a voice for men antifeminism dan perrins grandiosity misogyny MRA paul elam

Canadian MRA Dan Perrins launches hunger strike, demands the arrest of those who’ve “libelled” him UPDATED

Dan Perrins on Day 4 of his hunger strike
Dan Perrins on Day 4 of his hunger strike

UPDATE 5/16: Perrins has called off his hunger strike. Here’s his explanation

Dan Perrins, a famously confrontational Canadian Men’s Rights Activist and staunch supporter of A Voice for Men,  has launched a hunger strike outside the Queen’s Park Legislative Assembly in Toronto. As of this writing, he’s on his fifth day, taking in, he says, nothing but liquids.

What does he want? Surprisingly, that’s not an easy question to answer. Perrins’ demands are vague and grandiose — and probably impossible for the Ontario government to meet — and he has not set any specific conditions that would need to be met in order for him to end the hunger strike.

This seems, at the very least, reckless. A hunger strike is a very serious thing.

The idea of the hunger strike came to Perrins, as he explained in a video discussion with AVFM head man Paul Elam, while he was in the midst of a 75-mile walk across Ontario that was supposed to raise awareness about male suicide and mental health issues.

Not altogether happy with the diffident reception his walk had gotten from police and government officials in some of the cities he passed through, he decided to launch the hunger strike when he finished up his walk in Toronto. It was clearly not very carefully planned. Neither Perrins nor his supporters at AVFM seem to have consulted medical professionals and (at least at the time of Perrins’ last video update) no one from the group is there to monitor his well-being, which seems to me unconscionable.

And then there is the question of his demands, which even Perrins’ supporters at AVFM have had a hard time figuring out. In a post announcing the start of Perrins’ protest, AVFM’s Dean Esmay wrote that

Dan has already delivered his demands at the footsteps of the Queen’s Park Legislative Assembly, who at first refused to even accept his demands for review. After some discussion they reversed and accepted the documents.

But the document Perrins handed over — or at least the document that Esmay linked to — wasn’t a list of demands. It was a muddled manifesto titled “Men’s Rights March 2013 Internet Statement,” ending with a laundry list of goals for the Men’s Rights movement including “[d]evelopment and availability of a male fertility control device, drug or method that is safe, affordable, effective and reversible” and a call to “[f]oster the emergence of a new cultural narrative where all men and women are encouraged to live their lives as they see fit, without preferential treatment, while also being expected to bear the responsibility for their personal choices.”

Perrins then explained that these were not his demands at all. In a comment left under Esmay’s post, he wrote


Yes, one of his demands is that those who’ve “libelled” MRAs like himself be arrested and brought before a criminal court.

The first demand is not only so vague as to be almost meaningless — what is “full funding,” how quickly would the government need to provide it?  But it also would require the government to do several impossible things.

Ontario’s premier Kathleen Wynne — as far as I can figure it, she’s the person Perrins expects to respond to his demands — cannot dramatically alter hundreds of millions of dollars of government spending with some dramatic proclamation in order to appease a man on a hunger strike. Or for any other reason; that’s not how government works.

Even if Wynne could suddenly produce “full funding for men’s DV shelters” out of a hat, where exactly would this money go? Domestic violence shelters don’t grow like flowers after you sprinkle the requisite amount of money on the ground. They have to be built, by devoted activists prepared to raise a lot of the money on their own, and prepared as well to deal with endless obstacles and opposition along the way.

The only reason we have DV shelters at all is because feminist activists built them, starting in a time when there was precisely zero government money to help them and a lot of public hostility towards even the idea of them.

Like a lot of Men’s Rights activists, Perrins seems to want a duplicate version of the network of DV shelters that feminist activists have worked for and fought for over the course of many decades to be simply bestowed upon MRAs by government fiat.

Instead of banding together in a serious attempt to build the DV shelters they think should be theirs by right, MRAs have largely devoted their energy to attacking DV shelters for women — including some that actually offer services and shelter (usually in the form of hotel vouchers) to men. Indeed, in his online discussions with Elam, Perrins seems as angry about the money women’s shelters are getting than he does about the lack of money going to non-existent men’s shelters, complaining several times about what he sees as excessive spending by shelters to provide beds for women.

Frankly, Perrins seems a good deal more invested in his second demand: that those who libel “non-feminists” be arrested and criminally charged.

This is not quite as bizarre a demand as it sounds: in addition to having extremely plaintiff-friendly civil libel laws, Canada also has criminal laws against “defamatory libel.” But, as Ontario’s Law Times reports, “[c]riminal charges for defamatory libel are rare in Canada.”

Further, according to one expert the Law Times spoke to,

[t]he line between what constitutes criminal libel and what constitutes the more commonly used civil libel is often blurred, and there’s doubt as to whether these criminal provisions are constitutional in the face of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms … .

Indeed, the Law Times notes, s. 301 of the Criminal Code — under which “anyone who publishes a defamatory libel is guilty of an indictable offence and can be imprisoned for up to two years” — has already been declared unconstitutional in four Canadian provinces, including Ontario, where Perrins is conducting his hunger strike.

Under section 300 of the Code, Canadians in these provinces can, at least theoretically, still be charged with criminal libel, but only if they know what they are publishing is false.

Perrins, for his part, claims he’s been libelled by Canada’s Sharp magazine, by GQ, and by other publications. He’s evidently angry at Sharp’s Alex Nino Gheciu for saying that

Perrins wrote a hateful missive against [a feminist activist], labelling her “Little Red Frothing Fornication Mouth” and posted her pictures and personal information online.

Well, Perrins did indeed write a hateful AVFM post attacking the activist in question, in which he called her “Little Red Frothing Fornication Mouth.” The post was accompanied by a drawing of the woman. But, as far as I know, Perrins did not himself post her personal information online, though it’s possible, I suppose, that the folks at Sharp know something I don’t.

Perrins seems angrier still at writer Jeff Sharlet, who, in his highly unflattering GQ account of AVFM’s summer 2014 conference, wrote that Perrins claimed to have taken the infamous red pill of Men’s Rightshood on

the day he ended up in jail, after he says he lodged a complaint against his ex, the beginning of a legal battle that led him to a hunger strike. “I should have killed the bitch five years ago,” he tells me. “I’d be out by now.” 

Unless Sharlet simply made up the quote, and GQ’s factcheckers let it stand, I’m not exactly sure how this would count as “defamatory libel.” It’s not libellous to quote what someone has said to you.

Sharlet lives in the United States, where Canadian law (as you might imagine) does not apply. But never mind; Perrins (and Elam) want there to be an arrest warrant waiting for him in case he ever crosses the border into Canada.

In one of his discussions with Elam, Perrins also goes on at length, and with considerable anger, about the alleged evils of the Southern Poverty Law Center; Elam reminds him that there isn’t much the Canadian government can do about the American organization either.

It’s not exactly clear to me what Perrins expects the Ontario government to do about any of this alleged libel. The Premier of Ontario cannot order the Canadian police to arrest all of those whom Perrins thinks have defamed him, nor would anyone with any sense want politicians to have this power.

It’s also not clear why Perrins doesn’t simply sue for libel in civil court instead of going on a hunger strike to compel the Ontario government to do things it cannot actually do.

In his discussions with Elam, Perrins talks a lot about how his life isn’t worth any more than that of the Canadian men who commit suicide every day; he also says that if he ends up in the hospital he wants a Do Not Resuscitate order enforced.

It’s hard not to worry that Perrins’ hunger strike — evidently launched without medical consultation and with vague and impossible demands that it’s not clear he’s even presented to government officials — is in fact a form of slow-motion suicide, a bid for Men’s Rights martyrdom.

Those who are encouraging him in this hunger strike are, I think, playing a very dangerous game.

EDIT: I added a reference to the specific section of the criminal code that is still considered constitutional in all Canadian provinces.

EDIT 2: A May 14 post by “Solaris” on, a long-running message board that Perrins now runs, claims these are Perrins’ demands:

Dan has stated that he will end his hunger strike when assurances are made that men in Ontario will receive equal funding for domestic violence shelters as women, and when the Director for Public Prosecutions commits to launching appropriate criminal investigations under Section 300 of the Criminal Code against those libelling MRAs for their support of men’s rights.

Of course, even these slightly more specific demands would be impossible for the Ontario government to fulfill.

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9 years ago

Yep, cause that’s what people who aren’t horrid and shitty do.

Plus, there’s the pragmatic angle of “if he martyrs himself Elam will use it to scam next week’s lunch money”, so yeah. I hope he gets help.

9 years ago

Oh, a horrible person threatening to starve themselves to death? Have fun with that.

Seriously I never understood the logic behind hunger striking. You’re threatening someone or some group that… already hates you… by pleading to kill yourself.

Um, logic?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Ninja’d by Lea!

Thank providence that you use your powers for good!

9 years ago

Corinn | May 13, 2015 at 11:51 am

Oh, a horrible person threatening to starve themselves to death? Have fun with that.

Seriously I never understood the logic behind hunger striking. You’re threatening someone or some group that… already hates you… by pleading to kill yourself.

Um, logic?

It can be very effective if the group you’re protesting against has a concern for how they are seen by the public (and especially if they claim they are acting in your interest specifically–see, patriarchal government during the suffrage movement, or Indian protestors of British rule), and if your issue is one that’s having trouble drawing attention. However, it also only works if your demands are remotely connected to reality.

9 years ago

For the love of…. Are there seriously zero actual activists or even a business person or someone who took an entrepreneurship class in high school in the entire MRM that could sit down and draw up a plan for a men’s DV shelter or some sort of DV help network? You’ve got to have a pretty tight budget plan if you’re going to start asking for government grants.

Look, MRA’s, you’ve had years, thousands of potential volunteers, and hundreds of thousands of dollars flushed down the MRA donation toilet to write up a plan for a shelter. You make anything close to a serious attempt to get one off the ground and I will be happy to donate to it.

9 years ago

First of all, ninja cat rocks.

Second, much like “free speech” – it also seems like MRAs and MRA-sympathetic individuals don’t understand how libel and slander works. It’s like, to them, those two words come down to “someone said something about me I didn’t like” than “someone made wholly false claims about me that have brought undue stress and made life difficult.”

One of my favorite films is The People vs. Larry Flynt and it’s partially because they have a scene wherein they explain the difference between libelous content and non-libelous content. Flynt mocked a religious leader in a fairly profane parody and said religious leader decided to go after him in court, only for the court to go in Flynt’s favor as it was explained that a parody is not the same thing as making erroneous claims out to be statements of truth.

Here? It’s only “libelous” to Perrins because he doesn’t like that information being out there. If he was quoted with having said that and did, he has no justifiable reason to pursue this case (along with the fact they can’t just prosecute someone from another country over is). It’s just like that episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia where the main characters go after a writer for giving their bar a bad review, claiming it was libelous – to which the writer says it’s only that if he fabricated anything he wrote, and he didn’t.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

That’s a good summary of the videos, David. I actually listened to them all but I see that one wasn’t produced yesterday and wonder why. Paul said they’d broadcast daily.

I was taken aback to hear Dan had launched this hunger strike immediately following a 75-mile walk. He started at a point of physical exhaustion and had already lost weight.

Dan is a CAFE board member and CAFE was claiming to be working toward establishing a men’s shelter, yet he hasn’t mentioned that. If he was running into actual roadblocks with that I could see some justification. The bit about defamation is just silly. When they sling hateful, libellous opinions around it’s freeze peach but if anyone criticizes them, oh noes! I think these guys are finally beginning to sense that their worldview is rejected by most of society.


@anemonerosie, I love Shauna Hunt for standing up to those assclowns. Here’s a good interview with her:

9 years ago

This isn’t the first time that an MRA/FRA has tried this. UK Fathers 4 Justice man Matt O’Connor, to much fanfare, tried a similar stunt a few years ago, and it was an embarrassing failure. He folded after a week. Another F4J guy called Tim Haries announced another hunger strike. No idea how that ended, or if it was even started.

Perrins will give up fairly quickly I think, they’re publicity hungry but uncommitted.

9 years ago

The bit about defamation is just silly. When they sling hateful, libellous opinions around it’s freeze peach but if anyone criticizes them, oh noes! I think these guys are finally beginning to sense that their worldview is rejected by most of society.

That’s the other thing: people who A Voice for Men and MRAs have targeted, in fact, have more to back up claims of libel and slander than those MRAs to their perceived enemies.

9 years ago

I was taken aback to hear Dan had launched this hunger strike immediately following a 75-mile walk. He started at a point of physical exhaustion and had already lost weight.

I’m also pretty taken aback to hear that his fellow MRAs aren’t doing anything to monitor this either. Maybe they’re hoping that he’ll die and give them a martyr for their cause?

9 years ago

He does not look well in that photo above, I hope his associates have the compassion and intelligence to talk him out of this, rather than encourage him into serious harm and potential martyrdom. There will be no winners in this story.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

Dan was broadcasting from the CAFE office so presumably he’s been interacting with the MRAs who work there.

9 years ago

Being “alpha” means being devoid of empathy and treating everyone as a means to an end or an obstacle to be removed. I wouldn’t be surprised if any MRA who does stand up for this man’s health are mocked as manginas and banned from AVfM.

9 years ago

@ Flying Mouse

This is a person who, if you were on a hunger strike over a feminist issue, would ask the same question and find a very different answer. This is a person who has, quite deliberately, thrown himself in with racists, misogynists, anti-semites, and more terrible things I don’t know the words for. If this asshole were drowning, I wouldn’t save him. So yeah, sorry I don’t feel any compassion whatsoever for him.

But all this is ignoring that it won’t ever happen. MRAs are weak willed nothings, and he’ll soon realize nobody gives a shit about his stupid fucking cause. He’ll be eating a burger and fries by the end of the week, if he isn’t just lying to everyone about not eating.

Film Runner
9 years ago

Given the impossible nature of his demands, at what point during the course of this hunger strike would it be possible for the government to commit him to a hospital if he seemed determined to starve himself to death?

9 years ago

Check out this MRA’s reason for discouraging Dan’s hunger strike.

And what would happen if 20 male feminists were to join you in that park and go on their own hunger strikes unless the government agreed not to listen to you? Who should the government heed, the 20 or the 1 ? That’s no way to run a country.

– artiefischel

What the actual fuck? What planet do these guys live on?

The majority are telling him how awesome he is to starve himself and sleep out of doors in a public park. They will happily encourage him to death.

9 years ago

This from Shrek6:

You are absolutely right. There is no need to have everything proven with undeniable scientific fact. That too clinical a pathway for anyone to take. Our world was never built on scientific fact, so when it comes to many things, we simply do not need to provide the proof. And I am obviously not talking about modern day material possessions and technology.

I’m with you on this one. And you are right. There is too much demand for proof and fact, that sometimes we can be blind to the ‘humanity’ of men. It is just as important to listen to the human being and take the information he provides on face value, regardless of how emotive and illogical it may be.

That too clinical.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Hey, Pelagic, you did ask. And if you don’t agree with me, that’s cool. You’re entitled to your opinion. I’ll stick to mine, which is still that preventable death is bad. It doesn’t matter how Perrins would treat me if the tables were turned, he doesn’t deserve to die. I hope that you’re ultimately right and that he stops before he does himself irreparable harm.

9 years ago

His DNR wishes won’t stand since this can be looked at an attempt at suicide (if it goes on long enough to cause him to collapse or what have you). So, at least there’s that. The hospital will have to work to save his life, regardless of his wishes.

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

…..75 miles? 120 kilometers? As an Ontarian I kinda have to snicker at that. Where did he start, Peterborough?

Have ya looked at a map of Ontario? Google tells me that Pickle Lake is the Northernmost Ontario town that is accessible by road year-round. Pickle Lake is 1840 km (1140 miles) from Toronto.

Walking directions for future MRAs.

I do hope that Mr. Perrins doesn’t do himself any permanent damage with this publicity stunt.
9 years ago

“[d]evelopment and availability of a male fertility control device, drug or method that is safe, affordable, effective and reversible”

But condoms feel weird!

Fortunately, what he wants already exists, and was pioneered in India. A substance is injected into the vas deferens in a two-step process, and instead of just acting as a plug, the substance creates electrostatic forces that shred spermatozoa. One treatment lasts two years, and a separate injection can dissolve the stuff and allow it to be expelled by the body.

9 years ago

@FilmRunner I believe that EMS need consent to intervene with medical treatment (although if a patient is unconscious consent is implied, i.e. if he passes out EMS can take him to a hospital).

9 years ago

This man is obviously not well, and it’s disgusting that so-called Men’s Rights activists are exploiting him like this.

Also, if men are interested in creating shelters for men who are abused, why don’t they meet with the women who started shelters? The women who run them? There is no need to reinvent the wheel–if I felt that was an issue that had to be addressed, I’d talk to the people who already had shelters up and running. What went into creating them? What goes into keeping them afloat? Where do you get funding (it’s not always the government)? What unforeseen issues could possibly come up? What questions do I need to ask that I am not asking? What is it that I don’t know that I don’t know? Sometimes talks with people who are already doing this stuff can be quite illuminating. They’d also learn that no, it was never as simple as the government saying “Hey! Here are some shelters ladies! And have some money!”

But that would assume that these guys want to fix the problem they keep talking about instead of tearing down something that helps women.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Slim Fast counts as a liquid, right?

But, in all seriousness, it sounds like he’s doing this without anyone actually knowing what he’s doing except for the small, small manosphere. He has tried, you know, petitions before at least, right? Hunger strikes for a cause you haven’t really tried to raise money or awareness for is usually what college students who are ignorant about how their government works do. It also helps to be a nationally or world-renowned activist, like Gandhi. Gandhi was very famous before he tried to hunger strike, which is why his hunger strike got so much press.

Hopefully this guy will wander off and get a fries and shake soon. Or he gets arrested for loitering. His death isn’t worth a cause the MRA are not fighting for.

There are worst ways he can protest, so we have that at least.

9 years ago

That’s hilarious given that this Shrek character probably thinks women are illogical and emotional for them to be heeded.