
So one Reddit GamerGater recently took offense when a commenter in the Kotaku in Action subreddit said something that maybe, possibly, just a teensy bit suggested that Gaters weren’t a fighting force as tightly disciplined as the Marines.
You want organized? I’ll show you organized. Here is actual video footage of a worldwide conspiracy against humankind. I don’t know how they do it, but I’m telling you, THESE CATS ARE COORDINATING THEIR ATTACKS.
H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture and the thoughtful reader who linked me to them
Wars that cost THOUSANDS of dollars!!! Mwahahahaaa!!!
The cat is thinking “fuck this cup!”
40-man “raids” in a game? Oooooooo, I’m sooooooo scaaaaaared. Wake me up when you bozos can get 4 men together in person.
@Alan Robertshaw:
But, but! If video games prepared me for real life, should I be able to launch hadoukens out of my hands right about now?
I must not be prepared, then. I should polish my fireball throwing skills, yeah.
All shall love our feline Furrunati overlords and despair.
Gamergate does not do “organization.” They simply have a bunch of people on 4chan willing to follow the instruction of anyone claiming to be part of the movement. They aren’t orchestrating things that require any follow up contact, or searching for actors, or anything more than a couple anonymous posts.
They’re throwing chum into a barrel of ravenous fish and claiming to be great fishermen. The fact that they have enough fervent followers to spam people isn’t a testament to their organizational capabilities.
I just destroyed a town to save it’s people, led the survivors through snowy mountain passes, and established a new kick-ass headquarters.
I so phucking alfa. /s
I’m also seducing a Grey Warden and a lesion elf at the same time .
Autocorrect is awful.
But this divine:
I’ve got a confession to make here: I made an ill-judged comment on a radical feminist artist’s weblog just over a year ago. She didn’t take kindly to the comment, and removed it from the comment thread and made it the subject of an article lambasting me. The blog post to which you’re referring is basically an account I wrote of the confrontation that subsequently occurred between us. In that account, I recalled how I lost my rag and screamed at her about how gendered oppression was not the only form of oppression in the world that mattered and how disabled people suffered from societal disadvantage too. I’d basically been venting my rage at what I perceived, rightly or wrongly, to be a consideration on the part of radical feminists that oppression because of disability was less important than gendered oppression. At no point in that article did I ever mean to indicate that I believed that feminists in general were horrible to autistic people. That is not a view that I’ve ever held. On the contrary, I consider myself to be very much a feminist, an ally of feminism, a supporter of feminism, or whatever formulation you prefer me to use.
Well, I’m not a gamer, much less a gamergater. I haven’t played video games at all since I was seventeen, as it happens.
We get ableism around here from time to time, but it’s not tolerated.
On the other hand, that’s a broad brush you’re using to paint radical feminists. “Radical feminism” is not just one thing. It is all grounded on the same foundation, but different radical feminists can think different things. I’m not going to defend “radical feminists,” because radical feminists are not a single coherent group with a single message. I will say that lumping them all together is not the best of ideas.
There’s also an argument to be made, and I would make it, that some things are just outside the mandate of feminism. I wouldn’t say that disability oppression is less important than gender oppression, but it’s not the responsibility of feminists to take up that fight. Feminism has a long history of being co-opted by other movements that put gender inequality on the back burner, and say we’ll right to that just as soon as X Other Inequality is taken care of first. Somehow the time to take care of gender inequality never seems to come around.
A lot of feminists are not happy about that, and are not going to react kindly to the slightest hint that some other group wants to harness feminists’ energy for something other than gender issues.
@Banana Jackie Cake
That video is *awesome*.
You know, they brag about being well-organized, but then somehow they are _just not able_ to do anything about all those horrible people who harass feminists that are *so* not representative of their movement. Really, you’ve got to stop blaming them /s
Also, Brianna Wu recently tweeted a link to this post analyzing the KotakuInAction reddit. I’m surprised that I’m the first to mention it.
Crap, that’s not the formatting style used in this system, I should’ve guessed. Is it HTML or BBCode?
Proxieme – a lesion elf? Does ze need ointment, or perhaps a bandage?
Really, organising raids in an MMO may be difficult, and may well involve getting a buncha people together and getting them all lined up and pointed in the same direction, and hoping they’ll all hit the target in the right ways (now, that sounds rather like a certain group’s standard tactics anyway) – but the ability to do it at all, or consistently doesn’t mean you’re doing it either well, or right.
I’ve been on some of those sorts of “raids” as a newbie, and what you wind up with is the dozen or so people who haven’t done this before just following along as fast as they can, and hitting what’s in front of them in the hope they’ll be able to figure out what the fsck is going on at some point. Oh, and praying their ISP doesn’t suddenly decide to route all their packets via a loop out of Melbourne, Brisbane, and Adelaide three times before letting them into the pipe at Sydney and lagging them to hell and back. So they don’t do anything of value, they’re constantly wondering WTF is happening, and all they can do is run along at high speed and hope they don’t run into something that’s going to kill them (which will open them up to the scorn of the regulars). You make a mistake, you get blamed for it.
Whereas I’ve managed to shepherd a group of ten six-year-olds through a visit to the zoo, and got them to see all the animals they wanted to see and didn’t lose any of them. That takes organisational skill!
Dear GGers, real life is not like a video game. You are not a burly man in a world where everything is black or white. When you are hit by a lorry you cannot quick load your latest saved game.
Stop making us gamers looking like dolts with no idea of what the outside world is.
I love how they just slip in that clip in the middle of the one cat throwing the other cat’s ass off the ladder. It’s also missing this classic
And, for another entry in the “cats are gonna kill us all in our sleep” file
Actually, when I still played WoW (gotta get back some day) both my raid leader and her right hand were women (gasp). They were excellent leaders as well as generally nice people all around. And if I ever come back, they’d be the reason.
Shadow, that cat barking like a dog one has always freaked me out a little. The clearest proof of all of the cat illuminati conspiracy.
WordPress runs on HTML. :3
@Shadow: I love how in the second clip, the cat stops barking and starts meowing as soon as it realizes its being watched. XD
Just because I can make lots of money gambling on the slot machines in Pokemon, it doesn’t mean I can go out and make a mint on real slots.
Just because I understand how Skyrim’s politics work, it doesn’t mean it’s applicable to real-life politics in any part of the world.
Just because I run a gang in Saint’s Row, doesn’t mean I can suddenly start trafficking drugs in real life.
We know how to function in games, and it’s true that people who regularly play games have better hand-eye coordination and can make important decisions quicker and just as accurately as people who do not, it doesn’t mean we can suddenly run the world because we did it in this one game, and it’s totes easy you guis!
There’s a reason test pilots don’t only do simulations.
Even leaving aside the eye-roll-worthy confusion of video games with real life, what GamerGate does is less like conducting a 40-man raid and more like what happens when drunken dudebros trash their city after their favorite sportsball team wins/loses in a big game.
Seriously, it all amounts to, “Point that way and wreck stuff.”
@Robert – A LESBIAN elf.
That’s what I get for posting while brushing my teeth.
And, ha!
I can blame autocorrect on that one, too. Just now my phone tried to correct it to “lesion” and then “lesson”.
It, however, had nothing to say about “alfa” or “phucking”.
My new phone is frustrating.
But I guess that it’s cool with my intentional misspellings is something.
Cool, so all those hours I’ve spent playing Minecraft have totally given me the skills to go set up a farm, construct my own house and go prospecting for iron and diamonds. Surviving the zombie apocalypse will be a piece of cake. Excuse me while I go outside and start punching a tree.