Well, this is pretty freaking disturbing. Metronews.ca reports that
Toronto police are looking closely at video of a Toronto pick-up artist who filmed himself muttering about stabbing a girl who turned him down. …
“She deserves to f**kin’ like stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces for that s**t,” he says. “Like, I would f**king take her and her boyfriend and all her f**king friends down. F**king worthless pieces of s**t. She thinks she’s all that, just because she has the looks and s**t. I’ll show all these little bitches one day.”
In a second clip, [“xsouldeath”] appears to try to purchase a knife from a grocery store.
After news of this began to spread, someone who described himself as
E.J., the head coach of TdotPickup, a group that holds PUA bootcamps and coaching in the Yonge and Dundas area, called Metro Monday evening after speaking with xsouldeath. He said some of his comments had been misunderstood.
“This whole thing about getting them back, all he was talking about is basically getting them back by getting a really good-looking girl and rubbing it in their face,” he said.
Apparently, there is some mysterious language that resembles English in which “she deserves to f**kin’ like stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces for that s**t” actually means “rubbing it in their face.”
As for talking about stabbing a woman and cutting her up, E.J. said xsouldeath is not the type of person to do that.
So reassuring.
The video in which xsouldeath talks about looking for a knife at a grocery store was taken out of context, E.J. said. “Basically the whole reason he was asking for this knife was to find the cutlery section and they were not really understanding the English,” he said.
And then there was this plot twist:
Update: xsouldeath, the creator of the YouTube videos, appears to be EJ, the head coach of TdotPickup.
Creepy as hell.
While xsouldeath’s YouTube channel has been taken down, what appears to be his Google+ profile is still up (I’ve archived it here). In addition to posts about his own videos and a wide assortment of popular Youtube “prank” videos, xsouldeath posts videos from other PUAs as well as from antifeminist “philosopher” and self-described Men’s Rights Activist Stefan Molyneux and from obsessively antifeminist Youtuber Bane666au, whose frequently hour-long videos feature him as a talking skull in a pitcher of Koolaid.
What appears to be his Twitter account has been made private.
On the Toronto subreddit, meanwhile, someone writes:
I’ve known this person since High School. There are some stories I would rather not share about him on this page to save him dignity. But he needs Help. I am just really creeped out to approach him anymore.
I’ll post more later as the story develops.
Maybe it’s the freak whose anonymous (and deleted) comment you featured in your recent post.
Then again, these hateful freaks are a dime a dozen all over the web and beyond.
It wasn’t me. *looks shifty*
Does anyone else think that Canada has, as a nation, really earned some admiration over the last few months? First there was the engineer who shouted obscenities at a reporter during a live piece to camera; I expected him to get off but no, he got fired. Now they’re actually taking this guy seriously rather than just sweeping it under the rug and assuming that it’ll be fine. All credit to Canada.
Ugh, this is more Norman Bates than Tyler Durden.
This is terrifying. They literally think that we deserve to die if we don’t fuck them. But if we fuck anyone but them we are terrible sluts who deserve to die.
So basically we have to fuck them, regenerate our virginity and then wait for the next entitled asshole to show interest. Or we have to violate the laws of time by fucking all men and no men at the same time.
So in what universe is getting a better looking girl “getting her back” for turning you down? She’s not interested in you so she’s not going to care who else you’re with. Get it?
Ugh, didn’t think so.
The fact that he contacted them, pretending to be someone else, to defend himself would be pretty funny if this situation weren’t so messed up. Ugh, hopefully they can do something about him. Canada has really been stepping up it’s cybercrime game lately, but ultimately they can’t do much if perpetrators aren’t willing to cooperate.
“his comments had been misunderstood”
Sure thing. It was just (all together now) A SATIRE!
When whiny “nice guys” ask why we give soft nos instead of just turning down men directly and clearly, THIS IS FUCKING WHY!
God Christ, MRAs are fucking terrifying sometimes. “Not a threat” my ass.
Any of the local lawyers know whether or not they could nab him for defending himself under a fake name, obstruction of justice or something?
EJ (The Other One)
“It wasn’t me. *looks shifty*”
I’m watching you
We just can’t win.
@Magnesium, I think it’s more likely that his pick up coach probably really did contact the press. Which is even more disgusting. I expect perps to defend themselves, but when others do and defend the indefensible – vile physical threats, that’s even more disturbing. I guess he wanted to defend his business model…
Maybe the best revenge is living well (though picking up random women is probably not living well) but that’s not the kind of revenge this xsouldeath was describing. And not that simply not being attracted to someone deserves revenge.
BTW – all the tdotpickup sites appear to be down.
This really is horrific, and something that my eyes have been opened to ever since I started reading this site regularly – as a male, I just had no concept that there were people who thought like this.
The one encouraging thing is that the police are mentioned – I hope that they can get enough to justify intervening and stopping him before he carries out on his threat to, er, rub it in their face.
“When whiny “nice guys” ask why we give soft nos instead of just turning down men directly and clearly, THIS IS FUCKING WHY!”
Even if we do give “soft nos” we’re still dead.
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
“God Christ, MRAs are fucking terrifying sometimes.”
Hey, what about an update on PUA turned neo-nazi demagogue Dimitri the Lover (aka James Sears)? He’s gotten media attention due to his involvement with “Your Ward News” in east Toronto and his TV show (on a pirate TV station) just got cancelled.
davidknewton: Yeah, when you hear feminists speak of male privilege, the ‘right to ignorance’ of this sort of thing is one of the key forms of it that they’re speaking of. The ability to go throughout your daily routing without having to resort to an internal safety checklist that will never cover every contingency anyway is a huge advantage, and one that women should have the right to, as well.
Fruitloopsie: Well, sometimes they’re merely pathetic or laughable. Other times they’re terrifying.
I’m ashamed of how long it took me to learn that one. Like most nerd boys I saw soft no’s as a form of dishonesty. It didn’t occur to me that people were frightened of me.
I hope this guy is stopped before he makes good on his threats. Out of Context my ass.
What a great guy. Can’t believe that woman turned him down. </sarcasm>
Oh ugh. I looked over this guy’s Google+ account, and after numerous videos about anabolic steroids (go figure), there’s a link to a video called “Turning the Tables on Street Harassment” by a woman who confronted and filmed her harasser… and this slimeball’s comment on the video is:
“grab her phone# grab her phone# ! The bitch has to make out with you or overpower you to get that sh*t back, record that bitch….”
Full body shudder. I am so glad the police is looking into that guy.
rugbyyogi, it’s my understanding he IS the pickup coach, not pretending to be him. I suppose he thought nobody at Metro News would figure out the person in the video was him.
I can only hope that this guy’s threats continue to be taken seriously, and that everyone learns better than to dismiss this kind of shit as ‘ just talk’. The last thing we need is another Elliot Roger.
I’m not surprised he’s trying to turn it around after realizing that on occasion the police might actually take death threats literally.
Buried in the terrifying is some downright ridiculous…
So she has a boyfriend and he’s pissed off that she turned him down? Holy crap…
And if it wasn’t for the death threats, this would be hilarious…
Ah so “He’s not the sort of person to do…” the stuff he’s been talking about and apparently making preparations to do by buying a weapon to do it with, in the opinion of his “coach” whose worldview he has absorbed.
Much reassurance, eh?
People very seldom seem like “the sort of person who would” in the opinion of their friends and enablers, until they do, whereupon everyone acts surprised.
Which is why threats need to be taken seriously,
Well, thank goodness the police are taking this seriously. Dude sounds like a danger to others.
If someone can verify that the Redditor really does know the guy, I rather hope that they’ll reverse their decision to “save him dignity” and spill what promises to be a juicy story, equal parts entertaining and horrifying.
I hate to be tantalised with withheld information like that. 😛