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Mike Buchanan, the Men’s Rights buffoon who won 153 votes in the UK elections, is declaring victory

Aw yeah!
Aw yeah!

On May 7th, as I noted here yesterday, Men’s Rightser Mike Buchanan only managed to score a humiliating 153 votes in the UK election. This brought the total number of votes cast for Buchanan’s Justice for Men and Boys Party to — let me doublecheck the math here — 216 votes. 216.

The Labour Party, by contrast, won a total of 9,347,326 votes. But this was considerably less than the victorious Tories, and was seen as such a disaster for the party that Labour leader Ed Miliband resigned in disgrace.

But Men’s Rights Activists can never admit defeat. And so huge loser Mike Buchanan has declared his total drubbing to be a victory of sorts, telling the world — or whatever tiny portion of it that was paying attention — that his party had “achieved what we set out to achieve.”


Here’s the, er, logic behind his victory claim, as set forth in a statement posted on his website, and on Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men.

Around 05:30 today, the results were declared in the two seats where Ray Barry and I were standing. I secured 153 votes, Ray 63, and I’d like to thank the good people who voted for us.

While more votes would have been welcome, we achieved what we set out to achieve, which was to use the democratic process to break the conspiracy of silence about J4MB and men’s human rights, and show up the hypocrisy and blatant gynocentrism of the mainstream political parties.

If your aim was merely to make a bit of noise, congratulations, Mike; a radiator can do that.

Mike took a moment to point out one piece of “evidence” for this terrible gynocentrism: Labour’s Gloria de Piero, who won the seat Buchanan competed for so miserably failed to compete for, didn’t even bother to mention him in her victory speech.

“Whether you voted for me, or Helen, or Philip, or Simon,” de Piero declared, “I promise to represent you all, and work tirelessly for you all.”

Buchanan sniffed:

So it’s only men in Ashfield for whom she won’t work tirelessly over the next five years.

Either that or she just didn’t feel the need to acknowledge a ludicrous “candidate” who got such a small percentage of the vote that it didn’t even round up to 1 percent. Or maybe she just forgot? In any case, I’m pretty sure there are some men who voted for her, or Helen, or Philip, or Simon.

Buchanan acknowledges that “we expected to secure a higher number of votes” — no shit; a fart in a jar could have done better — and blames the poor showing on the fact that “this was our first general election, fought with very limited funds.”

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

But even though he and his party comrade failed miserably at the polls, Buchanan takes heart in the fact that the complete assholes who blight the comment sections of every major UK newspaper were on his side.

[T]he comment streams in articles by the Telegraph, Independent, Mail, Express, and even the Guardian and Observer, have been highly supportive of J4MB, and many thousands of people have been led to our website after reading these articles.

I guess, from my point of view, this is a highly reassuring result, showing that these commenters don’t reflect the opinions of some silent majority, but rather that of a very loud but actually quite miniscule minority.

But Mike, seriously, you need to acknowledge your failure, as have the leaders of all the major losing parties. More than this, you need to accept the painfully obvious conclusion:

Your party has tried a male leader, and he — that is, you — failed miserably.

Clearly, you need to step down and let a woman take charge.


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9 years ago

My High School physics Higher course had 3 females in it. Of course the teachers didn’t encourage females. We’d get all our homework right, and get commended for ‘nice handwriting’. The guys who got 8/10 would be commended for good work.

9 years ago

I still think it’s gear that Screaming Lord Sutch is his actual legal name (by poll deed*). British eccentricity is world class.

*From what I’ve read. Do not use this information for academic purposes without independent verification.

9 years ago

“Mathematics? I thought they taught “27% is less than half” in elementary school.”

Wasn’t there a study that found men seeing a crowd that’s 30% women/ 70% men often saw it as 50% women/50% men? Can’t remember where I read about that, but I guess that could have an influence on their perception of this whole “gynocentricity” thing they go on about. Maybe some of these misogynists’ perceptions are even more skewed to the point where any female presence whatsoever looks like a large majority to them.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Penny Psmith | May 9, 2015 at 11:38 am
@Zero – the ‘success baby’ meme is kinda ruined for me after a friend pointed out that if you look closely at it, it is actually a kid who just found out that a handful of sand is not very tasty.

Would it make you feel better to know that the kid, Sammy Griner, now 8, went on to use his internet fame to get his dad a new kidney?

9 years ago

Among Buchanan’s excuses, he notes that First Past The Post punishes minor parties. But he specifically picked marginal constituencies where the incumbent was a woman and the close 2nd runner was a man. If he’d instead stood in one of the many safe seats, he might have picked up more of the protest vote.

9 years ago

I almost feel that to be fair to Mike Buchannan, it should be pointed out that “success” in British politics is somewhat hard to quantify.

Look at this:
The Greens were another party that had a lot of “success” in that they tripled their membership and gained one seat, with over 1m votes.
Meanwhile, the SNP got 1.5m votes and won 56 seats.

You can divide the number of votes per seat as above and realise that the First-Past-The-Post system is totally messed up, and completely skewed towards keeping the longest-established parties in power, so for J4MB, getting any votes at all is practically a miracle.

It’s possible that those 216 people were just “voting tactically” – because if you don’t like any of the other parties, but don’t want to spoil your ballot paper, you can put a cross next to the party with absolutely no chance of success and deny the rest your fraction of a %’s worth of polling support.

So this election seemed particularly unwinnable for any small party. But Mike was deluding himself if he expected enough votes to win a seat.

9 years ago


I just discovered that Mikey was right all along – Thanks to all the party leadership resignations, Politics is now “gynocentric”–except-the-conservatives–currently-led-by-a-woman-10238390.html 😀

Amy L Murphy (@LeMurphs)

“Even the Guardian”? Is he under the impression that the Guardian’s comment section is some hive of reasonable and thoughtful debate which ostracizes misogynists? Because it seriously ain’t.

Amy L Murphy (@LeMurphs)

Sorry, I didn’t mean for that link to become embedded in the post! Feel free to remove that if it’s a problem.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention – Thanks! Gotta say, ‘ruined’ might have been a bit too strong, since I wasn’t sad about that, just amused (it’s just that, well, it’s kinda hard to see it as saying ‘success!’ once you know it’s more ‘ptblplbt, sand tastes like sand’), but that is an awesome story.

9 years ago

I was really disappointed that poor old Al didn’t get more votes than he did. Still I guess people sensibly wanted to keep Farage out and thus didn’t want to waste their votes on him.

David: Al Murray is a British comedian of good standing who has made his career lampooning (but fairly lovingly) the worst of the thoughtless prejudices (in particular, but not exclusively) of the English working classes by embracing the role of the pub landlord on stage.

But he in truth he’s incredibly posh, attended a very elite school and has produced and presented thoughtful historical documentaries.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

made his career lampooning (but fairly lovingly) the worst of the thoughtless prejudices

I have to confess to using “and a white wine or fruit based drink for the lady” whenever I’m on a night out with my most radfem friend.

9 years ago

Wow…AVFMorons actually banned a rabid misodge, for once? The mind, it boggleth, yea verily.

9 years ago

That was quite the battle of the titans there! My favorite was when one of the commenters objected to Tom Martin’s evo psych argument by asking “what, are we apes now?” What? Manospherians love evo psych and use chimps to excuse sexist and/or violent behavior constantly! Oh, the irony.

9 years ago

It really doesn’t take much to get banned over there, does it? Hey, it’s there blog and they can moderate the comments how they want. But if they’re going to be quick to ban for anything less than complete and utter agreement with them on all things, they really need to stop accusing feminists of being censorious and unwilling to listen to other points of view.

Is there no aspect of life in which MRAs aren’t committing massive amounts of projection?

9 years ago

Their. Not there. Shit.

9 years ago

“what, are we apes now?”

Dudes, hate to break it to ya, but you’ve been baboons since birth. Ain’t our fault that you haven’t evolved. But hey, make yourselves comfy in the dustbins of history, because you’re gonna get a lot of company in there before long!

9 years ago
Reply to  Spindrift

When my feminist friend Katie takes over, the prestigious office of “lord high boner pleaser” will be given to a man, possibly Brad Pitt. That’ll shake things up.

@Spindrift – hehehehe I like that! I have often wondered how the menz would react if we treated them just like they treat us. You know – as if their only reason for existing is to please US, donate sperm and stay at home, caring for the offspring. How would they feel, being looked at and rated as if the only things that matter are their youth, abs, body parts and genitalia? And if they do not measure up to some insane standards, well then! I am sure that we can come up with some nasty, hurtful names to call them.

Ah, if only….but I am not that mean. Almost, but not quite.

PussyPowerTantrum, the Lousy Flouncer
PussyPowerTantrum, the Lousy Flouncer
9 years ago


Al Murray is a British comedian of good standing who has made his career lampooning (but fairly lovingly) the worst of the thoughtless prejudices (in particular, but not exclusively) of the English working classes by embracing the role of the pub landlord on stage.

But he in truth he’s incredibly posh, attended a very elite school and has produced and presented thoughtful historical documentaries.

So I guess Stephen Colbert, the American comic who lampooned the right-wing by pretending to be a right-wing commentator, is a lot like him? Colbert has had his share of political campaigns, too, including running for President and creating a super PAC in an episode that experts commended for being informative and educational.

9 years ago

@pussypower – yes, many parallels.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Actually, Tom’s been banned so the battle is already over.

After all his years of crusading for men’s sitting comfort and exhorting woman blog commenters to renounce prostitution in all forms, this is how Tom Martin is repaid. There is no gratitude in the manosphere.

9 years ago

David, all I did was scroll through the man’s Twitter feed to find something completely expected of these humanitarians lol! Keep doing what you do. If I find out something more shocking or unpredictable than that, then I might ask for credit. But seriously, that these are the worst people ever isn’t exactly a huge revelation. It’s just hilarious the way they desperately try to convince everyone and themselves otherwise.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

The comments on AVfM congratulating Buchanan on his ‘success’ and admiring his ‘courage’ are hilarious. These fellas do live in their own reality, distinctly incompatible with that inhabited by the human race.

On a related note, I’ma get out of bed soon and expect much praise for my bravery and congrats on the indisputable success of this carefully planned operation.

P.S. Bina and Alan, you crack me up. Verily, WHTM comments are among the best ever.