creep-shaming creepy douchebaggery harassment irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny schadenfreude sexual harassment

Can Men Be Funny? Manbabies yelling “F her right in the P” at female reporters suggest the answer is “no.”

Dudes, are you finding that your attempts at humor are falling flat? Are your clever quips getting you written up regularly by HR? Are they causing your friends to get fired when they drunkenly defend your “jokes” on live television?

It’s possible that what you think is humor is not actually humor. Consider the following list of things that are not humor:

  1. Embezzling
  2. Punching a random dude in the face for no reason
  3. Pushing elderly people off of train platforms
  4. Lighting an orphanage on fire
  5. Sexually harassing a woman on live television by yelling “F her right in the P,” except instead of “F” you say a certain word that starts with “f” and instead of “P” you say a word that starts with “p” and ends with “y.”

Seriously, dudes. Stop it with this whole “F her right in the P” shit. You’re making life crappy for women and giving all aspiring funny men a bad name.

If you, dear reader, don’t know what the “F her right in the P” thing is, it’s this: dudes yell “F her right in the P” at female TV reporters doing live shots on the street. That’s it. That’s the whole thing.

As someone who doesn’t watch a lot of local news, I only became aware of this whole “F her right in the P” thing yesterday, when a helpful reader alerted me to the story of Shauna Hunt, a Toronto CityNews reporter who’s gotten so sick of the whole thing that she confronted a group of men on live television after one of their friends shouted the phrase at her while she was interviewing soccer fans. The men defended their friend’s actions as “hilarious.” One, obviously a bit drunk, told her she was “lucky” they didn’t have a vibrator. You can watch the whole thing above.

This “meme” originated more than a year ago in a fake news blooper reel that went viral online. Since then, female news reporters — covering everything from sports events to anti-austerity protests — have been dealing with dudes yelling the phrase at them on a daily basis, sometimes several times in a day. The dudes think what they’re doing is hilarious. They feel no shame. And they don’t expect there to be any consequences from sexually harassing a woman on live television.

Maybe that will change: several of the men defending the harassment in Hunt’s video — which itself has gone viral — have been identified. They’ve all been banned for a year from sports events featuring teams owned by Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment,  and one (the guy who made the vibrator joke) has been fired from his job. Good.

To any dudes who feel their sacred man-right to generate “humor” by making people deeply uncomfortable is being abridged, might I suggest you follow the lead of the three gentlemen in the video below?

These three manage to make pain quite funny indeed. What makes them genuinely hilarious, so unlike the guys harassing Hunt in the video above? Their originality, for one thing; they demonstrate an ingenuity that would make Rube Goldberg proud. And, just as importantly: the only people they’re actually hurting are themselves.

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9 years ago

For these jack wagons, “F Her In The P” should stand for “Fear Her In The Police (Van).”

9 years ago

Just mentioning that even if a similar thing was yelled at men, it would also be awful, but it would not be equivalent, being a gendered attack it affects women more.

9 years ago

Reblogged this on The Many Hats Of This Ginger.

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Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

Wow, that’s disgusting to say the least. So t he guy taunting about the vibrator is the dudebro who lost his job? Please tell me he lost the job.

This shit has never been funny and never will be.

9 years ago

Alternate acronym #2 for ex-Hydro One employee (current reigning jack wagon supreme):

FHRITP = “Fucked Himself Right Into The Pink (Slip)”

Pablo Humberto Yáñez Batarce

To katz: it is a hell of an accomplishment if you take into account who those guys are.

Bette Hopper
Bette Hopper
9 years ago

@ proxieme

Yes, those comments on the Vice article are pretty special. What’s so funny (ironic) about a couple of them is that they berate the article for sounding immature but they think that saying this hateful, incredibly immature shit to a woman WHILE SHE’S WORKING is the height of humor. It’s just a joooooke!! So funny so much funny ha ha ha ha. God so many men seem to just hate women. Why is that? Oh, yeah. Patriarchy. It’s how they stay on top.

9 years ago

I’m so tired of “IT’S JUST A JOAK!”

I just said that to a friend today, too – when mentioning how many people do it to cover up shitty behavior and attitudes.

So what if it’s a “joke”? Why do people who say this act as if we’re obligated to find it funny? Can anyone ever say that’s something “unfunny” anymore, without being accused of (*GASP!*) “political correctness”?

I get humor is often subjective and it’s harder to have people agree on what qualifies as “funny” – but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some standards. If randomly yelling a profane phase is somehow inherently funny now, why bother considering comedy an art form at all?

Speaking about the dumb, weirdly obsessiveness need to be “edgy” – here’s a monologue from a film I love (which I like to share whenever possible):


9 years ago

Ah, shit – don’t know why it linked my favorite’d videos on Youtube…

9 years ago

When they ask you why you don’t find it funny, ask them back why they DO find it funny!

I’ve done some amateur standup before and I’ve never felt my sense of humour has been at all stifled by avoiding ‘jokes’ about raping people. I put this down to not being a giant bastard.

9 years ago

I’ve done some amateur standup before and I’ve never felt my sense of humour has been at all stifled by avoiding ‘jokes’ about raping people. I put this down to not being a giant bastard.

Same here. It isn’t that difficult to avoid that kind of thing, if you bother being creative instead of just doing what’s easy…

9 years ago

I don’t understand why people feel stifled by people objecting to offensive and hateful humor either. My two best friends are white and so am I and it’s constant laughs when we’re together. We crack each other up so much. Yet, we’ve never once made racist jokes together. It’s not that hard to be fun and funny without hate. Just the opposite in fact!

Okay. I lied. I know why. It’s because they want to say horrible shit and use the “joke” excuse to make it socially acceptable. Bigots are having temper tantrums because the rest of us aren’t putting up with these excuses anymore.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Shock humor is lazy humor.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@fruitloopsie: That was very funny! 😀

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention | May 13, 2015 at 7:52 pm
@fruitloopsie: That was very funny! 😀

I know! I smile everytime I see it, I especially crack up when I watch him bounce on the pogo stick

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

#FHRITP Fire Him Right In The Paycheque. (Wish I could upload the photo of this I found on facebook.)

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago


Also, fuck Christopher Hitchens. Let’s resurrect the fucker and make him defend his statement that women are just not funny after watching a parade of idiot men who think screaming shit like this at women is hilarious.

No need to resurrect him, I know precisely what he was saying: “Humour isn’t a necessary trait in a woman, and as a mostly-straight man, it’s not high on my list of desirable traits for a woman, so even if a woman is funny, I don’t register it, it’s not something I take any notice of, because I’ve already judged her attractiveness based on other criteria. Women don’t need to be funny to attract and maintain the attention of men the way that men need to be funny to attract and maintain the attention of women because men find women attractive because of the way they look, move, sound, and smell; humour and cleverness aren’t required.”

9 years ago

How weird is it to see repercussions for this kind of behavior. After the Dal Dentistry students had their names protected by their school and just hoping for months someone would call them out,it is just surreal seeing it actually happen. This man shouldn’t be the only one- there are a lot of people who need to see similar repercussions for verbal harassment. And maybe if it had happened earlier women journalists wouldn’t have had to endure over a years worth of this exact type of harassment.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago



Also, I love your moniker. It begs questions.

9 years ago

Playing catch-up here after a long day in the garden…

“Fight her in the pantry”?

Is this another ‘make me a sandwich’ thing?

Now THAT’s funny! “Put down the pastrami and fight like a CHEF!” “No! NO! NOT THE KEEN’S HOT MUSTARD!!!”

I’m so tired of “IT’S JUST A JOAK!”

Co-fucking-SIGNED. If it were a real joke, someone besides the dimwitted pranksters would be laughing. That’s distinctly absent from the top video. Sexism is unfunny for a lot of reasons, but the number one reason has got to be that women are not a fucking punchline.

Also, fuck Christopher Hitchens. Let’s resurrect the fucker and make him defend his statement that women are just not funny after watching a parade of idiot men who think screaming shit like this at women is hilarious.

Co-fucking-signed with extreme prejudice. Drunken warmongering racist wank-sock won’t be missed here. I confess to a lot of Schadenfreude when he got waterboarded to prove that it wasn’t torture, only to admit in the end that it was. Now, THAT was funny. Seeing a wanker’s nose get rubbed in his own shit usually is.

#FHRITP Fire Him Right In The Paycheque. (Wish I could upload the photo of this I found on facebook.)

YES! This is funny too.

See, dudes? THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT.

Also, apropos rape jokes, the only truly funny one I know of came from a woman, who basically nailed how we all feel at the actual prospect of rape:

“I pussyless!” (You no can has fuck me right in the pussy, in other words.)

9 years ago

Found Her Right In The Park?
Fumigate Her Rats In The Pantry?
Frot Her Right In The Parlor? (Oh my!)

9 years ago

“You’re lucky there isn’t a ****ing vibrator nearby,” sounds like a threat.

9 years ago

And for the menz, we have…