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White supremacists are convinced that a Nickelodeon show about a girl quarterback is promoting “race cuckoldry”

The Six Horsemen of the Whitepocalypse?
The Six Horsemen of the Whitepocalypse?

Repugnant “game” guru Heartiste, who specializes in dating advice aimed at aspiring emotional abusers, seems to be trying to launch a second career as a kind of white supremacist Nostradamus. In a post this Tuesday, he predicted an imminent uprising by the white masses against the “cultural elites” and evil “leftoids” who’ve been, I dunno, oppressing them somehow with multiculturalism or something?

Well, whatever it is the leftoids have been doing, Heartiste thinks they’ll soon be facing their day of reckoning:

Do the Western cultural elite have a death wish? Do they WANT normal, good people to hate them with a fury? Because that’s what’s gonna happen if they keep it up. And the washout won’t be pretty in pink.

It’s time to turn to lessons from Weimar Republic Germany, and the cataclysm that can bring doom to the earth when a native people feel cornered and despised by their own elite and the dominant culture. The Lamppost Swingularity… the point at which the intensity of leftoid propaganda exceeds the tolerance level of the targets of leftoid hatred… is closer than you think.

The possible trigger for this “Lamppost Swingularity?”

A kids show on Nickelodeon called Bella and the Bulldogs, about (to quote IMDb)

a perky head cheerleader named Bella whose life in Texas takes an unexpected twist when she becomes the new quarterback for her school team, the Bulldogs.

No, really. A kids show about a cheerleader-turned-quarterback. That’s what’s got Heartiste madder than a room full of Hitlers.

Heartiste, you see, has been won over by a strange conspiracy theory making the rounds of 4chan and 8chan and Reddit.

It seems someone discovered that one of the show’s co-creators, Jonathan Butler, is apparently the same guy who, under the name Jonathan Corban Butler, wrote and directed The Cuckold, a 2009 straight-to-DVD drama looking at what Butler calls “a little-known fetish in the swinging lifestyle called ‘cuckolding.'” That is, black men having sex with white women while their white husbands look on.

This discovery has convinced an assortment of racist conspiracy theorists, among them Heartiste, that Bella and the Bulldogs is itself somehow a show about “race cucking.” Given that the show is, you know, a Nickelodeon sitcom aimed at kids that does not actually depict any sex acts, I’m not exactly sure how this is supposed to work.

Regardless, the conspiracy theorists have been busily spinning their little webs. Here’s one summary, from the 4chan subreddit, of what they’ve come up with so far:

illStudyTomorrow[S] 2185 points 4 days ago*  tl;dr: a producer whose entire writing career consists of interracial cuckold fetishism has written a Nickelodeon show that seems to have elements of-- you guessed it, cuckold fetishism. The White male characters are seen to be either weak or evil, and from the trailors all the evil characters are given a Southern accent. The weakest of the White characters possesses the #99 on his sports jacket i.e. last place, the team name of course being the "Bull dogs", Bull being a highly-used term for interracial cuckold fetishists. The White lead female who is also the football quarter back is given the number 1: this shows the numerical symbolism behind the jackets, and thus that everything in this show is highly planned out. The Jewish White kid, who while weak is not evil, is given the number 27-- a symbolic number for the holocaust. The black student is given the number 8, which according to the picture represents the Black 8-ball but also in Christian eschatology and mythology represents wordly perfection (see the book of revelation). The male lead and love interest of the female lead is Black, of course. There's a trailor for an episode named "Traitor Dater" on Youtube. Whenever the White female lead is shown in TV cover images, the "dog" part of her jersey is covered by her hair, leaving only the "bull" part. She is, in all of the images, shown closest to her future male love interest, the bull. Literally something out of White supremacist fan fiction... EDIT: banned because my tl;dr was too long, thanks mods...

Now, as far as I can tell, none of the conspiracy theorists have actually watched the show, even though it’s been running on Nickelodeon since January; they seem to be basing this all on the trailers for the show and a few listings on IMDb.

I haven’t watched the show either, but judging from the episode summaries I’ve found online, the central premise of the “race cucking” theory is flat-out wrong. Bella doesn’t actually date Troy, the male lead who “is Black, of course.” There’s an episode in which Troy, for complicated sit-commy reasons involving ballet lessons, pretends that Bella is his girlfriend, but this is as close to interracial dating as the show seems to have gotten so far. The only boy she dates is a white guy named Kyle.

Evidently these white supremacists don’t let the facts get in the way of their conspiracy theories.

If you want to delve into the conspiracy theories further, here’s an archived 8chan thread full of them; here’s a giant muddled image full of them; here’s another similarly muddled image; and here’s a little video.

It’s pretty clear that Heartiste hasn’t watched the show either, but that doesn’t stop him from denouncing it as the most decadent show about a perky-cheerleader-turned-quarterback since the fall of Rome:

Bella and the Bulldogs, besides promoting anti-white (and consequently pro-black (heh)) race cucking, wallows in a panoply of filth and lies. Ridiculous grrlpower fantasy? Check. Weak whytes? Check. Evil redneck whites? Check. Numinous negros? Check. Transgenderism? Good lordnbutter, we may have to check that one off too.

That last bit is a reference to a post about the show on 8chan that even the dullest 8channers have been able to recognize as a joke.

Keep in mind, Bella and the Bulldogs is a children’s show. Your little white daughter, apple of your eye and continuance vessel of a glorious heritage of European civilization, sits zombiefied in front of the TV imbibing this sewage by the truckload.

Is sewage normally transported by truck? Around here we use pipes.

Anyway, speaking of people imbibing sewage, Heartiste’s commenters have happily swallowed this bizarre conspiracy theory whole.

According to Canadian Friend

What we have now is a growing in intensity and in size and in boldness tyranny against white males and everything that is good and sane and normal.

Maybe I will be dead by then as it may take a few decades, but one day enough whites will be fed up and things will get ugly, really ugly.

It is inevitable.

New Breiviks all around the world are created with every one of those anti-white affronts.


Anonymous managed to somehow top this with this even more lovely comment:

I just hope to live long enough to look out my window and see an Enlightened™ corpse swinging from every lamppost.

Daniel Plainview added:

This is absolutely insidious. These people need to be eviscerated and emasculated Despenser style.

Laguna Beach Fogey made the not-so-subtle insinuations obvious:

Time to start mobilizing the Freikorps.

In case you’ve forgotten, the show that’s making all these white supremacist heads explode is A NICKELODEON SHOW ABOUT A PERKY CHEERLEADER WHO BECOMES A QUARTERBACK.

Here’s the trailer for the show. Please let me know if you notice any “race cucking” going on in it, because for the life of me I can’t find any.

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9 years ago

…..what……what the…..WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! “Race cuckoldry.”

Ugh….well, I hate the show too but for an entirely different reason that I won’t get into here….but seriously….it must be hard work to sit around being fucked off by everything every female does and even more fucked off when another male “lets” her. It’s a full time job. Maybe they could unionize….

9 years ago

My son watches this show. In fact it’s on right now. Not sure what he thinks about the whole “girl plays contact sport” thing, given that most of the adult women he sees on a regular basis socially play rugby.

Maybe I should go watch it with him to see if it encourages him to seek out a cuckolding relationship later in life. Better safe than sorry, right? I’ll report back.

9 years ago

@sunnysombrera, everyone knows superman is the biggest SJW.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago


The Jersey numbers? Christ almighty, those leaps of logic would make a numerologist blush. But, in case you’re curious, american football jersey numbers can can have particular meanings. Specifically, they can be limited based on the position of the player.

They probably were pretty careful to stay true to the position ranges, lest they get angry letters from football nerds. “A wide receiver wearing 72??? BLASPHEMY!!”

It’s also possible that, within those ranges, the scriptwriters/costumers chose numbers that had private meaning for them. Maybe 27 is somebody’s daughter’s birthday. Maybe 8 or 99 is someone’s lucky number. Who knows? That seems more likely than the numbers being a coded message designed to subliminally brainwash viewers into accepting diversity and interracial marriage. (Oh, but not the Heartiste followers, of course…they’re on to those sneaky elitist tactics. Being smarter and cannier and more observant than the rest of the sheeple, you see.)


Seriously though if you’re trying to create a black and white situation where you are the good guys and the other ones are the baddies, and you want to give those baddies a name…Social Justice Warriors? Really? What does that make your side? Legion of Doom?

Well, logically, the opposite of Social Justice Warriors would be Antisocial Injustice Conscientious Objectors. Of course, in order to be conscientious, you have to have a conscience. But the objecting part is certainly there.

Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
9 years ago


Okay, so I did a minimal amount of Googling, and yes, there is a connection between “27” and the Holocaust.

Yep, I did the same.

Specifically, Jan 27th, 1945 was when Auschwitz was liberated by Soviet troops. The anniversary is officially the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. That’s… about the extent of it.

Spooooooky, right?

9 years ago

27 is almost the same number as worn by Rod Carew, who is not only black but was rumored to be Jewish, even though he isn’t. And he actually was a baseball player, not a football player.


9 years ago


Do these idiots ever hear themselves talk? Is there some sort of extreme confirmation bias that’s preventing them from realizing that their paranoid delusions are laughably ridiculous?

Also, what is up with the kink-shaming? It’s roleplay, you idiots, it’s not real. I’ve done plenty of scenes that would repulse them so much (including cuckholding) because, shockingly, being submissive is actually really fun.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

From the as always “informative” comments:

I just hope to live long enough to look out my window and see an Enlightened™ corpse swinging from every lamppost.

Yeah, Hatetiste can put to rest his fearmongering that “normal, good people” will “hate [the Western elites] with a fury” for those bizarre reasons he believes they should.

This is because, among other things, he does not know any good, normal people. He and his regulars are the very opposite of that demographic.

Should he, by some accident of fate, manage to open his eyes (and mind) and listen to good, normal people, he’d notice that they have nothing to do with the likes of him, and that they certainly do not share his hatreds and fears.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Slightly OT, although not really:

There is a quite bit of LOLiness in that cesspool known as CH. I direct your attention to his post from a couple of days ago, and if you forgive me, I’ll quote a chunk of it here for comic relief:

The Puzzle Of Female Eye Flirting
May 18, 2015 by CH

One thing you’ll notice, and to which many men in similar circumstances will attest, is the puzzling decrease in eye flirting from mediocre women after you’ve experienced a personal improvement in your sexual market value stock.

It goes like this: You learn game, or acquire higher social status, or lose a lot of weight and carve out a masculine physique, and then begin to exude a presence, and carry yourself with a winner’s airs. You walk with your back straight, head held high, eyes flickering with percolating aggression and grin electrified with mischievous intent. You expect more women than ever before will be unable to avoid flirtatious eye contact with you.

But a strange thing happens. You are ignored by that undifferentiated mass of HB4s-6s passing you by on the sidewalk. Some of them even faintly scowl at you. What’s going on?, you wonder.

Just when you lose count of all the middling plain janes refusing your sexy smoky smolder, and you perch at the precipice of self-doubt, you also notice, happily, an increase in the number of hot babes — HB8s, 9s, and those rare O’Keeffeian flowers, 10s — stepping in to fill your ocular dance card. And, you can’t help but mentally acknowledge, a flirty eye glance from one HB9 can erase an angry brow and studied evasive glare from one hundred NB5s. (NB = Not Babe)

I’ll tell you what’s going on. Those NB mediocrities who once thought you were safely within their romantic wheelhouse back when the beta oozed from you like a jelly donut, now raise up shields of ego-protection when your alpha aura accosts their blandness.

Oh, yeah, ya’ll feel that alpha aura accosting you yet? Better git yer shields of ego-protection up, STAT, or there is no tellin’ what all this AAA(ccosting) will do to yer innards ‘n things.

Hard as it is to believe, it gets even better, i.e., more ridiculous.

It would be difficult — for good, normal people — to make it up. The world according to Hatetiste is positively absurd.

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
9 years ago

/pol/ is widely considered the ABSOLUTE easiest board to troll on 4chan because they will believe fucking Anything negative about Jews/Muslims/LGBT People/Black People/Feminists/

With a little effort you could convince them wiping your butt after pooping was a Illuminatti plot.

9 years ago

What? But… uh… huh?

I just can’t… I can’t… I can’t something something…

Wait a second, I’ll go look for one, I know I had one lying around here somewhere.

*Eight minutes later*

Hey guys, I found an ‘even’ under the couch cushions! Yay!

Oh danggit, now I used it up by referencing it. Never mind.

9 years ago

@A Wolverine

I saw a post on /pol/ where some delusional moron thought that LSD would actually allow you to see the world “as it really were”. Basically his belief was that everyone in the world is fooled into thinking that the current world is just an illusion… because reasons. And LSD was the ‘secret’ to suddenly seeing the world as it actually is.

Even other commentors were like “no, you’re an idiot, that’s not how LSD works”. Too ridiculous, even for /pol/.

9 years ago

a personal improvement in your sexual market value stock.

How do I assess my sexual market stock value? Is there a broker? Do I have to request a free SMV report in writing once a year? Dammit, folks, these are important questions I’m asking here.

9 years ago

Does the SEC regulate it?

9 years ago

@Aunt Edna:

… “Eye flirting?”

I think the gaze-averting is less because of the sheer blinding alphatude and more because she recognizes that someone like that is the type of person who thinks looking at another human being is flirting.

9 years ago

Is it insured to $250,000 by the FDIC?

If I receive a gift equivalent to $10,000 or more, do I have to report it to the government?

Can I bequeath it to my children? Is it something I can give to my daughter, or does she have to settle for being rated on a 10-point scale?

9 years ago

Okay, I’ve made myself mad now.

9 years ago


I saw a post on /pol/ where some delusional moron thought that LSD would actually allow you to see the world “as it really were”. Basically his belief was that everyone in the world is fooled into thinking that the current world is just an illusion… because reasons. And LSD was the ‘secret’ to suddenly seeing the world as it actually is.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


How do I assess my sexual market stock value? Is there a broker? Do I have to request a free SMV report in writing once a year? Dammit, folks, these are important questions I’m asking here.

Glad you asked — and fear not, the answers are just a click away. Well, one is — the one about your SMV, and it is, you guessed it, on the CH site. It is a SMV test (seriously) and it is as ridiculous as you can expect it, so if you need further amusement, don’t dilly dally but run there and, well, amuse yerself.


I think the gaze-averting is less because of the sheer blinding alphatude and more because she recognizes that someone like that is the type of person who thinks looking at another human being is flirting.

Humph. Obviously you’ve never been around His Blinding Alphatude. 😉 (Neither have I; and I pray to gods to keep it this way.)

9 years ago

Falconer, here’s a tip: short my SMV now, because it’s only going down.

9 years ago

@Moggie: I would, but I am crap at the stock market and I can’t remember what “short” means.

I know that if I fuck up playing Railroad Tycoon 3, and my stock crashes, I get into a hole that I can never get out of.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@Anarchonist: Was there some sort of numeric…significance to those 8 minutes? *squints*

@Aunt Edna Wow. Kudos to you. I don’t have the stomach to read Roissy’s excruciating purple prose in its original setting, but you’re right, thar’s comedy GOLD in them thar hills.

eyes flickering with percolating aggression

Decaf or half-caf?

I’ll tell you what’s going on. Those NB mediocrities who once thought you were safely within their romantic wheelhouse back when the beta oozed from you like a jelly donut, now raise up shields of ego-protection when your alpha aura accosts their blandness.

Wrong, idiot. It’s called “busy people going about their lives, who don’t find you all that remarkable”. If women register you at all, it’s probably as an obstacle to be stepped around. Or else you’re setting off their creepdar, and they don’t want to encourage further interaction. Only preening egocentrics think they’re always the center of attention.

I love how both eye contact and non-eye contact mean he’s attractive. He’s Schrodinger’s Stud! Women both look at him and don’t! Either way, it means exactly the same thing! Heads, he wins! Tails he wins! It’s an absurd fantasy. There’s no HB number below which women stop noticing attractive men.

Confirmation bias is too kind a term for this. It’s malarkey. Bunkum. Claptrap. Hooey. It’s not even entertaining hooey. Heartiste is to words as salt is to slugs.

9 years ago

The use of “native people” in the context of white americans, leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


eyes flickering with percolating aggression and grin electrified with mischievous intent

Alpha for the win! Giggity giggity goo.