a new woman to hate a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence alpha males antifeminism beta males creepy dark enlightenment domestic violence dozens of upvotes drama kings dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil short-haired women evil SJWs imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression man strike manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no girls allowed patriarchy racism reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings taking pleasure in women's pain your time will come

Furious about Furiosa: Misogynists are losing it over Charlize Theron’s starring role in Mad Max: Fury Road

Original poster for the 1979 Mad Max
Original poster for the 1979 Mad Max

So you may have heard vague rumors that there’s a new Mad Max film coming out. You also may have heard that it stars Charlize Theron as a shaven-headed postapocalyptical badass named Furiosa alongside Tom Hardy as Mr. Max.

Well, the manly men of the Manospshere are having none of it. On the always terrible Return of Kings, the most-trafficked blog in the Manosphere, Youtube bloviator Aaron Clarey issues a clarion call to his fellow right-thinking men, urging them to

Not only REFUSE to see the movie, but spread the word to as many men as possible. … Because if [men] sheepishly attend and Fury Road is a blockbuster, then you, me, and all the other men (and real women) in the world will never be able to see a real action movie ever again that doesn’t contain some damn political lecture or moray about feminism, SJW-ing, and socialism.

Er, “moray?”

As Clarey sees it, the central flaw in this film that he hasn’t seen is, well, it’s going to be starring Charlize Theron as a shaven-headed postapocalyptical badass named Furiosa. And that’s just not right, because everyone knows that women are just too damn womeny to be postapocalyptical badasses.

Even worse: in one of the trailers for the film “Charlize Theron’s character barked orders to Mad Max. Nobody barks orders to Mad Max.”

Clarey also reports, with a kind of growing horror, that none other than Eve Ensler, of Vagina Monologues fame, was brought in to consult on the film. (And trust me, Clarey’s discomfort with Ensler has nothing to do with her issues with intersectionality.)

Sure, Clarey acknowledges, Fury Road — at least on the surface — “looks like that action guy flick we’ve desperately been waiting for where it is one man with principles, standing against many with none.” But, he warns, despite not having actually seen even a minute of the actual film, nothing could be further from the truth!

[L]et us be clear. … This is the Trojan Horse feminists and Hollywood leftists will use to (vainly) insist on the trope women are equal to men in all things, including physique, strength, and logic. And this is the subterfuge they will use to blur the lines between masculinity and femininity, further ruining women for men, and men for women.

Lines between masculinity and femininity blurring! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes. The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

Clarey worries that

men in America and around the world are going to be duped by explosions, fire tornadoes, and desert raiders into seeing what is guaranteed to be nothing more than feminist propaganda, while at the same time being insulted AND tricked into viewing a piece of American culture ruined and rewritten right in front of their very eyes.

You might think that someone this worried about the legacy of the original Mad Max might have noticed somewhere along the way that Mad Max is not actually a “piece of American culture” at all. It was an Australian film, filmed in Australia, directed by an Australian, and starring an American citizen who’d been living in Australia since the age of twelve.

I’m guessing that the director of Fury Road might have a somewhat more nuanced understanding of the original Mad Max than someone who doesn’t even know what country the movie was made in, especially given that the director of Fury Road, the director of the original Mad Max, the director of The Road Warrior and the director of Beyond Thunderdome are actually all the very same person.

But over on Return of Kings the fellas are as furious about Furiosa as Clarey is. In the top comment to Clarey’s piece, with several dozen upvotes, someone calling himself “truth” complains that the evil feminists who run Hollywood are ignoring the immutable truths of gender.

Hollywood is a garbage propoganda machine which spews out this feminist drivel filth into the minds of today’s young audience. Even though science has told us and proven, that men are physically stronger than women, it is nonetheless discarded by the forces driving this feminist nonsense.

There is a sick agenda at play here, and it only continues to get worse over time. First this, and now the upcoming “Terminator Genisys” which shows Sarah Connor in a more heroic and superior position to that of Kyle Reese, really makes me wonder how much further down the toilet society is going to go down, in it’s ridiculous attempts to try and reverse the traditional gender and biological roles.

Because “traditional” and “biological” roles always seem to be the exact same thing to these guys.

It is clear that the brainwashing of the masses will continue to go on with the promotion of these absurd movies in conjunction with the whole “girl power” themes that are present in these films. Furthermore, factor in the indoctrination of the liberal schooling and educational system, there is no doubt, that masculinity will be attacked from all sides in attempt to make the female gender more superior. …

I guess from the damage that I am seeing on a daily basis being inflicted by the feminist movement, there is really no turning back. Men will continue to opt out of society and by rejecting to watch these kind of movies, can help to further cement this narrative. And if ever, should the manginas and white knights reach that epiphany when they realise they are not perceived as a credible voice in this feminist driven gynocentric matriarchy that we live in, then even they will opt out of society.

Huh. And, let me guess, once the men all “opt out of society,” it’ll collapse in a giant heap and desperate women will turn to men for help? No wonder these guys are so angry about Fury Road; it challenges their favorite apocalyptic fantasy. Call it Mad Max: I Told You Bitches You’d Come Crawling Back to Me.

Women and feminists in general have without a doubt, proven that they are dysfunctional by nature and cannot be trusted with anything. And this movie helps to prove it.

FWIW, dude, the movie was directed by a man. It was written by men. And even though it’s got a lot more women in it than your typical action movie, most of the named actors in it are male. But apparently, to guys like Clarey and “truth,” it only takes a few drops of female blood to contaminate an entire action film.

Always maintain your masculinity.

And once again it’s the guys who think of themselves as the most macho who are the ones most anxious about their masculinity.

Truth is also horrified by one of the posters he’s seen for the film:

Even though the movie is called “Mad Max”, the poster clearly centres around Charlize Theron, while Tom Hardy looks like some ordinary guy in the background.

A woman’s face … in front of a man’s face! Can masculinity survive this terrible assault?

Slashfund complains that in the poster it “looks like he is wearing a muzzle like her bitch.”

Well, not really. Anyone who’s seen the original Max Max and its first two sequels may remember that a lot of the characters wore weird headgear and creepy masks; this was intended to make them look scary and, you know, postapocalyptic. Max’s new mask is no different.

Clark Kent whines

Where I can’t stand these female characters in kickass movies is when it is so damn obvious that they are forcing the female character in just to appeal to the blue-pill masses. The whole point of Mad Max is that he is the most hardened self-respecting man in the post-apocalyptic world. He lived through the decline, and thus carries all the grief of having been strong enough to see what the world has become.

To turn Mad Max upside down and make it into a feminist flick is horribly telling of our times. Rather than creating new films to depict the world from a women’s perspective, we take the great myths of men and boys and rewrite them to make women happy.

What? Mad Max is a “great myth of men and boys” now? It’s a movie made in 1979, not a tale told around the campfire by our ancient ancestors. And don’t any of you Return of Kingers remember Beyond Thunderdome, the second Mad Max sequel, released six years after the original? You know, the one co-starring Tina Turner, stomping around like a badass as the ruthless ruler of Bartertown?

Like it or not, fellas, but badass women are part of Mad Max canon.

MajorStyles, for his part, suggests that the film may be part of a sinister plot to con men into liking women with (gasp!) short hair — a major Manosphere bugaboo.

And what’s the end game of all this horse shit? That Alpha men will start finding bald, androgyonous women with anger issues attractive? Yeah, when pigs fly…

Again, another fail on the part of Team Feminism. As it has been noted many times, they do not get to order men what to be attracted to. Erections cannot be legislated. Only a man of supreme thirst would find this angynous thing attractive.

And the women who choose to impersonate Theron’s look in this movie will always be relagated to the same position – bridesmaid, cat lady, or beta male abuser.

TS77RP1, meanwhile, wants his fellow men to think of the children. And what he thinks about the children — specifically, those of the female persuasion — is genuinely horrifying.

Seriously: if you’re having a decent day so far, or, hell, a crappy one — basically, if you’re a having any sort of day so far, you may want to skip the rest of this post. No joke.



Ok, if you’re still with me, here we go:

The only way back is to begin punishing ambition in our daughters and in all female children. They need to be physically and psychologically disciplined to be servile and deferential and they unfortunately need to have it beaten into them that they should NEVER trust their own judgement and always seek guidance and permission of their male headships.

Please tell me this monster doesn’t have a daughter.

My daughter would be turned out with nothing but a shirt on her back if she so much as looked at a college website or played with her brother’s educational toys.

Aw, fuck.

She would be belted to the point of being unable to sit if she exhibited confidence in decision making.

Fucking hell. A proud abuser.

I don’t want my wife to step foot out of the house unless her every dime and minute spent can be accounted for and executed in conjuncture with my approval. My daughter will exude obedience and timidity for whoever her future husband is and it’s imperative that all Christian Men demand nothing less within their own homes. Playtime for feminazis and the left is over. This is our world and our heritage to protect. Let the cultural war begin!

No words.

In a followup comment, he assures one skeptic that his wife and daughter are indeed real.

I do in fact implement this in my own home and practice what I preach vehemently. I have a daughter and sons and they are being raised to know that they are unequivocally different and 100% not equal. My wife is from a highly devout family and she was cowed long ago into obedience by her powerful, alpha father. I kinda won the life lottery >:^)

I can only hope that he’s bullshitting in an attempt to impress the Return of Kings regulars.

But impress them he does, winning upvotes and an awestruck comment by englishbob:

Wow! Its like you have a mini Saudi Arabia right in your home!

Apparently hatred of women trumps hatred of Muslims on Return of Kings.

I have no idea if Mad Max: Fury Road is actually going to be a good film. But I hope it does well, very well, if for no other reason than to spite these assholes.

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9 years ago

He admits beating his children. Can we get some straight info on this guy for a CPS intervention?

9 years ago

I’m sorry you went through that. You are so much stronger for resisting conformity and bullying by continuing to be yourself on your own terms. That strength of character is attractive. (I’m sure you know that already, but just in case…)

9 years ago

Here’s his Disqus. He’s a big fan and active commenter of RoTKs.
Here’s a comment from 10 days ago.

@Lea – I went to the link and, with great difficulty, read as much as I could stomach. THIS is why patriarchy must end, and we must end it. While TS77RP1 may be on the extreme end, his attitudes and beliefs mirror ALL patriarchal attitudes and beliefs.

There are times when I simply cannot believe that ANYONE would want to live this way, and then…well, all over the world it has been for millennia and it has to stop.

Violence will not stop it. I keep coming back to the idea of finding all the ways in which we can simply…walk…away. There is so much to learn, so much to do. But we can do it. I truly believe that, even when nightmares like this guy come along.

Right now I am having a hard time even seeing my screen because I am crying too hard for the women and children who are living with these monsters all over the world. We have to stop giving them our lives and allowing them to steal them.

9 years ago

I’m glad that you are sharing and sorry that you went through that. Like Lea said true strength is resisting what is wrong and standing up for what is right and that right there is attractive.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


“If women are “born ruined,” why such an emphasis on destroying them? Why not just let girls grow up in the shade, if that’s what girls are naturally inclined to do?”

Because a huge part, if not all, of this “ruination” of women is their endless capacity and desire for “rebellion” (= feeling, thinking, and acting for themselves, without a need for man’s control and domination, particularly in the sexual area). The Bible teaches so, among others.

Therefore you (i.e. the Manly Man of the manuresphere and beyond) must keep on destroying those seeds of “rebellion” by any means possible, from the earliest age; and must form your relationships with women based on this principle of endless vigilance and domination. It is The Ariel Castro School of Relationships, and you better believe it’s alive and well (even though Ariel Castro isn’t).


Naturally (sigh). Toxic masculinity, possibly the nastiest aspect of patriarchy, is destructive to all: men and women, kids and adults. It takes guts to reject it and grow out of / past it, especially since it is everywhere around us. Yes, the consequences of its rejection are the predictable ridicule and ostracism, but the payoff is the eventual peace of mind and increased resilience and strength. I hope you can see that already.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


Right on.

That’s why this sick prick must be reported to authorities.

9 years ago

I like that dog and cat gif. I’m moving in 11 days (and haven’t started packing yet :O ) and I really, really hope Dracarys and Bailey become buddies. Bailey isn’t huge, but she’s a decent sized dog and Dracarys is tiny. They would look so adorable snuggling.

Sorry. Pets are a more enjoyable topic than that piece of shit misogynist.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

On the subject of women who kick ass in so-called “manly” roles, there is a fascinating recent PRI documentary about an all-volunteer women’s vigilante military unit fighting ISIS in Syria:

One of the more rewarding aspects of the story, for me, was learning the ISIS thugs and their religious brethren believe that if they die a “martyr for the cause” death, they go to heaven where 72 virgin await them (massive eye roll); but if they are killed by a woman, they go straight to hell. This makes them run away (!) at the sight of female warriors.

You go, girls, is what I say. Go get’em.

9 years ago

@ Lea et al:

Well…let’s hope they’ll be less eager to wreck a machine than to squush a biological organism, and let’s also hope that the artificiality of the machine wins it some coolness points. Last of all, let’s hope a well-wrought, cognizant machine might show some qualms about allowing itself to be wrecked — vide the Third Law of Robotics, generously interpreted. If that’s what it takes to teach Mr. Letters-and-Numbers some frickin’ table manners, I’m all for it.

9 years ago

To think, random ex! You threw away a promising future of being terrorized for talent, education, and happiness!

What a terrible, Faustian bargain she struck. May all the other women who have the misfortune of crossing this dude’s path meet with similar fates!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Wow, TS77RP1 has a huge axe to grind against professional women, especially doctors. I wonder if it could have anything to do with his (alleged) ex, who pursued a recording career in her 20s, then went to medical school, dumped his ass, and got married to a far more successful “beta simp”. She’s living happily ever after, he’s raging impotently about it on the internet and posting sick fantasies about what he’d like to do to her. In one of his comments he suggests that everyone post negative Yelp reviews of female doctors so as to ruin their livelihoods, especially surgeons as “they have the farthest to fall”. (I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that’s his ex’s specialty.) I hope she lives far, far away from him and has a restraining order.

Then there’s the highly educated, successful Jewish woman who he claims to have dated and “emotionally fucked up”, gaslighted, and slapped to the point of rendering her incapable of ever having another relationship. Or so he claims – that one sounds like bullshit to me. What educated, autonomous woman would put up with his dismissive get-back-in-the-kitchen shit for more than half a second, and what was he doing dating these women in the first place if he thinks professional women are freakshows and scum of the earth? I think it’s much more likely they kicked his ass to the curb first, sensing that he was an abusive loser, and then he acquired his toxic Christian dominionist views and retconned those relationships to make it seem like he was on top the whole time.

The police and CPS should definitely be alerted to him, for the sake of his current family and society. He sounds like he’s a hair’s breadth away from turning into a serial killer.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@Moocow – really interesting insights on toxic masculinity. Thanks for sharing, and I’m really glad you’ve been able to move past it.

Another piece of the puzzle is the way manhood gets defined, from an early age, as “not-female”. It’s why insults like “you throw like a girl” are thrown around, and why misogyny is so interwined with this version of manhood, and why they freak the fuck out when women adopt supposedly male chatacteristics like short hair, aggression, and STEM careers. If women are acting like men, then what are they supposed to do to be not-women?? So confusing!

9 years ago

“Tom Arrow” makes me think this guy’s part of the Quiverfull, which is a small, thoroughly nutty part of the evangelical Christian sphere that believes in ‘complementary’ relationships i.e. ones where women submit to men. The Quiverfull name comes from one of their other beliefs, that their children are a quiver full of arrows for the Lord and so you want to have as many as possible. I’m sure I don’t have to explain how that’s a shitty attitude to have for your children.

I suspect this is where some of the ghastly vitriol comes from: these assholes genuinely believe that women having their own identities is a sin against God.

Kat (@katsaysbark)
9 years ago

God, I hate fake nerd boys. Don’t they know that Miller also directed The Witches of Eastwick? And he wrote and directed Babe? And Lorenzo’s Oil. And the Happy Feet movies. And though it’s a kind of odd assemblage of films, he consistently features well rounded, interesting, engaging female characters.

9 years ago

You to trolled so hard by the commenter espousing ‘total subservience’ from his daughter and talking about belting her. If you believe that (albeit feel written) diatrie maybe you should question your rational capacities.

Paleo Cream Puff
9 years ago

I’m glad Aaron Clarey finally got a mention here. He’s usually not quite as extreme as other Manosphere guys but is seriously a silly wanker.

Pas Ky
9 years ago

Seems to me like the only problem is that they are promoting a movie with the main character’s name as the title with a different actor. If you don’t feel confident in that actor’s ability to bring your audience…cast a different actor.

9 years ago

Return of Kings used to be funny to read occasionally for the schadenfreude of everyone’s pretend macho posturing. Now it’s just sad and frightening. I hate having to apologize for my gender so often. If they like how women are treated in Saudi Arabia so much, maybe they should all move there.


” Naturally, when you can’t conform, you’re subjected to lots of gendered insults from other guys….”

Groups of adolescent guys often tend to devolve into circular firing squads of gendered (and other) insults.
One night in January I was on a long drive and started thinking back to high school, now over 50 years ago. I was picked on quite a bit back then, and I got the impression that nobody liked me — certainly none of the girls would be willing to go out with me. But I have gone to all my class reunions and everybody has been very friendly, and at my 40th one of the women commented to my wife that there were a considerable number of girls that would have liked to go out with me, but they understood that I was just too shy to ever ask. And as I thought back, I realized that all the girls in my class had been nice to me — I couldn’t remember a single contrary incident — and that my impression that girls wouldn’t be interested in dating me came from the constant attacks oin my masculinity from other guys. It just goes to show how the constant nastiness that goes on among boys, by damaging your self-image, can make you feel that girls dislike you even though they have given you no reason to feel that way. (And I’ll add that, if fact, very few guys actually disliked me — it was just the corrosive effect of constantly trying to shore up one’s own masculinity by attacking someone else’s.)

9 years ago

I really wanna see it because, yea, Charlize Theron looks like a hardcore badass, but I’m afraid it’s gonna be kinda rapey, as a lot of post apocalyptic movies tend to be…

9 years ago

Sorry, have these guys been sleeping through Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, Terminator 2, Supergirl, the Avengers, Age of Ultron and in fact most of the “action” genre for the past decade or so?

(And for TV: Can I throw “Farscape” into the mix? With Aeryn Sun and Zaahn, and of course the frellin’ ship was female and gives birth at the end of the first series!)

You might think that someone this worried about the legacy of the original Mad Max might have noticed somewhere along the way that Mad Max is not actually a “piece of American culture” at all. It was an Australian film, filmed in Australia, directed by an Australian, and starring an American citizen who’d been living in Australia since the age of twelve.

Yes! Thank you! One of the things about the Mad Max films as an Aussie is watching them and trying to figure out who the various actors were under the dirt and the makeup (and these days, about thirty years) and where we’d seen them before. It was fun!

Also, for the first time in my life, a road movie where the characters were driving on what I think of as the correct side of the road (i.e. the left – I’m Australian).

(Oh, and by the way, you Yanks are welcome to Mel Gibson, quite frankly, since he started really chowing down on his dad’s more-Catholic-than-the-pope moonshine and turned into a real arsehole).

The Knitting Cinephile: Actually, Indigenous Australians retained the right to vote in Federal elections, which they were granted in 1901. However, what happened is that they stopped being allowed to register for state elections, which meant they weren’t on the electoral rolls when election time came. Then they started being barred from the polling places, and they stopped being counted in the census. They were, for a while there, classified as a form of wildlife.

Yeah, it doesn’t make my country look any better, but I’m at least going to try and get the full extent of our former bone-headedness out there.

(Oh, and a final burst into song: “When you swim on a reef; there’s an eel with big teeth; that’s a moray!”…

I’ll get me coat…)

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


Oh, no, Mel Gibson is all yours. He’s graduated from several schools downunder plus his mother is from Australia, so he’s at least half-Australian. He’s your guys’ problems. We have enough asshole American celebrities, you can take one for the team.

9 years ago

I always maintain that a steady stream of fantasy and sci-fi growing up helped to mould me into a feminist so here is my list of tough female characters.
Tasha Yar and Ensign Ro – Star Trek TNG, Kira Nerys and Jadzia Dad – DS9, Captain Janeway and 7 of 9 – VOY, Dana Scully – X Files, Delenn, Ivanova, Lyta and Captain Lochley – Babylon 5, Aeryn Sun – Farscape, Samantha Carter – Stargate SG1, Xena, Gabrielle- Xena: Warrior Princess Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Faith Lehane, Kendra, Darla, Cordelia Chase, Drusilla – Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And those are just the ones from before I was 15! Also Battlestar Galactica – President Laura Roslin, Kara “Starbuck” Thrace, Sharon “Athena” Agathon, Six.

9 years ago

Oh my God that last commenter guy made me physically ill.

9 years ago

What educated, autonomous woman would put up with his dismissive get-back-in-the-kitchen shit for more than half a second

While he may indeed be making that story up, I’d just like to make a friendly reminder that intelligent, autonomous people can and do get embroiled in abusive relationships for all kinds of reasons.

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