antifeminism awesome butts grandiosity gross incompetence men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA schadenfreude

UK Election: Mike Buchanan of the Justice for Men and Boys party gets 153 votes. Not 153,000. 153.

Mike Buchanan: Has strong feelings about touching women's bums
Mike Buchanan: Has strong feelings about touching women’s butts. Screenshot from a Daily Mirror video; click for link.

Apparently the UK elections are a bit of a disaster. But there is one bit of good news amidst the wreckage:

Mike Buchanan of the Justice for Men and Boys party is a huge loser. 

I mean, he was already a huge loser, a misogynistic doofus in a suit best known for his over-the-top attacks on feminists as, among other things, “bigots,” man-haters, “unattractive women,” and “hatchet-faced miserable women who object to men finding attractive women attractive.” He’s also a longtime friend of Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men.

Now he’s a huge loser electorally speaking as well.

Here’s the Nottingham Post with the details:

The leader of the Justice for Men and Boys party Mike Buchanan deliberately targetted Labour’s Gloria De Piero at the general election in deciding to stand against her on a platform of anti-feminism and pro-male rights.

Mr Buchanan opted to stand in Ashfield as Miss De Piero was the Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities in the last Government.

He came last, polling 153 votes.

I would like to congratulate the voters — at least all but 153 of them — for their wisdom.

UPDATE: The other J4MB party member running for office (in Broxtowe) came in last in his race as well, with all of 63 votes.

H/T — ej, in the We Hunted the Mammoth comments, for passing along the electoral results.


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9 years ago

OMG I can’t wait for AVFM’s piece on this, probably written by the man himself. It’ll be a riot.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

I’m assuming that the 153 of them comprised the local Old Boys’ network.

9 years ago

Is it too much to hope that he wasted a lot of his and other MRA’s own money on the campaign?

9 years ago

I want to hear from Nelson Muntz on this.

9 years ago

Is it too much to hope that he wasted a lot of his and other MRA’s own money on the campaign?

The deposit for standing would have been £500, so even if he spent nothing on campaigning, he doesn’t get that back.

9 years ago

Oh wait, are there maybe only 153 men left in the UK since feminism has put them all in death camps?

9 years ago

hatchet-faced miserable women

So her face looks like a small axe? Weird!!!

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Aw, this is almost making me sorry that Mikey is banned. I’m sorta curious about what kind of post-defeat challenges he’d level at David and the commentariat here. Dude has a fair amount of free time on his hands now, gotta do something to fill those legislating-free hours. Maybe now he can take his rightful place on the speakers’ roster for the Greatest Human Rights’ Conference Ever, Pt. II.

I’m almost sorry Mike’s banned, mind. Not sorry enough to petition for the sentence to be lifted. That guy is a bloviating jerk of the highest order.

9 years ago

Still glad that I live in Scotland, still hate that the Tories won.

9 years ago

It’s been a pretty fecking depressing election result for me but this has cheered me up at least (as did watching the lovely George Galloway getting the electoral kicking he deserves).

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Heartbreaking, I’m sure. LOL.

9 years ago

I want to hear from Nelson Muntz on this.

Ask, and ye shall receive:

And as a bonus, here’s a couple more chuckleheads, chuckling their heads off:

9 years ago

Nigel Farage will not be able to achieve his goal of eviscerating the BBC, so there’s that.

9 years ago

This result cannot be correct! 153 votes are just the number you’d expect from voters’ fingers slipping in the voting booth! Didn’t the poor man even vote for himself?

9 years ago

Thanks for the small bit of good news.

Other silver linings include Nigel Farage failing to win a seat in Thanet, and the British National Party poling fewer votes than the Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol Party. So, a sad day for the out and out fascists anyway.

Oh, and the Green Party increased their share of the vote.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

As someone still on an electoral high from an historic election here in Alberta, Canada earlier this week, my condolences to the UK. Sure, you avoided electing a couple of misogynistic asshats to parliament, but ugh, hopefully the NHS survives…

9 years ago

Paul Birch of the Cannabis is Safer Than Alcohol Party (known by my kids as the Smoke Weed Every Day Party) got 297!

9 years ago

The other good thing was that Nigel Farage lost his seat. And UKIP lost a seat instead of gaining a predicted 8.

9 years ago

Sorry, Farage didn’t lose his seat – he failed to get one.
I have been pre-empted by Sn0rkmaiden I now see!

9 years ago

Fantastic to hear 🙂 I’m from Scotland but live in America, where it’s much easier to watch the results as they come in, and I couldn’t believe my eyes when yellow hexagons started blipping across the North like a quickfire round of Blockbusters.

The Scotland situation is going to be… interesting – with the SNP near-sweep and the shock Tory majority, that’s going to drive Scotland apart from the UK even more (perhaps we can cut it off and paddle it over to join Norway). Meanwhile, all the other leaders have resigned and Britain will have to be rebooted.

Perhaps the most laughably tragic loss of the evening, however, was the Universal Party in Hampstead/Kilburn, who got fewer votes than a candidate who is dead.

9 years ago

Getting rather off topic, but even if the SNP did want to push for a re-run of last year’s referendum I’m not sure what leverage they’d have over the Tories to persuade them to offer it.

Now if the UK did vote to leave the EU it could well end up a different matter but the shit well and truly hits the fan in so many different ways if that happens that absolutely all bets are off.

9 years ago

Congratulations,Tabby! I heard on the independent news about what happened in Alberta. As usual the mainstream media tells us absolutely nothing about what’s going on in the rest of the world or worse, why.

I fervently hope we can get something like such a result, during our elections in the U.S., next year.

9 years ago

Would someone mind actually telling me what happened in Canada? I’m excited now.

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