@Sadie, I missed your comment up there (I believe anyone’s first comment through moderation)… I’m from Argentina and I know there are some other Latin Americans who haunt this blog too 😉
Let me be the first one to say welcome! and you can click on the scented candle on the right for a Welcome Package 🙂
Waves and drinks mate from el otro lado del charco
@wwth Happy Birthday, wwth!! Hope you had (and keep on having) a great time <3
That video! I didn't know Sam Seder but I already like him… Favorite bit:
– I'm recording this conversation! I'll put it up in my YouTube channel!
– Ok, let's promote you're channel. What's the name?
– I don't have one yet!
@Re: violence in films
I really enjoyed this conversation, can't brain right know because just woke up and saturday, but thanks to all who participated.
Khane's Mom
9 years ago
Love love love the welcome package. Thanks so much for pointing me to it and the warm welcome.
Dan Kasteray
9 years ago
Here’s a little something semi-relevant to this blog and something that made me laugh.
9 years ago
The whole Anita thing is one of those issues that just has to be accepted as difference of opinion. Like, I support that woman one hundred percent and then some, but I don’t think she’s without error and I definitely disagree with her about things. And Mad Max is going to be one of them. As in, yes this is a violent film, but to me it expressly portrayed the violence on the part of the pursuers as gross and destructive, the violence on the part of Max as that of survival and not glamorous, and that of the women as self defense. Because while we all know violence is not desirable, sometimes it is necessary, which the biker lady tribe explicitly state. Also, it has some pretty clear testaments to nonviolence countering violence, specifically, when Splendid Angharad puts herself in the line of fire to protect Furiosa. It’s an absolutely stunning image, and I get goosebumps just thinking about it. As for things going boom and high speed car chases, while I think humanity can rise above our violent instincts, we will probably never get past our fondness for excitement and explosions, if roller coasters and the Mythbusters are anything to go by.
As for choice feminism, I think there are two things happening there. On the one hand, you do have a sort of consumer friendly ‘so long as it’s your choice it’s feminist!’ rhetoric which is pretty obviously unproductive as it ignores the stresses placed on women to behave in certain ways, and what happens to us if we don’t. On the other hand, we all have to live in this world, and to use a quote in particularly like ‘everyone is free to navigate their matrix of oppression as they see fit.’ Now does that mean people will make perfect choices? No, and there are definitely occasions where bad choices need calling out. But I also think that in being too critical of other women and their choices we can perpetuate the side of patriarchy which finds fault in literally everything a woman does.
David Quinn, a leading campaigner against gay marriage and director of Catholic think tank the Iona Institute, told national broadcaster RTE it was “obviously a very impressive victory for the ‘Yes’ side”.
He added that early tallies indicated that those in favour of gay marriage had secured a victory “roughly in the region of two to one“.
Congrats NicolaLuna! Yes, shedding the constant drip-drip-drop of a chronically critical parter has to feel deeply freeing!
You guys… I have a master’s degree! Can’t believe it! And a new job! eek! First day is on Tuesday. I am not totally sure what exactly they’re having me do but I’m doing an Americorps summer program, so I’m excited. Maybe gardening, maybe tutoring: it’s all good. If I like it (and can make it work financially with the slim stipend) I can extend it for a full year.
The latest news with Josh Duggar is totally stressing me out, and it shouldn’t be. I know sexual abuse is sadly common and that their style of arch-patriarchal fishbowl life is particularly conducive to letting it fester. It’s no surprise that they dealt so inadequately with it, or that they covered it up, or that they had plenty of abusers and abuse-enablers in their circle who’d grease their path. I’ve never been a Duggar fan and long assumed there was something dysfunctional going on behind closed doors– I guess I naively assumed it’d be tax evasion or Jim Bob having affairs with men or some more traditionally tele-evagelistic scandal. Sexual abuse involving minors really failed to cross my mind.
I guess what does surprise me is that some of my supposedly morally-grounded-by-the-old-time-religion friends are *also* condoning the abuse under this “Jesus forgives, it was so long ago, boys will be boys, why all the negativity?!” mumbo jumbo rationalization rubric. They’re bona fide upset that “the media” is making such a big deal out of it, like the boy got busted shoplifting fifteen years ago and people are blowing it all out of proportion now out of nothing but sheer spite. o.0 Whyyyy is it being allowed to interrupt their fave TV show??!! I’m like …. “and I am the moral-relativist heathen here?”
Basically, as much as I genuinely do like my old friends and plan to keep them… I really think I may be overdue for some new ones. lol I live in a pretty conservative bit of the world and tend to socialize with some pretty conservative people. But it strikes me in the last few years that American “conservatism” too often means shocking levels of irresponsibility mixed with tribalism, basically. Nothing I can really do about that except watch the company I keep more carefully.
Sad that it’s taken me so long to really get that at a personal level, but there you go. Living and learning, etc
Nameless Wonder
9 years ago
Hi everyone! Hope y’all are having a great weekend :o)
Congrats to Ireland, may the rainbow flag wave high and proud!!!
WWTH – happy birthday!
@Katz, I loved Mad Max! It was brilliantly done. I consider it not only the most feminist movie I have ever seen, but one of the most prescient. This IS what the Earth will look like if things don’t change, and violence WILL continue to be part of everyday life as long as warlords continue to unleash militaristic campaigns of resource hoarding. As long as we have villainous assholes who want to own people, people WILL fight back. Everything the Patriarchy is goes against our egalitarian instincts, IMO. I think humanity’s shrinking brain is proof that we are devolving because of it.
As far as Anita Sarkeesian’s opinion, I also disagree. I don’t think the presence of violence in a feminist movie somehow makes it not-feminist, as pandapool said all our choices are colored by the Patriarchy and as long as it’s in context with that understanding I don’t see a problem. For women and girls to be depicted as fully human, we must be willing to show both the good and the bad with compassion. Compassion doesn’t mean agreeing with what they do. It means understanding why they did it in context with the bigger picture.
With that said, I support Anita 100% in expressing her opinion. I don’t think she has the power to decide what is feminist or what is not (as a whole), so I’m fine with her saying whatever even if I disagree with it. There are so many kinds of feminism and hers is but one of them. As long as we agree that women are human and deserve to be treated with understanding and compassion, I’m happy for her, as I am for everyone else.
@ Ceebarks, congrats on the Masters, and the new job.
Sorry to hear you’re having to listen to people defend the Duggars. I wonder if they’re as philosophical and understanding about women seeking abortions or women who choose to have children out of wedlock, or LGBT people for that matter? I’ve despised the Duggars for as long as I’ve been aware of them, but I’m saddened to hear about this; I feel so bad for the girls. It’s bad enough they get their whole adult lives mapped out for them, but now we learn they’ve even been robbed of their childhoods.
Nameless Wonder
9 years ago
@ceebarks, congrats on your masters degree!
The latest news with Josh Duggar is totally stressing me out, and it shouldn’t be.
I’d be kind of worried if it didn’t upset people! This isn’t just about *one boy’s mistake*, this is about a boy who preyed on several of his sisters forcibly and while they slept and apparently continuing to do so for over a year until his dad finally got up off his duff and told a cop who just happened to be a consumer of child porn himself. FFS. The Duggar fans are desperately trying to make this a story of redemption rather than what it really is: a family covering up god knows only how much abuse and sacrificing the health and well being of their daughters so their darling son won’t have to face the consequences of his actions.
I’m trying not to post too much about it here, but it has affected me. It’s sickened me, and I’m about to throw up by typing this: There is a rumor that TLC will continue the show without Josh. That’s right, they might continue broadcasting the victim’s faces to the public so all the sick fans of this sick family can all sit around guess which of the sisters he molested.
The fact that the Duggars have not QUIT the show to save TLC the decision of what to do says volumes about how sorry they really are. Why would they continue to do the show knowing the public, along with pedophiles, are just going to be sitting around watching the daughters for their own sick amusement?
…Yeah, I’d only vaguely heard of the Duggars’ reality show, but it angers me that covering up abuse is seen as “forgiveness.” That’s giving forgiveness a bad name. First of all, letting other people suffer while you continue profiting from your stupid reality show isn’t really WWJD-worthy. Second, how do you even “forgive” someone who did something bad to someone else and not you? (It’s funny: I think I first heard that line from conservative, catch-phrasey radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger when I was a kid. Even a stopped clock is right once a Salvador Dali painting.)
@Snork: no, of course not, lol. Naturally, plenty of these people have divorces and blended families and kids conceived out of wedlock, but Jesus forgives and it was the crazy ex’s and/or Satan’s fault, anyway. Abortion, ‘course, is murder and LGBT people, while fundamentally disordered, can be grudgingly tolerated, as long as they stay in the closet and don’t cause the kids to ask difficult questions: we prefer our children not know anything about sex for as long as humanly possible, because purity, and having to even think about explaining gay sex is just beyond the pale.
anyway, obvs, I bite my tongue a lot, which isn’t helping. There is no sense arguing with people about religion, is there? Part of me wonders if part of the problem here is that SO MUCH normal, relatively healthy sexual behavior is *also* considered sin– if masturbation is sin and premarital sex and divorce/remarriage is sin and even just thinking sexual thoughts is sin etc… then we’re pretty much all just sinners, and hey, lookie, Joshie-boy is just a sinner like the rest of us!
At least it’s enough of a figleaf to cover the cognitive dissonance involved in finding out one of your idols is a straight up whited sepulchre. I have a hard time deciding how much of this really is just cognitive dissonance/denial and how much of it is that they think molestation is not really a big deal.
Truly hope it’s the former, because “I can’t even” with the latter.
I’m horrified that the abuse was SO inadequately handled at the time it occurred, then blatantly– BLATANTLY– swept under the rug for $$$ and political influence, and now everyone’s supposed to just be like, “oh, the family ‘handled it’ years ago and Jesus forgives, so let’s get back to babies and weddings on TV, yay! Everything is awesome!”
WTF! So, SO irresponsible!
@nameless wonder, yeah, I had worried that TLC would just put them back on the air sans Josh, like nothing ever happened. There’s clearly a sizable audience for it, unfortunately.
9 years ago
So many birthdays! Happy birthday to everyone for whom that applies and a very merry unbirthday for the rest of you.
Things are looking up in my little world as the bf is going through the interview process right now for a new job, and it’s looking good for him (from what he can tell). I still haven’t heard back from anyone yet, but his income will be much greater than mine, so the pressure will be off for us if he gets the position. And that is all my news!
I’m glad about Ireland’s marriage law, though! It made me happy to hear it on the radio this morning. I’m not European nor very Irish in origin (maybe a little bit; my background’s of the “mostly white mishmash” variety) but I took a course on Irish literature from a prof. who put a strong focus on LGBTQ fiction. So yay! 🙂
Thinking about that leads me to something personal and likely wordy to explain. Okay. My parents are going across the country to this General Assembly thing of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and one of the big issues is whether they’ll allow clergy to do same-sex marriages. Many ministers in their circle say the best thing to do is delay the whole business to prevent a big church split-up, The other options that I know of are b) all clergy will have to perform same-sex marriage, c) the church will affirm it’s against it and no clergy will be able to do it officially, or d) clergy will have the option to do it.
I’m in favour of the last one, since it’ll give people the most freedom. Personally, I don’t think there’s a good reason in religion or out of it to deny people the right to marry (any appeal to “natural law” would favour the LGBTQ side, in my opinion) but my parents, otherwise not that conservative, don’t think doing gay stuff is right. They just don’t. Because Genesis, etc.
Well, when I can’t argue from a logical place, I try arguing from an emotional one, and this is kind of emotional for me since I am, as I like to joke, approximately half gay. And I said some mean things to my mother, saying she was “always intolerant” and that isn’t true.
My angsty teenage life, in summary: “Oh noes, I am a lesbian, this is bad” and then when I had a crush on a boy, “Oh, okay, I’m not gay, phew,” and then, at 15, “Oh, this word called ‘bisexual’ exists, cool.” Except I also had a violent temper and treated my parents badly, even hitting them when I was angry, and domestic abuse is horrible coming from anybody, including teenagers. I don’t hit anybody now, and I am more or less an adult (in years, I turn 27 soon) but I’m still struggling with how to disagree without losing my temper and saying things that’ll make them feel bad. I owe them a lot, given how they’ve put up with me and supported me in other things.
Tl;dr infodumps are totally how I procrastinate on work and/or going out with friends (because apparently friends are scary) but sorry if it’s all boring and irrelevant here.
@epitome: I think it is interesting and not irrelevant at all! It IS an awkward dance party so it’s impossible to be wrong here, lol
You know, I don’t know anything about the Presbyterians. Is the General Assembly decision going to apply to all the Presbyterian churches or just the ones in Canada? I think I’d favor the let-the-officiant-decide approach, too, partly for reasons of political expedience and partly out of respect for the older generation in particular.
It’s hard to disagree with people about something you feel strongly about w/o lashing out and getting ugly, isn’t it?! I think that’s a real skill.
(Personally I will quietly go-along-to-get-along til I cannot STAND it another single second and then unleash a barrage of um, colorful verbal rage, which isn’t a constructive way to deal with inevitable relationship conflict either. ugh)
Nameless Wonder
9 years ago
@epitome, I personally believe that marriage as an institution should be abolished. It was a way to establish women as property to men, and to force them into a role of domestic servant, breeding machine, and/or farmhand.
Now that we’re in the 21st century (yippee!), all partnerships should be recognized under the law as civil unions, and then people can do whatever religious thingamiwhatsits they want with the ceremonial aspect.
Since the state doesn’t have the power to decide under which religious banner these events happen, then holy books should be kept out of legal partnerships in the first place. The only role of the state should be to allot assets and/or determine child custody in the event of dissolution. The rest is none of their business as long as all parties are consenting adults.
I find it’s easier to argue from a legal standpoint than it is to try to appeal to people’s tolerance (it either doesn’t exist or can’t be relied upon).
Flying Mouse
9 years ago
Many happy returns to all the birthday Mammotheers!
@Sadie, I missed your comment up there (I believe anyone’s first comment through moderation)… I’m from Argentina and I know there are some other Latin Americans who haunt this blog too 😉
Let me be the first one to say welcome! and you can click on the scented candle on the right for a Welcome Package 🙂
Waves and drinks mate from el otro lado del charco
@wwth Happy Birthday, wwth!! Hope you had (and keep on having) a great time <3
That video! I didn't know Sam Seder but I already like him… Favorite bit:
– I'm recording this conversation! I'll put it up in my YouTube channel!
– Ok, let's promote you're channel. What's the name?
– I don't have one yet!
@Re: violence in films
I really enjoyed this conversation, can't brain right know because just woke up and saturday, but thanks to all who participated.
Love love love the welcome package. Thanks so much for pointing me to it and the warm welcome.
Here’s a little something semi-relevant to this blog and something that made me laugh.
The whole Anita thing is one of those issues that just has to be accepted as difference of opinion. Like, I support that woman one hundred percent and then some, but I don’t think she’s without error and I definitely disagree with her about things. And Mad Max is going to be one of them. As in, yes this is a violent film, but to me it expressly portrayed the violence on the part of the pursuers as gross and destructive, the violence on the part of Max as that of survival and not glamorous, and that of the women as self defense. Because while we all know violence is not desirable, sometimes it is necessary, which the biker lady tribe explicitly state. Also, it has some pretty clear testaments to nonviolence countering violence, specifically, when Splendid Angharad puts herself in the line of fire to protect Furiosa. It’s an absolutely stunning image, and I get goosebumps just thinking about it. As for things going boom and high speed car chases, while I think humanity can rise above our violent instincts, we will probably never get past our fondness for excitement and explosions, if roller coasters and the Mythbusters are anything to go by.
As for choice feminism, I think there are two things happening there. On the one hand, you do have a sort of consumer friendly ‘so long as it’s your choice it’s feminist!’ rhetoric which is pretty obviously unproductive as it ignores the stresses placed on women to behave in certain ways, and what happens to us if we don’t. On the other hand, we all have to live in this world, and to use a quote in particularly like ‘everyone is free to navigate their matrix of oppression as they see fit.’ Now does that mean people will make perfect choices? No, and there are definitely occasions where bad choices need calling out. But I also think that in being too critical of other women and their choices we can perpetuate the side of patriarchy which finds fault in literally everything a woman does.
OMG! You guys, looks like Ireland has voted YES to marriage equality!!!
I could not be more ecstatic :D:D:D
Yaaay. You’re right.
Congrats NicolaLuna! Yes, shedding the constant drip-drip-drop of a chronically critical parter has to feel deeply freeing!
You guys… I have a master’s degree! Can’t believe it! And a new job! eek! First day is on Tuesday. I am not totally sure what exactly they’re having me do but I’m doing an Americorps summer program, so I’m excited. Maybe gardening, maybe tutoring: it’s all good. If I like it (and can make it work financially with the slim stipend) I can extend it for a full year.
The latest news with Josh Duggar is totally stressing me out, and it shouldn’t be. I know sexual abuse is sadly common and that their style of arch-patriarchal fishbowl life is particularly conducive to letting it fester. It’s no surprise that they dealt so inadequately with it, or that they covered it up, or that they had plenty of abusers and abuse-enablers in their circle who’d grease their path. I’ve never been a Duggar fan and long assumed there was something dysfunctional going on behind closed doors– I guess I naively assumed it’d be tax evasion or Jim Bob having affairs with men or some more traditionally tele-evagelistic scandal. Sexual abuse involving minors really failed to cross my mind.
I guess what does surprise me is that some of my supposedly morally-grounded-by-the-old-time-religion friends are *also* condoning the abuse under this “Jesus forgives, it was so long ago, boys will be boys, why all the negativity?!” mumbo jumbo rationalization rubric. They’re bona fide upset that “the media” is making such a big deal out of it, like the boy got busted shoplifting fifteen years ago and people are blowing it all out of proportion now out of nothing but sheer spite. o.0 Whyyyy is it being allowed to interrupt their fave TV show??!! I’m like …. “and I am the moral-relativist heathen here?”
Basically, as much as I genuinely do like my old friends and plan to keep them… I really think I may be overdue for some new ones. lol I live in a pretty conservative bit of the world and tend to socialize with some pretty conservative people. But it strikes me in the last few years that American “conservatism” too often means shocking levels of irresponsibility mixed with tribalism, basically. Nothing I can really do about that except watch the company I keep more carefully.
Sad that it’s taken me so long to really get that at a personal level, but there you go. Living and learning, etc
Hi everyone! Hope y’all are having a great weekend :o)
Congrats to Ireland, may the rainbow flag wave high and proud!!!
WWTH – happy birthday!
@Katz, I loved Mad Max! It was brilliantly done. I consider it not only the most feminist movie I have ever seen, but one of the most prescient. This IS what the Earth will look like if things don’t change, and violence WILL continue to be part of everyday life as long as warlords continue to unleash militaristic campaigns of resource hoarding. As long as we have villainous assholes who want to own people, people WILL fight back. Everything the Patriarchy is goes against our egalitarian instincts, IMO. I think humanity’s shrinking brain is proof that we are devolving because of it.
As far as Anita Sarkeesian’s opinion, I also disagree. I don’t think the presence of violence in a feminist movie somehow makes it not-feminist, as pandapool said all our choices are colored by the Patriarchy and as long as it’s in context with that understanding I don’t see a problem. For women and girls to be depicted as fully human, we must be willing to show both the good and the bad with compassion. Compassion doesn’t mean agreeing with what they do. It means understanding why they did it in context with the bigger picture.
With that said, I support Anita 100% in expressing her opinion. I don’t think she has the power to decide what is feminist or what is not (as a whole), so I’m fine with her saying whatever even if I disagree with it. There are so many kinds of feminism and hers is but one of them. As long as we agree that women are human and deserve to be treated with understanding and compassion, I’m happy for her, as I am for everyone else.
@ Ceebarks, congrats on the Masters, and the new job.
Sorry to hear you’re having to listen to people defend the Duggars. I wonder if they’re as philosophical and understanding about women seeking abortions or women who choose to have children out of wedlock, or LGBT people for that matter? I’ve despised the Duggars for as long as I’ve been aware of them, but I’m saddened to hear about this; I feel so bad for the girls. It’s bad enough they get their whole adult lives mapped out for them, but now we learn they’ve even been robbed of their childhoods.
@ceebarks, congrats on your masters degree!
I’d be kind of worried if it didn’t upset people! This isn’t just about *one boy’s mistake*, this is about a boy who preyed on several of his sisters forcibly and while they slept and apparently continuing to do so for over a year until his dad finally got up off his duff and told a cop who just happened to be a consumer of child porn himself. FFS. The Duggar fans are desperately trying to make this a story of redemption rather than what it really is: a family covering up god knows only how much abuse and sacrificing the health and well being of their daughters so their darling son won’t have to face the consequences of his actions.
I’m trying not to post too much about it here, but it has affected me. It’s sickened me, and I’m about to throw up by typing this: There is a rumor that TLC will continue the show without Josh. That’s right, they might continue broadcasting the victim’s faces to the public so all the sick fans of this sick family can all sit around guess which of the sisters he molested.
The fact that the Duggars have not QUIT the show to save TLC the decision of what to do says volumes about how sorry they really are. Why would they continue to do the show knowing the public, along with pedophiles, are just going to be sitting around watching the daughters for their own sick amusement?
…and these people are pro-family?
These people claim to respect life?
They claim to defend “American Values”?
*flounces glitter*
Ugh, the Duggars thing. I can’t even.
Happy birthdays WWTH and contrapangloss!
…Yeah, I’d only vaguely heard of the Duggars’ reality show, but it angers me that covering up abuse is seen as “forgiveness.” That’s giving forgiveness a bad name. First of all, letting other people suffer while you continue profiting from your stupid reality show isn’t really WWJD-worthy. Second, how do you even “forgive” someone who did something bad to someone else and not you? (It’s funny: I think I first heard that line from conservative, catch-phrasey radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger when I was a kid. Even a stopped clock is right once a Salvador Dali painting.)
Watching the Eurovision Song Contest, and snarking with a Fb friend or three. Too little rock!
Happy birthday contrapangloss!
@Snork: no, of course not, lol. Naturally, plenty of these people have divorces and blended families and kids conceived out of wedlock, but Jesus forgives and it was the crazy ex’s and/or Satan’s fault, anyway. Abortion, ‘course, is murder and LGBT people, while fundamentally disordered, can be grudgingly tolerated, as long as they stay in the closet and don’t cause the kids to ask difficult questions: we prefer our children not know anything about sex for as long as humanly possible, because purity, and having to even think about explaining gay sex is just beyond the pale.
anyway, obvs, I bite my tongue a lot, which isn’t helping. There is no sense arguing with people about religion, is there? Part of me wonders if part of the problem here is that SO MUCH normal, relatively healthy sexual behavior is *also* considered sin– if masturbation is sin and premarital sex and divorce/remarriage is sin and even just thinking sexual thoughts is sin etc… then we’re pretty much all just sinners, and hey, lookie, Joshie-boy is just a sinner like the rest of us!
At least it’s enough of a figleaf to cover the cognitive dissonance involved in finding out one of your idols is a straight up whited sepulchre. I have a hard time deciding how much of this really is just cognitive dissonance/denial and how much of it is that they think molestation is not really a big deal.
Truly hope it’s the former, because “I can’t even” with the latter.
I’m horrified that the abuse was SO inadequately handled at the time it occurred, then blatantly– BLATANTLY– swept under the rug for $$$ and political influence, and now everyone’s supposed to just be like, “oh, the family ‘handled it’ years ago and Jesus forgives, so let’s get back to babies and weddings on TV, yay! Everything is awesome!”
WTF! So, SO irresponsible!
@nameless wonder, yeah, I had worried that TLC would just put them back on the air sans Josh, like nothing ever happened. There’s clearly a sizable audience for it, unfortunately.
So many birthdays! Happy birthday to everyone for whom that applies and a very merry unbirthday for the rest of you.
Things are looking up in my little world as the bf is going through the interview process right now for a new job, and it’s looking good for him (from what he can tell). I still haven’t heard back from anyone yet, but his income will be much greater than mine, so the pressure will be off for us if he gets the position. And that is all my news!
I’m glad about Ireland’s marriage law, though! It made me happy to hear it on the radio this morning. I’m not European nor very Irish in origin (maybe a little bit; my background’s of the “mostly white mishmash” variety) but I took a course on Irish literature from a prof. who put a strong focus on LGBTQ fiction. So yay! 🙂
Thinking about that leads me to something personal and likely wordy to explain. Okay. My parents are going across the country to this General Assembly thing of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and one of the big issues is whether they’ll allow clergy to do same-sex marriages. Many ministers in their circle say the best thing to do is delay the whole business to prevent a big church split-up, The other options that I know of are b) all clergy will have to perform same-sex marriage, c) the church will affirm it’s against it and no clergy will be able to do it officially, or d) clergy will have the option to do it.
I’m in favour of the last one, since it’ll give people the most freedom. Personally, I don’t think there’s a good reason in religion or out of it to deny people the right to marry (any appeal to “natural law” would favour the LGBTQ side, in my opinion) but my parents, otherwise not that conservative, don’t think doing gay stuff is right. They just don’t. Because Genesis, etc.
Well, when I can’t argue from a logical place, I try arguing from an emotional one, and this is kind of emotional for me since I am, as I like to joke, approximately half gay. And I said some mean things to my mother, saying she was “always intolerant” and that isn’t true.
My angsty teenage life, in summary: “Oh noes, I am a lesbian, this is bad” and then when I had a crush on a boy, “Oh, okay, I’m not gay, phew,” and then, at 15, “Oh, this word called ‘bisexual’ exists, cool.” Except I also had a violent temper and treated my parents badly, even hitting them when I was angry, and domestic abuse is horrible coming from anybody, including teenagers. I don’t hit anybody now, and I am more or less an adult (in years, I turn 27 soon) but I’m still struggling with how to disagree without losing my temper and saying things that’ll make them feel bad. I owe them a lot, given how they’ve put up with me and supported me in other things.
Tl;dr infodumps are totally how I procrastinate on work and/or going out with friends (because apparently friends are scary) but sorry if it’s all boring and irrelevant here.
And happy birthdays all around, to contrapangloss and anyone else to whom it applies.
@epitome: I think it is interesting and not irrelevant at all! It IS an awkward dance party so it’s impossible to be wrong here, lol
You know, I don’t know anything about the Presbyterians. Is the General Assembly decision going to apply to all the Presbyterian churches or just the ones in Canada? I think I’d favor the let-the-officiant-decide approach, too, partly for reasons of political expedience and partly out of respect for the older generation in particular.
It’s hard to disagree with people about something you feel strongly about w/o lashing out and getting ugly, isn’t it?! I think that’s a real skill.
(Personally I will quietly go-along-to-get-along til I cannot STAND it another single second and then unleash a barrage of um, colorful verbal rage, which isn’t a constructive way to deal with inevitable relationship conflict either. ugh)
@epitome, I personally believe that marriage as an institution should be abolished. It was a way to establish women as property to men, and to force them into a role of domestic servant, breeding machine, and/or farmhand.
Now that we’re in the 21st century (yippee!), all partnerships should be recognized under the law as civil unions, and then people can do whatever religious thingamiwhatsits they want with the ceremonial aspect.
Since the state doesn’t have the power to decide under which religious banner these events happen, then holy books should be kept out of legal partnerships in the first place. The only role of the state should be to allot assets and/or determine child custody in the event of dissolution. The rest is none of their business as long as all parties are consenting adults.
I find it’s easier to argue from a legal standpoint than it is to try to appeal to people’s tolerance (it either doesn’t exist or can’t be relied upon).
Many happy returns to all the birthday Mammotheers!
feliz cumpleanos pictures
Crud, sorry about that. Here ya go.
Noooooo!!!!!!!!! I give up.
Hope everyone has a lovely birthday, though. 🙂