don draper says what doubling down emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings that's completely wrong yeah that's the ticket

What?! Philadelphia Train Crash “Exposes The Problems With Homosexuals In America,” Return of Kings Writer Claims

The last episode of Mad Men aired last night, but if ever something needed a Don Draper “what?” — or even an entire video full of them — the latest garbage post from garbage human being Matt Forney at garbage site Return of Kings is it.

In a post titled “Brandon Bostian’s Amtrak Crash Exposes The Problems With Homosexuals In America,” Forney — Internet-infamous for his posts making “The Case Against Female Self-Esteem” and claiming that “Fat Girls Don’t Deserve to Be Loved” — suggests that the real cause of the Amtrak train crash in Philadelphia could be engineer Brandon Bostian’s “unchecked homosexuality.”  

What a shock that a woman-hating, fat-shaming shithead who recently attended a white nationalist conference would also turn out to be a raging homophobe as well. Bigotries of a feather flock together.

Linking to posts on far-right muckrakerwallower  journalist Chuck Johnson’s GotNews site that seem to indicate that Bostian is gay, and that he might possibly have posted dick pics to sites devoted to posting dick pics, Forney cranks up his logic engine and writes that

It’s not a stretch to argue that a man obsessed with showing off his private parts to strangers might also be inclined to show off how fast he can drive a runaway train.

So wouldn’t that make Elliot Spitzer a prime suspect in the crash?

Well, no, because Spitzer isn’t gay, and in Forney’s mind the real villain here is unchecked gayness. Indeed, Forney claims,

because the left has so effectively hidden the dark side of gay culture from view, homosexuals are becoming a major threat to public health and safety.

In addition to being buttsex-having “disease vectors,” Forney charges, gay men “[l]ack … propriety and proper boundaries.” His proof? A story in the right-wing Washington Times titled “Gay couples’ children oppose same-sex marriage, tell of unpleasant upbringings.” In the story, one woman claimed that

her gay father was so preoccupied with sex that when she was in high school and brought home a male classmate, both her father and his lover propositioned him for sex. 

Forney writes:

Imagine a straight man hitting on his son’s girlfriend. You can’t, because even a single father wouldn’t think about violating his son’s boundaries in that fashion. This is how many homosexuals act: they’re narcissists who can’t be bothered to integrate into society yet constantly demand that straight people approve of their life choices.

Uh, dude, it’s not hard to imagine, because it happens all the fucking time — and these men often have no issue with violating the boundaries of the girlfriends either. Also, you’re writing on a site catering to men obsessed with dating young women (and teenage girls) many years their junior, where the big debate is whether women “hit the wall” and become too terminally old to “bang” at 30, or 25, or even 17. (Seriously, see the comments here.)

Forney continues:

Gay marriage, typically framed as a matter of “love,” can easily be used to enable homosexual child molesters.

Uh, dude, I hate to break it to you, but non-gay marriage can easily be used to enable non-homosexual child molesters, too.

Oh, but Forney wants us to know that he’s no homophobe. Nope, he explains, he’s not afraid of those filthy “homos.”

The leftist tactic of smearing critics of homosexual degeneracy as “homophobic” is completely off-base. We aren’t “afraid” of homo misbehavior, we’re disgusted by it, same as if we’d stepped in a dog turd on the sidewalk. There is nothing wrong with being revolted by people who spread disease through reckless sex, who adopt children so they can abuse them sexually, and who think shoving a taser up a mummy’s ass makes for a fun Friday night.

Uh, what? Is there some secret brigade of gay archeologists going around tasering mummies?

Getting back to that “w” word: What does any of this nonsense have to do with the train crash in Philadelphia? Your guess is as good as mine, particularly since we don’t even know what caused the crash at this point. Aside from his ridiculous “argument” about the inherent recklessness of dudes who post dick pics, Forney doesn’t even bother to try to make any sort of logical argument tying Bostian’s apparent sexual preferences to the crash.

Oh, and before I forget, I should point out that Forney also seems to think that Bostian was “likely an affirmative action hire” (!?) because, before becoming a train conductor 8 years ago and then an engineer 4 years ago, he worked at Target.

Naturally, this being Return of Kings, the comments are mostly pretty horrifying. Amazingly, there are a few commenters who actually challenge Forney’s homophobia. But there are also guys like advancedatheist, who writes

I would like to see the return of social norms where gays feel shame and humility again because they face sanctions against “expressing themselves,” and where they especially have a lot of trouble finding each other to engage in their self-destructive behavior. I suppose gay men’s lives have “value” based on some kind of abstract moral reasoning. But that “value” doesn’t mean they have a right to sexual fulfillment, for the simple reason that nobody has such a right. Instead we have let gay men set the standard for this entitlement mentality that threatens to bring down civilization.

Apparently, at Return of Kings, any excuse for homophobic rants will do.


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9 years ago

You are right

“who think shoving a taser up a mummy’s ass makes for a fun Friday night.”
I have not been reading this article closely and I believe that’s necrophilia. I don’t want to know anymore what goes on in this guys brain.

Dan kasteray
“Wtf does driving a train fast have to do with posting dick pics?”

The train is a penis and the tunnel is the vagina…I guess?

9 years ago

Did I miss something? Who is getting all this taser-mummy buttlovin’?

9 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger | May 18, 2015 at 3:24 pm
“Oh, manosphere logic. If a gay man puts dick pics on a dick pic site for people who wish to look at or send dick pics, it’s a sign someone is degenerate and dangerous. A straight man sends unsolicited dick pics to a woman and it’s alpha behavior and we should be flattered.”

I read somewhere that made fun of homophobes by posting a meaning to the word: “Homophobia- the fear of gay men treating you the way you treat women and lesbians treating other women better than you.”

Of course there are female homophobes as well.

9 years ago

@potterchik: It’s Matt Forney’s personal contribution to the ZOMG MENZ BUTTSECHS panic.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

Apparently, the latest anti-gay political strategy is to collect sob stories from people whose gay parents happened to be assholes or otherwise dysfunctional. I see it popping up everywhere, even in the Finnish gay marriage debate.

(The Parliament just approved marriage equality but that didn’t stop the conservatives from arguing against it)

9 years ago

As hilarious as this is, I suspect he might mean “mummy” like a British mom. My god I hope he does.

9 years ago

I’ve always maintained the the “phobic” part implies being repulsed rather than necessarily afraid. Like, most lipids are hydrophobic and are repulsed by water. And some lipids have a hyrdophobic side and a hydrophilic side… one is repulsed by water, and another that sticks.

9 years ago


“Oh, manosphere logic. If a gay man puts dick pics on a dick pic site for people who wish to look at or send dick pics, it’s a sign someone is degenerate and dangerous. A straight man sends unsolicited dick pics to a woman and it’s alpha behavior and we should be flattered.”

^ Seconded, thirded, fourthed, etc… I hate their contradictory ass-backwards ‘logic’ with a burning passion!

Seriously, if a dude wants to put picks of his dick on the internet, I can’t imagine a better place to put it than on

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Considering how stupid and reality-orthogonal these people (Forney, Roosh, et al.) are, I really would not be surprised if Forney posted something about how he was trying to make a sandwich but instead attacked his own face with a claw hammer, and somehow this was the fault of lesbians.

Cthulhu's Intern
9 years ago

Why do people go on about how the engineer was gay? How is that even relevant? Like, I heard someone call him the “gay ginger.” Surely (what’s most likely) criminal negligence comes in all sexual orientations and hair colors

9 years ago

RE: Falconer

Sadly, a baby is happening to one of the players and it looks like the campaign is defunct.

How are YOUR babies, good sir?

RE: Arctic Ape

Apparently, the latest anti-gay political strategy is to collect sob stories from people whose gay parents happened to be assholes or otherwise dysfunctional.

Pfft. At least two generations of straight parents in my family were dysfunctional as fuck. Does that mean I get to deny all heterosexuals their filthy marriaging?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Gay marriage, typically framed as a matter of “love,” can easily be used to enable homosexual child molesters.

Given the huge number of MRAs that are admitted child molesters and the even bigger number that are campaigning for the lowering or total removal of the age of consent… Somehow, his concern doesn’t feel so genuine to me.

9 years ago

Mr. Forney knows he is posting this unabashed turd of a post on a site dedicated to raw dogging it with as many willing-ish partners as possible, right? I am so confused.

9 years ago

I would like to see the return of social norms where gays feel shame and humility again because they face sanctions against “expressing themselves,” and where they especially have a lot of trouble finding each other to engage in their self-destructive behavior. I suppose gay men’s lives have “value” based on some kind of abstract moral reasoning. But that “value” doesn’t mean they have a right to sexual fulfillment, for the simple reason that nobody has such a right. Instead we have let gay men set the standard for this entitlement mentality that threatens to bring down civilization.

…says the entitled shitlord who prides himself on doing to women exactly what he imagines gay men do to other guys. (Or trying to, because I can’t see anyone with his worse-than-plain looks and repulsive personality succeeding at it.)

I reiterate what I said on another thread: if all these guys merely said “ewwww, queers ICKY!”, instead of trying (and failing hilariously) to intellectualize their squick, they’d at least get a small morsel of grudging respect from me, the kind one feels when patting the head of a little kid throwing a tantrum. Because then we’d see that it IS just a knee-jerk reaction on their part. But noooo, they just have to dress it up with pseudo-intellectual posturing, which ironically reveals why they’re really squicked: They fear that gay men will try to do to them EXACTLY what they try (and fail) to do to women.

And yes, I think that a lot of them secretly do fantasize about it, and also fear that they will enjoy being “seduced” by a gay guy who tops them. For a guy who’s trying desperately to be Alpha As Fuck, what could be a greater forbidden sin?

Meanwhile, that mummy-butt-tasering bit is so far out of the blue that it could only have come from his own ass, and I don’t want to speculate how he came upon it. I have run out of even to can’t. Could anyone please lend me a cup of it until I replenish my supply?

9 years ago

Two thoughts:

1) Everybody trying to figure out the logical consequences of this is, as usual, demonstrating their incapacity for supreme alpha male manly manlogics™. Using superior manlogics™ means you start with your conclusion and THEN figure out your reasoning. Stupid feminists always get it backwards.

2) Mummy butt tasering sounds like either a very specific subgenre of porn, or a hilariously cheesy Brendan Frasier parody porn. Either way, somebody has been watching way too much porn if they think it accurately depicts reality.

9 years ago

RE: Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

That line irritates ME because of a few things.

1. It equates being gay with being a child rapist.
2. It equates raping children with a sexual orientation.

The grandfather in my family attacked both boys and girls, but portrayed himself as a straight man. I don’t think dude was a closeted bisexual, I think he was a DICK.

9 years ago

Why is does it always end up in ass play talk with these guys. The anti-gay bigots talk more about it than any gay men I have known.

Plus, if they hate it so much, why is it such a big then in straight porn? Why aren’t they making a hue and cry about straight assplay? Oh right. Bigots looking for any excuse.

9 years ago

It’s not a stretch to argue that a man obsessed with showing off his private parts to strangers might also be inclined to show off how fast he can drive a runaway train.

9 years ago

RE: Bina

And yes, I think that a lot of them secretly do fantasize about it, and also fear that they will enjoy being “seduced” by a gay guy who tops them. For a guy who’s trying desperately to be Alpha As Fuck, what could be a greater forbidden sin?

Hey, as a gay dude, that actually makes me really uncomfortable. We don’t know what these guys feel or want, and I’d rather not have them tossed in MY camp as a sort of karmic justice, you know?

9 years ago

Plus, if they hate it so much, why is it such a big then in straight porn? Why aren’t they making a hue and cry about straight assplay?

Because to them, it’s only meet and right that men should hurt and humiliate women (i.e. “put them in their place”) by subordinating them and shoving things up their butts. But if MEN do that to each other (even, gasp, consensually!), then it’s Evil and Unnatural and The End Of The World As We Know It.

9 years ago

There is nothing wrong with being revolted by people who spread disease through reckless sex, who adopt children so they can abuse them sexually,

comment image

The projection is strong with this one.

9 years ago

RE: Lea

It’s hilarious to me because it sounds EXACTLY like g0y shit… only g0ys claim that grooming teen boys for sex is totally acceptable. They LOATHE the buttsex though, which is the TRUE immorality and form of masculine disrespect!

9 years ago

Hey, as a gay dude, that actually makes me really uncomfortable. We don’t know what these guys feel or want, and I’d rather not have them tossed in MY camp as a sort of karmic justice, you know?

Oops…sorry about that. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot! You’re right, he’s definitely too repugnant for anyone.

9 years ago

I want to believe that somehow the anti-other-people-having-sex and the pro-me-having-sex are two different groups, but I think some of the posts about Roosh Validez prove that both can come from the same person.

Essentially these people believe that human civilization is made out of men sexually dominating women. All of these men having sex with other men, women dominating men, women refusing to be dominated, or refusing to have sex inevitably detract from civilization because to them civilization is based around women submitting to their husbands, following orders, satisfying him, etc. Most people would say that the fundamental basis of civilization is a person’s willingness to work with other people. Many MRAs and redpills imagine something more similar to a “hardcore” porno.

9 years ago

Meanwhile, at RoK Headquarters:
“Hey! A terrible tragedy has occurred, causing lots of death! Who could be responsible for such a thing?!”

*throws a dart at a dartboard*

“Homosexuals and homosexuality?! But how? …wait! I’ve got it! After some digging, I’ve discovered that this individual posted dick pics online! It’s all starting to come together now!”

And a few hours later, a new RoK post crawls out of the toxic goo for all the internets to see.