don draper says what doubling down emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings that's completely wrong yeah that's the ticket

What?! Philadelphia Train Crash “Exposes The Problems With Homosexuals In America,” Return of Kings Writer Claims

The last episode of Mad Men aired last night, but if ever something needed a Don Draper “what?” — or even an entire video full of them — the latest garbage post from garbage human being Matt Forney at garbage site Return of Kings is it.

In a post titled “Brandon Bostian’s Amtrak Crash Exposes The Problems With Homosexuals In America,” Forney — Internet-infamous for his posts making “The Case Against Female Self-Esteem” and claiming that “Fat Girls Don’t Deserve to Be Loved” — suggests that the real cause of the Amtrak train crash in Philadelphia could be engineer Brandon Bostian’s “unchecked homosexuality.”  

What a shock that a woman-hating, fat-shaming shithead who recently attended a white nationalist conference would also turn out to be a raging homophobe as well. Bigotries of a feather flock together.

Linking to posts on far-right muckrakerwallower  journalist Chuck Johnson’s GotNews site that seem to indicate that Bostian is gay, and that he might possibly have posted dick pics to sites devoted to posting dick pics, Forney cranks up his logic engine and writes that

It’s not a stretch to argue that a man obsessed with showing off his private parts to strangers might also be inclined to show off how fast he can drive a runaway train.

So wouldn’t that make Elliot Spitzer a prime suspect in the crash?

Well, no, because Spitzer isn’t gay, and in Forney’s mind the real villain here is unchecked gayness. Indeed, Forney claims,

because the left has so effectively hidden the dark side of gay culture from view, homosexuals are becoming a major threat to public health and safety.

In addition to being buttsex-having “disease vectors,” Forney charges, gay men “[l]ack … propriety and proper boundaries.” His proof? A story in the right-wing Washington Times titled “Gay couples’ children oppose same-sex marriage, tell of unpleasant upbringings.” In the story, one woman claimed that

her gay father was so preoccupied with sex that when she was in high school and brought home a male classmate, both her father and his lover propositioned him for sex. 

Forney writes:

Imagine a straight man hitting on his son’s girlfriend. You can’t, because even a single father wouldn’t think about violating his son’s boundaries in that fashion. This is how many homosexuals act: they’re narcissists who can’t be bothered to integrate into society yet constantly demand that straight people approve of their life choices.

Uh, dude, it’s not hard to imagine, because it happens all the fucking time — and these men often have no issue with violating the boundaries of the girlfriends either. Also, you’re writing on a site catering to men obsessed with dating young women (and teenage girls) many years their junior, where the big debate is whether women “hit the wall” and become too terminally old to “bang” at 30, or 25, or even 17. (Seriously, see the comments here.)

Forney continues:

Gay marriage, typically framed as a matter of “love,” can easily be used to enable homosexual child molesters.

Uh, dude, I hate to break it to you, but non-gay marriage can easily be used to enable non-homosexual child molesters, too.

Oh, but Forney wants us to know that he’s no homophobe. Nope, he explains, he’s not afraid of those filthy “homos.”

The leftist tactic of smearing critics of homosexual degeneracy as “homophobic” is completely off-base. We aren’t “afraid” of homo misbehavior, we’re disgusted by it, same as if we’d stepped in a dog turd on the sidewalk. There is nothing wrong with being revolted by people who spread disease through reckless sex, who adopt children so they can abuse them sexually, and who think shoving a taser up a mummy’s ass makes for a fun Friday night.

Uh, what? Is there some secret brigade of gay archeologists going around tasering mummies?

Getting back to that “w” word: What does any of this nonsense have to do with the train crash in Philadelphia? Your guess is as good as mine, particularly since we don’t even know what caused the crash at this point. Aside from his ridiculous “argument” about the inherent recklessness of dudes who post dick pics, Forney doesn’t even bother to try to make any sort of logical argument tying Bostian’s apparent sexual preferences to the crash.

Oh, and before I forget, I should point out that Forney also seems to think that Bostian was “likely an affirmative action hire” (!?) because, before becoming a train conductor 8 years ago and then an engineer 4 years ago, he worked at Target.

Naturally, this being Return of Kings, the comments are mostly pretty horrifying. Amazingly, there are a few commenters who actually challenge Forney’s homophobia. But there are also guys like advancedatheist, who writes

I would like to see the return of social norms where gays feel shame and humility again because they face sanctions against “expressing themselves,” and where they especially have a lot of trouble finding each other to engage in their self-destructive behavior. I suppose gay men’s lives have “value” based on some kind of abstract moral reasoning. But that “value” doesn’t mean they have a right to sexual fulfillment, for the simple reason that nobody has such a right. Instead we have let gay men set the standard for this entitlement mentality that threatens to bring down civilization.

Apparently, at Return of Kings, any excuse for homophobic rants will do.


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9 years ago

RE: brooked

You know, I didn’t actually think they meant actual honest to god mummies. WELP. Serves me right for overestimating the guy!

Also, the whole “body cooked” thing is horseshit. People have died of LIGHTNING STRIKES that didn’t cook them. That’s not how it works.

9 years ago

I once stepped on a dog turd while barefoot. Yet I still don’t obsess about dog turds and freak out every time I see one. In fact, I had forgotten all about it until just now. It was gross but I got the fuck over it.

9 years ago

I don’t remember how hot a fire has to be to cook a person, but it’s pretty damn hot. That’s why murderers who try to dispose of a body by burning it are never successful.

9 years ago

Yeah, also, if dude got cooked during a sex party… you’d think people would notice THE FUCKING SMELL.

9 years ago

Seriously. When I make turkey bacon the apartment smells like it all day. I can’t imagine what an entire cooked human would smell like.

9 years ago

The whole electrocuted mummy story is clearly fictional, the OP lays it on pretty thick.

Other whoppers: “I was never sure why he was even brought in by EMS, because he was obviously dead”
The poster has to get around the fact that dead bodies aren’t put into ambulances and taken to the ER. There would a murder investigation and a medical examiner or coroner would be called in. We’ve all seen a thousand fictional crime scenes dude.

“His eyeballs had exploded.” & “Describing the state of the body is probably not even required…just think of a human hot dog”
I’m a totally a nurse and this happened.

This story has toured various internet shit holes: Reddit, /pol/, “The Institute for Advanced Homophobia” and a thread called “Liberal Degeneration” on “Iron March”. People on Reddit are, as always, gullible and believed this nonsense was true. I didn’t check out the other forums for obvious reasons.

Here it is:

I worked in an inner city major hospital as an ED nurse for 12 years. I have so many stories I don’t even know where to start. The accidents, illnesses…things people couldn’t control should not be talked about. But the others….insanity. For a period of time in Houston there was a trend among certain members of an extreme segment of the gay community to have “mummification parties.” A man comes into the ED in a home-made body cast, head to toe, with openings for his nose, mouth anus and genitals. The idea, I was told was to force ejaculation through the use of a cattle prod, rectally, and to use the other openings as the participants wished, while the “mummy” was helpless to resist. This one group decided to use direct 220 V current from a dryer outlet, placing a metal rod into his rectum, and a clamp on his scrotum. The man had expelled all fluids he had to expel, and had essentially cooked in the body cast. His eyeballs had exploded. I was never sure why he was even brought in by EMS, because he was obviously dead, but I got the initial job of cutting the cast off. The smell of burnt flesh was something that was intense enough to make me retch. Describing the state of the body is probably not even required…just think of a human hot dog, cooked far too long, and left to die in a plaster cast. His abdomen, unable to expand in the cast, had split and cooked feces and viscera had saturated the cast. Once the autopsy was done, it was found he had dozens of broken bones. This was perhaps one of the most horrific deaths I had ever seen. I’m sure someone will say I am bashing gays here…bullshit, I’m bashing human stupidity and the fact that a human life was utterly wasted.

9 years ago

As if something like that wouldn’t make the news.

9 years ago

Yeah, just got off shift. That story is totally baloney. Disgusting baloney, but baloney.

If they’re dead-dead, so dead that we don’t even start CPR, we’re not even going to go there. That’s a job for the PD, coroner, (and fire-chaplain, upon request), not the ambulance. Nope.

Yeah. Nope. Also, bodies don’t cook that way. Nope:

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

… Whoever wrote that seems to have forgotten that he was talking about electricity, not fire, halfway through.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

I got side tricked by the links because I was amused how Forney kept linking to unrelated posts on his own blog. I was also weirdly fascinated how he managed to include every hoary anti-gay cliche beloved by the professional anti-gay lobby. He sounds like National Organization for Brian Brown, Scott Lively or Americans for the Truth about Homosexuality’s Peter LaBarbera. He’s that good at vicious virulent anti-gay bigotry.

Add that to his pseudo-intellectual white nationalism, his boundless misogyny and promotion of abusive behavior and you have an impressive piece of worthless shit.

-The left has so effectively hidden the dark side of gay culture from view

-Tolerance Of The Intolerable Is Not A Virtue

-The leftist tactic of smearing critics of homosexual degeneracy as “homophobic” is completely off-base

-Homosexuality is just a hobby.

(Ryan Sorba used the last line years ago.)

Hedonism! Promiscous! HIV! Pedophilia! Lack of propriety and proper boundaries! Boo hiss! Gays bad!

He really knows how to be an awful person.

There are likely more gay abusers like Newton adopting children for the sole purpose of raping them, but their stories are being suppressed by the media for obvious reasons.

Go Fuck Yourself.

He’s really rocketed up to most terrible person of the manosphere for me because he brings so much traditional Right Wing assholeness, he often seems like he’s angling for Vdare column, while pumping out typical misogynist ROK outrageous click bait. And now he’s adding hardcore anti-gay hate?

While I have no issue with people doing what they want in the privacy of their homes, homo dysfunction—and the left’s inability to acknowledge it—is hurting society at large. Homosexual men are spreading disease through their wanton barebacking and other paraphilias, while lesbians are disproportionately battering women. If gays truly want straights to tolerate them, they need to rein in their misbehavior and stop acting like we’re the bad guys for pointing it out.


9 years ago

I’m amused that he’s the editor of Reaxxion. Good luck with that Matt.

Nameless Wonder
Nameless Wonder
9 years ago

Hey David, here’s an article you might be interested in dissecting:

Here’s a bit of xtreme xtian handwringing that caught my attention:

“Students will be provided definitions for sexual orientation terms heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality; and the gender identity term transgender,” the district’s recommendations state. “Emphasis will be placed on recognizing that everyone is experiencing changes and the role of respectful, inclusive language in promoting an environment free of bias and discrimination.”

Oh my god! Students will be forced to learn word definitions and be encouraged to be accepting instead of being bullies! People who aren’t straight and cis-gendered have names for themselves, and we should learn what those names are and use them respectfully? Say it isn’t so!

However will the kids cope having to be around someone different than they are!!?!?!?!?

(I can’t believe people are this stupid. No, I can, but right now I can’t. I just can’t even anymore…)

Nameless Wonder
Nameless Wonder
9 years ago

Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to ask (rhetorically of course) if ROK was an MRA branch that insisted they aren’t a hate group, they’re just for men’s rights which is why they go around harassing progressives and posting people’s information online. Uh huh.

Then what’s up with all the gratuitous anti-gay hate speech? I mean, shit. WTF dude, calling gay men molesters and lesbians wife beaters? As if we don’t have enough statistics to show that traditionalist males perpetrate those crimes much more frequently than anyone else. And the mummy story is on par with the gruesome things they used to accuse Jews and Witches of doing in the middle ages as an excuse to murder or deport them.

I mean really… really? REALLY? These people have nothing better to do with their time than sit around spreading hate speech about everyone they can? Then they demand we shouldn’t see them as bigots. riiiiiiiight.

9 years ago

@Nameless Wonder

Fox Nation is a cesspool but I wouldn’t consider it part of the manosphere that David covers on this blog.

Warning for those unfamiliar with Fox Nation: I know people always say “don’t read the comments” but when it comes to Fox Nation DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES READ THE COMMENTS. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.

Nameless Wonder
Nameless Wonder
9 years ago

Hi brooked, point taken.

I agree, the comments section is one long spiteful rant against everything human and decent. And these are the people claiming to stand up for “family values” and the “love of God.” Suuuuure.

9 years ago

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the only reason it’s called ‘The Dark Enlightenment’ is because it sounds way cooler than ‘(Neo-)Fascism’.

9 years ago

I’ve often heard fast cars referred to as dick substitutes, but I don’t recall reading that driving a Ferrari or Porsche is a gay thing. Maybe cars are straight, but trains are gay? Why?

9 years ago

Might I politely request that we bookmark this comment regarding homosexual folk that ‘advancedatheist’ made-

“But that “value” doesn’t mean they have a right to sexual fulfillment, for the simple reason that nobody has such a right.”

for the next time he or any other MRA throws a baby tantrum over women not sleeping with him. Because according to on of their own members, he’s not entitled to it…

Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
9 years ago

There is nothing wrong with being revolted by people who spread disease through reckless sex

Okay, then. Good to know! ◔_◔

I suppose gay men’s lives have “value” based on some kind of abstract moral reasoning. But that “value” doesn’t mean they have a right to sexual fulfillment, for the simple reason that nobody has such a right.

He’s sooooo close! That kind of mental compartmentalization is impressive.

9 years ago

The hypocrisy is strong with this one.

Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
9 years ago

Heya, blockquote monster! Been a while (not long enough,though.)

9 years ago

It would seem useful to distinguish between what comes from fear and what comes from hatred.

9 years ago

I wonder if that hate extends to bisexual women. Because I bet it doesn’t. We must mean fantastic threesomes after all!