off topic open thread

6 baffling black-and-white pictures to confuse you with

Before there was Uber.
Life before Uber.

For no good reason, here are a bunch of baffling black-and-white pictures I’ve collected. Feel free to offer explanations, or to talk amongst yourselves about whatever. 

Bully for you!
Bully for you!
Do I make you horny?
I don't even want to know.
I don’t even want to know.
The balloons aren't helping.
The balloons aren’t helping.
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9 years ago

#2 looks like some Edwardian production of the classic Doctor Who serial “Horns of Nimon.”

9 years ago

My attempts at captioning…

1) Paulina Elam explains her plans for the nineteenth-century WGTOW movement.
2) After years of war, the Minotaur Legion is beset with manpower shortages.
3) Only through a specialized piano horn could David Bowie command the goblins.
4) What fowl chorus is this!?
5) Although he reluctantly posed for this picture, the father of glaciers did not appreciate our attempts at avant-garde beehive construction.
6) The children were promised their very own Zeppelins for Christmas, but instead they just got balloons.

The apparent source for #5… I guess it’s a snowman.

9 years ago
Reply to  lkeke35

I find that kinda adorable.

John Strycharz
John Strycharz
9 years ago

#1: Obscure historical fact: the 1916 Republican Party Platform included a policy to “encourage suffragettes to self-deport.”

This Handle is a Test
This Handle is a Test
9 years ago

Two thoughts,

on the 1st Photo: That picture almost looks like a pedicab situation in which someone added a whip for some reason.

Last photo: Its almost like someone’s worst birthday ever.

9 years ago

I thought the balloon party was creepy because all of those children have exceptionally red cheeks. In my horror fiction head cannon,ctheyre all vampire children who are trying to hypnotize the camera person, so they can feed.

My first thought, seeing that one, was, Why do they all look so scared? And my second was that they all looked like they’d been infected with slapface.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I don’t know why, but #3 reminds me of Japanese war tubas:

(these weren’t really a musical instrument, but then again, I’m not sure #3 is, either)

epitome of incomprehensibility

@fruitloopsie – “the iPod in early development” – ha! I like that!

And now I want I giant organ-tuba. (I got a new instrument recently – it’s a folk harp with a handy tuning stick, and it sounds very pretty, even when my inexpert piano-playing hands have a go at it – but it’s a bit deficient in the loudness department.)

epitome of incomprehensibility

Also that chicken and toddler are up to no good.

9 years ago

My first thought, seeing that one, was, Why do they all look so scared? And my second was that they all looked like they’d been infected with slapface.

A friend of mine caught slapface (slapcheek) from her infant niece! We’d never heard of it before. She got pretty sick.

But yeah – something terrible is about to happen at that party. Season 1 of American Horror Story terrible. Like, those kids are not leaving that house.

Actually, pic #2 is right out of American Horror Story S3. (I have so much love/hate for that Season)

9 years ago

The last photo would be a great decoration for “The Shining”-themed birthday party I’m planning for my seven year old niece. Her parents always reject my party plans, but I think this one’s a winner. Come and play with us.

9 years ago

We’d never heard of it before. She got pretty sick.

Yeah. “Slapped cheeks” virus is one of those all or nothing illnesses. Practically everybody has had it and many people never even notice, they were just a bit feverish and off-colour for a couple of days. They certainly wouldn’t have gone to the doctor. Others get it just a little bit worse with a rash – that’s pretty well gone by the time they get to a doctor.

Then there are those like my bloody kids. One had a term off school, the other was so ill she had to stay home and sign up with distance education for a few months. It was diabolical. Her feet were so painful that she cried just getting out of bed to go to the toilet.

9 years ago

The first photo is actually pro-lesbian wedding-propaganda. As the Victorian philosopher Franklyn Sinatra the IIIrd said: “Love and marriage go together like the horse and carriage”. By posing as the horse AND the carriage, the women are making their argument for same-sex marriage.

9 years ago

@ Tracy

I want to guess the people in #2 are slaughterers or something? And this is some kind of initiation to the slaughterer’s trade union?

Donald Duck’s animator, Carl Banks apparently drew a lot of anthropomorphic duck erotica, so maybe #4 is just an early furry convention. [NSFW and may ruin your childhood:

I really want to know how they built the Father of Glaciers. That really must have been quite a feat.

9 years ago
9 years ago

I couldn’t help but look at the people wearing bull’s heads, and imagine a future publication 100 years from now gawping at all the people who have gone viral wearing rubber horse masks…

9 years ago

@kagato: Magnificient

9 years ago


That fifth one looks sort of like an early incarnation of Burning Man.

It’s Burning Man’s more genteel forerunner, Burning Chap.

9 years ago

There’s only one possible explanation for that last one:

9 years ago

I’d never heard of slapped cheek disease before. Thanks all for giving me a new disease to look up!

9 years ago

OT, but Roosh just announced his ‘World Tour’ (two thirds of which is scheduled in North America), where he will be delivering lectures about how the whole world’s going to hell in a hand basket while trying to sell date rapes guides; no irony there.

And, maybe I have a filthy mind, but in the photo he’s put on the web page, it looks like he’s groping a pair of invisible breasts:

9 years ago

Roosh, “world tour”? Huh. I’d guess he’s on the lam for sexual assault again.

9 years ago

I think he’s hoping to be the next Julien Blanc. He’s announced that all the venues are being kept secret until the last minute to prevent ‘unattractive feminists’ from protesting them.