#gamergate empathy deficit entitled babies evil lying women evil SJWs grandiosity homophobia none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men paranoia post contains sarcasm

Teaching people about slavery, tolerance will lead to destruction of “the heterosexual identity of men,” GamerGater explains

Warning: People knowing about this could destroy heterosexual masculinity.
Warning: People knowing about this could destroy heterosexual masculinity.

Some Green-and-Purple Pill wisdom from the Kotaku in Action subreddit, Reddit’s home for GamerGaters and SJW-haters:

2yph0n 4 points 7 days ago  In school, people are being taught of being "accepting" to other people. People are being taught the concepts of slavery and privileges. Then in the media, everywhere have subliminal messages that being a straight male is the worst thing ever with false rape stats and wage gap fallacies. Thus people are being brainwashed into thinking that the straight males is the big evil. Now that social media is a huge thing now, those people who have the blue pill mindset found a spot to band together and bully others in the name of "Social Justice". So that being said, this is a collusion to the nth degree to destroy the heterosexual identify of men.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture


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9 years ago

I just…I know I should feel bad about this, but there’s no way I can respond to this without remarking that this “2yph0n” character has terrible language skills.

9 years ago

Oh, the wage gap is a fallacy now? I get points off in debate team matches if I mention it?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I’m still trying to figure out how he thinks slavery is somehow a keystone to the “identity of heterosexual men”.

And how he thinks that accepting that other people are, in fact, people will somehow mean that he can’t be a heterosexual man anymore.

9 years ago

Isn’t it telling that someone posting in a gamergate subreddit (“Ethics!”) can use explicit MRA terminology under the assumption that everyone will know what he’s talking about?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I agree with the sentiment espoused in the quoted text: teaching people to be decent and accepting to one another will indeed hasten the collapse of the “heterosexual identity of men.” Where I think I differ from the author is that he seems to assume that this is a bad thing.

It’s nice to know that our opponents also agree that our tactics are effective.

9 years ago

It’s true! Twitter taught me about triangular trade (and the Triangle Shirtwaist fire) and I’m gay now. I’ll have to kiss other guys. Oh what a horrible fate. /sarcasm

9 years ago

@PI: I hope it isn’t because he’s taken Conan’s crush-your-enemies speech to heart.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

The whiplash jump from “People are being taught to be more accepting” to “SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES! BRAINWASHING! CONSPIRACY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER!” certainly felt a bit like a brightly-coloured pill kicking in.

9 years ago

Like the new nym, M.

9 years ago

Um. Well. Someone has their tinfoil fedora on a little too tightly.

The media is brainwashing people to hate straight men through the use of subliminal messages. Ok then.

Drooling Fan Girl
Drooling Fan Girl
9 years ago

OK we definitely have entered “not even wrong” territory.

9 years ago

Falconer’s triangular trade comment wins the internet.

General Star Cat (@Gannon_Shepherd)

The fuck? Their is no “concept of slavery” only the HISTORY of it. How deep in denial are these guys?

9 years ago

Here comes the latest piece of feminist brainwashing! CBS is bringing us a Supergirl series.

Jimmy Olsen is African-American and wants to be called James.

Supergirl is actually Kara Zor-El and is actually from Krypton, as opposed to whatever shape-shifting thing DC had going in the 90s so that Kal could actually be The Last Son of Krypton (shut up with that whole “still-the-Last-Son” bullshit, if there’s another one that prevents manfeels you uncultured swine).

Oh, and Ally McBeal Cat Grant decides that this new hero is going to be called Supergirl and when Kara (in her secret identity) says what’s wrong with Superwoman, Grant says shut up I’m in charge here if I’m comfortable calling her Supergirl she’d better get used to it go get me a latte which I was uncomfortable with from the outset because he gets to be SuperMAN but then someone pointed out it’s Grant forcing the name on Kara, even though she doesn’t know she’s talking to her.

Sorry for the teal deer, I have Opinions about a great many things, including Space Wizards, Gay Magic Space Rocks, and now apparently Women of Steel.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Damn those clever, clever internet foxes! My cover story is that Mr. FM is gone on a work trip, but now everyone will know that I exiled him on the orders of Katie, who says his straight white maleness threatens the SJW-approved gynocracy. My solid gold throne of husband money and my mountain of bonbons are at stake. Quick, to Tumblr! Use cat memes to alert the the other deep operatives! We have been compromised!

9 years ago

Aw shucks, tiffany267, I’m just doing the best I can. ::blushy smiley::

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Falconer has won two threads thus far today. If he gets a third, does he win one of David’s cats?

MarshallDog (@MarshallDog320)

The media is teaching us that being a heterosexual male is wrong by using false rape stats? I might risk a stroke trying to follow this logic. So… the media wants men to be gay. Part of their plan to accomplish this is to inflate the number of women who report being raped. That way men will be horrified by the stats and say, “I don’t want to end up raping someone! I’m only kissing boys now!”

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Can anyone solve for n in “collusion to the nth degree”?

9 years ago

@ MarshallDog “The media is teaching us that being a heterosexual male is wrong by using false rape stats? I might risk a stroke trying to follow this logic. So… the media wants men to be gay.”

Or possibly bi or pan or ace etc. Just cause he’s not heterosexual doesn’t mean he can’t still do the sex with a woman, or that he’ll even want sex at all.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

I’m a heterosexual woman who is pretty masculine and yet in a relationship with a man. I might be n.

9 years ago

then in the media, everywhere have subliminal messages

If you pick up on the message, it wasn’t actually subliminal since the definition of “subliminal” is “below threshold”. Maybe KIA guy is thinking of subtext?

9 years ago

Okay, this is just plain bizarre. I read this stuff from the Mammoth to my cis het husband and he’s just “Wut?” He’s retired now, but all his working life he worked with women and men of different ethnicities, religions, and sexual orientations, and his mind is just boggled by this sort of nonsense. Yeah, being taught to be “accepting” to other people is just begging for people to become gay, is that what this fool is saying? And being taught about slavery is wrong and leads to undermining white heterosexual men? Where in the holy fuck do these people even come up with these things??

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

“the straight males is the big evil” sounds like misheard lyrics from a reggae song.

9 years ago

Elementary school level history is misandry now? No wonder the manosphere trolls we get around these parts always fail so much while pontificating on the subject.

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