a woman is always to blame all about the menz post contains sarcasm

Men finally get the recognition they deserve for their hard work in being men on all-male panels

The All-Man brothers
The All-Man Brothers

Congratulations, men! Or should I say con-MAN-ulations! At long last, men are finally getting the recognition they deserve for all the hard work they do as men on all-male panels.

You gals may complain about a lack of representation in the competitive being-on-all-male-panels industry, but when have you ever seen a woman on an all-male panel? Never, that’s when! Statistics show that men do a full 100% of the work in the field of all-male panels.

Besides, you ladies are just too flighty and emotional to handle the pressure of being on all-male panels. And who wants to put one of you on an all-male panel only to have you get pregnant half-way through the panel and leave to raise your kids?

Ladies, you know we love ya, but we just don’t want to ever hear anything you have to say.


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9 years ago

Not just ‘all male’, either. I scrolled down the first page. For the ones with pictures, there were a handful of Middle-Eastern men (usually in panels having specifically to do with Middle East politics or Islam, of course), one identifiable Indian man, and the rest were all very clearly Caucasians. The Hoff was often the darkest-skinned person in the picture.

These panels seem to exist in a world where not only are there no women (even when they are discussing women’s issues!), but there are also no black people, no Hispanics, no East Asians. What the everloving fucking fuck?

9 years ago

No other all-male panel will ever top the fucking fever dream that was the all-male female birth control panel.

9 years ago

Come on M. Be reasonable. What would us women know about how our lady parts work? It’s a well known fact that our little brains overheat with too much science thinking! I have used up my internet allowance for the day and will spend the rest of the day baking bundt cakes and cleaning.

9 years ago

Yup. And conservative leaning men too.


9 years ago

At least when MRAs whine that men should be able to choose whether a woman aborts or not, you can tell them that actually they DO have that power, since controlling access to abortion is exactly what that panel does and don’t all men get the credit for what a few men do? I think that’s how it works.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

A lot of the examples seemed to be from Finland, not that it explains away *all* the whiteness. What POC there are in Finland (and Europe generally) are certainly underrepresented in public.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

BTW, I totally didn’t expect to see my country’s prominent politicians pictured on this site.

9 years ago

I wasn’t quite ready to see the smiling faces of my country’s political leaders right here on WHTM. It’s especially scary to have the face of Mr. Soini (2nd from left on the screen) sprung up on you unawares. It’s slightly scary to see Finland represented so often on a list of all-male panels, since we were a shining beacon when it came to granting women suffrage, seeing as we were the third country in the world, and the first in Europe, to do so in 1906. As an added note, we also granted full suffrage to all adult men at the same time, so yay?

@Arctic Ape:

Nice to see a fellow Finn here! 🙂 *proceeds to write a long screed in Finnish*

9 years ago

I don’t really get the purpose of that tumblr page. Is it made to demonstrate that there are too many all male panels and to mock it? Or does it celebrate the lack of women?

9 years ago

Not just ‘all male’, either. I scrolled down the first page. For the ones with pictures, there were a handful of Middle-Eastern men (usually in panels having specifically to do with Middle East politics or Islam, of course), one identifiable Indian man, and the rest were all very clearly Caucasians. The Hoff was often the darkest-skinned person in the picture.

The Daily show did a pretty good version of that when they did a sketch involving a panel discussion to decide whether or not things were racist. Key & Peele were involved.

9 years ago

Ellen: You did see that the ‘award’ was a thumbs-up from David Hasselhoff, right? That’s pretty much a guarantee that it’s all about mocking those panels.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


“Update: the event now includes two fantastic women speakers! wholeheartedly and without a trace of irony congratulates Think Helsinki Think for a job well done.”

9 years ago

freemage: I didn’t know that Hoff is usually used to make fun of sth., I’m not from US. But now I know that! Thanks 🙂

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Huh, didn’t know Tumblr links did that. Good to know.

9 years ago

@Banana Jackie,

ok, I didn’t see that. That makes the irony of the page quite clear. 😀

9 years ago

Ellen: The Hoff is, indeed, largely used as a punchline these days, even by himself. (His self-parody in the movie Stretch is genuinely magnificent.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

He’s also pretty amazing in that Piranha film (the rest of the film, not so much)

9 years ago

I like the all male panel on women in Buddhism the best.

9 years ago


I seem to recall an all-male panel on women in Atheism as well. That was fun.

9 years ago

@ freemage,

I mostly know him as a star from Baywatch and Knight Rider. And as a singer. I didn’t know much about him beside that things. Stretch sounds interesing. I think I’ll watch it. 🙂

9 years ago

TV light entertainment shows are a study in this too. I did a statistical analysis of Stephen Fry’s show QI about three years ago, and if regular Alan Davies wasn’t included, women accounted for less than a quarter of all guests. With Alan included, it was around one eighth. They even managed to do a show where the old “Women just aren’t funny” trope was pulled out for inspection, with no apparent irony.

I have been intending ever since to analyse all such shows, but haven’t had time just yet.

9 years ago

The QI representation issue is getting better at least. The show is dude-heavy still, and white as bleached flour, but many more women are showing up on the panels. Now if only Moffat was bounced from everything he’s involved in…

9 years ago

The QI thing is getting better mainly because the BBC put in a rule that every panel show has to include at least one female guest now.