Apparently someone at A Voice for Men missed the meeting where they all get assigned their opinions to promote on social media for the day. On Twitter, Dean Esmay accuses a Huffington Post writer of lying about MRAs urging people not to see Mad Max: Fury Road:
It’s true that the HuffPo writer, in the original version of her piece, wrongly described the MRA-adjacent Return of Kings — which has urged a boymancott of Mad Max Fury Road — as a Men’s Rights site proper. There are in fact some differences between ROK and AVFM. For example, while AVFM writers have declared women to be “obnoxious cunts,” who control men with their vaginas, ROK writers have suggested that women are actually depraved, disloyal sheep.
But it turns out that AVFMers have been — evidently behind Esmay’s back — railing against the movie themselves. I would like to draw Mr. Esmay’s attention to this meme, posted yesterday on AVFM’s Facebook page.
NOTE: When I refer to the “meeting where they all get assigned their opinions to promote on social media for the day” I am being a tad facetious, in that I don’t know for sure that they do actually have opinion-distribution meetings. It’s possible that the members of AVFM’s social media flying monkey squad decide to spout the same things en masse by accident.
NOTE 2: When I refer to AVFM’s “AVFM’s social media flying monkey squad” I am being a tad facetious as well, as I have no proof that they can actually fly.
EDIT: Dean is still at it! Yet another tweet:
Or even Mel Gibson Himself. I hear the aboriginals in Australia are subjected to some pretty harsh discrimination.
I wonder what AVFM thinks about Hell Comes to Frogtown?
SFHC – Apparently these tools are only capable of pathetic strawman “gotchas”.
I am sorry, but is is important to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. If you are not 100% of them time doing something good for all oppressed groups and all issues simultaneously then you are of course a hypocrite. Choosing battles wisely or focusing on issues close to your heart is just being unfair and biased.
It has to be that way and couldn’t be that defensive assholes have to find some way to drag down those working on an issue so those assholes can justify their utter lack of good works.
Only MRAs could be so intellectually twisted and lazy to trot out a phrase like “false rape sequences”.
As for whether Charlize Theron deserves her status and millions of dollars, I would have to say no, she doesn’t, not anymore than any other super rich person does (which is not at all, really). It’s also a valid point to note that white actors are often privileged over actors of color, even in countries where there are very few white people. However, absent a revolution and global redistribution of wealth, I’m not seeing that situation being remedied in the short term, and FUCKING HILARIOUS MEN’S RIGHTS MISANDRY MEMES are not going to bring that about.
Since Woody has left us, I think it’s time to start saying “shut up, redneckcronyist!”
I told you the FIRST time you asked that, you moron. Can’t you read?
My understanding is that the women Furiosa is leading are the escaped/rescued slave-harem of a warlord, used explicitly for breeding stock. So even if it’s never on-screen, yes, rape is implied as a given, I’m afraid–that’s my one potential reason for not seeing it, really. (My standards for rape as part of fiction have gone way, way up in recent years.) If it weren’t for Theron’s character–if it was just “Mad Max saves the rape harem”, I wouldn’t even consider it. As it is, I’m likely to do a risk some spoiling to find out just how it’s portrayed before I decide if I want to watch it.
More triggered basement-dwellers, nice!
Didn’t you know? Women who are kidnapped, taken from their homes and families and violently forced to have sex with strange men, while given no chance to escape, are actually consenting to the whole thing. If they are freed and then cry rape and abduction it’s just regret talking.
“False rape sequences”? Well, duh…it’s called ACTING. What, you think they’re gonna stage a REAL rape for a movie? Dimwit.
(‘Course, out here in the real world, rape happens a lot more often than is reported. False Rape Dude can just shove that one back up the sphincter from which he pulled it.)
I think we’ll see less of RNC since Paulie comes up a lot more than Theron on WHTM.
I assume he doesn’t trolls discussions about Nadine Gordimer and other famous white South Africans “progressives” may like, and is simply convinced that this is somehow a surefire way to shut down discussions of gender politics of a Mad Max sequel. He certainly seems committed to parroting this poor excuse for a gotcha without responding to any criticism. For instance, how America has it’s own history of racial segregation and genocide, and randomly denouncing individual white actresses isn’t a way to come to terms with a country’s racist origins.
*troll discussions. (I need to proof read more now that I know ladies dig good grammar.)
They think “privilege” is an insult. That’s why redneckwhatever thinks he’s got a gotcha.
You gotta be pretty thickheaded to misunderstand a point that hard.
The reviews of MM:FR have been pretty spectacular. That’s probably why the manospherians are in backtrack mode. They’re slippery like that.
If it had been panned, they’d be all, “we told you so.”
You know, I didn’t even really know there was a new Mad Max movie out until the MRAs started complaining. I certainly wouldn’t have planned to go see it. Now I’m definitely seeing it in theaters–probably in a couple of weekends, when it gets above 90 and I don’t feel like going outside.
“What do you mean, we’re mad that a feminist action movie is doing great both commercially and critically? We don’t even care about some stupid movie. I literally didn’t even know there was a new Mad Max movie until you mentioned it. Like, literally, who is Charlize Theron? Literally Who?”
Misogyny is misogyny, even when it’s directed at women feminists don’t like (not that Charlize Theron has done anything wrong, to my knowledge. Having privilege isn’t a moral failing). Sarah Palin was actively trying to roll back women’s rights when she ran for VP, but feminists defended her from sexist criticism nonetheless.
Haven’t seen it yet, but I seem to remember the main weapons in the originals being cars and guns. I don’t think you have to bench 250 to operate either.
SPOILER ALERT (minor spoiler but whatevs)
There is no “rape scene” in the film but rape is a theme. Or rather the ownership of a group of young women as breeding stock is a theme but I digress. Their presentation in the film made me think they were symbols of fertility as well as characters.
The young women that is.
So…no rape, not even “false”? One could almost swear that these guys have a list of talking points to just apply generically to all things with a strong woman in them, no?
I imagine the ‘false rape sequence’ is the entire movie, as the movie contains no rape scenes, real or implied. Actually I imagine the ‘false rape sequence’ comes from an MRA reading the plot summary and making assumptions from there.
freemage: some ROT-13 spoilers for you: gurer’f gjb certanag punenpgref, ohg gur zbivr yrnirf gur ‘oerrqvat bcrengvba’ gb gur vzntvangvba. Gur ivyynva ersref gb gurz nf ‘cebcregl’ – gurl ner ol sne abg gur bayl fynirf ur unf – naq gurl’er pyrneyl genhzngvfrq. Gur zbivr eriryf va orvat tebgrfdhr, naq fbzr bs vg vf traqrerq (gurer ner uhzna zvyxvat znpuvarf va bar fubg, naq na bss-fperra cbfg-zbegrz prfnerna). Gurer’f ab guerng bs frkhny ivbyrapr, abg rira fbzrguvat lbh pbhyq pnyy na vzcyvpngvba – jr pna znxr ernfbanoyr naq cebonoyl npphengr nffhzcgvbaf, ohg gur zbivr qryvorengryl qbrf abg pbzzrag.
It’s a perfectly reasonable choice to decide not to see it – I imagine it might be triggering – but if it’s distaste for rape as a plot device, I’d say it’s probably safe.
It’s about ethics in movie journalism! Really!