all about the menz antifeminism entitled babies facepalm grandiosity gross incompetence gynocracy imaginary backwards land misogyny MRA oppressed men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm schadenfreude self-congratulation yeah that's the ticket

Mike Buchanan, the Men’s Rights buffoon who won 153 votes in the UK elections, is declaring victory

Aw yeah!
Aw yeah!

On May 7th, as I noted here yesterday, Men’s Rightser Mike Buchanan only managed to score a humiliating 153 votes in the UK election. This brought the total number of votes cast for Buchanan’s Justice for Men and Boys Party to — let me doublecheck the math here — 216 votes. 216.

The Labour Party, by contrast, won a total of 9,347,326 votes. But this was considerably less than the victorious Tories, and was seen as such a disaster for the party that Labour leader Ed Miliband resigned in disgrace.

But Men’s Rights Activists can never admit defeat. And so huge loser Mike Buchanan has declared his total drubbing to be a victory of sorts, telling the world — or whatever tiny portion of it that was paying attention — that his party had “achieved what we set out to achieve.”


Here’s the, er, logic behind his victory claim, as set forth in a statement posted on his website, and on Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men.

Around 05:30 today, the results were declared in the two seats where Ray Barry and I were standing. I secured 153 votes, Ray 63, and I’d like to thank the good people who voted for us.

While more votes would have been welcome, we achieved what we set out to achieve, which was to use the democratic process to break the conspiracy of silence about J4MB and men’s human rights, and show up the hypocrisy and blatant gynocentrism of the mainstream political parties.

If your aim was merely to make a bit of noise, congratulations, Mike; a radiator can do that.

Mike took a moment to point out one piece of “evidence” for this terrible gynocentrism: Labour’s Gloria de Piero, who won the seat Buchanan competed for so miserably failed to compete for, didn’t even bother to mention him in her victory speech.

“Whether you voted for me, or Helen, or Philip, or Simon,” de Piero declared, “I promise to represent you all, and work tirelessly for you all.”

Buchanan sniffed:

So it’s only men in Ashfield for whom she won’t work tirelessly over the next five years.

Either that or she just didn’t feel the need to acknowledge a ludicrous “candidate” who got such a small percentage of the vote that it didn’t even round up to 1 percent. Or maybe she just forgot? In any case, I’m pretty sure there are some men who voted for her, or Helen, or Philip, or Simon.

Buchanan acknowledges that “we expected to secure a higher number of votes” — no shit; a fart in a jar could have done better — and blames the poor showing on the fact that “this was our first general election, fought with very limited funds.”

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

But even though he and his party comrade failed miserably at the polls, Buchanan takes heart in the fact that the complete assholes who blight the comment sections of every major UK newspaper were on his side.

[T]he comment streams in articles by the Telegraph, Independent, Mail, Express, and even the Guardian and Observer, have been highly supportive of J4MB, and many thousands of people have been led to our website after reading these articles.

I guess, from my point of view, this is a highly reassuring result, showing that these commenters don’t reflect the opinions of some silent majority, but rather that of a very loud but actually quite miniscule minority.

But Mike, seriously, you need to acknowledge your failure, as have the leaders of all the major losing parties. More than this, you need to accept the painfully obvious conclusion:

Your party has tried a male leader, and he — that is, you — failed miserably.

Clearly, you need to step down and let a woman take charge.


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9 years ago

A radiator probably does more for men and boys than Mike would anyway.

9 years ago

After my coffee this morning I made a movement in the bathroom that was more relevant to men and boys then AVFM.

9 years ago

no shit; a fart in a jar could have done better

OMG I’m dying over here. There are tears. Send help.

Good start to my day, thanks 😉

9 years ago

When someone asks a hopeless third party candidate in American politics how they feel about how few votes they got, they say the same things Buchanan said, “We wanted to start a conversation, and we did that” and in a way it’s true, there’s an argument to be made that when a few hundred thousand vote for the Green party or the Libertarian party it might make the Democrats and Republicans rethink their positions on a few policies if they find out there’s a big enough voting block that’s visibly upset with them.

153 votes however, is not the beginning of a conversation, it is a mic-drop from the entire United Kingdom. The end of a conversation in the most humiliating way possible, and the self-delusion makes it all the sweeter.

9 years ago

Acknowledge failure? But these assholes are all about imaginary victories. After all, it’s the only sort of victory they ever get. Why acknowledge failure when you can paint your own finish line on the ground and point out to the twelve people who care that you have crossed it?

9 years ago

9 years ago

Oh sorry… the 216 people who care. My bad.

9 years ago

I can’t see an MRA use the word ‘gynocentrism’ without laughing my ass off.

9 years ago

“blatant gynocentrism of the mainstream political parties”

Yeah, last time I checked fewer than 27% of the candidates were women, yet women comprise 50% of the population. Maybe instead of whining about “gynocentrism”, Mr Buchanan might invest his time in some basic mathematics courses.

9 years ago


No, no… you see, if even a single woman has any modicum of power it’s gynocentric because BOOBS! Or something. I’m not sure how it works, but MISANDRY!

9 years ago

I know this is an aside but that baby looks just like:

9 years ago

CJ: Yeah, that’s pretty much all you can yell in the face of such inanity.

Is there a way we can add the words Ghazi to those words, and then just shout that whenever we get emotionally overwhelmed by the illogic?
Like Gamer-ghazi or misandri-ghazi or boob-ghazi?

9 years ago

“BOOBGHAZI” is perfect.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Duh, winning. 🙂

9 years ago

It’s such a bad result that Mike Buchanan can barely be called a loser. More like an erasure. He has sent out a steady stream of hatred against women, and I’m relieved that society has rejected that low road.

Chris Hall (@brainslug1959)

“…didn’t even round up to 1 percent”, its funnier than that. Candidates have to put up £500 to stand, you get this back if you poll more than 5% of the vote, so Mike is a little bit poorer this morning.

It’s called the deposit and its a major embarrassment for one of the major parties to lose it.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
9 years ago

To sorta reiterate what mrkfoster already said – when I just saw the first lines, I thought to myself ‘I bet he said something about raising attention and getting people talking about his Very Important Causes’ – and yep. That’s kind of the go-to for all of these sore losers, the ‘we actually intended to make people talk about out Very Important Causes, so it’s also a victory, see’ angle.

Because, what, are you expecting them to actually acknowledge reality?

9 years ago

Yeah, last time I checked fewer than 27% of the candidates were women, yet women comprise 50% of the population. Maybe instead of whining about “gynocentrism”, Mr Buchanan might invest his time in some basic mathematics courses.

If women comprise even the tiniest percent of people in public life, with even the teensiest bit of power, it is seen as misandrist. These guyz will not be happy until women are seen in public ONLY in the role of boner pleaser. Other than that, we of the feeeemale persuasion should do the right thing – kill ourselves if we are not young and attractive enough, or stay home – preferably on our knees. In all cases, we should just shut up.

Anything other is just plain not fair to the men, poor darlings.

9 years ago

The kid in the opening gif. is doing the wrong motion with his hand. It should be going from side to side.

Adam the Penguin
Adam the Penguin
9 years ago

De Piero probably acknowledged the other candidates because she’d actually met, or at least heard of them. I doubt Buchanan did any real campaigning at all.

Of course, if you have fewer votes than a Monster Raving Loony Party candidate, nobody should feel the need to acknowledge you. He probably didn’t even have a ridiculous hat.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
9 years ago

@Zero – the ‘success baby’ meme is kinda ruined for me after a friend pointed out that if you look closely at it, it is actually a kid who just found out that a handful of sand is not very tasty.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
9 years ago

(which actually makes it perfect for this specific context, I feel)

9 years ago

I’ve listened to a great many British political victory speeches and I’m honestly struggling to recall one that named every single rival candidate. Certainly, it’s not uncommon to acknowledge the major parties – in fact, that’s plain common sense – but I genuinely can’t think of a candidate who, for instance, acknowledged their Monster Raving Loony Party rival by name.

I certainly don’t recall Margaret Thatcher’s final victory speech at Finchley in 1987 acknowledging the representatives of Law and Order in Gotham City, Belgrano Blood-Hunger or the Ban Every Licensing Law Society. Neither do I recall Tony Blair personally thanking the representative of the Blair Must Go party – and I’m sure I’d have recalled David Cameron namechecking those standing on behalf of Reduce VAT in Sport or Give Me Back Elmo.

British democracy is a wonderfully inclusive system whereby literally anyone can stand if they’re prepared to risk losing £500 (only refunded in the event of securing more than 5% of the vote) for the sake of publicity – but serious politicians generally regard fringe candidates as amusing irritants rather than people whose existence needs acknowledging at every turn.

Ox-ee-mor-on (@JoeKlemmer)

I was reading through the comments and enjoying the reactions. Then someone said BOOBS and I forgot what we were talking about. This is absolute, unequivocal proof of gynocentrisity!


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