makes him doubly dangerous.
As for his mental condition, that’s for a court-ordered psychiatrist to determine when he’s arrested, as part of the process to find out whether he’s fit to stand trial. At this point, it is a question of WHEN, not IF, he gets arrested, because it’s obvious that this guy is a danger to the public.
Well, he does have a darker complexion than some white folks, but his apparent twitter profile says he’s a Portuguese guy, and Portugal is a part of Europe. Technically speaking, he might be considered more white than Rogers, who was mixed race.
Amazing how people get over the amount of pigment in one’s skin, huh.
Only people who should get teased for skin color are those who use bad spray on tan.
I have an anecdote from prior to the Eaton Centre shootings, where I helped a stranger who was shopping for shoes and being harrassed by a random dude. We were able to get the store to call security, and even though we said that’s what we were going to do, he was still hanging out on the next level of the mall where he could still see into the shop and waiting for the girl to walk out so he could follow her. Very creepy! The good news is that security took it seriously and sent two officers to speak with him while two others escorted her to her car.
Something that even many Canadians don’t understand (since we’re innundated with US culture and media) is that free speech rights are more curtailed in Canada than in the US. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech_in_Canada Police and the government have much greater lee-way in what is and is not protected speech. So far it hasn’t gone too badly off the rails for us, or when it has it’s been corrected for, so I’m still in favour of the Canadian stance.
Goddamnit, you asshole, get the fuck out of my ethnicity!!
Though, ugh, their particular Latin flavor of chauvinism, plus the shittiness of pickup artistry. Two horrible tastes that are worse together!
And I found a much better article explaining the tension of different rights and freedoms – specifically on Canada hate speech laws, but worth a read if you’re interested. key quote:
Thing is, you don’t know anything about this person that tells you they have a mental health problem. You’re just saying “well it’s possible.”
I really don’t get this shit. What the actual fuck is so hard about not drawing conclusions about someone’s mental health when you know nothing at all about them except what you read in a single blog post? Actual fucking doctors sometimes need many visits in person with a patient to diagnose them. People go misdiagnosed for fucking YEARS despite having access to mental health professionals. But you’re gonna read a blog post and go “it’s really important that speculate amongst ourselves about this person’s mental health based on no expertise whatsoever because that’s going to have some effect on whether mentally ill people are able to get treatment.”
Just fucking stop it.
All religious persecution
Every holocaust
Every war
Every rape
Every murder
All slavery
All bigotry
If you have to be mentally ill to commit atrocities then all of humanity is sick and the distinction “mentally ill” is meaningless. Absurdly evil things happen everyday. The most evil people in the world are convinced of their mental and moral superiority. History is written by the successful oppressor. Calling that madness others. It absolves the apathetic and complicit of guilt and responsibility. So, let’s don’t. Let’s own it because until we do, nothing will change.
Well, I have to share an ethnicity with Anders Breivik. So it could be worse. At least I’m only a quarter Norwegian though!
Re this guy’s being Portuguese: there is racial diversity in Portugal, so it’s quite possible he is both Portuguese and not white.
Are we going to have to write out a full list of regulars with mental illnesses before random people stop with the ableist assumptions and constant refusals to adhere to what might be the simplest rule on the Internet? If so, I’m down.
Hi, I’m M., aka SFHC, and I have schizoaffective disorder – that is, both bipolar II and schizophrenia – and Asperger’s (which I personally don’t consider to be an illness or a disability, just a difference, but other people do), the three big uh-ohs according to the media. You might notice that I’m not an angry, hateful, rapey, murderous asshole.
Actually we’re one of those ethnic groups that gets considered “white” as long as there’s browner people around to be “not white”. So here in California, we’re white, we own land, we run the dairies, etc. But in New England or Northern Europe, we’re the dishwashers and bakers and fishermen.
It’s an interesting sociological effect.
I think people are so eager to diagnose mental illness in these cases because they’re desperate to believe that behavior like this can’t come from a “normal” person, because cognitive dissonance is a bastard.
Hi Binjabreel. Not sure if your comment was in response to my previous comment, so just to be sure, thought I should clarify. I know that European ethnicities can be difficult sometimes for USians to get. It’s the difference between being “ethnically X” and “X by birth.” Sometimes it seems as if it’s not recognised that many Europeans are Black, of Asian ancestry, etc.