alpha males antifeminism do you even lift entitled babies gender policing red pill

“I wonder if there’s a single person writing on ‘toxic masculinity’ who could out deadlift a certified alpha,” Red Piller wonders

Do you even lift, baby?
Do you even lift, baby?

Here’s what is unquestionably the Red Pill Quote of the Day. Well, to be perfectly honest, of two days ago, but I only saw it just now. It comes courtesy of the FeMRADebates subreddit


H/T — TheBluePill

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9 years ago

“Avoid all women” why can’t they just say that?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

require that people add value to their lives in order to be in it, and where the man just adds so much value to his sphere by being a great man

“I get all the cookies and trophies just for existing. The rest of you must unconditionally worship and sex me and never never criticize or contradict me and maybe – MAYBE – you will receive the very prestigious honor of being permitted temporarily into my life for whatever purpose I see fit to use you.”

I’m trying hard to think of what value a deadlifting man could add to my sphere. Um….there’s an old 1500 lb. cast iron boiler in the basement that I wouldn’t mind if somebody moved. But that’s really about it.

Or, y’know, I could also pay some nice handymen with a dolly to move it and not have to listen to them undermine my self-esteem and tell me how useless and worthless I am. So many options. So few Chads.


It’s okay, Lea. We know you can’t even, because no one can. I know I can’t.
Not even they…can.

I can’t even can either. I am utterly canless.

9 years ago


Thank you for your willingness to explain in more depth. It sounds like I really need to read this book.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

…ROK just publish a article saying that women who support gay marriage should be avoided and that gay marriage is destroying fatherhood

Yes, please, Roosh, stay away from us. And please keep eliminating women from your list of acceptable potential partners. So far you’ve knocked out women with short hair, the sexually experienced, feminists, and probably a dozen others that I can’t remember off the top of my head. Axing those who support gay rights should take care of another sizable chunk all by itself. At this rate no woman will ever make your final cut, and you can devote your life to something greater than empty conquests and searches for the impossible HB10 conservative virgin who doesn’t mind a dude that views hygiene as a chore. Have you considered golf?

Also, my cousin and his husband will be interested to hear that their union is destroying fatherhood. What with their daughter having two highly involved dads and all.

blockquote>Well except demanding that people ‘add value to their lives’ while offering nothing in exchange, which seems to be the common trait of all of them.
But… but… you get to bask in their alpha-ness! Isn’t that enough?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Oh, Blockquote Mammoth, you are merciless and voracious.

Let me try again.

Well except demanding that people ‘add value to their lives’ while offering nothing in exchange, which seems to be the common trait of all of them.

But… but… you get to bask in their alpha-ness! Isn’t that enough?

9 years ago

RE: Buttercup Q. Skullpants

there’s an old 1500 lb. cast iron boiler in the basement that I wouldn’t mind if somebody moved.

Wow, damn, what an antique, eesh.

RE: Orion

Thank you for your willingness to explain in more depth. It sounds like I really need to read this book.

I found the stupid thing because I was researching debunkings of False Memory Syndrome, which is related. As far as I can tell, a lot of the controversy of multi was manufactured in part due to this. It’s like a perfect storm of backlash against child abuse survivors, women, and the mentally ill. A beautiful little shit cake.

Honestly, I wish I’d found this book ten, fifteen years ago, back when we were first were dealing with being multi. I read Loftus and False Memory Syndrome material back in the day, and it fucked me up so bad when we started remembering incest. I was positive we’d made it up, somehow suggested it to ourself because of… reasons? It led me down a rabbit hole of debunkings buried on the Internet, to Ross E. Cheit, who runs an archive of recovered memory cases that are independently corroborated, and then to this book.

I’m working on a post that’s going to be titled A Brief History of Multiwank, and this bookslab was invaluable for filling in some gaps in my knowledge. That said, reading it felt like bludgeoning myself in the face. It was NOT fun or easy to read. Honestly, it’s probably just as well. Had he actually written the book with emotion or for a pop audience, I would’ve had a harder time believing it. As it is, with a hundred pages of gruelingly detailed footnotes…

RE: Flying Mouse

Pft, yeah, I’m totally ruining fatherhood. (You know. If I had kids.) Everyone knows ROOSH would be a way better father!

9 years ago

Soooo…you MUST be The Manliest Man That Ever Manned before you get to say anything at all about toxic masculinity? And when you do, it’s only to pooh-pooh the whole idea, otherwise you’re a mangina?

Sounds legit.

9 years ago

It’s funny because each generation is more supportive of gay rights than the last. Roosh and his followers fetishist youth in women. Well, do the math. They’re narrowing the acceptable partner pool a lot, like FM said. They seem to want an old lady in a teenage body. There aren’t that many of those. Assuming sexy vampires only exist in fiction.

9 years ago

Pshaw, these academics who disapprove of toxic masculinity are less likely to do things enforced by toxic masculinity. Only someone who is toxically masculine can competently criticize toxic masculinity, which just wouldn’t happen anyway because criticizing toxic masculinity makes you a mangina. QED!

9 years ago

Also, my cousin and his husband will be interested to hear that their union is destroying fatherhood. What with their daughter having two highly involved dads and all.

And my best friend and his hubby, who adopted and raised two boys…neither of whom has turned out gay.

Honestly, if they would just say “ewwww, queers ICKY!”, instead of all this pseudo-intellectual crap about “destroying fatherhood” (funny, there are more babies being born than ever in history, and someone’s got to be siring them!), then I might at least have a tiny modicum of respect for them. Because then, at least, they would be halfway honest about what their real motives are. (Fully honest would mean admitting that their squick is due to the fear that a gay guy will treat them the way they do women…and that they might actually enjoy being the “bottom” once gaily seduced.)

9 years ago

You know, I somehow doubt the Certification for Alpha Maleness permits being outlifted by an ideological opponent.

As in, when and if it occurs, the Alpha suddenly isn’t qualified, and never was…

Tanya Nguyen
9 years ago

“certified alpha”. so to get this certification, is it like a test you take? and where can I apply?

Tanya Nguyen
9 years ago

Dear Magnesium: “Here you go, Redpillers, I found one for you

You are my hero!!

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
9 years ago

@Bina Yeah, it’s kind of… such a completely terrible argument that it’s not even an argument, really.

… I mean, by that logic do I get to argue that terpers don’t get to have opinions about women, on the basis that they probably can’t, idk, crochet or bake cupcakes very well?

9 years ago

… I mean, by that logic do I get to argue that terpers don’t get to have opinions about women, on the basis that they probably can’t, idk, crochet or bake cupcakes very well?

Y’know, that counter-argument actually makes more sense. No more PMS “jokes” unless, you know, you actually HAVE the condition. And you have to be able to fill a bra with actual flesh, not Nerf balls or citrus fruit, before you can legitimately say anything about tits. And above all, no rape jokes, unless you can top what Wanda Sykes says about it here:

That pretty much takes care of all Red Pillock ideology right there, eh?

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

“Do you even cupcake, bro?” has a nice ring to it.

9 years ago

What on earth is a terper? My brain keeps coming up with, “Trans-exclusionary Role-Player.”

9 years ago

Not gonna lie, I WOULD enjoy not having to hear sane people blather on about their ideas of what mental illness is. (Namely: a lack of trying or a moral failing.)

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
9 years ago

@LBT I’m pretty sure it means a RedPill fan – from TRP, standing for The Red Pill.

Although trans-exclusionary roleplayers are probably best avoided too…

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


I think terpers at the peeps who don’t want transwomen in the women’s bathroom a shit? Like, only women who are born with a vagina are women shit. Shit gits, pretty much.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Oh, wait, I think that’s terfers…?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Pft, yeah, I’m totally ruining fatherhood. (You know. If I had kids.) Everyone knows ROOSH would be a way better father!

Ugh…the thought of Roosh having young minds to mold legitimately made me shiver.

Honestly, if they would just say “ewwww, queers ICKY!”, instead of all this pseudo-intellectual crap about “destroying fatherhood” (funny, there are more babies being born than ever in history, and someone’s got to be siring them!), then I might at least have a tiny modicum of respect for them.

Yeah, that concern for the traditional family stuff chaps my hide, too. They give not a crap about anything that would help people build a stable family unit, like living wages or some kind of childcare help for families with small children. The only time they’re worried about replicating “The Donna Reid Show” is when it comes to shaming slutty sluts or hand-wringing about teh gays. The bar has been lowered to “at least wear your bigotry on your sleeve” and still those jerks manage to trip over it.

They seem to want an old lady in a teenage body. There aren’t that many of those. Assuming sexy vampires only exist in fiction.

I would pay to see a PUA try to run Game on a sexy vampire.

9 years ago

Terpers = another name for redpillocks.

Also, speaking strictly for myself, I gotta say that clinical depression is seriously tiresome and boring. And so are people who harp on and on about how you’re “just not trying hard enough”. Fucking hell, when you barely have the energy to drag your legs to and from school, job, etc., as I did when I was deathly sick, and still manage to resist the ever-present urge to off yourself, THEN you get to tell me about “trying hard enough”. If I survived that and didn’t make like Anna Karenina, I fucking DID try hard enough. The person making that argument, on the other hand…

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

So is this whole “deadlifting” obsession just another tortured euphemism for giving these losers an ever-elusive erection? Enquiring minds want to know!

9 years ago

Someone like Darla or Druscilla from Buffy/Angel or Pam from True Blood would just laugh derisively at a PUA and snap his neck.