alpha males antifeminism do you even lift entitled babies gender policing red pill

“I wonder if there’s a single person writing on ‘toxic masculinity’ who could out deadlift a certified alpha,” Red Piller wonders

Do you even lift, baby?
Do you even lift, baby?

Here’s what is unquestionably the Red Pill Quote of the Day. Well, to be perfectly honest, of two days ago, but I only saw it just now. It comes courtesy of the FeMRADebates subreddit


H/T — TheBluePill

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9 years ago


You should learn blockquotes

(remove the the asterisks) or at least use quotation marks. People may read your post and thinks you’re a MRA jackass,rather than quoting MRA jackasses.

I’d like to see this knuckleheads for once consider the socioeconomic factors that have lead the dire straits both young men and women face in a today’s job market, and how both college graduates, saddled with crippling debt, and young non-college grads struggle with high unemployment and a lack of non-minimum wage jobs.

Hey fellows, feel free to bring up economic inequality, the current financial industry that feeds it and the complacent politicians who do nothing to improve things for the vast majority of people.

We are befuddled by young men’s rejection of the traditional male road to adulthood, even in this misandric climate we live in, so we must, of course, blame…the young men themselves. After all, they are not young women. Were they young women, we’d see taxpayer-funded task forces and programs ready to solve this key social problem, funded with our taxpayer dollars, of course.

Or not.

9 years ago

I’ve seen other people successfully show how blockquotes work but it’s apparently harder than it looks, at least for me.

quotes n’ stuff Remove the Xs.

9 years ago

RE: Lea

For years I thought those people were put in prison for nothing. GAH! It is scary that people could get something so wrong.

Like, it’s complicated. Some people WERE wrongly imprisoned… but then you have people who had a lot of evidence they DID assault children, who were then let go because of fucked-uppery going on in the cases, or children being later claimed overly suggestible. It kind of became a Catch-22 where if a child disclosed before becoming an adult, they were blasted for being suggestible, and if they waited to be an adult before disclosing, they were blasted for waiting so long, or jumping on the victim bandwagon.

9 years ago

JFC. Someone smarter than me will have to show how blockquotes work because I can’t. I have no idea what happened in my last post, that’s the last time I pretend to have rudimentary computer skills.

See you guys later, I’m going to get kids off my lawn by yelling and waving my cane.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

All right, I’m gonna try to do the demonstration blockquotes. Everyone cross your fingers.

< blockquote > some silly thing an MRA says < /blockquote >

If this fails, the next recourse is to go over the Welcome Packet candle and click. Scroll down to the comments and look for Argenti’s post, where (bless zir) zie wrote out an html cheatsheet. It has how to do embedded links, bolded text, italics, blockquotes – the works.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

It worked! Just get rid of the space that appeared between the brackets and the “blockquote” or “/blockquote” and you should be good to go.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

@brooked – if you want to type just brackets, do

& l t ; for < and/or
& g t ; for >

only remove the spaces between characters.

I’ve been messing around with WordPress for about two years now, and I just learned that ten minutes ago. It’s only 3:26 EST, but I declare today a success.

9 years ago


I think people are so horrified by child sex abuse that we would like to believe that successfully prosecuting pedophile predators is a priority for law enforcement and we aren’t failing to protect children. Unfortunately, that’s often not true.

(@Lea I’m speaking of society in general and in no way addressing you in particular.)

Considering how adult victims of rape aren’t believed by authorities because of “inconsistencies” in their stories or because they waited before reporting the crime, it’s not surprising that many child victims aren’t believed either. For a victim it’s often comes down to the luck of the draw, because if they turn to incompetent, wrongheaded or untrained LEO, therapists or social workers it can be a nightmare.

There’s a reason it’s called child sexual abuse and not rape. It makes us feel better.

Personal Disclosure: I’m not a survivor of childhood sexual abuse or rape and LBT is, so I’m not speaking from experience. LBT is clearly very well read on the subject in a way I’m not, I’m just seconding what they are saying.

I became a gung ho Loftus fan decades ago because I’m a long time reader of Skeptical Inquirer. It wasn’t until a few years ago I’ve read critiques of overreaching False Memory theories and how “flawed” memories of actual abuse get dismissed as fabricated false memories.

9 years ago

Thanks Flying Mouse. That was impressive, so much so you may have upped your SMV. I can’t be sure about that because I’m a female.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Alright, Flying Mouse, I’ll try that frightening blockquote maneuver:

gods help me

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

It worked! I feel so… victorious, lol.

Thanks, Flying Mouse, for making sense of the beast!

9 years ago

RE: brooked

Yeah, I read one of Loftus’s books during the Raping Year; it used to be part of the For More Info section of old editions of MPD For You And Me. I was NOT thrilled to find out that there was actually a complaint about her methods that she avoided by leaving the APA before it could be investigated… and the APA warned her beforehand.

Reading all this shit has not only been disenchanting… it’s made me feel a little betrayed, honestly. The power of scientists is that we trust them to report the facts accurately. When they start distorting or outright fabricating their data, it is SO HARD to undo the damage, especially if their ideas gain a lot of pop cultural traction. We’ve kept obsessive records for about fifteen years, all because we didn’t trust our memory, which so far has proved pretty accurate. All because of books and data that turned out to be bogus. It’s so frustrating.

9 years ago

The thing is, in my own life I know a fair few guys who lift weights and are really strong and athletic, and they’re really uncomfortable with toxic masculinity. Also, hasn’t Terry Crews said a lot on the problems it causes? I’m pretty sure Terry Crews can out-lift a lot of people, and more importantly I’m pretty sure he knows better than to use being able to lift as a way to dismiss other people!

9 years ago
Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

@brooked – I too am a wretched feeemale, and I am ancient crone of 35. I don’t think there are enough SMV points in the world to bring me up to par.

Besides, everybody knows that girls can’t computer.

9 years ago

LBT, thanks for posting those links. (I was looking around for info on “The Witch-Hunt Narrative” after your first post because the McMartin case is kind of a personal fascination for me – the Satanic cult panic was a big part of my youth.)

The nuance in that article helped me understand what you’re saying, and I don’t think I can overstate the importance of the lesson for the rest of us: The world isn’t binary. If one story isn’t completely right, that doesn’t mean the oppositional story is completely right, either.

9 years ago

RE: Mewens

Yeah, it’s a complicated thing, and really fucking hard to put into words. And I’m kinda frothy and incoherent because this book, even though it wasn’t ABOUT multi, gave a lot of historical context for the controversy and backlash about DID that goes on even now. (And I have a personal stake in it because it’s allowing me to predict and more adequately respond to the backlash in MY family right now due to me going public about the incest. They’re being… pretty textbook, sadly.)

Pavlov's House
9 years ago

Forgive Pavlov’s House for commenting late but this post appeared over the weekend and I was out training with my Army Reserve unit (being, you know, a soldier in real life unlike certain PUA’s who talk about what kind of soldier they “would have been”.) The whole thing about nobody writing about toxic masculinity could deadlift more than some guy is irritating. I tried to figure out who the guy was but didn’t care to look that hard. Besides, it was not clear whether it was a 1-rep max deadlift. And further, we would have to see this person’s form really to judge. *Ironically*, at the Crossfit gym that Pavlov’s House attends *this very morning*, what-do-you-know, the WOD (workout-of-the-day) included a 3-rep max deadlift. I had half a mind to have someone video me while I mentioned a few things about toxic masculinity while working up to my 3-rep-max. Granted, my 3-rep-max was only 265 today but, alas, I am still working on keeping that neutral spine and not rounding on the way up. By the way, the coach is a girl. Wait, am I a weak immasculine beta male after all?!?! Only 265?! Coached by a girl?! Oh no. What will I do now…..

We also had a 3-rep max shoulder press (strict press). Got up to 105.

I always feel that in my core as much as in the shoulders, because you have to keep that core engaged in order to keep stabilized and not round your back when you lift really heavy on an overhead press.

None of those big-mouths on reddit yapping about lifting ever talk about core strength.

What does that say?

Pavlov's House
9 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger – I guarantee you none of those redpill types actually do Crossfit. Maybe some go into a regular gym and half-ass clank around with weights sometimes but they would never actually do real Crossfit over time. Crossfit programming has as much calisthenics as “lifffffffting!” like those idiots always yap about. Plus the metabolic conditioning part of Crossfit is as big as the strength training. Crossfit wouldn’t fit their image of “weight-lifting” and image (or more precisely *imagination*) is what they seem to be about. Of course you don’t really know until you see someone in the gym, but their attitudes would not fit in with the Crossfit community. If nothing else, there are too many women and (too many men who like and get along with and work out with women) in most Crossfit boxes (i.e. Crossfit gyms)

Pavlov's House
9 years ago

@FlyingMouse – Love your comment.

(real-life airborne, air assault and parachute rigger, active duty, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), 1992-1993 – came back into the Reserves in 2014 after a *21 year* break-in-service. Yeah, you got that right. Dang, everything has changed! (I want my BDU’s back!) Some stuff has changed for the good though.

Herbert West
Herbert West
9 years ago

What the hell is a certified “Alpha”?
The very second you open your mouth to spout AlphaPhiThetaNy crap like it means something, you simply show to everyone that you’re an insecure wiener.

9 years ago

I know bulging muscles don’t translate to being able to deadlift exactly, but I’m reminded of this:

Nameless Wonder
Nameless Wonder
9 years ago

I hate the way masculinity is discussed by academics. At the red pill, we’ve developed such a positive conception of masculinity where men are strong, pursue their interests, value themselves, act as individuals, don’t give their time and happiness away for free, require that people add value to their lives in order to be in it, and where the man just adds so much value to his sphere by being a great man.

I gotta say, this is the most pompous, self-righteous speech I have ever gotten the misfortune of getting a whiff of from Red Pill Land. Isn’t this what feminists have been struggling for since forever? So, human rights is a man thing – sorry, a “cis-white” male thing? They are basically saying that they want to continue having political and financial power over women (by denying feminism as a legitimate civil rights movement), but they don’t want the negative effects that go into living in a Patriarchy. They want their cake and eat it too.

Heh. Cis-white man wants to be valued and respected. Well shit, don’t we all? The problem is, he’s willing to stand in the way of women having the same human status he claims solely for himself. If a woman were to say all these things, he’d probably call her a selfish b-word.

9 years ago

LMAO at the woman on the flex cam. More power to her.

9 years ago


Slightly O/T but can you remember which thread our dinosaur discussion was on?
