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MRAsterpiece Theater presents the most decadent review of Mad Max: Fury Road since the fall of Rome

Good news everyone! No, I mean actual good news: The MRAsterpiece Theater duo have started making videos! Here’s Professor Skull’s darkly enlightened review of Mad Max: Fury Road.

It kind of kills me that on a technical level this video looks and sounds more professional than anything the real-life Sarkeesian Effect duo of Davis Aurini and Jordan Owen have managed to produce thus far.

But there are two glaring omissions from this little masterpiece: No skull, and no pizza box in the background. This is a very serious breach of ethics, I think.


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9 years ago

“Road Warrior? More like … Social Justice Warrior!”

That was quite good, puppet-Aurini. I’ll give you that.

9 years ago
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I want a Social Justice Road Warrior t-shirt.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

I like how Prof. Skull still gave it 3 stars at the end.

9 years ago

What, no skulls? I call shenanigans! Breech of ethics indeed, David.

Hoosier X
Hoosier X
9 years ago

There’s an IMDB thread asking for alternate titles for Mad Max: Fury Road and I decided to provide a little variety to all the misogynist submissions with this:

Mad Man-Babies: Tantrum Road

9 years ago

It’s uncanny to me how much like its model that puppet looks.

9 years ago

Anyway, Mad Max: Fury Road was really fun and I recommend it just because it’s such a ridiculous, awesome, intense good time.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

@Hoosier X

The best I’ve seen so far was “Sad Sax: Impotent Fury Road.”

9 years ago

The lighting is what really makes it.

9 years ago

A bit more good news on the MM:FR front: the movie has blown right past the $40 mil Dave was predicting yesterday, and is now up to $109 mil. It is a bona fide hit, and there will be sequels. Hollywood will demand it.

9 years ago

Reblogged this on Zaron's Blog and commented:
So fucking funny, beautiful satire.

epitome of incomprehensibility

“I thought we’d get a movie about one hard-boiled man fighting the bad guys. We’ve all been waiting for a movie like that.” Hahahaha. Indeed.

Also, isn’t there a picture of a skull on his lapel pin? I’m not sure. It’s a little small to see and he’s not at the right angle most of the time.

9 years ago

Hmm needs more skulls and smoke

9 years ago

I just can’t unsee this puppet as a penis. I suppose it was intentional.

I do appreciate the bone jokes. I guess they tie in the skull and the… look.

Troy Brooks
9 years ago

I am wondering how long until the real Jordon does an hour long rambling mess of a review of Fury Road?
I’m expecting it any day now.

9 years ago

Oh, come on. Everyone knows the real Aurini would have rated it 3 skulls.

9 years ago


A bit more good news on the MM:FR front: the movie has blown right past the $40 mil Dave was predicting yesterday, and is now up to $109 mil. It is a bona fide hit, and there will be sequels. Hollywood will demand it.

Actually Box Office Mojo is estimating $44 mil domestic and $109 mil worldwide. That’s not great, but far from terrible and I think good word of mouth will give the film legs . I’m guessing it will end up making 400-500 mil worldwide, which is definitely good enough for a sequel. That’s on par with Tron Legacy, Pacific Rim and better then the last Terminator, all of which spawned sequels. Plus, a lot of adult action fans are going nuts over this and it’s arguably the best reviewed action film of all time, so I’m assuming it’s going to sell a lot of Blurays, which is hard to do these days.

I’m going to see it tonight, but I’ve heard that with some editing it could have easily gotten a PG13 rating, so it’s admirable that Warner Bros let George Miller make the movie he wanted even though the R rating loses them money. The only R rated franchises I can think of are The Matrix, 300 and The Hangover films, and all three are Warner Bros. productions. Hell, Warner Bros. are the only studio ballsy enough to make a big budgeted R rated super hero movie with the Watchmen.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

I just can’t unsee this puppet as a penis. I suppose it was intentional.

Yes, yes it was. Especially with the turtle neck

9 years ago

I’ve been hearing about this movie. It’s worth seeing, then?

9 years ago

@jackie. You’re not helping. Though I suppose I should just roll with it.

Professor Skull-love or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Tolerate the Dong.

9 years ago


Apparently. It’s even got the mr enquiring about whether we should go and see it.

I think we will. (But first we’ll see Woman in Gold. We figure that a Mad Max film will have a much longer run at our local theatre than a film about a painting, even if it does have Helen Mirren.)

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


Here, have some brain bleach.

9 years ago

RE: mildlymagnificent

I’ll keep it in mind! Hubby’s a sucker for 80s action flicks, so he’s interested already.

9 years ago
