So I was reading through a rant on the Red Pill subreddit that’s so over-the-top ridiculous that it got downvoted to zero by the Red Pill masses. (Or maybe they voted it down because it wasn’t woman-hating enough? Hard to tell, where the Red Pill is concerned.)
Regardless, the rant inspired some, well, revealing commentary from other Red Pillers. Like this creepy and amazing mini-masterpiece of misogyny, from a comment by beerthroway that actually got some upvotes from the Red Pill masses. I’ve bolded some of the best –by which I mean the worst — bits.
[W]omen enjoy being forced to do things, just like children. …
Feminism has only concealed the nature of women. It is traditionalism that addresses the nature of women correctly, as deviant sexual beings that have an insatiable sex appetite and will manipulate everyone around them given the chance. Why do you think traditional values always restrict sex? Because it is a basic requirement of civilization and patriarchy. It allows for the advancement of civilization, so that everyone isn’t stuck in a hedonistic orgy (sexual or other pleasures).
You’re right that men don’t want a war. You’re wrong that we are not at war. Like the “men don’t hate women” post, we don’t try to oppress women. We understand that by maintaining power, women feel more secure. We should embrace hierarchy and accept that men are better and therefore, more rights = more responsibility. Sure give women the opportunity to have the same responsibility and earn the right. But don’t freely assume there is no war and give them the benefits, rights, and joy of being taken care of and made to smile if she won’t accept the responsibility of accepting her place underneath me as the women she is. Women want to be with a winner, not be the winner.
Well, that last bit is definitely wrong, if this scene from Stranger Than Paradise is any indication. (You really only need to watch the first 30 seconds to get the general gist of it.)
Actually, I’m pretty sure every word in that comment is wrong. Probably every letter.
The post that inspired beerthroway’s comment, a weird manifesto from some dude called Modern__Day__Pricus, is also sort of a masterpiece. Some highlights, with commentary:
We are not trying to “Put women back in the kitchen” or say they are only good for “Sucking dick and washing dishes”.
Unnecessary capitalization aside, so far so good.
Granted, it is fun to joke about these things and, even to an extent some would argue that is all they are good for …
And Modern__Day__Pricus has driven right into a ditch.
… but on a bigger picture level men after they have had their fill of pussy that are looking to achieve Mastery level in life will find these jokes and ways of expressing anger to be limited.
We are not against women. We, the people on this site and many other sites are not trying to go to war with women.
Wait, he seems to have gotten back on the road again.
It is much, much deeper than that. Woman’s ego’s from the outside perspective only view it as us hating on them and wanting to go back to caveman days, but that is only because women are more naturally solipsism than men. Its something they can’t help like pissing, shitting, eating, blinking, and watching bad movies due to being hyped by the movie trailers.
… and there he goes right back into the ditch.
Shocking as this may seem to ladies it is not all about them. Once a man gets through the clutter of pussy we look to seek something DEEPER than the Grand Canyon that has become their pussy pass the age of 23.
Er, I think you meant “past,” as in “something DEEPER than the Grand Canyon that has become their pussy PAST the age of 23.” You’re welcome!
This site and many others really have nothing to do with them as crazy as it may look. We on this site are seeking more from life than being trapped in the pink web of nonsense that women place us in.
I don’t think that’s a web. I think what you’re seeing is women’s vaginas literally sewing themselves shut at the thought of you.
We are not are war trying to force women to do what they don’t want to do (Expect when it comes to their rape fantasies in bed but, anyway)
Uh, this is kind of basic, but I think this dude needs a refresher on the basics: If it’s really her fantasy, and she tells you she wants you to act it out with her in the context of consensual sex, you’re not actually forcing her to do something that she doesn’t want to do.
If you are literally forcing her to do something she doesn’t want to do because you think all women have rape fantasies involving you, that’s not a rape fantasy, that’s rape.
Feminism may have ruined shit but it has helped men realize the truth and help us see that there is more out there than just pussy and having kids. … we only have one life to live. Make sure you don’t fall victim to a trap door that the “script” of the world gives and shoves down your throat porn style.
There’s a trap door in someone’s throat now?
We are men that have woken up and see that we only have one life to live, and its best to seek from it purpose, Mastery, and Greatness that can be looked back on 50 years from now and give men and even women inspiration to move onward towards their own greatness as well.
Who do you think the world will remember more? Michael Jordan shooting his last shot against The Utah Jazz in 1998, or the person he crossed over to shoot that shot over in 1998? Can you remember his name without using Google?
No, I can’t. I also can barely remember your Reddit handle even though I pasted it in twice earlier in this post. I hate to have to break this to you, Dude, but you’re no Michael Jordan, basketball-wise or even being-a-decent-person-wise.
Don’t fall into a trap door. ALWAYS seek more than what is given to you.
Actually, dude, I’m thinking that the trap door is the best option for you.
Femtheist sounds awful. The people who terrorized her do too.
Hey, Bryce?
For the love of Fury Road, just shut up. If you were ever here in good faith – and apparently you were, although I don’t remember it – you’re just another annoying-ass troll now.
Femitheist sucks pretty hardcore. Being really well mannered while upholding abhorrent ideas appears to be her thing.
Obvs, this has no baring on the abuse she’s experienced. She’s awful but that in no way excuses the actions of her tormentors.
On the subject of Femitheist, I’m in the “She’s a troll” camp. Her “Beliefs” seem carefully calculated to whip the MRAs into as much of a froth as possible; that interview straight-up reads like Reddit wank fiction. Either she’s an anti-feminist, she wants to be famous like Valerie Solanas or both.
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs (By the way, I love your new name.)
I’m agree with you. I used to be on YouTube more back when she released the video stating what our trolls are quoting. She made quite a few videos, some criticizing feminism. She stated multiple times that she was not a feminist.
If my memory is correct, I also noticed an MRA type (don’t know if he was an MRA but he made a bunch of videos responding to feminist) coming to her defense.
I quit paying attention after that because I assumed she was a FeMRA and was trolling. This was about 2-3 years ago, so I don’t remember all the details, but for these trolls to claim she is a feminist and that she somehow is a leader is incredibly laughable.
Also, for the millionth time, Femitheist doesn’t even identify as a feminist. So why she’s always discussed as an example of an extremist feminist, I don’t know. I suppose because the feminists who said things that are extreme, or sound extreme taken out of context said those things decades ago. The MRAs (and apparently, Bryce) are very desperate for hard evidence that feminists men, and no wonder, its a common belief. It’s also not true. http://pwq.sagepub.com/content/33/2/216.abstract
Re: conservative Christians
Yes, yes they do. I tend to lump the fundies and redpillians together as a mental shorthand, since their misogyny is very much alike (and my intro into manuresphere came by way of Dalrock).
Re: Robert
“Maybe I should be glad that I DON’T understand it – it seems like that moment of revelation in Lovecraftian stories when the narrator has his mind blasted by eldritch gnosis what humans are not equipped to withstand.”
Your typo at the end made me read this sentence in a folksy accent as a home-spun aphorism. “A seething cauldron of madness what done shattered the remains of my sanity! Ayep!”
I am sincerely hoping that the dude did not intend what is implied when he wrote “Women, like children, enjoy being forced to do things. Like rape fantasies!”
Ugh, just one more nugget of awful in this pile of fetid shit.
@David – Yeah, it’s pretty telling that they think consent doesn’t require an adult mindset. It’s not just self-serving, it reveals that they never got past childish attitudes about sex.
The reason parents tell young teenagers to wait is not because they’re not physically mature, but because they’re nowhere near psychologically ready. Intimacy can stir up some very powerful, complicated stuff. It takes a certain level of maturity to process complex emotions, a certain level of maturity to responsibly handle the risks and consequences of sex, a certain level of maturity to understand one’s body and responses, and hopefully a corresponding level of sensitivity and maturity on the part of the partner. Of course, these creeps don’t care a whit about the inner lives of their targets. They’re only focused on the mechanics of it, so naturally they’re going to argue that 13 year olds are “ready”.
Since when do children love being forced to do things? If you are starting with THAT shitty premise, and then comparing women to children it can only go downhill from there. Still, *at least* here women are being compared to other humans, instead of animals or inanimate objects, as manospherians are so prone to do.
@ Buttercup,
There’s at least some evidence that comprehensive sex education leads to teens delaying having sex as well as using more contraception when they have it (http://www.guttmacher.org/media/nr/2012/03/08/). (In contrast, there is no evidence that abstinence-only education helps at all in anything).
I always suspected that treating sex as something you’re allowed to do, but that comes with its own risks and responsibilities to navigate is likely to convince some kids that they aren’t mature enough, whatever their hormones are telling them, and that sex will still be there is a couple of years.
On the other hand, if you tell teens “don’t have sex until you’re married”, and they don’t want to wait… what kind of framework do they have to decide when to have sex? If it is just as illicit now as when they are a 25 year-old single person, why wait?
He did. I have no doubts. There is nothing horrible these people won’t do.
Telling boys that they don’t need to have sex to be men helps too. Telling them good girls do when they want to and consent matters protects boys and girls from toxic masculinity. Too many boys are taught that they have to make a sex to be an adult or to prove they aren’t *gasp* gay. Teens should only be having sex with each other if sex is what they want. Currently, there is so much pressure on boys and girls to get straight male approval instead of doing what makes them happy.
I think they also get off on the idea of messing with a too-young person’s head, of “being her first” (or “being THERE first”, since she’s not really a person to them) and of being able to walk away smug in the awareness that they’re still the same old shithead as before, but she’s irrevocably changed, and not for the better, by their having “taught” her. So of course it’s not “fair” to them that the law “demonizes male sexuality” in this way! They think that counting coup is their right as men, and that being denied it (and forced to pick on someone their own size) is Horrible Tragic Misandry.
(There’s also the salient but inconvenient realization that any self-respecting woman in their age group wouldn’t fuck them even if they had the last working set of male ‘nads on Earth.)
@Bina – Very true. It’s also convenient that young people don’t have the tools, the sophistication, or the language to fight back against emotional manipulation. No amount of youthful fertility and “butt power” is going to cancel out that discrepancy.
It’s the “first knife in the peanut butter” approach. Every single time these predators scoop peanut butter, it has to be from a brand new jar. Okay, so yes, the satiny sheen of brand new peanut butter is appealing, but most people are also mature enough to commit to (and appreciate) the rest of the jar. Using one scoop and throwing away the rest because now it’s “used” is douchey and expensive.
Yuck. I hate to traffic in the same stupid food-defilement metaphors as fundie sex ed classes. I’m just groping for a way to express how juvenile, selfish, and wasteful their attitude is. It’s like shark finning.
The amazing thing is that so frequently, the ‘ephebophilia’ defenders don’t seem to realize that if you actually recognize the distinction between pedophilia and ephebophilia, it’s the ephebophiles who come out the worse for the comparison. A pedophile is severely mentally ill, and can be afforded some modicum of pity in that regard, especially if they are not an actual offender. I’d like for such individuals to have actual options for treatment (say, a highly regimented lifestyle at a halfway house, under supervision). It might prevent actual offenses against prepubescent kids.
But ‘ephebephiles’? These shitbags are just wannabe (or actual) rapists. Some just don’t care about getting true consent, and thus seek out girls who are more likely to be vulnerable to manipulation and ‘soft’ coercion; others are actually drawn to the act of sex with someone who is not capable of consent–the sex is almost secondary to the prelude of manipulation and grooming.
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
“@Fruitloopsie – oh, you are awesome! Thanks for the laugh.”
@Denton Young
Are you new Denton? I like the cut of your jib, here’s a welcome package.
If you aren’t new, my admiration of your jib still stands.
“[W]omen enjoy being forced to do things, just like children. …”
They were children once, right? Do they really believe that? Paul Elam could tell them that he did not like being forced to take his medicine. They do not even specify that they mean a child being forced to do what is better in the long run (like medicine). No, the lady folk have to take it on faith that some redditor knows what is best for them.
These men are basically into sexual domination (and you get female dommes too). They get sexual satisfaction from everything they write and it’s all about humiliating women and making them feel insecure as part of their sexual tastes. Maybe if they found a willing partner who enjoys being belittled and insulted and learn’t to do the whole BDSM thing safely and consensually it wouldn’t be an issue. It’s OK to fantasize about these things as long as no one is in reality being harmed or actually forced into anything that they have clearly said they don’t want to do. I am turned on by being choked by east asian men and I found a safe relationship to play this out in. I don’t think that we should be told that this is not OK and he should be allowed to call me names and say belittling stuff to me if I actually consent to it.
Peanut butter is a good metaphor; shark finning, even better. Because a refrigerated jar of peanut butter lasts about as long as it takes you to finish it all and tastes just as good at the bottom of the jar as at the top, but a finned shark is a huge waste of perfectly edible, tasty fish. These guys are too cowardly for shark steak, I guess.
(NOT, I hasten to add, that women and girls are foods, either. We’re not consumed through sex, as much as these guys would like to believe we are. We’re still ourselves, whole and entire, before, during and after.)
Please don’t send these guys over to us BDSMmers. We don’t want them. We have enough trouble with male supremacists as it is.
I put it down to a feeling of safety, which is paramount due to how fragile patriarchy leaves the male ego. If you’re the first man to sleep with a given woman then she has no frame of reference and so can’t judge you. If she’s had substantial experience before then you may, to your horror, discover that another man was actually better than you; or even that her own imagination was better.
Sarkeesian said that “in the game of patriarchy, women aren’t the other team. Women are the ball.” She’s right, and in this case these people are so terrified of losing the game that they’re going in search of a ball that doesn’t have anyone else kicking it. They’re playing solitaire because then there’s no risk of losing, and then they can feel safe.
There are workshops to teach people how to properly do pretty much any aspect of BDSM. Including ones specifically on sexual humiliation, objectification & degradation.
Although, I do agree with EJ, I don’t want to deal with these douchbags. Especially considering the BDSM community already has a lot of issues with idiots who think kink implies some sort of consent and thus end up sending inappropriate messages or dick pics to women.
Also, this article is relevant: http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2015/01/if-we-liberate-men-s-sexuality-war-against-women-can-end
Whenever I see “deviant sexual beings” or “insatiable sexual appetite” or another group of words that mean the same thing, I don’t care what they mean by it. I always reframe it in my own mind as pure envy – of multiple orgasms. Both of the women who have them and of the lovers who share in the bliss.
I realise that they’ve only ever seen them, if at all, faked in a porn video. I can’t imagine that anyone with their attitudes has ever paid enough attention to a sexual partner’s desires and responses to elicit any orgasm except by accident. I could be wrong, but that doesn’t matter.
Seeing it that way saves me from irritation or annoyance and gives me the bonus of a quiet moment of Yah Sucks Boo!