Repugnant “game” guru Heartiste, who specializes in dating advice aimed at aspiring emotional abusers, seems to be trying to launch a second career as a kind of white supremacist Nostradamus. In a post this Tuesday, he predicted an imminent uprising by the white masses against the “cultural elites” and evil “leftoids” who’ve been, I dunno, oppressing them somehow with multiculturalism or something?
Well, whatever it is the leftoids have been doing, Heartiste thinks they’ll soon be facing their day of reckoning:
Do the Western cultural elite have a death wish? Do they WANT normal, good people to hate them with a fury? Because that’s what’s gonna happen if they keep it up. And the washout won’t be pretty in pink.
It’s time to turn to lessons from Weimar Republic Germany, and the cataclysm that can bring doom to the earth when a native people feel cornered and despised by their own elite and the dominant culture. The Lamppost Swingularity… the point at which the intensity of leftoid propaganda exceeds the tolerance level of the targets of leftoid hatred… is closer than you think.
The possible trigger for this “Lamppost Swingularity?”
A kids show on Nickelodeon called Bella and the Bulldogs, about (to quote IMDb)
a perky head cheerleader named Bella whose life in Texas takes an unexpected twist when she becomes the new quarterback for her school team, the Bulldogs.
No, really. A kids show about a cheerleader-turned-quarterback. That’s what’s got Heartiste madder than a room full of Hitlers.
Heartiste, you see, has been won over by a strange conspiracy theory making the rounds of 4chan and 8chan and Reddit.
It seems someone discovered that one of the show’s co-creators, Jonathan Butler, is apparently the same guy who, under the name Jonathan Corban Butler, wrote and directed The Cuckold, a 2009 straight-to-DVD drama looking at what Butler calls “a little-known fetish in the swinging lifestyle called ‘cuckolding.'” That is, black men having sex with white women while their white husbands look on.
This discovery has convinced an assortment of racist conspiracy theorists, among them Heartiste, that Bella and the Bulldogs is itself somehow a show about “race cucking.” Given that the show is, you know, a Nickelodeon sitcom aimed at kids that does not actually depict any sex acts, I’m not exactly sure how this is supposed to work.
Regardless, the conspiracy theorists have been busily spinning their little webs. Here’s one summary, from the 4chan subreddit, of what they’ve come up with so far:
Now, as far as I can tell, none of the conspiracy theorists have actually watched the show, even though it’s been running on Nickelodeon since January; they seem to be basing this all on the trailers for the show and a few listings on IMDb.
I haven’t watched the show either, but judging from the episode summaries I’ve found online, the central premise of the “race cucking” theory is flat-out wrong. Bella doesn’t actually date Troy, the male lead who “is Black, of course.” There’s an episode in which Troy, for complicated sit-commy reasons involving ballet lessons, pretends that Bella is his girlfriend, but this is as close to interracial dating as the show seems to have gotten so far. The only boy she dates is a white guy named Kyle.
Evidently these white supremacists don’t let the facts get in the way of their conspiracy theories.
If you want to delve into the conspiracy theories further, here’s an archived 8chan thread full of them; here’s a giant muddled image full of them; here’s another similarly muddled image; and here’s a little video.
It’s pretty clear that Heartiste hasn’t watched the show either, but that doesn’t stop him from denouncing it as the most decadent show about a perky-cheerleader-turned-quarterback since the fall of Rome:
Bella and the Bulldogs, besides promoting anti-white (and consequently pro-black (heh)) race cucking, wallows in a panoply of filth and lies. Ridiculous grrlpower fantasy? Check. Weak whytes? Check. Evil redneck whites? Check. Numinous negros? Check. Transgenderism? Good lordnbutter, we may have to check that one off too.
That last bit is a reference to a post about the show on 8chan that even the dullest 8channers have been able to recognize as a joke.
Keep in mind, Bella and the Bulldogs is a children’s show. Your little white daughter, apple of your eye and continuance vessel of a glorious heritage of European civilization, sits zombiefied in front of the TV imbibing this sewage by the truckload.
Is sewage normally transported by truck? Around here we use pipes.
Anyway, speaking of people imbibing sewage, Heartiste’s commenters have happily swallowed this bizarre conspiracy theory whole.
According to Canadian Friend
What we have now is a growing in intensity and in size and in boldness tyranny against white males and everything that is good and sane and normal.
Maybe I will be dead by then as it may take a few decades, but one day enough whites will be fed up and things will get ugly, really ugly.
It is inevitable.
New Breiviks all around the world are created with every one of those anti-white affronts.
Anonymous managed to somehow top this with this even more lovely comment:
I just hope to live long enough to look out my window and see an Enlightened™ corpse swinging from every lamppost.
Daniel Plainview added:
This is absolutely insidious. These people need to be eviscerated and emasculated Despenser style.
Laguna Beach Fogey made the not-so-subtle insinuations obvious:
Time to start mobilizing the Freikorps.
In case you’ve forgotten, the show that’s making all these white supremacist heads explode is A NICKELODEON SHOW ABOUT A PERKY CHEERLEADER WHO BECOMES A QUARTERBACK.
Here’s the trailer for the show. Please let me know if you notice any “race cucking” going on in it, because for the life of me I can’t find any.
Re: SMV, is polygamy like a mutual fund?
… The ground is really made out of a spongey yellow-blue foam rubber and it’s possible to swim through the air? Huh.
Erm. I mean. I’ve never done that.
The OP needs an MS-Painted diagram with lots of wobbly red arrows and circles.
My jaw always drops when I read numerology nonsense. Do they think these numbers have some kind of magic effect? Even if the Jewish kid is wearing 27 because of the Shoah, what effect would that have? Is it a coded signal for all the Jooos to rise up and… something?
Yeah, even if the numbers were significant, the fact that their meaning has to be explained to the average person kind of renders the idea that they’re subliminal messages moot.
Okay, I can’t decide if I want to throw up or laugh. Their racism is shitty, their viewpoint of young white girls as “continuance vessels” is shitty, and their delusions of persecution appear to be pr0n-laden and grossly projected onto CHILDREN. FFS, CHILDREN.
How do we reconcile the fact that these dolts have probably masturbated to the same scenario that they are now complaining about? I don’t think I even want to analyze long enough to find out! Just reading those snippets made me feel like I need a shower or two to scrub away the creepy emanating from their Machiavellian tirades.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
No kidding. It’s the kind of narcissistic blindness that makes good, normal people, to use CH’s own words, go lolwut? and yes, scowl.
Which should give CH a clue as to what really is going on:
Wonder no more, darlin’. Far from being irresistibly accosted by your awesome alpha aura, they are averting their eyes so as not to burst out laughing and hurt your feelings. Good, normal people do care about such things, after all.
Sigh. Looked this show up on IMDB out of curiosity and saw that the people that buy into this garbage nonsense are all over it there too, in the reviews and forums. Unsurprising, since IMDB forums tend to be pretty awful, but still disappointing.
So the options are HB and NB? Hot Babe and Not Babe? What about a 7… is there an HB7 AND and NB7, depending on her ranking at the top or bottom of her class?
Schrodinger’s Stud is a great phrase and probably my new band name.
To B or to NB, this thar is the question.
The two ways women behave on the sidewalk: flirting by looking at a man or avoiding his eyes because he’s too sexxxxxy.
Do women ever just walk to where they’re going or wait for a bus or anything?
Personally I avoid eye contact with 100% of men because I don’t want to be hollered at, not because of my Not Babe status. Sadly it doesn’t work.
To counter Heartiste’s boundless enthusiasm for lynching, here’s some images of lamppost swings not involving racist terrorist murder.
Those pictures are fascinating considering nowadays roads are far too dangerous for something like that.
Oh my god! You’ve opened my eyes! I now see the truth because I took the red, white, blue, purple, green, orange, yellow and pink pills all at once!
To them, basic and obvious social constructs are a “massive conspiracy”.
The idea that all white men have some claim on me and I’m thus betraying them if I date someone of another race? I literally feel a bit nauseous now and that is probably why. Also referring to people as vessels. Who does that? May I never meet one of them in person, or be wearing good shoes for running if I do.
I’ve read that interracial cuckold porn is very popular, and the biggest fans of it are, yes, white guys.
So after I finally watched the trailer after clearing my mind from the ridiculousness of their conspiracy trip.
Now I’m confused. The trailer depicts a girl who gets on the football team because she’s able to throw a football. Not because she’s pretty, not because she’s white, but because she’s able to throw a football. And determination.
Isn’t that what male supremacists constantly tut tut about from under their electronic rocks? That women should never feel entitled to inclusion unless she proves she’s capable of handling whatever a man handles regardless of the physical, financial, or political leverage he has over her? Because equality means having to prove yourself, even if the deck is stacked against you.
Here’s a show about a girl getting on the football team because capability.
So shouldn’t they be SUPPORTING this show rather than tearing it down?
What dumbasses. I think they actually do target practice shooting themselves in the foot.
Can somebody explain to me how these people think? The connections they draw from one thing to another is rather extreme.
And seriously, why do these people have such an obsession with googeling fancy words to use in their bullshit theories? This is something so many of the people talked about on this site share. It’s pretty silly.
Emmy Rae,
No. Everything we do and everything we say is about men and their boners. Including looking where you’re going while walking on the sidewalk.
“The Lamppost Swingularity… the point at which the intensity of leftoid propaganda exceeds the tolerance level of the targets of leftoid hatred… is closer than you think.”
The Lamppost Swingularity was originally set in motion by people who believed deeply in the promise of the Enlightenment and who were in the bag for Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, none of which are high manosphere priorities. By Heartiste’s standards, they were “leftoids,” and even leaving Heartiste’s standards aside they were just not his kind of folks — which is why he should leave references to them alone. It ain’t fittin’.
I can try…
Take reality. Turn it upside down. Invert colors, then make them monochromatic.
Then take a couple of web sites, news articles, and a tv show; put it into a blender where word definitions and reason no longer apply and put it into a blender. Feed it into a salad shooter and aim it at the computer. Then, magical new words and a creative reinterpretation of reality as we know it is presented to the world, and they demand to be seen as credible because they are MEN dammit, and not just men but self appointed saviors of Western civilization.
*flounces around sprinkling glitter*
The end.
Dammit this is the second comment I’ve posted that had extra words.
Oh well.
*flounces glitter again*
Calling what these people do “thinking” is a blasphemy against the act of cogitation.
WWTH – interesting. I wonder what they like so much about my to-do lists? And all the toast I eat. I always thought those activities were not boner adjacent. More research necessary…
They work in the school of reverse-cogitation wherein there is no reason to use a diminutive word when an extraordinarily elongated phrase of flighty loquaciousness can be used in an excess of malapropism instead.
I think they think intelligence can be measured in average word length, and not in content or context.
Wow sorry bit late to this but have you noticed that this bunch want to live in a very smelly world, lamppost corpses and sewage trucks… Smelly and yucky just like their sordid numinous (never heard that word before – amazing these word of the day apps – wrong context anyway) lives. I would prefer that my girls don’t watch it because its a reference to a ball game that’s co-opted and stolen the real word for soccer and may give them wrong ideas about sports. Harrumph!!!