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White supremacists are convinced that a Nickelodeon show about a girl quarterback is promoting “race cuckoldry”

The Six Horsemen of the Whitepocalypse?
The Six Horsemen of the Whitepocalypse?

Repugnant “game” guru Heartiste, who specializes in dating advice aimed at aspiring emotional abusers, seems to be trying to launch a second career as a kind of white supremacist Nostradamus. In a post this Tuesday, he predicted an imminent uprising by the white masses against the “cultural elites” and evil “leftoids” who’ve been, I dunno, oppressing them somehow with multiculturalism or something?

Well, whatever it is the leftoids have been doing, Heartiste thinks they’ll soon be facing their day of reckoning:

Do the Western cultural elite have a death wish? Do they WANT normal, good people to hate them with a fury? Because that’s what’s gonna happen if they keep it up. And the washout won’t be pretty in pink.

It’s time to turn to lessons from Weimar Republic Germany, and the cataclysm that can bring doom to the earth when a native people feel cornered and despised by their own elite and the dominant culture. The Lamppost Swingularity… the point at which the intensity of leftoid propaganda exceeds the tolerance level of the targets of leftoid hatred… is closer than you think.

The possible trigger for this “Lamppost Swingularity?”

A kids show on Nickelodeon called Bella and the Bulldogs, about (to quote IMDb)

a perky head cheerleader named Bella whose life in Texas takes an unexpected twist when she becomes the new quarterback for her school team, the Bulldogs.

No, really. A kids show about a cheerleader-turned-quarterback. That’s what’s got Heartiste madder than a room full of Hitlers.

Heartiste, you see, has been won over by a strange conspiracy theory making the rounds of 4chan and 8chan and Reddit.

It seems someone discovered that one of the show’s co-creators, Jonathan Butler, is apparently the same guy who, under the name Jonathan Corban Butler, wrote and directed The Cuckold, a 2009 straight-to-DVD drama looking at what Butler calls “a little-known fetish in the swinging lifestyle called ‘cuckolding.'” That is, black men having sex with white women while their white husbands look on.

This discovery has convinced an assortment of racist conspiracy theorists, among them Heartiste, that Bella and the Bulldogs is itself somehow a show about “race cucking.” Given that the show is, you know, a Nickelodeon sitcom aimed at kids that does not actually depict any sex acts, I’m not exactly sure how this is supposed to work.

Regardless, the conspiracy theorists have been busily spinning their little webs. Here’s one summary, from the 4chan subreddit, of what they’ve come up with so far:

illStudyTomorrow[S] 2185 points 4 days ago*  tl;dr: a producer whose entire writing career consists of interracial cuckold fetishism has written a Nickelodeon show that seems to have elements of-- you guessed it, cuckold fetishism. The White male characters are seen to be either weak or evil, and from the trailors all the evil characters are given a Southern accent. The weakest of the White characters possesses the #99 on his sports jacket i.e. last place, the team name of course being the "Bull dogs", Bull being a highly-used term for interracial cuckold fetishists. The White lead female who is also the football quarter back is given the number 1: this shows the numerical symbolism behind the jackets, and thus that everything in this show is highly planned out. The Jewish White kid, who while weak is not evil, is given the number 27-- a symbolic number for the holocaust. The black student is given the number 8, which according to the picture represents the Black 8-ball but also in Christian eschatology and mythology represents wordly perfection (see the book of revelation). The male lead and love interest of the female lead is Black, of course. There's a trailor for an episode named "Traitor Dater" on Youtube. Whenever the White female lead is shown in TV cover images, the "dog" part of her jersey is covered by her hair, leaving only the "bull" part. She is, in all of the images, shown closest to her future male love interest, the bull. Literally something out of White supremacist fan fiction... EDIT: banned because my tl;dr was too long, thanks mods...

Now, as far as I can tell, none of the conspiracy theorists have actually watched the show, even though it’s been running on Nickelodeon since January; they seem to be basing this all on the trailers for the show and a few listings on IMDb.

I haven’t watched the show either, but judging from the episode summaries I’ve found online, the central premise of the “race cucking” theory is flat-out wrong. Bella doesn’t actually date Troy, the male lead who “is Black, of course.” There’s an episode in which Troy, for complicated sit-commy reasons involving ballet lessons, pretends that Bella is his girlfriend, but this is as close to interracial dating as the show seems to have gotten so far. The only boy she dates is a white guy named Kyle.

Evidently these white supremacists don’t let the facts get in the way of their conspiracy theories.

If you want to delve into the conspiracy theories further, here’s an archived 8chan thread full of them; here’s a giant muddled image full of them; here’s another similarly muddled image; and here’s a little video.

It’s pretty clear that Heartiste hasn’t watched the show either, but that doesn’t stop him from denouncing it as the most decadent show about a perky-cheerleader-turned-quarterback since the fall of Rome:

Bella and the Bulldogs, besides promoting anti-white (and consequently pro-black (heh)) race cucking, wallows in a panoply of filth and lies. Ridiculous grrlpower fantasy? Check. Weak whytes? Check. Evil redneck whites? Check. Numinous negros? Check. Transgenderism? Good lordnbutter, we may have to check that one off too.

That last bit is a reference to a post about the show on 8chan that even the dullest 8channers have been able to recognize as a joke.

Keep in mind, Bella and the Bulldogs is a children’s show. Your little white daughter, apple of your eye and continuance vessel of a glorious heritage of European civilization, sits zombiefied in front of the TV imbibing this sewage by the truckload.

Is sewage normally transported by truck? Around here we use pipes.

Anyway, speaking of people imbibing sewage, Heartiste’s commenters have happily swallowed this bizarre conspiracy theory whole.

According to Canadian Friend

What we have now is a growing in intensity and in size and in boldness tyranny against white males and everything that is good and sane and normal.

Maybe I will be dead by then as it may take a few decades, but one day enough whites will be fed up and things will get ugly, really ugly.

It is inevitable.

New Breiviks all around the world are created with every one of those anti-white affronts.


Anonymous managed to somehow top this with this even more lovely comment:

I just hope to live long enough to look out my window and see an Enlightened™ corpse swinging from every lamppost.

Daniel Plainview added:

This is absolutely insidious. These people need to be eviscerated and emasculated Despenser style.

Laguna Beach Fogey made the not-so-subtle insinuations obvious:

Time to start mobilizing the Freikorps.

In case you’ve forgotten, the show that’s making all these white supremacist heads explode is A NICKELODEON SHOW ABOUT A PERKY CHEERLEADER WHO BECOMES A QUARTERBACK.

Here’s the trailer for the show. Please let me know if you notice any “race cucking” going on in it, because for the life of me I can’t find any.

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Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Nah, you can call me Jackie. That’s why I have “(aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me “Banana”, “Jackie” or whatever)” as part if my name.

And oooooh, okay. I know of that David. Mouse David. I haven’t seen them around a lot so I haven’t made a connection yet. Haven’t addressed them either, I don’t think? (I feel kinda bad for not knowing off hand, now. At least it isn’t as bad as when I hung around this girl every day, and didn’t know her name until a month went by.)


Hopefully they get the message soon because that comment is 9 days old. Of course, they may have already tried to raid and fail by now. They also may already know. The weekend will likely be when they do it (you know, so everyone isn’t in class or has homework to do) so I guess there’s a few grace days if they haven’t done it yet.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Nah, you can call me Jackie. That’s why I have “(aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me “Banana”, “Jackie” or whatever)” as part if my name.

Everything of your name after “(aka Banana” is lost to a sea of invisible characters for me. I am nearsighted and I have my browser set to make all text a minimum size that I can (usually) see, which distorts a lot of webpages.

Good to know, though. LOL sorry about that!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Reading their Disqus is like reading the most generic white nationalist shit ever.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


No problem. I kinda made my name ridiculously long just for the lolz.

9 years ago

If it wasn’t for “insane-nazi-consiracy-bigot” name-calling, you’d pretty much be starting from scratch with this post.
Bottom Line: If a former porn star was teaching your kid’s kindergarten class, you’d worry about an inappropriate influence. If a former muslim extremist was driving your kid’s school bus, you’d tell your kid to steer clear. But I guess being concerned about an interracial-cuckold filmmaker making an interracial kids’ show is unreasonable.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

But I guess being concerned about an interracial-cuckold filmmaker making an interracial kids’ show is unreasonable.

Yes, it is. Glad we’re on the same page.

9 years ago

If a former porn star was teaching your kid’s kindergarten class, you’d worry about an inappropriate influence.

I’d have no problem with that, if he/she/zie was qualified for the job.
Same goes for the bus driver. I don’t have kids though.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

@fuck you

Actually, the porn star would be at least a great sex ed teacher because they know the difference between porn sex and actual sex really well and are probably really sex positive. They’d likely wouldn’t shy away from questions about sex or sexuality, either, and would tell it like it is instead.

9 years ago

Why can’t a former porn star teach? As long as they’re not showing the movies in class, who cares?

It’s not actually legal to discriminate against people based on their religious beliefs, you’re not even allowed to ask about them in the US. I don’t know about other countries.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

fahhhhh-Q | May 28, 2015 at 10:17 am
If it wasn’t for “insane-nazi-consiracy-bigot” name-calling, you’d pretty much be starting from scratch with this post.

No one said “insane”. We don’t do ableism here.

Also, if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…

Bottom Line: If a former porn star was teaching your kid’s kindergarten class, you’d worry about an inappropriate influence.

If a former porn star decided to become a Kindergarten teacher, I’d be super supportive, and I wouldn’t mind my kids being taught by them if they were qualified and did their job properly, leaving their former career behind them and not bringing it to the classroom.

Sasha Grey has read to elementary school kids in failing school districts, and she looks pretty professional to me. She’s perfectly capable of reading to kids and existing off of a porn set.

Oh, and here’s a snippet about her thoughts about Read Across America and the stigma she faces:

I believe education is a universal right. I committed to this program with the understanding that people would have their own opinions about what I have done, who I am and what I represent.

I am an actor. I am an artist. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a partner. I have a past that some people may not agree with, but it does not define who I am.

Emphasis mine. And here’s her defending herself from a bunch of sanctimonious bullshit over her career choices.

Personally, I think we need to stop stigmatizing sex workers and stop insinuating that they’re all dastardly deviant perverts who can’t exist in normal society. They’re people too, and chances are you could know someone who is doing/has done sex work.

If a former muslim extremist was driving your kid’s school bus, you’d tell your kid to steer clear.

If a former “Muslim extremist” (Wow, racist much?) were driving my child’s school bus, I wouldn’t give two flying fucks, because one, their religion is none of my business, two, the school should have done a background check on them, and three, they’re a former extremist. Words mean things.

But I guess being concerned about an interracial-cuckold filmmaker making an interracial kids’ show is unreasonable.

So a guy who used to make porn videos based off of a kink that a lot of white men share (just looking at the number of “cuckold” videos on various porn sites tells me that it’s a pretty popular genre) making a show for kids that just happens to be interracial doesn’t ruffle my feathers none.

There’s no porn in this show. There’s barely anything to do with romance. Y’all are pulling shit directly from your asses and scrambling to make it connect with something.

A dude who made a porn movie once making a kids’ show isn’t that big of a deal. It’s people’s stigma surrounding people who work in the adult film industry that’s the problem here. Racist assholes are just looking for a reason to be upset by this, so they jab an accusatory finger at the past of the person behind the show, never thinking that that might be irrelevant.

And let’s face it, getting more people of color on television is something to celebrate IMO. We need to have more diversity on television. There’s so many kids who are of non-white heritage and backgrounds that would love to see someone like them on television. Representation is important.

There’s no porn in the show, there’s no “hidden meanings”, just a school that happens to have white, black, and Jewish kids and a female football player. Simple as pie.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Just to clarify a bit, because I re-read what I wrote:

When I say the school should have done a background check on the hypothetical “former Muslim extremist”, I mean that they would look for a criminal record, regardless of their religion.

Words are hard, and I’m tired, so please forgive me if I messed up there. : P

9 years ago

I’m not one to point out sock puppetry, since a lot of MRA trolls sound similar, but I’m going out on a limb here and guessing “fahhhh-Q” is Meow Blitz.

If it wasn’t for “insane-nazi-consiracy-bigot” name-calling, you’d pretty much be starting from scratch with this post.

I mostly quoted posts by Meow B, since I’m weirdly fascinated about the how much time and effort he and his online buds are putting into hegemony shifting troll raids by conservatives, Neoreactionaries, and/or White Nationalists, because it’s goofy. Take it from an outside observer, it’s really goofy. Trust me on that.

Bottom Line: If a former porn star was teaching your kid’s kindergarten class, you’d worry about an inappropriate influence. If a former muslim extremist was driving your kid’s school bus, you’d tell your kid to steer clear. But I guess being concerned about an interracial-cuckold filmmaker making an interracial kids’ show is unreasonable.

These analogies are weird and shaky at best, but I’ll have a go.

I’d think a former porn performer who got a teaching degree and credentials then became a kindergarten teacher made an admirable career change and I’d wish him or her good luck.

I’m going to assume when you say former Muslim extremist you don’t mean terrorist, even though you probably do, but if he or she just wants to do his or her job, has a good driving record and is sober I’m OK with that them driving school buses.

Finally, I don’t know exactly what “The Cuckold” movie is, it actually looks like artsy independent, it might be be just racy and not even qualify as soft porn, but there’s not much about it on IMDB and I don’t care.

Jonathan Butler, who’s black, and Gabriel Garcia, who is probably Latino, came out of the Nickelodeon writing program, which is a year long paid internship which gets pitch ideas for scripts and learn how to pitch shows. I’m mentioning their racial background because, ridiculously in retrospect, I thought they were identifiably Jewish in some way. I forgot you guys still love all the antisemitic canards of yesteryear, including the Jews control the media crap.

All cable networks usually have ultra competitive internships like this, but it’s really impressive and kind of neat that two guys from a writing internship successfully pitched a show that made to air. The show has more experienced producers who’ve worked on previous Nick shows, so I’m assuming it similar to other live action Nick shows. I’m sadly familiar with the live action Disney shows, so I like that Bella seems to be about a reasonably normal high school student instead of a teen actor, singer, and/or star like every single Disney show lead other than the Dog With a Blog.

Plus, I’m going to guess you have an issue with any interracial kids’ show, especially those involving teenagers. I’m pretty confident about that guess.

9 years ago

When I originally clicked on the imgur image Meow B posted it sadly linked to

r/c***town. Sigh.

peter t
peter t
9 years ago

This fellow refers to ‘normal, good people’. That’s the thing, these rage and hate-filled pustules genuinely believe that they are normal and good, and that the majority of people are just like them.

9 years ago

#99 is last place?

Apparently “illStudyTomorrow” isn’t aware of numbers 100 and above.

Maybe that’s what they were supposed to study today?

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