don draper says what doubling down emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings that's completely wrong yeah that's the ticket

What?! Philadelphia Train Crash “Exposes The Problems With Homosexuals In America,” Return of Kings Writer Claims

The last episode of Mad Men aired last night, but if ever something needed a Don Draper “what?” — or even an entire video full of them — the latest garbage post from garbage human being Matt Forney at garbage site Return of Kings is it.

In a post titled “Brandon Bostian’s Amtrak Crash Exposes The Problems With Homosexuals In America,” Forney — Internet-infamous for his posts making “The Case Against Female Self-Esteem” and claiming that “Fat Girls Don’t Deserve to Be Loved” — suggests that the real cause of the Amtrak train crash in Philadelphia could be engineer Brandon Bostian’s “unchecked homosexuality.”  

What a shock that a woman-hating, fat-shaming shithead who recently attended a white nationalist conference would also turn out to be a raging homophobe as well. Bigotries of a feather flock together.

Linking to posts on far-right muckrakerwallower  journalist Chuck Johnson’s GotNews site that seem to indicate that Bostian is gay, and that he might possibly have posted dick pics to sites devoted to posting dick pics, Forney cranks up his logic engine and writes that

It’s not a stretch to argue that a man obsessed with showing off his private parts to strangers might also be inclined to show off how fast he can drive a runaway train.

So wouldn’t that make Elliot Spitzer a prime suspect in the crash?

Well, no, because Spitzer isn’t gay, and in Forney’s mind the real villain here is unchecked gayness. Indeed, Forney claims,

because the left has so effectively hidden the dark side of gay culture from view, homosexuals are becoming a major threat to public health and safety.

In addition to being buttsex-having “disease vectors,” Forney charges, gay men “[l]ack … propriety and proper boundaries.” His proof? A story in the right-wing Washington Times titled “Gay couples’ children oppose same-sex marriage, tell of unpleasant upbringings.” In the story, one woman claimed that

her gay father was so preoccupied with sex that when she was in high school and brought home a male classmate, both her father and his lover propositioned him for sex. 

Forney writes:

Imagine a straight man hitting on his son’s girlfriend. You can’t, because even a single father wouldn’t think about violating his son’s boundaries in that fashion. This is how many homosexuals act: they’re narcissists who can’t be bothered to integrate into society yet constantly demand that straight people approve of their life choices.

Uh, dude, it’s not hard to imagine, because it happens all the fucking time — and these men often have no issue with violating the boundaries of the girlfriends either. Also, you’re writing on a site catering to men obsessed with dating young women (and teenage girls) many years their junior, where the big debate is whether women “hit the wall” and become too terminally old to “bang” at 30, or 25, or even 17. (Seriously, see the comments here.)

Forney continues:

Gay marriage, typically framed as a matter of “love,” can easily be used to enable homosexual child molesters.

Uh, dude, I hate to break it to you, but non-gay marriage can easily be used to enable non-homosexual child molesters, too.

Oh, but Forney wants us to know that he’s no homophobe. Nope, he explains, he’s not afraid of those filthy “homos.”

The leftist tactic of smearing critics of homosexual degeneracy as “homophobic” is completely off-base. We aren’t “afraid” of homo misbehavior, we’re disgusted by it, same as if we’d stepped in a dog turd on the sidewalk. There is nothing wrong with being revolted by people who spread disease through reckless sex, who adopt children so they can abuse them sexually, and who think shoving a taser up a mummy’s ass makes for a fun Friday night.

Uh, what? Is there some secret brigade of gay archeologists going around tasering mummies?

Getting back to that “w” word: What does any of this nonsense have to do with the train crash in Philadelphia? Your guess is as good as mine, particularly since we don’t even know what caused the crash at this point. Aside from his ridiculous “argument” about the inherent recklessness of dudes who post dick pics, Forney doesn’t even bother to try to make any sort of logical argument tying Bostian’s apparent sexual preferences to the crash.

Oh, and before I forget, I should point out that Forney also seems to think that Bostian was “likely an affirmative action hire” (!?) because, before becoming a train conductor 8 years ago and then an engineer 4 years ago, he worked at Target.

Naturally, this being Return of Kings, the comments are mostly pretty horrifying. Amazingly, there are a few commenters who actually challenge Forney’s homophobia. But there are also guys like advancedatheist, who writes

I would like to see the return of social norms where gays feel shame and humility again because they face sanctions against “expressing themselves,” and where they especially have a lot of trouble finding each other to engage in their self-destructive behavior. I suppose gay men’s lives have “value” based on some kind of abstract moral reasoning. But that “value” doesn’t mean they have a right to sexual fulfillment, for the simple reason that nobody has such a right. Instead we have let gay men set the standard for this entitlement mentality that threatens to bring down civilization.

Apparently, at Return of Kings, any excuse for homophobic rants will do.


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9 years ago

Bold and Italics Mammoth don’t play well with tablets it seems.

9 years ago

Essentially these people believe that human civilization is made out of men sexually dominating women.

You know what we should do with a civilization like that?

9 years ago

I’d comment further, but I’m too busy tasering mummies, posing a threat to public health, and bringing about the fall of civilization (though it’s true, he only seems to obsess about gay men; apparently the rest of us aren’t worth a mention).

9 years ago

Has anyone told him about NAMBLA?

9 years ago

RE: anemonerosie

You fool! Don’t you know if you say the organization’s name three times on a dark night, they’ll appear before you?

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

I suppose gay men’s lives have “value” based on some kind of abstract moral reasoning.

Some kind of abstract moral reasoning compels me to suppose that these bigoted chucklefucks’ lives have “value.” Though the gay men I know are better people and contribute a lot more to society.

But that “value” doesn’t mean they have a right to sexual fulfillment, for the simple reason that nobody has such a right.

Tell it to the MRAs who claim women have all the power because pussy.

9 years ago

Wednsday Addams. We love you!

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago

I’d say that misogyny and homophobia, like racism, are mental disorders. But I can’t put scum like this in the same category as someone unfortunate enough to suffer from depression or anxiety.

These fuckers are just sociopaths.

9 years ago

Misogyny, homophobia, and racism are not mental illness. Their nature, origin, and continuation are clearly explained in sociological terms. The fact that someone thinks in a way you dislike does not make them mentally ill.

9 years ago

I find it so weird, the correlation dude’s making between my life having value and sexual fulfillment. Like, uh, yeah, my life has value, AND I’m not entitled to sex. This isn’t rocket surgery!

9 years ago

Great post, minor correction: Anthony Weiner is the politician who sank his congressional career and attempted comeback by sending unsolicited dick pix. Elliott Spitzer is the politician who sank his career by frequenting the brothel he had previously prosecuted men for using. They’re both morons, but Weiner is far creepier.

9 years ago


How are YOUR babies, good sir?

Rapidly becoming no-longer-babies!

S has started talking in complete sentences. She says “cubuz” when she means “because.” A is getting clearer in his pronunciation and also working on phrases. He’s taken to calling himself “little man” instead of “baby” because one time I said, “Let’s go to nursery school, little man!” They both love swimming, and right now, they’re having one of their apparently interminable number of colds.

Jordan James Fuller
9 years ago

To quote a man much witter than me from Fark. “I will give it them if, and only if, the conductor was having gay sex in the cab and it caused him to not realize it was going 100 mph. Other than that I don’t see how.”

9 years ago

The fact that someone thinks in a way you dislike does not make them mentally ill.

No, but it would’ve given us a swell excuse to put ’em in ECT rigs and zap ’em ’til their teeth glow.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
9 years ago

The fact that someone thinks in a way you dislike does not make them mentally ill.

No, but it would’ve given us a swell excuse to put ’em in ECT rigs and zap ’em ’til their teeth glow.

Can we not go down this miserable road again?

9 years ago

Nequam – Mental illness is NOT a choice. Misogyny, racism, and homophobia are. If you are new please click on the scented candle for the welcome package. Ableism is covered and it is not welcome in this community.

9 years ago

RE: Falconer

My husband just made gasping shrieks of adoration. Your kids are getting so big!

RE: Nequam

No, but it would’ve given us a swell excuse to put ’em in ECT rigs and zap ’em ’til their teeth glow.

I actually KNOW people who underwent ECT. Can we please not do this?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

The leftist tactic of smearing critics of homosexual degeneracy as “homophobic” is completely off-base. We aren’t “afraid” of homo misbehavior, we’re disgusted by it, same as if we’d stepped in a dog turd on the sidewalk.

Well, you see, most people, when they step on dog turds, simply wipe them off as quickly as possible, blot the incident from their minds, and get on with their lives. They don’t devote entire blog posts to them and blame them for causing train wrecks and go on and on and on and on about how terrible dog turds are and why is society so forgiving of these horrible dog turds and can we talk some more about terrible, horrible dog turds? That’s not how aversion works.

It is, however, exactly how bigotry works. Especially the part about comparing human beings to dog poop, and putting “value” in scare quotes.

9 years ago

RE: Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Yeah, that whole line makes me want to say, “Congratulations, you’re not phobic, you’re just a douchebag.” WHAT A WONDERFUL DISTINCTION TO MAKE THANK YOU FORNEY.

9 years ago

@LBT: They are adorable. I do wish they’d start sleeping through the night in their own beds. Most of the time one or t’other crawls into bed with me of a night. This morning they both got up and we spent the rest of the night on the couch!

Gotta go cuddle a baby boy. Talk to y’all later!

9 years ago

Also, ECT is still a valid tool in treating mental illness. It’s used very differently (among other things they anaesthetize you first) from how it was in the past, but I have a friend who’s found it enormously helpful to her recovery

9 years ago

Well, Arnold Vosloo was pretty hot as Imhotep. Just saying.

9 years ago

RE: Leum

Yeah, I don’t know if the woman I knew found ECT helpful or not (I only saw her in the immediate aftermath which is… you know. Mostly her being really out of it) but yeah, it’s still something used legitimately. I don’t imagine she decided to just zap herself for fun and games.

9 years ago

Thanks to donotlink, I was able to take a little journey into Forney’s linked sources. This took longer then I hoped.

1) Links to the article itself, very meta.

2-3) Both are links to GotNews “Independent, Unbiased & Unafraid” – This is a great site if you prefer new articles that are poorly written, sketchy on facts and super racist.

4) Matt Forney’s blog post, “Leftist Witch Hunts, Social Justice Warriors and the Myth of Free Speech ‘Consequences’” – It’s irrelevant to the topic at hand, but you got keep that traffic up, right Matt?

5) A ROK article by Matt Forney, “Toronto Man Wrongly Fired From Job After ‘F*** Her Right In The Pussy’ Incident” – see previous comment.

6) A ROK article written by Roosh V, “Male Homosexuals Have Become a Public Health Threat”. – Well, at least it’s on topic.

7) Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Forney: According to the CDC, gay and bisexual men account for 61% of all HIV infections in the U.S.

The link actually says, “At the end of 2011, an estimated 500,022 (57%) persons living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were gay and bisexual men, or gay and bisexual men who also inject drugs.” I honestly can’t figure out where he got 61%.

8) An post titled “What is the average number of sex partners a gay man has in a lifetime?” – It was posted by Ageofknowledge, who also wrote other informative posts like “Why does Obama want civil war in the US?” and “Did any Jews sign the US Constitution?”.

9) A New York Magazine article – I’d explain how it was misrepresented, but it’s not worth the effort.

10) The second cited Matt Forney blog post, “Why Fat Girls Don’t Deserve to be Loved” – see comment on the forth link.

11) The Australian Department of Health – He correctly quotes a statistic from “Table 4.4.1 Antiretroviral therapy expenditure in Australia, 1996-2000”, so it’s a legit source, just outdated and lacking context.

12) Roosh V Forum – a post by ‘Anonymousbouch’ in the “Homosexual male lifestyle is so unsafe that WHO urges HIV drugs for all gays” thread – A slight step down from The Australian Department of Health in terms of legitimacy.

9 years ago

13) The Washington Times article David discusses in the OP. The title, in BOLD, is “Gay couples’ children oppose same-sex marriage, tell of unpleasant upbringings”, but unbolded subtitle sheepishly adds “Majority disagrees, says parents’ inability to marry denies them legal protections, stability”. Forney doesn’t mention that second part.

14) The third cited Matt Forney blog post, “‘How to Deal With Narcissists’ by Michael Trust”. – see comment on the forth link.

15) A random news article about one case of a gay male couple who abused a boy they illegally adopted, who most like sex trafficked. – anecdotal evidence comprised of one single anecdote. Masterful.


Forney: In a recent article for Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos revealed that contra to feminist propaganda, the lion’s share of domestic violence in Western countries is committed in lesbian relationships

::sigh:: – He bases that whopper on Gamer Gate hanger-on Milos Yiannopoulos’ shitty, hateful “Attack of the Killer Dykes”. The whole article is easily debunked. For example, Milo writes that “women in relationships with other women are dramatically more likely to get knocked about by their partner” and then links to a report that says “results from the National Violence Against Women Survey indicate that women living with female intimate partners experience less intimate partner violence than women living with male intimate partners.”

17) Georgia Voice article that mangles the CDC National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey findings by sexual orientation press release.

18) a link to a post on eBaum’s World (?) that provides back story to the mummy taser comment. –
For the curious: It has the classic medical urban legend opener about working as an ER nurse for 12 years. It starts off with “for a period of time in Houston there was a trend among certain members of an extreme segment of the gay community to have ‘mummification parties’.
Yes, that’s a kink, but in this story it was a dead guy in a full body cast that had been electrocuted to the point of being completely cooked. I call bullshit on 1) A plaster bodycast because that takes 24-48 to completely harden, people would use wraps. 2) “This one group decided to use direct 220 V current from a dryer outlet” awkward and obviously stupidly dangerous. 3) The claim that the whole body cooked when that doesn’t even happen in botched electric chair executions. 4) This outrageous death received no press coverage.

19) The fourth cited Matt Forney blog post, “The Case Against Female Self-Esteem” – see comment on the forth link.