So I was reading through a rant on the Red Pill subreddit that’s so over-the-top ridiculous that it got downvoted to zero by the Red Pill masses. (Or maybe they voted it down because it wasn’t woman-hating enough? Hard to tell, where the Red Pill is concerned.)
Regardless, the rant inspired some, well, revealing commentary from other Red Pillers. Like this creepy and amazing mini-masterpiece of misogyny, from a comment by beerthroway that actually got some upvotes from the Red Pill masses. I’ve bolded some of the best –by which I mean the worst — bits.
[W]omen enjoy being forced to do things, just like children. …
Feminism has only concealed the nature of women. It is traditionalism that addresses the nature of women correctly, as deviant sexual beings that have an insatiable sex appetite and will manipulate everyone around them given the chance. Why do you think traditional values always restrict sex? Because it is a basic requirement of civilization and patriarchy. It allows for the advancement of civilization, so that everyone isn’t stuck in a hedonistic orgy (sexual or other pleasures).
You’re right that men don’t want a war. You’re wrong that we are not at war. Like the “men don’t hate women” post, we don’t try to oppress women. We understand that by maintaining power, women feel more secure. We should embrace hierarchy and accept that men are better and therefore, more rights = more responsibility. Sure give women the opportunity to have the same responsibility and earn the right. But don’t freely assume there is no war and give them the benefits, rights, and joy of being taken care of and made to smile if she won’t accept the responsibility of accepting her place underneath me as the women she is. Women want to be with a winner, not be the winner.
Well, that last bit is definitely wrong, if this scene from Stranger Than Paradise is any indication. (You really only need to watch the first 30 seconds to get the general gist of it.)
Actually, I’m pretty sure every word in that comment is wrong. Probably every letter.
The post that inspired beerthroway’s comment, a weird manifesto from some dude called Modern__Day__Pricus, is also sort of a masterpiece. Some highlights, with commentary:
We are not trying to “Put women back in the kitchen” or say they are only good for “Sucking dick and washing dishes”.
Unnecessary capitalization aside, so far so good.
Granted, it is fun to joke about these things and, even to an extent some would argue that is all they are good for …
And Modern__Day__Pricus has driven right into a ditch.
… but on a bigger picture level men after they have had their fill of pussy that are looking to achieve Mastery level in life will find these jokes and ways of expressing anger to be limited.
We are not against women. We, the people on this site and many other sites are not trying to go to war with women.
Wait, he seems to have gotten back on the road again.
It is much, much deeper than that. Woman’s ego’s from the outside perspective only view it as us hating on them and wanting to go back to caveman days, but that is only because women are more naturally solipsism than men. Its something they can’t help like pissing, shitting, eating, blinking, and watching bad movies due to being hyped by the movie trailers.
… and there he goes right back into the ditch.
Shocking as this may seem to ladies it is not all about them. Once a man gets through the clutter of pussy we look to seek something DEEPER than the Grand Canyon that has become their pussy pass the age of 23.
Er, I think you meant “past,” as in “something DEEPER than the Grand Canyon that has become their pussy PAST the age of 23.” You’re welcome!
This site and many others really have nothing to do with them as crazy as it may look. We on this site are seeking more from life than being trapped in the pink web of nonsense that women place us in.
I don’t think that’s a web. I think what you’re seeing is women’s vaginas literally sewing themselves shut at the thought of you.
We are not are war trying to force women to do what they don’t want to do (Expect when it comes to their rape fantasies in bed but, anyway)
Uh, this is kind of basic, but I think this dude needs a refresher on the basics: If it’s really her fantasy, and she tells you she wants you to act it out with her in the context of consensual sex, you’re not actually forcing her to do something that she doesn’t want to do.
If you are literally forcing her to do something she doesn’t want to do because you think all women have rape fantasies involving you, that’s not a rape fantasy, that’s rape.
Feminism may have ruined shit but it has helped men realize the truth and help us see that there is more out there than just pussy and having kids. … we only have one life to live. Make sure you don’t fall victim to a trap door that the “script” of the world gives and shoves down your throat porn style.
There’s a trap door in someone’s throat now?
We are men that have woken up and see that we only have one life to live, and its best to seek from it purpose, Mastery, and Greatness that can be looked back on 50 years from now and give men and even women inspiration to move onward towards their own greatness as well.
Who do you think the world will remember more? Michael Jordan shooting his last shot against The Utah Jazz in 1998, or the person he crossed over to shoot that shot over in 1998? Can you remember his name without using Google?
No, I can’t. I also can barely remember your Reddit handle even though I pasted it in twice earlier in this post. I hate to have to break this to you, Dude, but you’re no Michael Jordan, basketball-wise or even being-a-decent-person-wise.
Don’t fall into a trap door. ALWAYS seek more than what is given to you.
Actually, dude, I’m thinking that the trap door is the best option for you.
@fruitloopsie – The link didn’t work for me. 🙁 Did it expire?
@Bina – The more I think about it, the more apt shark finning seems as a metaphor for these guys. They fetishize virginity to the point of superstition. It’s a magical talisman they can take from another living being, which they believe will endow them with superpowers. Meanwhile, like shark finners, they ignore the 99% of the shark that is the only part that matters – the living, breathing, feeling part – in favor of that one little part, which they’ve invested with enormous significance.
Nor do they see, or care about, the suffering the shark goes through after they toss it back in the ocean. Their selfish, tiny gain is all that matters to them. They’re all peas in a pod, these poachers and abusers and exploiters.
… Forget about women, *children* do not enjoy being forced to do things. What universe does this guy live in?!
> women are more naturally solipsism than men
One; solipsism is a noun, not an adjective. Two; what the fuck do you think solipsism means? Because it’s not… whatever you think it means.
I quite like the syntactical mistake he made in writing “we understand that by maintaining power, women feel more secure,” because it’s actually true that way. Women do indeed feel more secure by maintaining their own power, thank you for noticing! It’s almost as if women like the same things people like…
I feel like the regular reading of this site gives me a slightly different perspective, sometimes, compared to feminists who aren’t as well-versed in the manosphere…
There’s this Swedish site about nightclubs and happenings and stuff, and a male blogger there made this list called “20 things a girl wants but often won’t ask for”. It was shot down by all my Swedish feminist Facebook friends, because it’s so ridiculous to assume that all women are alike, and this guy knows what they all want and so on. Yeah, I agree with that – but since I regularly read completely horrific lists of what women actually want although they won’t come out and say so on this site, my first thought was rather “wow, a list of things women want that isn’t completely horrible! How nice!”.
The list goes like this:
1. Hug her and make her feel safe. Girls love to feel safe.
2. Listen to her when she wants to tell you something.
3. Open up and share your secrets, while never telling anyone else what she told you in confidence.
4. Offer her your jacket if it’s cold outside. A classic!
5. Kiss her with love and feeling.
6. Laugh with her. Humor is important.
7. Take her to dinner dates.
8. Hang out with your friends and her friends together.
9. Scratch her head when you’re cuddling on the couch.
10. Give her surprise kisses.
11. Give her spontaneous hugs from behind.
12. Tell her how you feel about her, regardless of how long you’ve been a couple.
13. If you notice that something is wrong, ask. If she insists that it’s “nothing”, just hug her.
14. if you miss her when you’re not together, send her text messages that tell her so.
15. Lay your arms around her while you’re watching a movie.
16. Always look her in the eyes when you say “I love you”.
17. Build good relations with her family and friends.
18. Give her breakfast in bed once or twice a week.
19. Tell her how beautiful she is when she’s put some extra effort into her looks for a party.
20. Follow this list, and you’ll get married eventually!
Yeah, there are certainly stuff to criticize, but compared to the PUA:s and MRA:s that David quotes on this site, this dude is a feminist saint.