a voice for men a woman is always to blame all about the menz allegedly false accusations antifeminism dark enlightenment Dean Esmay entitled babies evil short-haired women imaginary oppression internal debate men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim return of kings

A Voice for Men doesn’t hate Mad Max Fury Road, except when it does

Charlize Theron committing misandries in Mad Max Fury Road
Charlize Theron committing misandries in Mad Max Fury Road

Apparently someone at A Voice for Men missed the meeting where they all get assigned their opinions to promote on social media for the day. On Twitter, Dean Esmay accuses a Huffington Post writer of lying about MRAs urging people not to see Mad Max: Fury Road:

It’s true that the HuffPo writer, in the original version of her piece, wrongly described the MRA-adjacent Return of Kings — which has urged a boymancott of Mad Max Fury Road —  as a Men’s Rights site proper. There are in fact some differences between ROK and AVFM. For example, while AVFM writers have declared women to be “obnoxious cunts,” who control men with their vaginas, ROK writers have suggested that women are actually depraved, disloyal sheep.

But it turns out that AVFMers have been — evidently behind Esmay’s back — railing against the movie themselves. I would like to draw Mr. Esmay’s attention to this meme, posted yesterday on AVFM’s Facebook page.


NOTE: When I refer to the “meeting where they all get assigned their opinions to promote on social media for the day” I am being a tad facetious, in that I don’t know for sure that they do actually have opinion-distribution meetings. It’s possible that the members of AVFM’s social media flying monkey squad decide to spout the same things en masse by accident.

NOTE 2: When I refer to AVFM’s “AVFM’s social media flying monkey squad” I am being a tad facetious as well, as I have no proof that they can actually fly.

EDIT: Dean is still at it! Yet another tweet:

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9 years ago

I haven’t seen it yet, but I will forgive spoilers if someone can explain to me what a “false rape sequence” is.

Feminist Moray
Feminist Moray
9 years ago

Omg please tell me you all have read the AV Club’s response to RoK?? If not, go at once.

It is amaziiiing. So fucking funny. Also the source of my new handle.

9 years ago

Why do progressives want to defend Charlize Theron, the pretty white blonde girl from South Africa whose family enjoyed white privilege under apartheid? Why does she deserve to become a glamorous actress while her black sisters have to live in shanty towns in South Africa’s rape culture?

9 years ago

Magnesium, same here.

The average Stoic Sophist of today
The average Stoic Sophist of today
9 years ago

Try harder next time, RNC.

9 years ago

Go away, shoo shoo

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

Magnesium – It’s obviously the scene where Furiosa starts pointing at post-apocalyptic betas saying “He raped me,” forcing Max to shoot them.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

RNC, you already tried that on the other thread and several people already shot it down. Time to step up your game.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Speaking as a white person from South Africa whose family enjoyed white privilege under apartheid and who now works a professional job while many of my countryfolk continue to live in shanty towns in South Africa’s rape culture, I’d say it’s probably because she’s a) quite a good actor, and b) a hell of a lot better than Mel Gibson was in the original, let’s face it.

But you know, I could be wrong. After all, my hair colour and gender are different from those of Ms Theron. Who knows what savage mysteries go on inside the head of a blonde person?

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

Tabby, you left out that after saying it, she winks.

9 years ago

Hhmm! Those raccoos have got they ass back on my porch.
Shoo! Git!

9 years ago

I meant “raccoons”.
Darn spellcheck.

9 years ago

Aww, is the widdle MRA fantasy of post-apocalyptic boy playground ruined by the addition of feeeemales?

Kiss my ramshackle car’s ass, I’m the Social Justice Road Warrior, and my path comes with actual backup.

9 years ago

RNC – Poor troll.

On hour way out, buzz by a previous post’s comment sections in which we wonder why MRAs can’t wrap their heads around critiquing – even being critical of – social systems without personally condemning every individual even tangentially connected to / benefiting from them.


9 years ago

I for one am looking forward to Charlize’s misanderling.
In the previews it seems she rescues a group of young women from some kind of sex slavery. Since MRA’s think all rape is false rape I’m guessing that’s where “false rape sequences” comes from?

9 years ago

Aww, is the widdle MRA fantasy of post-apocalyptic boy playground ruined by the addition of feeeemales?

It threatens the nice, safe blocks they have set up so they don’t have to face the likelihood of becoming “thin strips of Objectivist jerky.”

9 years ago

Sorry, looks like that’s Scalzi’s phrase. My bad.

9 years ago

Why do progressives want to defend Charlize Theron, the pretty white blonde girl from South Africa whose family enjoyed white privilege under apartheid? Why does she deserve to become a glamorous actress while her black sisters have to live in shanty towns in South Africa’s rape culture?

You know redneck,the same thing can be said about any successful white Actor in America.

9 years ago

False rape sequences… I guess that means there’s probably gonna be rape in this movie. *le sigh*

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Why do progressives want to defend Charlize Theron, the pretty white blonde girl from South Africa whose family enjoyed white privilege under apartheid? Why does she deserve to become a glamorous actress while her black sisters have to live in shanty towns in South Africa’s rape culture?

So, are MRAs trying to branch out from being the most genuinely misandristic people alive to being the most genuinely anti-white racist people alive, or is this supposed to be the world’s lamest gotcha that wasn’t posted by Pelagic?

9 years ago

Wonder if Redneck said the same thing when the Mummy with Arnold Vosloo came out? Or how about Basil Rathbone?

9 years ago

They sure do fling shit like monkeys though.

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