Well, this is pretty freaking disturbing. Metronews.ca reports that
Toronto police are looking closely at video of a Toronto pick-up artist who filmed himself muttering about stabbing a girl who turned him down. …
“She deserves to f**kin’ like stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces for that s**t,” he says. “Like, I would f**king take her and her boyfriend and all her f**king friends down. F**king worthless pieces of s**t. She thinks she’s all that, just because she has the looks and s**t. I’ll show all these little bitches one day.”
In a second clip, [“xsouldeath”] appears to try to purchase a knife from a grocery store.
After news of this began to spread, someone who described himself as
E.J., the head coach of TdotPickup, a group that holds PUA bootcamps and coaching in the Yonge and Dundas area, called Metro Monday evening after speaking with xsouldeath. He said some of his comments had been misunderstood.
“This whole thing about getting them back, all he was talking about is basically getting them back by getting a really good-looking girl and rubbing it in their face,” he said.
Apparently, there is some mysterious language that resembles English in which “she deserves to f**kin’ like stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces for that s**t” actually means “rubbing it in their face.”
As for talking about stabbing a woman and cutting her up, E.J. said xsouldeath is not the type of person to do that.
So reassuring.
The video in which xsouldeath talks about looking for a knife at a grocery store was taken out of context, E.J. said. “Basically the whole reason he was asking for this knife was to find the cutlery section and they were not really understanding the English,” he said.
And then there was this plot twist:
Update: xsouldeath, the creator of the YouTube videos, appears to be EJ, the head coach of TdotPickup.
Creepy as hell.
While xsouldeath’s YouTube channel has been taken down, what appears to be his Google+ profile is still up (I’ve archived it here). In addition to posts about his own videos and a wide assortment of popular Youtube “prank” videos, xsouldeath posts videos from other PUAs as well as from antifeminist “philosopher” and self-described Men’s Rights Activist Stefan Molyneux and from obsessively antifeminist Youtuber Bane666au, whose frequently hour-long videos feature him as a talking skull in a pitcher of Koolaid.
What appears to be his Twitter account has been made private.
On the Toronto subreddit, meanwhile, someone writes:
I’ve known this person since High School. There are some stories I would rather not share about him on this page to save him dignity. But he needs Help. I am just really creeped out to approach him anymore.
I’ll post more later as the story develops.
The story is either rape, rape of a child or murder. Guaranteed.
People like this really can’t be trusted anymore. I hope they put him away for good.
What a fucking nut case.
I was hoping it would be more along the lines of “embarassed himself whilst trying to sneak into the girl’s locker room in High School” kind of thing… or, “arkwardly came on to someone who couldn’t have been less interested and he looked like a total creep”… or “is the kind of person who tries to hard to look like a badman, and would be funny if he weren’t likely to get overly aggressive and provoke fights”. :/
From the wording, I thought it sounded like something where he’d acted foolishly and alienated people with his inappropriate behaviour. Hence the Redditor being concerned with protecting “his dignity” as opposed to “his victim’s identities”.
But yeah, it’s actually probably more likely that whatever he’s done would not be a fun story to tell at parties at all. 🙁
I’d rather see the redditor hand whatever those stories are to the police, especially considering the comments about needing help. Better to get him some, and get him away from everyone.
Please, can we leave the ableism?
This is massively disturbing; I’m glad the police are taking it seriously.
Arrest him, give him a psych exam, and then never let him back into the public.
@EJ (The Other One) yeah we’re not doing too bad other than the fact that the current federal government out right refuses to launch an investigation in the 1200+ missing and murdered aboriginal women, claiming that its not a priority. Its sickening to say the least.
To begin with, why in hell does he film himself talking about this?! Is he really that stupid (rhetorical question) secondly, how does it come that so few of these anti-feminists and the like can’t edit videos for shite?!
Compare and contrast…
I call bull-fucking-SHIT. His English was working just fine when he was making those ugly death threats! And what was he there for, a butter knife? Bull-fucking-SHIT.
And I hope the TO pickup subreddit (and all other TO pickup sites) stays down, because those guys have been pestering a lot of women lately. Especially in heavily trafficked shopping centres, like the Eaton Centre downtown. I used to shop there all the time when I went to Ryerson, which is just across Yonge St. and a block or so to the north. So glad I don’t live in TO anymore.
EDIT: I see that this guy WAS in that very area. My creepdar just jangled like a fire alarm.
TIL: “Stabbing someone” means “getting back at them by having a better looking girlfriend”.
Yeah fuckin’ right. There’s no language in the entire world that you could somehow confuse the two.
(Also, hi, I’m back from my vacation from hell.)
Yikes. Someone needs a visit from the nice men in white coats…
Welcome back, paradox!
I feel bad for the person he talked to, if she’s heard about the threats… or even if she hasn’t, come to think of it. Anyone who feels entitled enough to make violent threats is probably a jerk about hitting on people, anyway.
The truly terrifying part is that he felt perfectly safe and comfortable posting something like this on Youtube.
He felt like posting himself, making terrifying threats under his breath and then preparing to carrying them out, online for everyone to see, was not something that could go wrong for him in any way.
He did not comprehend that any kind of social sanction exists about this sort of thing.
That is fucking terrifying.
(And why is there the expression “hitting on”? “Flirting with” makes way more sense and it’s less hit-like. Not that I’m saying metaphorically violent language leads to violent actions, but still.)
Also: can we please stop referring to terrifying assholes as mentally ill? Most mentally ill people are not dangerous, and most dangerous people are perfectly sane. Threatening to kill someone, or actually killing someone, is not prima facie evidence of madness, and it harms the mad to perpetuate the idea that they are all dangerous people.
He’s another Elliot Rodgers in the making.
Concurring with PoM. Being an angry, entitled asshole isn’t a mental illness. =/
But I thought being pretty gave women power?
But, but, but…street harassment is a compliment.
Every street harasser should be bear sprayed in the face. Cops can find the time to stop and frisk or just fucking murder innocent black men and boys but they can’t seem to do one damn thing about dudes like this.
Kudos to the Toronto police for taking this seriously. Maybe other law enforcement agencies will begin to see this dangerous trend for what it is, and avert some tragedies.
@Bina: Oh hell, what creepers! I’d have to restrain myself from socking one of those skeevy dudes in the nose for invading my space. Glad the mall put a stop to it before they did some sort of slime ball flash mob.
More good news for you then, A Teen in Canada has pleaded to ‘swating’
This guy gives me the creeps. It really does seem like we have another Elliot Rodger in the making! I am so glad the police are actually DOING something about this.
Policy of Madness-That’s what makes this thing so terrifying, because that is EXACTLY what Elliot Rodger did and we all know happened afterwards. When someone feels comfortable with posting videos like this online, you know for sure that they are serious because they don’t care about the lives they are going to take at all. They see nothing wrong with what they are doing. You can see this with killers who post Facebook updates that they are going to kill/already killed their girlfriends. It happened a few times. I done a quick Google search on this. I am sad to say that it happened A LOT. 🙁
Didn’t read the comments yet, so I may be ninja’d here. But, *ahem.*
Attention commenters, especially any new ones: Do not, I repeat, do NOT attempt to associate him with mental illness or Internet diagnose him. Ableism is one of the things the WHTM community does not tolerate, and everyone is most likely sick of explaining for the umpteenth time why.