advocacy of violence anti-Semitism antifeminism cuckolding empathy deficit entitled babies evil women literal nazis manginas misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men racism rape culture reactionary bullshit

Comments I don’t let through: Saturday afternoon hate potpourri

We get a lot of these around here.
We get a lot of these around here.

Once again, a look at some of the comments that people try to leave here, but which for assorted reasons don’t get past the rigorous We Hunted the Mammoth screening process.

I kid; the process is not rigorous at all. You just need to pass a minimal standard of basic human decency. Here’s an assortment of comments from people who, well, fell short. In each instance, I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to guess why.

I’ll take “Protocols of the Elders of [BLANK]” for $400, Alex!

Oh so we’re supposed to believe the whole destruction of European culture is all just a miraculous coincidence? And that the world is just jealous at all the Jews for their success? I find it more of a conspiracy theory to claim that than to just look at human history and conclude that Jews are always bad news. I rather have European rulers, than some hook nosed freaks from the desert.


This fellow, like a lot of manospherians, seems really, really obsessed with cuckolding.


is this David Futrelle “for real”? He looks like a parody of what the cuckest of the cucks would look like. A no-life guy with morbid obesity and 2 fucking cats!?? Lol tell me this is a joke


This fellow tried to post a number of comments on the same theme. This is is most succinct:




I’ll take “I don’t condone violence but you feminists totally deserve it for making jokes” for $200, Alex.

I don’t condone any sort of violence but this was bound to happen. There isn’t absolute good or evil among people. The feminist movements have been poking at a bear with a stick while confined on a cage. Once the bear realize the cage is but imaginary, the person doing the poking will be devoured. This will bring misandry topic onto the table at last. The I bathe on male tears isn’t so funny when the shoe is on the other foot now is it?. That person predictions will continue to come true, after all the bear is still being poked at.

tl;dr: This guy, not really a big fan of women. (Spot the “we hunted the mammoth” for bonus points.)

don’t worry about stats, it’s women who are out of cuntroll world wide and time a real man beat the shit out the Great Whore mentality and knocked some ass to the ground… women ARE children their entire lives, treat them as such… just like if they want to run around being holes for dick – gotsta let a hoe be a hoe… walk away from the natural born worthless LOSER whores. men built, own and run this world… what the fuck has a parasitic whore done but gestate the life man gives them so they have purpose and to take care of them only to have a cunt think she’s better…? GOD HAD a wife ya know?! didn’t none ya mutherfuckers ever read the damn thing or between the lines? they are parasites off of mankind. second place is always last place… in nature.  PS: fuck your feeling whores, time to grow up and put your whore ass where your whore mouths are… get the fuck to work and let’s see something besides excuses and laying around looking to sex up the best buck to pay for your lazy asses… ET-fucking-CETERA.  want another example of rampant Americunt Sex in The City – Life as A Human Toilet whining world wide – LQQK AT “MODERN” UKRAINIAN WOMEN. no values, morals or brains just like the rest everywhere. trash.

You thought that last one was the worst it gets? Unfortunately not. Whoever sent this one — from a dubious IP address — is either a giant douchebag of a troll, or the next Elliot Rodger. (Please be the former.)

I hate women. I hate women so much that I’d like to set them afire, shoot them, cut off their heads, drown them, poison them, and do whatever else it might take to see them suffer.  I’m going to make that happen. You don’t believe me. You don’t have to. I’ll have my fun.

I’m going to just stop now. This post turned out a bit darker than I expected.

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Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Sure as fuck isn’t. I’d think I’d remember hearing the speech read like a fucking minstrel show.

And, wow, the first recorded version is so fucking different. The Gage version adds shit and twists shit and just, fuck, man. God, fuck, white people in the 1800s, what’s wrong with you?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


9 years ago

Oh sweet merciful zomboid shaft, he’s using Thoughtcatalog as a source. Why not go peak wingnut with WorldNetDaily or Alex Jones? Heck, TimeCube or Francis E. Dec, while you’re at it.

9 years ago

Snuffy: lol

These are quotes!

I guess you’ll never be satisfied, will you?

Good night, and good luck!

9 years ago

The best part about trollboy’s insistence about MANY PROMINENT FEMINIST LEADERS wanting to kill 90% of all men is that the one, solitary example he gave of an young, obscure woman who doesn’t even claim to be a feminist doesn’t even say that 90% of all men should be killed. She says that there should be selective abortion and genetic modification to reduce the male-female ratio to 1:9 in the following generations, instead of the rough 5:5 it is now. (which technically would actually mean reducing the male population by 80%, because they only make up 50% of the population to begin with). Which, I mean, is still fucked up in the extreme, don’t get me wrong. But she isn’t advocating killing curently-living men.

Also, gotta love this:

No man supports, rape, murder, violence unless their a psychopath.

The standard “if a man does something wrong, he’s wrong, if a woman does something wrong, women are wrong” double standard getting applied there. People like Roosh and that sickening commentor who wants to literally murder women TOTALLY don’t represent men or men’s rights, don’t be absurd! One woman who isn’t affiliated with feminism makes eugenic arguments about reducing the male population? FEMINISTS WANT TO KILL ALL MEN!!!111!! Perfect logic there /sarcasm

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Good night, and good luck!

Fucking hell, when are you finally going to leave?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


You’ve been saying good night for, like, three posts now. Just go your own way already.

9 years ago

Out of context quotes. Feel free to prove feminists are trying to kill all men though, maybe there’s an organization? A fundraiser?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago



That book is a good one, though. I got my copy through interlibrary loan, but it seems like Amazon has some used versions for less than $5 including shipping.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Sweet, because I was some Amazon credit. 😀

9 years ago

Robert-“It occurs to me that some dudebros are still all het up about Valerie Solanas for attempting to kill one man over forty years ago. Oh, yes – and Andrea Dworkin for not actually saying that heterosexual intercourse is rape. If a woman burst into a college classroom and shot multiple men, can you IMAGINE their reaction?”

I noticed this too. And they call US extreme. I try hard NOT to imagine what their reaction would be if something like this happens. I bet they would go on and on about how she was a man hating feminist and that all women are evil and that all women think as she does. Yet when there is a clear pattern of male entitlement, male violence, misogyny and a clear pattern of mass murder, they (MRAs and their ilk) are quick to dismiss the perpetrator as ‘mentally ill’ and nothing to do with hatred of women. Such people are also quick blame the incidents on the victims or on women in general. You see this with the reactions after Elliot Rodger’s massacre, Andreas Lubitz crashing the plane and killing 150 people, John Noble shooting himself in front a restaurant full of people because his his lifetime free buffet pass was revoked and the recent murder of Grace Mann. (bigboy-if you are wondering why I haven’t posted any links, it is because these people have been discussed at length in previous entries of this blog. Just check the archives). I am extremely tired of the hypocrisy of these people. And very tried of their expectation that all women have to be perfect, while they expect to be able to behave anyway they like. It really gets my blood boiling sometimes.

Snuffy-“@bigboy, still waiting for that link that proves feminists want to kill 90% of men.”

Same here.

9 years ago

Nameless Wonder

“It’s utterly bizarre to me that this ONE comment, that we don’t even know if it EXISTS, is viewed as worse than the string of violent hate speech we come out of the male supremacist camp on a daily basis. Even if this one comment were to exist, it is NOTHING compared to the doxxing, racism, transsexism, gay bashing, Islamophobia and other hideous and horrible things that these supremacists do and continue to do without taking any responsibility for their actions.

This also underscores the problem that MRAs say “Look, we have good points! Here, read my little list” as if that little list justifies the ass ton of contemptuous bigotry spewed by them.

And these guys think we have something to prove to THEM?


I know. It is blatant double standard and is ABSOLUTELY infuriating. The lack of self awareness, coupled with the sheer amount willful ignorance and projection never ceases to be astounding. Neither does the depths that these guys go down to.

9 years ago

Nameless Wonder-“Is it possible to flounce glitter in two sequential comments? Starting to think it’s likely…”

It seems very likely indeed.

9 years ago

Wowza , the two sites big boy links to say a lot about him, none of it good or surprising.

* When it hits don’t say we didn’t warn you.*
Plently of ads for prepper supplies, body armor, tactical grade ammo and gold. The articles are an odd mixture of far right conspiracy paranoia and poor investment advice.

“Keep It On The Down Low: Top 5 Ways To Hide Your Guns and Gear”

“Here We Stand, At The Twilight’s Last Gleaming: ‘All Private Property Rights In The U.S. To Be Strategically Usurped'”

“This is Why You Need Your Money Out of the Bank: Freeze Outs, Glitches and Holds Increasingly Locking Customers Out of Funds”

“The Only Currency You’ll Need In a Collapse” aka Buy copper, silver, gold and platinum, preferably from us!

Do you fantasize about a youngish blonde woman with boundless enthusiasm for ill-defined liberty and guns? Then check out this YouTube non-sensation, only one of her videos has more than one thousand views, who loves, loves, loves guns. She actually speaks out against police overreach, militarization and violence, which is admirable; she endlessly rails against gun lovers’ favorite target, Moms for Action, which is not admirable.

Big boy is either one of Liberty Doll’s handful of fans, she has almost no comments on a blog she started in 2013, or is Liberty Doll.

9 years ago

Aaaand trollboy is still drunk and yattering like he can’t even hear us. Take the corncobs out of yer ears, trollboy!

9 years ago

Waiting for troll boy to provide evidence or better yet, just leave

9 years ago

“Waiting for troll boy to provide evidence or better yet, just leave”

I don’t think the former is EEEEEVVVVVVVVVEEEERRRR going to happen. However, I am very hopeful for the latter, because of this:

9 years ago

You know, if there was a group that I thought was serious about wanting to kill 90% of a group I belonged to, I think the most logical and reasonable thing to do would be to troll their comment section. It’s really the most rational option.

9 years ago

Hey trollboy, what drugs are you on? The reason I ask is so I can avoid them.

9 years ago

(Also, “Liberty Doll” sounds like an inflatable sex doll for the tinfoil-hat crowd.)

9 years ago

yodog, do you do videos on teh youtube? with my shitty jod its have little time to read the stuff youdo, so do you has videos or plans to do teh videos?

9 years ago

@big boy

Snuffy: lol

These are quotes!

I guess you’ll never be satisfied, will you?

I’d argue a list of short quotes from Thought Catalog (snicker) is very unsatisfying, since all 23 lack citations and only 3 have the title of the work they’re allegedly taken from. Plus, one is described only as anonymous “popular feminist graffiti”.

These copy pasta quote lists are nothing new and most have been debunked.

9 years ago

Oh yay my picture uploaded now how do I captualize the “F” in my name?

9 years ago

Oops never mind.

9 years ago

Why can’t I stop thinking that that Big boy troll was performing a self fellatio all along, only stopping once a while to say “I am so smart and witty” , “NOT ALL MEN” and “Good Night” ?
Oh yeah… because he is a MGTOW.

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