#gamergate kitties

One of these days I’m gonna get organiz-ized, GamerGate edition

Travis Bickle: Not actually a good role model.
Travis Bickle: Not actually a good role model.

So one Reddit GamerGater recently took offense when a commenter in the Kotaku in Action subreddit said something that maybe, possibly, just a teensy bit suggested that Gaters weren’t a fighting force as tightly disciplined as the Marines.

LousyDryad 79 points 4 days ago  We can be organized. Bitch please. A lot of us were raiding in wow 1.13 days, organizing 40 man raids. A lot of us are playing eve online, manipulating markets and fighting wars that costs thousands of dollars. If anything, gamergate showed that gamers can and will organize with ruthless efficiency to pursue their goals. We can be organized? We are one of the best organized movements I ever witnessed. With no rigid structure we're capable of designing worldwide synchronized operations on the fly, as need arises. No one's irreplaceable, no one can be targeted and singled out to bring down the movement. And they said that games don't teach you anything.


You want organized? I’ll show you organized. Here is actual video footage of a worldwide conspiracy against humankind. I don’t know how they do it, but I’m telling you, THESE CATS ARE COORDINATING THEIR ATTACKS.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture and the thoughtful reader who linked me to them

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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@yutolia: That was something I was thinking about myself. How can they have an “organized” group, when they’ve got no structure? There’s no leaders (depending on who you ask), no game-plan, and any time anyone does anything that could be considered “bad”, they get thrown under the bus. That’s not fucking organized, that’s chaos.

The Knitting Cinephile
The Knitting Cinephile
9 years ago

Thank (insert spiritual being here, or not) that carts don’t have opposeable thumbs. If cats had opposeable thumbs, they’d seriously fuck all our shit up.

The Knitting Cinephile
The Knitting Cinephile
9 years ago

Not that carts need opposeable thumbs. and not cats either.

9 years ago

The vivid imagination of GamerGators will never cease to amaze me. I love how they think of themselves as the only competent ones in the whole universe or that the ability to succeed at video games suddenly grants them all sorts of new skills.

I get the impression that some of them *literally* think they live in video game.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Ha, if video games really prepared you for real life those of us of a certain age would have been running around dark rooms, swallowing pills and listening to repetitive music.

9 years ago

@The Knitting Cinephile:

I used to own a button that said “Imagine the utter destruction if cats got PMS.”

It allowed me to tell non-cat owners from cat owners based on whether they responded with “???” or with abject terror.

9 years ago

What on earth is with you people and cats?! You’re bloody obsessed with the creatures!

9 years ago

They don’t really have an organized group in any normal sense of the word. They’re all part of the same “group” by virtue of meeting up at 8chan or reddit or some other board, there are many “groups” like this with overlapping members so that most of them know a certain percentage of the people involved in Gamergate but no one really has any clue how many of them there are total. From that start, they chat with each other and pass around ideas and instructions like a old-time game of telephone, and then proceed to be assholes to people individually or working with a couple other friends.

The only reason they have any effect at all with this structure is because a few hundred to a few thousand spend more time doing this per week than you would put into a full-time job.

9 years ago

I haven’t listened to the whole thing, but it’s a repeat of what we pretty much know – video games and pornography done to excess rewires your brain.

9 years ago

Ooh. We haven’t had a troll get mad at our cat talk in awhile!

9 years ago

The message that I got was, “We can be harassing assholes while also pretending to be completely innocent. We’re brilliant because we can have our cake and eat it too.”

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


They must have just discovered the internet.

Welcome to the internet, maleredfem! Don’t google goatse!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Maleredfem: Whelp, time to bust out the cat shaming pictures again!

9 years ago

Was that addressed to me? If so, then I’m sorry that you thought I was trolling. I also wasn’t getting mad, just noting the obsession that you folks clearly have with cats, more in amusement than annoyance. I apologise for coming across as an angry troll; my comment wasn’t intended to be hostile as you perceived it to be.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

What’s wrong with cats?

9 years ago

Man does that rant/response read like the most pathetic copypasta I have ever seen.

9 years ago

What’s wrong with cats?

Nothing. What is about them that makes you people have them constantly on the brain? Genuine question.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


It’s funny because you ask why we’re “obsessed” with cats…on a website. On the internet. The internet.

That’s like asking an editor why they’re obsessed with grammar.

If you’re on the internet, you are obsessed with cats. Even you. That’s why you have a folder dedicated to cat gifs on your desktop. You might not know where it came from, but it’s there.

It’ll always be there.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Does anybody remember the game Jezzball? As a kid I spent a ridiculous amount of hours playing it. So if there’s ever a crisis situation where bowling balls that never slow down are bouncing around a room, I can totally trap them in little compartments. And save humanity, of course.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Cats are cute. They have a side benefit that they drive some MRAs to a frothing rage. For some reason they can’t handle it when someone takes a cat more seriously than they take the MRA. It doesn’t work with all of them, but you see why your OMG WHY CATS??? sets off some troll detectors.

9 years ago

I just. What.

I organized 40-man raids back in the early days. Wasn’t easy, except maybe when compared with real life issues, like you know, war. And stuff.

But I’m also a wimmin so I don’t count.

9 years ago

They have a side benefit that they drive some MRAs to a frothing rage. For some reason they can’t handle it when someone takes a cat more seriously than they take the MRA. It doesn’t work with all of them, but you see why your OMG WHY CATS??? sets off some troll detectors.

Well, I’m just about as far away from being an MRA as is conceivable, and I think that Mr Futrelle does a stirling job of exposing these folks for the misogynistic cranks and bigots that they are. I was merely expressing bafflement and amusement at your obsession with cats, but now I understand it. Thanks for enlightening me.

9 years ago

I clicked on your name because I was unsure if it was trolling and that brought me to a blog post about how feminists are mean to autistic people. So yeah, I was a bit suspicious. Especially since this is a gamergate post and they have a history of co opting ableism in order to try and silence feminists who are talking about autism.

9 years ago

But sorry if I misinterpreted things.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I was merely expressing bafflement and amusement at your obsession with cats, but now I understand it.

Do you have a cat?