advocacy of violence anti-Semitism antifeminism cuckolding empathy deficit entitled babies evil women literal nazis manginas misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men racism rape culture reactionary bullshit

Comments I don’t let through: Saturday afternoon hate potpourri

We get a lot of these around here.
We get a lot of these around here.

Once again, a look at some of the comments that people try to leave here, but which for assorted reasons don’t get past the rigorous We Hunted the Mammoth screening process.

I kid; the process is not rigorous at all. You just need to pass a minimal standard of basic human decency. Here’s an assortment of comments from people who, well, fell short. In each instance, I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to guess why.

I’ll take “Protocols of the Elders of [BLANK]” for $400, Alex!

Oh so we’re supposed to believe the whole destruction of European culture is all just a miraculous coincidence? And that the world is just jealous at all the Jews for their success? I find it more of a conspiracy theory to claim that than to just look at human history and conclude that Jews are always bad news. I rather have European rulers, than some hook nosed freaks from the desert.


This fellow, like a lot of manospherians, seems really, really obsessed with cuckolding.


is this David Futrelle “for real”? He looks like a parody of what the cuckest of the cucks would look like. A no-life guy with morbid obesity and 2 fucking cats!?? Lol tell me this is a joke


This fellow tried to post a number of comments on the same theme. This is is most succinct:




I’ll take “I don’t condone violence but you feminists totally deserve it for making jokes” for $200, Alex.

I don’t condone any sort of violence but this was bound to happen. There isn’t absolute good or evil among people. The feminist movements have been poking at a bear with a stick while confined on a cage. Once the bear realize the cage is but imaginary, the person doing the poking will be devoured. This will bring misandry topic onto the table at last. The I bathe on male tears isn’t so funny when the shoe is on the other foot now is it?. That person predictions will continue to come true, after all the bear is still being poked at.

tl;dr: This guy, not really a big fan of women. (Spot the “we hunted the mammoth” for bonus points.)

don’t worry about stats, it’s women who are out of cuntroll world wide and time a real man beat the shit out the Great Whore mentality and knocked some ass to the ground… women ARE children their entire lives, treat them as such… just like if they want to run around being holes for dick – gotsta let a hoe be a hoe… walk away from the natural born worthless LOSER whores. men built, own and run this world… what the fuck has a parasitic whore done but gestate the life man gives them so they have purpose and to take care of them only to have a cunt think she’s better…? GOD HAD a wife ya know?! didn’t none ya mutherfuckers ever read the damn thing or between the lines? they are parasites off of mankind. second place is always last place… in nature.  PS: fuck your feeling whores, time to grow up and put your whore ass where your whore mouths are… get the fuck to work and let’s see something besides excuses and laying around looking to sex up the best buck to pay for your lazy asses… ET-fucking-CETERA.  want another example of rampant Americunt Sex in The City – Life as A Human Toilet whining world wide – LQQK AT “MODERN” UKRAINIAN WOMEN. no values, morals or brains just like the rest everywhere. trash.

You thought that last one was the worst it gets? Unfortunately not. Whoever sent this one — from a dubious IP address — is either a giant douchebag of a troll, or the next Elliot Rodger. (Please be the former.)

I hate women. I hate women so much that I’d like to set them afire, shoot them, cut off their heads, drown them, poison them, and do whatever else it might take to see them suffer.  I’m going to make that happen. You don’t believe me. You don’t have to. I’ll have my fun.

I’m going to just stop now. This post turned out a bit darker than I expected.

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Nameless Wonder
Nameless Wonder
9 years ago

RE: thought catalog quote page

Well, it’s a good thing I walked away for a while because now that’s someone posted a link, I don’t have to debunk that page myself. Thanks for posting that link!

But FFS, the fact that a fake thought catalog page is being used to discredit an entire civil rights movement is still shitty and dishonest move. If you have to struggle to find 23 quotes over the entire history of feminism, when all I have to do is lurk on an MRA board to find 23+ horrible hate speech comments per day it is a clear indication of exactly how uneven the comparison between feminists and MRAs are.

Not to mention that many of those 23 quotes were about the institution of marriage and most definitely not hate speech against men as a class, but free speech concerning a cultural establishment that has historically and presently bonded women to men without their consent. A reading of any history book will tell you – women were property, owned first by their fathers than handed over to their husbands. Money also changed hands, which means women were bought and sold, and how much money they were worth depended on her status and her quality as breeding mate. If someone doesn’t find this practice repugnant, they are suspect in my eyes.

Just because marriage today is practiced as a frilly first world affair doesn’t make it any less toxic or historically questionable. Children in fundamentalist countries are married off to perverted old men, and I have read horrifying cases of these girls being raped to death on their “wedding night.” You’re going to tell me, with a straight face, that marriage as an institution deserves to be saved?

Also RE: wives being raped by their husbands.

Yeah, legal recognition for marital rape only happened in the past few decades or so in America. The past few decades, FFS. So let me get this straight – MRAs say on one hand, that first world women aren’t oppressed and just spoiled children; yet they believe it’s okay for them to rape their wives. Again, they believe it’s okay for them to rape their wives. Now how in the ever flying fuck can these idiots even pretend that women have equal rights, if they themselves deny women the right to NOT be raped?

9 years ago

Nameless wonder
Thank you and thank you for that link I was thinking about that but couldn’t remember the title.

9 years ago

I think he’s gone. I think Misseb47’s “troll away” worked.

In other news:

9 years ago

Holy shiiiiit you guys have been busy. 7 comments on this thread when I went to bed and now 229 when I wake up 10 hours later. It normally takes days for a comment thread to reach that many comments.

9 years ago

Fruitloopsie-YAY! Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Nice new profile picture, by the way. It’s lovely. 😀

9 years ago

sunnysombrera- Thanks! XD We had a bit of a troll problem, you see. We had fun with him (by making fun OF him), but he got a little boring. So I got out the trusty Troll Away spray and now he’s gone. 😀

9 years ago

bigboy sez:

LBT: How cute? A mangina

I’m awfully late to the party but I just want to point out what an own goal the word “mangina” is for someone who claims not to hate women. It’s not possible to arrive at the conclusion that comparing a man to a woman works as an insult unless you think “like a woman” is a bad thing to be.


9 years ago

The gif at the top of the page of the internet dude typing bizarrely is exactly how I imagine bigboy looking when writing his nonsense.

Also, I love it when MGTOWs turn up here. “I’m totally going my own way. To this feminist site.” Bigboy, I think you might be MGTOWing wrong. Or maybe not as so many of you neeeeeed to come tell us about how you’re, like, totes going and “no gurlz alowd” in your treehouse.

9 years ago



9 years ago

Wow, this thread did grow some while I was sleeping.

When Trollboy listed Sharon Stone as a ‘kill all men’ feminist, was he referring to Sharon Stone the actor? Because I’ve never her spout misandrist rhetoric like that, maybe he was getting confused with the character she played in Basic Instinct?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

The web (that is, the network of hypertext pages which link together and are accessed via a browser, like we’re doing now) was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Sir Tim is a feminist who has been campaigning for greater protection for women online. This means that awkwardly for the MGTOW community, the internet has mangina cooties on it.

BBSes are still probably okay. You could go your own way to one of those.

9 years ago

You’re still talking to this sorry-ass troll?

9 years ago

I gather Sally Miller-Gearhart did write that the male population should be reduced to 10% in her 1981 essay ‘The Future – if there is one – is Female’

Has anyone here read that? Because I’d like to know the context of that statement. I’m guessing she’s talking eugenics, not murder.

Still, this was written 34 years ago and Miller-Gearhart is a retired academic, not exactly ‘a feminist leader’.

9 years ago

sn0rkmaiden-“When Trollboy listed Sharon Stone as a ‘kill all men’ feminist, was he referring to Sharon Stone the actor? Because I’ve never her spout misandrist rhetoric like that, maybe he was getting confused with the character she played in Basic Instinct?”

Probably. It won’t surprise me at all.

9 years ago

Nequam-Nah. It seems that he has left.

9 years ago

@ misseb47

Yep, he seems to have gone home, doubtless he’s congratulating himself over his stunning victory over teh ebil feminizts with his FACTS AND LOGIK.

9 years ago

My first post here, so apologies if <blockquote> doesn’t work as I expect it to.


I liked the summary of radicalism I once heard when listening to Noam Chomsky,probably one of the gentlest humans on the planet :)…

“Authority isn’t an inherent right: the greater the use of authority, the greater the need for justification.”

Is there any chance you have a link to that? My education has given me too many French post-modernists and not nearly enough works that Alan Sokal wouldn’t want to mock. I’ve always wanted to read more Chomsky, but the sheer volume of his bibliography seems, well, daunting. I figured listening to some talks might ease me in 🙂

9 years ago

sn0rkmaiden-LOL! That won’t surprise me either. These types are so deluded that they claim victory even in the most humiliating defeat and think that what ever they say is
‘facts and logik’ simply because they believe their own crap. They have a ‘I believe it so it has to be right and everyone who disagrees with me is automatically wrong’ mentality.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Ugh, another MGTOW troll coming on here to wank for 200+ posts about how little he cares.

They always seem to latch on to one male-identifying commenter, don’t they? They make an elaborate show of being civil and deferential to their chosen commenter, while ignoring/dismissing/insulting everyone else, becauss women are emotional and meeeeean and not worth taking seriously. (Cootiephobia, of course, being very rational and hyper-logical). It’s an especially immature form of sealioning.

I admire your patience, PoM. Maybe we should all change our usernames to “Chad Brobeef, Alpha Lifter” and confuse the hell out of these trolls.

9 years ago

How does it come that so many of these MRA’s, Redpillers and MGTOW’s always resort to name calling, using words like “mangina” and “SJW”? It’s just stupid and incredibly childish.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Bloody hell, how did you guys manage to understand Trollboy long enough to mock him? It’s like he ran half his posts through Bad Translator… *squints* Actually, given what he’s said in the past about using incomprehensible un-grammar as a “Neg,” that’s probably exactly what he did. Eesh.

Although I’m pretty sure he meant Sharon Osbourne, not Sharon Stone. MRAs have a serious hateboner for her.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I will forever remember this one for his assertion that men only use grammar and spelling in order to attract women, and therefore we should understand that since he’s not here to pick people up there’s no sense in using them. I think that deserves to be embroidered on something.

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

I tried reading bigboy’s trolling comments, but they were indecipherable. I sure feel all negged that he thinks were not worthy of being trolled with proper vocabulary and syntax. /s

Most of the quotes from the OP left me with the old familiar feeling of “wait, wut?” Except that last one. I think we should all take his word for it. He said he’s not kidding, so alright. I feel like these guys should be reported for this sort of disturbing stuff (and MRAs, GGers, and PUAs–this is different than swatting. It’s actually validly reporting someone for making extremely threatening statements). It might take a the FBI hiring a few more forensic IT folks, but they may actually avert tragedies from happening. There may be some instances in which they catch the murderer in his planning stages, while he’s stockpiling weapons. I’m sure the fellow in the OP would be peeing his pants when the FBI knocks on the door to his parents’ house where he lives…Or, they may catch him in the act of planning to kill people.

9 years ago

*checks comments section*

*sees troll*

*doesn’t understand what troll has against grammar conventions*

You all are better people than I am.

*goes to drink more coffee*

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