allegedly false accusations alpha males antifeminism consent is hard creepy emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies excusing abuse heartiste irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture red pill reddit

Red Pill Redditor angry that people think “any attempt to coerce a woman into sex is automatically ‘abuse.'”

The Red Pill: A Choking Hazard
The Red Pill: A Choking Hazard

A lot of Men’s Rights Activists, would-be pickup artists, and other so-called “Red Pillers” like to complain that feminists have so muddied up the issue of sexual consent that men today can never really be sure if the sex they’re having is actual consensual sex or some newfangled variety of rape.

But in fact the ones doing most of the muddying are them — in some cases because they would like to roll back the progress we’ve made on the issue of consent over the last several decades and return to a world in which pressuring and manipulating and even directly coercing a woman into saying “yes” to sex they don’t want was considered an appropriate “technique” in a man’s dating playbook. 

Most of them would prefer not to state this outright, and instead talk endlessly about the evils of “regret rape” and an alleged epidemic of “false rape accusations.” But once in a while they let slip what they really mean.

Case in point: a highly revealing, and heavily upvoted, post from the Red Pill subreddit in which one aspiring “game” master calling himself Archwinger expresses his dismay that so many people think “any attempt to coerce a woman into sex is automatically ‘abuse.'”

He goes on to argue, remarkably, that his refusal to see coerced sex as rape or even abuse is a sign of just how deeply Red Pillers like him respect women.

Our detractors assume women are idiots, and therefore, it should be a federal offence to ever attempt to coerce a woman into sex, because women that agree to be with such men are apparently, by definition, mentally impaired. 

In his mind, caring about abused women, and trying to understand the many complicated reasons they may choose to stay with abusers, is a sign that feminists “assume women are idiots.”

The occasion for Archwinger’s little rant was a post elsewhere on Reddit — he doesn’t link to it —

telling the tale of a 17-year-old girl and her controlling, manipulative, abusive 23-year-old boyfriend who took great pains to isolate her from her friends and family, demand sex on every occasion they would meet (and threaten to dump her or kick her out of his house if she didn’t comply), and some other really shitty behaviors, like physical violence and driving off and leaving her in another state.  

The kicker: the abusive boyfriend in the story was said to be a big fan of, you guessed it, The Red Pill subreddit.

Archwinger quickly tries to distance The Red Pill from this douchebag, declaring him to be

a sniveling loser who had to resort to insecure, jealous, and controlling behavior because he didn’t have options with other women, wasn’t an attractive or valuable man, and was desperately afraid of losing this girl.

In other words, as Archwinger writes, “this guy isn’t the ‘alpha male’ a Red Pill guy strives to be.”

Archwinger seems to have forgotten that various “Red Pill” and “game” gurus regularly recommend “gaslighting” and other forms of emotional abuse in order to keep wives and girlfriends, as they see it, in line. Indeed, you may recall the time that the repellent “pickup guru” Heartiste actually suggested that a number of the abusive behaviors listed on the Duluth “Power and Control Wheel” — a tool used by anti-domestic violence counselors — were great ways to get the upper hand with women.

Even more ironically, after dismissing the “sniveling loser” of a boyfriend who is so un-alpha he regularly threatened to break up with his girlfriend if she wouldn’t have sex with him right then and there, Archwinger turns around and suggests that this kind of manipulative abuse isn’t abuse at all.

Assuming there’s “no perceived power disparity or significant age difference or anything like that,” Archwinger argues, telling a woman to “[h]ave sex with me or we’re through” isn’t abusive; it’s just a simple question a woman can say “yes” or “no” to. He complains that

The modern, anti-Red-Pill viewpoint is that no woman would ever put up with that garbage. The only correct choice is for that woman to dump the “abusive” shithead she’s dating (because any attempt to coerce a woman into sex is automatically “abuse.” You’re supposed to buy her jewelry every weekend, not say a word about sex, and hope she fucks you out of the goodness of her heart).

Well, no. No one needs to buy anyone any jewelry. And no one is required to pity-fuck anyone “out of the goodness of [their] heart[s].” If your girlfriend has sex with you, it should be because she wants to have sex with you (as you do, with her).

It’s kind of amazing that Archwinger — at least as he frames things here — seems to see no third option between a direct demand for sex in the form of manipulative ultimatum and a creepy, passively aggressive “Nice Guy” attempt to guilt trip women into having sex by buying them expensive presents.

There is another way, guys: you could just fucking ask her. Not out of the blue with someone you don’t know, and not rudely, but in some appropriate manner, at an appropriate time and place when there’s some evidence that she might be interested in having sex with you as well. The exact wording of your question isn’t really terribly important; just ask.

Naturally, the assembled Red Pillers largely agreed with Archwinger’s creepy, rapey analysis.

A few had quibbles. Redpillschool, a moderator of the subreddit, argued —  in a comment that won more than a hundred upvotes — that Archwinger was too quick to assume that older men have more power in relationships with younger women. Because women have tits, and tits are power. No, really:

[W]omen are naturally turned on by and attracted to older, established, successful men. But if a man takes advantage of this — he’s wrong. He’s bad.

It becomes politically incorrect to use your advantages to attract women. You should date somebody your own age.

What about beauty? If age and status boost men’s SMV, then beauty and youth are women’s equivalent. Feminists don’t seem to care that a young beautiful woman has such an enormous amount of power, they can make a living off of just having tits, control men, get men to buy them things, and a variety of other things.

This is what Warren Farrell infamously (and a little anachronistically) has called women’s “miniskirt power.”

Another commenter had a more, well, fundamental issue with Archwinger’s analysis.

One issue I have with this post that is causing some dissonance within me is your assumption that women are logical and can think with reason. Though often written with snark, many posts here assume exactly the opposite. Therefore it is often suggested that men treat women as they would children (amused mastery) and take the lead in making final decisions.

Archwinger — you know, the great respecter of women — replied that women aren’t inherently stupid and illogical; society makes them that way.

Women aren’t stupid or incapable of reason. We just happen to live in a society where narcissistic bitches are lavished with attention and praised, and women never have to grow up, so the odds are that one or more women you date during your lifetime will behave in a manner that’s frankly kind of childish, and that you don’t want to validate. (insert obligatory “not all women” and “men too sometimes” language here so that nobody bothers replying with that idiocy)

Contrast that with feminism, which is advocating for a complete removal of all agency and responsibility from women, just not using those words because then it sounds stupid. …

Feminism seeks laws that remove agency from women. Did she have any alcohol in her system, then later regret sex? Rape. Man’s fault. Did she say yes, but not clearly and enthusiastically? Rape. Man’s fault. In a few years, you’ll probably see them push for expanding the definition of statutory rape to include an age difference of more than a certain amount (because a 35 year old man with a steady job dating a 21-year-old in college is clearly all about power and manipulation, because young women definitely aren’t attracted to good looks and social status and financial stability.)

There’s a lot of nonsense in his reply, but it’s that last bit that’s the most revealing: Archwinger understands perfectly that there’s a power differential between a thirtysomething man and a college-aged woman; he just wants to pretend it doesn’t matter.

Archwinger’s post, and the responses it generated, suggest that most Red Pillers are aware, as well, that when women end up “regretting” a sexual encounter that the man allegedly thought was consensual, it’s not because women are flighty and irresponsible and vindictive monsters out to punish innocent men. It’s because the woman in question was being coerced into it. And that isn’t “regret rape.” It’s just plain rape.

Red Pillers, or at least a significant number of them, are well aware that coerced sexual consent is no more valid than a “forced confession.” They just don’t want to remove coercion from their “seduction” toolkit.

H/T — r/againstmensrights

EDIT: A few additions and changes in the penultimate paragraph  to make the point clearer.


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9 years ago

Chiming in on the music conversation…

I currently have the Eurovision playlist going. As an American living in the UK, Eurovision is kind of a new thing for me. So far, I’ve enjoyed it immensely.

The pair from Lithuania are just adorable.

I was a bit disappointed that Denmark didn’t make it through to the final.

I’m going to guess that Serbia will win, though.

9 years ago

Panda pool: As far as music, I like electronica. I’ve been listening to a lot of Boards of Canada recently. It may be too mellow for the younger crowd, though.

9 years ago

I have no problem with a 21 year old woman dating a 35 year old man. I’m 12 years younger than my husband. It worked for us…I’ll probably wind up a widowed cat lady:)

9 years ago

RE: Music

The kid has been playing Meat Loaf’s Bat Out Of Hell and Angel Haze stuff since we got here, basically. Good rock and rap!

9 years ago

I’m also quite happy that y’all drove 4th off. Assholes like him, I can live without, and it hits very personally for me when people talk about pregnancy as a natural consequence of action. It’s like, dude, we have SCIENCE. This is why we made birth control and abortion, so kids can get born to families that will actually take care of them.

I got a big book on the practice of child abandonment in the Middle Ages, but haven’t gotten to it after the bookslab.

9 years ago

(Not the Owen from the previous thread who through evopsych might have a point…) People want pirates and nobody mentioned Abney Park? That’s not on!

9 years ago

Syphilis is a natural consequence of sex and we don’t stop people from getting rid of it. Won’t someone think of the poor syphilis?

I asked a male forced birther what the difference was and all he could tell me was that babbies go in ladies tummies because that’s what ladies are for. Syphilis doesn’t go in his dick because he doesn’t want it there, even though that’s where VD naturally occurs.

In short, men get to decide what happens in their bodies, but women don’t seemed like a rational reply to him because he was a stupid misogynist just like 4th.

9 years ago


I love Random Access Memories!! I was kinda annoyed that the radio stations would only ever play “get lucky”. I mean, yeah it’s a catchy song but there are so many good ones on that album that also deserved the spotlight.

9 years ago

RE: Lea

babbies go in ladies tummies because that’s what ladies are for.

Euuuurgh. Though this also reminds me why I’m having trouble with the comic Promethea; Alan Moore REALLY loves to wax about magic and astral shit, and there’s a TON of crap about the chalice as the symbol of ultimate female embodiment and PIV sex as some kinda mystical act combining will and the great mystery and it just makes me want to bang my head against a wall.

(Though hubby was kind. He saw me grinding my teeth and started coming up with alternate mystical explanations for various other sex acts, and soon he had me laughing again. Lesbian sex is just UBER MYSTERIOUS.)

9 years ago

Regarding the ‘feminists want to remove women’s agency’ theme – David referred to this, it’s often to do with the fear that consent could be withdrawn retrospectively. Women being inherently fickle, unable to know what they want or own their decisions, they desire the power to ruin the lives of any man they regret sleeping with. Or because feminists think patriarchy brainwashes women into saying ‘yes’, therefore what appears to be consent is given under duress.

It bears mentioning what a load of paranoid rubbish this is. Laughable that these guys have to come up with dystopian scenarios like this. Obviously there isn’t much going on in their lives (been there, so I know.)

Nameless Wonder
Nameless Wonder
9 years ago

I think a lot of their paranoia is fueled partly by denial that human choices are always made within the framework of their culture. The antifeminists don’t realize that this applies to them, too. There’s a reason why they go around macho posturing as if resembling an alpha male will win over gobs of “hot babes” and it’s the same reason a women sometimes make poor choices in her life regarding relationships. People engage in unhealthy or self-loathing behavior because it’s compensatory in nature. Feminists are right for examining this, especially in the context of sexual consent.

The MRAs on the other hand, couldn’t be bothered with any examination of their beliefs. They want to believe in the quintessential American delusion that we’re all rugged individualists and islands unto ourselves. This is bullcrap, because people can and do affect each other; and if not, why else would antifeminists go to great lengths to fight against movies and television shows, because THEY KNOW feminists are correct that social values and the media play a part in people’s attitudes and that those attitudes become choices that may not benefit them anymore. It’s easier to say that feminists are evil and being thin in a miniskirt is more important than being intelligent and well-rounded, because that would mean women are more likely to make choices that revolve around their egos.

Somehow this passes as free thinking to them. They want to keep doing what people have been doing for thousands of years, and for that they should never present themselves as taking the “red pill,” because they’re still psychologically stuck in an abusive narrative that’s been going on since forever.

9 years ago

“Our supremacy on Caladan depended on sea and air power. here we must develop something I choose to call miniskirt power.” -Duke Leto Atreides, [i]Dune[/i]

9 years ago

Ok I guess that’s not how to do italics.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

It’s HTML, so instead of brackets.

9 years ago

@Nameless Wonder
“People engage in unhealthy or self-loathing behavior because it’s compensatory in nature. Feminists are right for examining this, especially in the context of sexual consent.”

I’d agree in terms of making people aware of what could be influencing them so they avoid making potentially harmful decisions. Not so much with adjusting the legal definition of consent along those lines (not sure if you were arguing for something like that, probably not).

Choice as a meaningful concept exists when people aren’t influenced by fear for their basic needs or welfare. Women who feel pressured into being sexually available by peers or the media or because they have low self-esteem and seek out validation, might end up making poor decisions, but they’re exercising agency all the same.

That opinion is influenced by some paranoia of my own, obviously, and the fact that nobody’s going to like the idea of having to second guess what appears to be a positive, consensual interaction, and speculate on what *really* might be going on. In the end we can’t be responsible for the past life experiences or background influences affecting the psychological state of another.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I’m going to advance The Mechanisms as the best pirate act I know. Like a lot of steampunk bands their steampunkness consists of stage costumes and song themes; but if you’re after space pirates then by jove they are the very space-piratest of them all. The fact that they do intricate concept albums based on retellings of folklore (Snow White as Warhammer 40,000! King Arthur as a space western!) just makes it even better.

They’re also a local London band so I’ve seen them live a few times in small venues, which is great. One day they’re going to play a gig with She Makes War and then I shall explode from happiness.

9 years ago

“It’s HTML, so instead of brackets.” Sorry, what instead of brackets?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

@itsabeast – It’s < and > instead of [ and ].

One of the herd of roving text mammoths must have eaten the angle brackets from Pandapool’s post. It’s happened to a few of mine, too. 🙂

Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
9 years ago

The Saskatchewan pirate song was awesome, but the Serbian singer actually made me stop eating my lunch* to sit up and pay attention.

*And I’m eating an all-time fave; olive loaf sliders on King’s Hawaiian rolls, so that’s sayin’ something, right there!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago



I am sorry about that.

Here’s some basic HTML stuff to makeup for it. Remember to write these without the underscores.

This is bold.

This is italics.

This is a link.

This is a blockquote.

I’m not sure these tags work with these comments, but let’s see.

This is strikethrough.

This is underlined.

This changes both font size, color and type, but may not actually work because this is old code that HTML5 doesn’t support but maybe the comments do IDK.

That should be everything you need.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago









Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

This comment section sucks.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago




[a href=”link”]Link.[/a]


Replace the square brackets [ and ] with . Sideway carrots. Those things that you shift+comma or shift+period for.

If they don’t work, just look shit up on here dammit.

9 years ago


I feel your pain. I’ve been there.

If you ever want to type those silly angle brackets (i.e. <THESE STUPID THINGS! >) you can get away with it by doing this:

& lt ; THESE STUPID THINGS! & gt ;

Just remove the spaces.

Nifty page explaining how the heck to do characters that the browser is determined to see as html tags or magic is here!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Ugh, that crap. I completely forgot about those entity shits. I never use them because actual HTML is forgiving and let’s you use any type of bracket you want for any use, it’s just stupid HTML based comment sections that don’t.

I also remembered I think there’s a tag that let’s you use brackets. One sec. Let me see if this works.


It probably doesn’t but we’ll see.