#gamergate empathy deficit entitled babies evil lying women evil SJWs grandiosity homophobia none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men paranoia post contains sarcasm

Teaching people about slavery, tolerance will lead to destruction of “the heterosexual identity of men,” GamerGater explains

Warning: People knowing about this could destroy heterosexual masculinity.
Warning: People knowing about this could destroy heterosexual masculinity.

Some Green-and-Purple Pill wisdom from the Kotaku in Action subreddit, Reddit’s home for GamerGaters and SJW-haters:

2yph0n 4 points 7 days ago  In school, people are being taught of being "accepting" to other people. People are being taught the concepts of slavery and privileges. Then in the media, everywhere have subliminal messages that being a straight male is the worst thing ever with false rape stats and wage gap fallacies. Thus people are being brainwashed into thinking that the straight males is the big evil. Now that social media is a huge thing now, those people who have the blue pill mindset found a spot to band together and bully others in the name of "Social Justice". So that being said, this is a collusion to the nth degree to destroy the heterosexual identify of men.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture


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9 years ago

not to mention Kara’s little menagerie of super animals

I demand Krypto, Comet, and the rest of the menagerie in the new show. (Yes, I know Comet’s technically not from Krypton.)

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago

I believe Streaky the super-cat was actually an Earth cat exposed to a rare form of X-Kryptonite that temporarily gave Kryptonian powers to Earthlings…

(X-Kryptonite came up again later with some poor girl who ended up thinking she was Supergirl after having woken up from a coma with superpowers. Someone else then found the X-Kryptonite, ate it to give himself powers and to keep anybody else from taking it away from him, and tried going on a rampage before being slowed down by Supergirl, who decided to subtly counteract his powers until the digestion finished and he fell out of the sky.)

9 years ago

I have heard some feminists on the critical theory outerspace imply or outright state that men’s sexuality is conditioned around dominance ie. straight men’s arousal derives from control, domination and sadism and is therefore always ‘problematic’.

What this is meant to do with mainstream feminist thought though (essentially just, women=human beings), who knows.

Society without any straight cis men means quite a few lonely straight cis women and a notable absence of sexy times.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Shut up, Bryce.

9 years ago

Bryce, you might want to check your brain. The connections aren’t firing.

Rational decent cis straight men aren’t in trouble. Moronic douchebag entitled, bratty, morally myopic, intellectually bankrupt products of pathogenesis are.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Society without any straight cis men

Eh, what? Where we going? Did I miss a memo or something?

9 years ago

“Rational decent cis straight men aren’t in trouble. Moronic douchebag entitled, bratty, morally myopic, intellectually bankrupt products of pathogenesis are”

That’s what I meant though – straight men who see women as other human beings don’t have anything to fear. (Re the first paragraph; theories from a couple of radical Second Wave feminists.)

steampunked (@steampunked)

I’m pretty sure that the slavery comment follows the standard excuse that ‘black people were so much happier when they were slaves because people take care of property for MoneyReasons’. I’ve seen it so often as a way of dodging guilt or claiming that it was ‘in their best interests’ etc, etc.

That aside, can someone tell me where the picture comes from? I’m a bit of a fan of William Blake and so forth and like to collect images from antiquity showing a less shitty view of women and POC.

9 years ago

@Spindrift – Makes sense. I hadn’t thought of it quite that way before.
I just thought they were being obtuse prats.
I mean, they still are, but I hadn’t seen the internal consistency of their reasoning.

9 years ago

Tolerance? The history of slavery? These things are being taught to kids?

Eek. No wonder the red pillers need a human rights movement.

9 years ago


That may be, but your phrasing doesn’t come off that way. I’m going to make the assumption you’re being genuine at this point and say such things hapoen and that it’s goid you are trying to clarify.

9 years ago

First… I hate mobile posting. Spellcheck never works when one wants it to. Second… Hypocracy much? Going on a social media forum dedicated to bullying people to whine about being bullied? Sigh

9 years ago

“those people that have the bluepill mindset found a spot to band together and bully others in the name of social justice”

That just reeks of massive persecution complex:

Pro tip, if you’re feeling ‘bullied’ by forces that are actively trying to make the world a better place, you should probably reevaluate your life choices.

9 years ago

This is an interesting take on the mindset of the reactionary nerds we’ve seen crawling out from under the floorboards lately (GamerGate, sad/rabig puppies, etc.)

H/T Gamerghazi

9 years ago

Dude, if the identity you’re being offered is built on crap like that, why would you want it? Especially when the version you’re being offered is effectively the lower-middle-class version of same, which is like all the others but with less actual money, prestige, or other markers of status, and thus comes with a large helping of inchoate rage at a system which oppresses you. Rage you’re supposed to be venting at a certain range of pre-approved targets, off a convenient list the system hands you, then winds you up and points you at ’em.

You’re not the mighty warrior in this scenario, dude. You’re shock troops, cannon fodder. Your rage will kill you young, stress you out, wear your body out early. You’ll die from all the chronic diseases of the overly-angry – heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, aggressive cancers, physical violence, depression (the mental illness of soured, pushed-down anger), suicide.

It’s not an identity to be proud of in its unadulterated form. Even if the rest of the world co-operates, and gives you subservient women and people of colour to do your bidding, bow before you, act as the targets of your anger (which will be more inchoate and harder to focus, because you’re not supposed to be angry when everything is supposedly going all your way, right?) you will still die young, because you’ll be stressing your body out.

It’s a shitty identity. It doesn’t deserve defending. How about we build a different one together, one which gives you a chance of living longer, in a way that doesn’t make you angry at everything?

9 years ago

If you, as a heterosexual white male, want to combat the perception that heterosexual white males are the Worst Thing Evah, then do not, as a heterosexual white male, act like the Worst Thing Evah. It’s simple. Refuse the role; don’t act the part. Don’t hassle women on the street (I don’t mean “don’t notice them or talk to them,” I mean “don’t hassle them”); don’t subscribe to make-out systems whose rules stipulate that you must not communicate with your partner under any circumstances except to insult or scare her; and, when you hear a story about a small-town football player raping a girl from the sticks or a preacher ravaging his adopted Ethiopian daughter, don’t jump to defend the perpetrator. Yes, I am talking stereotypes here, but I’m doing it for a reason. What I’m saying to you is that if you’re afraid you match up to a stereotype, do what you can to distance yourself from that stereotype, if for no other reason than that it’s the sensible thing to do. You can still be true to yourself, but look at it this way — you are by no means obligated to live down to every crap impulse you have. You can take a vacation from your crap impulses now and then and live to tell the tale and feel much better because of it — since if you get to just not act out on your crap impulses, that means you’re in control of them and they’re not in control of you.

See how that works? Huge relief, isn’t it?

9 years ago

I have heard some feminists on the critical theory outerspace imply or outright state that men’s sexuality is conditioned around dominance ie. straight men’s arousal derives from control, domination and sadism and is therefore always ‘problematic’.

Are you sure that you heard them correctly? They might have been talking about group dynamics rather than individual dynamics.

In other words, they might have been saying something like, “There are social factors that encourage men to condition their sexuality around dominance, and we should think about those social factors instead of just accepting them as the natural order of things.”

(The reason I’m asking is because a lot of people stumble into the Libertarian Fallacy here: That’s basically social pressure to believe that there’s no such thing as social pressure. If you’ve fallen into this fallacy, then when you hear someone criticizing a social system, you’ll interpret it as a criticism of you personally.)

Anyway, if you post a link to the piece you’re talking about, maybe someone here can help you interpret it.

9 years ago

roguepixie-Yep, because this guy seriously believes that being taught tolerance and respect is misandry and obviously is a huge human rights issue. It also is misandry to be called out on their shitty behavior, and racism and sexism are god given rights and are protected ‘under freeze peach’. (see the responses to the video in one of the previous posts-Can Men Be Funny?). These MRAs are pathetic.

9 years ago

Random moment with Fruitloopsie:

Hey guys, I saw new memes from avfm Facebook you should check them out. There’s one about the Mad Max film.

9 years ago

Thanks for the heads up fruitloopsie but I rather not go any where near a avfm site or group. Think I’ll wait for David to post them hear.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago
9 years ago

“Vandal eyes” , simple yet amusing .

9 years ago

I don’t like going there either. I wish I can post them here but I can’t right now.

I glued goggly eyes on Pom poms with feet out of fabric and yarn as hair. When you rub their heads you can make a wish. I also made trees out of those colored pipe cleaners I think that’s what they’re called. I love making crafts.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Pertaining to X-Men:

9 years ago

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[–]EliteFourScott 7 points 7 days ago

“Don’t make the mistake of thinking this campaign only applies to straight men. You might see the victim complex represented in the gay male community as well, but the progressive authoritarian side attack men and masculinity as a whole, and “boyish” personality traits are plenty prevalent among us fags too, despite what your average halfwitted sitcom or self-appointed gay “representative” would have you believe. And those of us who don’t toe the line don’t get any especially merciful place under the bus that they throw men under.”

[–]Flaktrack 7 points 7 days ago

“You read some of the stuff that gets said on radfem blogs and you’d swear they hate gay men even more than us straight dudes.”

[–]SenatorLebowski 2 points 6 days ago


A significant portion of their power comes from the sexual dynamics at play. Gay dudes are too busy cruisin’ for dick to be affected by that shit. ”

[–]JakeWasHere 1 point 7 days ago

“It’s the difference between hating someone because they probably will never want to fuck you and hating someone because they DEFINITELY will never want to fuck you.”

[–]Flaktrack 3 points 7 days ago

“I imagine, considering radfem’s obsession with power dynamics, it is really as simple as the fact that women have no power over gay men.”
